I am not a North-American, so I don`t know if they study the history of the America Virgin Islands, formerly the Danish West Indies, another unsuccessful c. By 1914, the military power of the Ottoman Empire had diminished significantly. The significance behind their title lies in the success and prosperity of these Empires, largely due to the rational and wise use of gunpowder, a Chinese invention which transformed their military. The colonial policy for India in the aftermath of the Third Anglo . After the Battle of Chaldiran, Shah Ismail built a corps of musketeers, the tofangchi. "The Army of Nader Shah." Gunpowder Empires From 1450 to 1800, "gunpowder empires" developed in some parts of the world. It would ultimately become the Ottoman Empire. Then, in 1627 and 1636, the Koreans faced the Manchus alone, again showing their competency in battle by using their musket tactics. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires have several similarities. Chinese scientists had been playing with saltpeter a common name for the powerful oxidizing agent potassium nitrate in medical compounds for centuries when one industrious individual thought to mix it with sulfur and charcoal. The Safavid Empire began as a religious group of Shi'ite Muslims trying to establish a foothold against the Sunni Ottoman Empire. [26] Zhao Shizhen described the Turkish muskets as being superior to the European muskets. An error occurred trying to load this video. [28], The Dardanelles Gun was designed and cast in bronze in 1464 by Munir Ali. The Muslim tribes in central Turkey, led by Osman I, joined together in 1299 to establish the Ottoman Empire to fight against the failing Christian Byzantine Empire. The height of the Mughal Empire was during the reign of Abu Akbar, from 1556-1605. The complex nature of the conflict undertaken by the Portuguese over the long haul of time highlighted the need for a corps of diplomatic . Could they infect people? [37] The volley technique was said to have been invented by Japanese Warlord Oda Nobunaga. From the 1300s to 1700s, three powers dominated parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. 2) If a gunpowder empire you create from scratch (ATL, ASB, kill a king with a smarter brother or sister) make the POD impressive but reasonable. [38] The Ottomans and Portuguese introduced the cannon, improved rifles and other advancements to China, hundreds of years after gunpowder's original invention in China, bringing gunpowder's journey through Asia full circle. [50][51] Europeans were improving gunpowder a century after the first gun was invented in China. East Asian powers and their military success are commonly overlooked in this subject due to the success of not only the Islamic empires, but also European empires. The success and innovation of gunpowder combat in East Asia, however, are worth mentioning in the same context as that of the Islamic gunpowder empires for their military advancements. The Mughal Empire ruled northern India and Pakistan from the 16th Century to the mid-18th Century. Gunpowder made warfare all over the world very different, affecting the way battles were fought and borders were drawn throughout the Middle Ages. [37] But a war between the Japanese against the Koreans and the Ming starting in 1592 and ending in 1598 would change the Korean's perspective on warfare. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'globalmarvels_com-box-4','ezslot_6',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-globalmarvels_com-box-4-0');Both the forces met at the Battle of Chaldiran in 1514, where the Ottomans defeated the Safavids. Lack of proper leadership posed a threat to all of the gunpowder empires towards extinction. The course will cover the political, military, social, economic, religious aspects of Hispanization and the cultural heritage from Spain, Mexico, and Islam. Gunpowder Empires were empires that used modern warfare techniques with firearms to succeed in military conquest (The Gunpowder Empires, n.d.). View 3- Gunpowder Empires.pdf from HISTORY APWH at Saint Thomas High School. In fact, there were accounts of Koreans using a type of volley technique in 1447. The Mughal Empire expanded across a vast area, from Northern Afghanistan to Myanmar, covering a vast expanse of the Indian Territory. View Gunpowder Empires Chart.docx from SPANISH FLVS at Lennard High School. The three Islamic gunpowder empires are known for their quickly gained success in dominating the battle fields using their newly acquired firearms and techniques. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. PLAY. What were four common attributes of gunpowder It was led by a lineage of eminent rulers and emperors like Humayun, Akbar, Shah Jahan, and Jahangir. As a result, they are called the "Gunpowder Empires." Heres how it works. There is, in fact, a widespread belief that the Vietnamese introduced firearms to China, although other scholars disagree. 1450-1750. . Fall of the Byzantine Empire | History, Causes & Importance. Christianity also spread northward into Europe through the missionary work of monks such as St. Patrick in Ireland and St. Augustine in England. Popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China, it was invented during the late Tang dynasty (9th century) while the earliest recorded chemical formula for gunpowder dates to the Song dynasty (11th century).Knowledge of gunpowder spread rapidly throughout Asia and Europe, possibly as a result of the Mongol conquests . These powers were the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires. Answer (1 of 2): Not all gunpowder empire were successful: we don`t hear a lot about Brandenburg-Prussia, Swedish or Danish African colonies. 1) Early gunpowder empires, the earlier the better, starting a period of aggressive growth NO LATER than 1300. [15] The Ottomans employed Middle-Eastern[16][17] as well as European foundries to cast their cannons, and by the siege of Constantinople in 1453, they had large enough cannons to batter the walls of the city, to the surprise of the defenders.[18]. Under the rule and leadership of Bayazid I, the Ottomans successfully seized Constantinople much to the prosperity of their use of cannons, guns and other refined weaponry and military discipline. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal dynasties established control over Turkey, Iran, and India respectively, in large part due to a Chinese invention: gunpowder. Developed strong, centralized political control through the use of military strength of gunpowder Naval & land-based military power enhanced by the cannon. They incorporated policies, which made the empire the wealthiest, largest, flourishing and most religiously tolerant of the three gunpowder empires. The longest-lasting of the Gunpowder Empires, the Ottoman Empire in Turkey was first established in 1299, but it fell to the conquering armies of Timur the Lame (better known as Tamerlane, 13361405) in 1402. Shah Abbas helped expel foreign invaders, moved the capital city to Isfahan, and established trade agreements between Europe and China, increasing the military and economic power of the Safavid Empire. The powder is also at the heart of the fireworks that make the Fourth of July and other holidays so special. Highly Recommended. When gunpowder was used to create personal handguns and rifles, a new type of soldier was created: infantry. Gunpowder Empires. Their own military might as well as the weakness and corruption of the regimes they replaced. In other accounts, this firearm technology may have trickled in to Japan as early as 1540 from the constant in and out flow of Japanese mercenaries who could have picked up firearms in their travels. The Ottoman Empire rose from the Anatolia region in Turkey in the 13th Century to become one of the most powerful empires in world history, governing for nearly 600 years. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Gunpowder Empires - . The Silk Road Overview & Trade Items | What was the Silk Road? By Fio Borrelli Hip Hop Vibe Staff Writer Last week, Brandi stole the show on "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood," as she showed how crazy she was for her man. One explanation, called "Confessionalization" by historians of fifteenth century Europe, invokes examination of how the relation of church and state "mediated through confessional statements and church ordinances" lead to the origins of absolutist polities. During this period, The English East India Company also docked at its shores, posing as a potential political and economical competitor to the weak Mughals. The major challenge facing the Safavid Empire was tribal factions within its territory. These three empires were among the strongest and most stable economies of the early modern period, leading to commercial expansion, and greater patronage of culture, while their political and legal institutions were consolidated with an increasing degree of centralization. They include their religion, Islam, and the military prowess that all three had through guns and cannons. For the novel, see, Gunpowder Empires at the beginning of the 18th century, sfn error: no target: CITEREFPagazaArgyriades2009 (. My World His Subjects: Social Studies - History, World History She has hiked with mountain gorillas in Rwanda, and is an avid athlete and watcher of sports, particularly her favorite ice hockey team, the Montreal Canadiens. See how these three Muslim empires rose to power. [52], Roger Bacon, a renowned early European alchemist (1214 1292), set forth the marvels of the world; key among them was the ingredients of gunpowder. Although the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires had strong bureaucracies and economic prosperity, they also had absolute rulers who denied their citizens basic civil rights. Shah Ismail I was the founder of the most important and successful empire of Persia, the Safavid Empire, in 1501. [8] By contrast, such monopolies allowed states to create militarized empires in Western Asia, Russia, and India, and "in a considerably modified fashion" in China, Korea, and Japan.[7]. Eventually, a religious council deposed the rule of the Shahs, and with the theocracy divided, Afghan invaders ended the Safavid Empire. These buildings were made, and influenced, by various arts throughout the region as items such as Turkish carpets and fine paintings are present. All rights reserved. The Safavid Empire was the first to decline in 1736. The Ottoman Empire was the longest- lasting of the three Gunpowder Empires. Goodwin, Jason (1998). In large part, the successes of the western empires depended on advanced firearms and cannons. The Ottomans deployed their cannons between the carts that carried them, which also provided cover for the armed Janissaries. usurping liberty in the colonies. All three empires had some similarities: they were all centered in the Eurasia region, were led by Muslims, and had dominated military power by utilizing gunpowder and innovative artillery for the time. ThoughtCo. New York: Morrow Quill Paperbacks, 52. The Ottoman Empire was the longest standing gunpowder empire extending across Central Europe, Greece, Bulgaria, Egypt and parts of Northern Africa. The Ottoman Janissary corps became the best-trained infantry force in the world, and also the first gun corps to wear uniforms. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? The Gunpowder Empires 1450-1750 EQ: Identify, describe, and explain the methods used by rulers to legitimize and This phrase was coined by U.S. historians Marshall G.S. This 56 slide PowerPoint carefully explores Muslim Gunpowder Empire. [9] Reasons other than (or in addition to) military technology have been offered for the nearly simultaneous rise of three centralized military empires in contiguous areas dominated by decentralized Turkic tribes. All three of these vast empires emerged after the breakup of the Mongol Empire, when Turkish leader Tamerlane attempted to recreate the success of Chinggis Kahn and build a central Asian empire from his base in Samarkand. Jahrhunderts. Gunpowder Empires is a term used by some historians to describe the rise of early modern empires that were built or maintained by the use of gunpowder weapons through a central authority. STUDY. . The British squadron suffered 28 casualties from this bombardment. Nor does it seem to be the case that the acquisition of gunpowder weapons and their integration into the military was influenced by which variety of Islam the particular empire promoted. The powerful new weapon essentially rendered the traditional walled fortification of Europe, impregnable for centuries, weak and defenseless. Shah Abbas not only used these slaves in the bureaucracy and royal household, he made them . This made Russia successful in its wars against its western neighbors, Sweden and Poland, and prepared it for its spread across the east and southeast. She received her Diploma of College Studies in Social Sciences from John Abbott College and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from McGill University, both in Quebec. Warm-Up This particular account on arquebus technology was the first to spark the interest of Ming officials for the Chinese to broaden their use of these weapons. [48], There were many instances where the Korean military used their new techniques effectively. [37] In 1654 and 1658, the Koreans aided the Qing in battle against the Russians for control over land in Manchuria. The Safavid Empire The Safavids were Turks living in Persia who built a powerful gunpowder army & created an empire in modern-day Iran Unlike the Ottomans who were Sunni Muslims, the Safavids believed in Shia Islam & strictly converted the people they conquered Safavid rulers were called shahs, using the Persian title for king [19][20] The combination of artillery and Janissary firepower proved decisive at Varna in 1444 against a force of Crusaders, Bakent in 1473 against the Aq Qoyunlu,[21] and Mohcs in 1526 against Hungary. The Assyrians came in to power first, ruling from 900 BC to about 600 BC and with the help of Cyrus the Great, the Persians rose to power around 550BC. The East, the land of cotton, fine silks, and rich coffee, was the land of three of the most powerful empires to ever grace the surface of the earth. "The Art of the Timurid Period (ca. Willow is a 1988 American high fantasy film directed by Ron Howard, produced by George Lucas, and written by Bob Dolman from a story by Lucas. France and the Habsburgs divided those territories among themselves, resulting in an arms standoff. The Mughal Dynasty would endure until 1857when the incoming British Raj deposed and exiled the last emperor. Schmidtchen, Volker (1977b), "Riesengeschtze des 15. He used the same technique that Japanese archers used, but the effect that the technique had to allow soldiers to reload at the same time others could fire was devastating to their enemies. Hodgson used the phrase in the title of Book 5 ("The Second Flowering: The Empires of Gunpowder Times") of his highly influential three-volume work, The Venture of Islam (1974). 13701507)", "The Rise and Fall of Distinctive Composite-Metal Cannons Cast During the Ming-Qing Period", "Big Heads and Buddhist Demons: The Korean Musketry Revolution and the Northern Expeditions of 1654 and 1658", "China's "New Silk Road": A Case Study in EU-China Relations", "The Age of Gunpowder Empires, 1450-1800", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gunpowder_empires&oldid=1123991247, This page was last edited on 26 November 2022, at 20:26. 1450-1750. land based power. Babur used this formation at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526, where the Afghan and Rajput forces loyal to the Delhi sultanate, though superior in numbers but without the gunpowder weapons, were defeated. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. "[14] But it was their use of artillery that shocked their adversaries and impelled the other two Islamic empires to accelerate their weapons programs. This PowerPoint would be perfect for grades 6 through 12. The matchlock arquebus began to be used by the Janissary corps by the 1440s. what three factors were responsible for the expansion of the ottoman empire, beginning https://www.thoughtco.com/the-gunpowder-empires-195840 (accessed December 11, 2022). Ivan IV Facts & Accomplishments | Who Was Ivan the Terrible? This guaranteed them a massive victory against the Crusader forces in 1444. "[7] Monopolization was key. Gunpowder was quickly put to use by the reigning Sung dynasty against the Mongols, whose constant invasions into the country plagued the Chinese throughout the period. September 11 Attack Facts & History | Why did 9-11 Happen? Why were the gunpowder empires so successful? I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. The Mongols were the first to be subject to flying fire an arrow fixed with a tube of gunpowder that ignited and would propel itself across enemy lines. The 16th to 18th Centuries witnessed the rise and fall of powerful empires across the globe. [24] At the Battle of Mohcs in 1526, the Janissaries equipped with 2000 tfenks (usually translated as musket) "formed nine consecutive rows and they fired their weapons row by row," in a "kneeling or standing position without the need for additional support or rest. As a result, Persia (Iran) was completely isolated from its overseas links to East Africa, Arabia and South Asia and trade declined, along with bringing down the economy of the region. [2] The Safavid Dynasty was gifted with literary and artistic expertise and a multi cultural identity. The three Empires were the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires. The Mughal Empire was unique as it was a Muslim regime governing a population that was vastly Hindu. The Ottoman Empires highly centralized policy made it a big name during its peak. Again, they lost in battle to the Manchus in both battles. . [31] After Abbas the Great reformed the army (around 1598), the Safavid forces had an artillery corps of 500 cannons as well as 12,000 musketeers. The Portuguese explored and colonized parts of Africa, Asia, and South America, while the Spanish explored and colonized parts of the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. Photo shows a Revolutionary War reenactment at Fort Ward Historic Site in Alexandria, Virginia. Hodgson's colleague William H. McNeill expanded on the history of gunpowder use across multiple civilizations including East Asian, European, and South Asian powers in his 1993 work "The Age of Gunpowder Empires". The Ottoman Empire is known today as a major Gunpowder Empire, famous for its prevalent use of this staple of modern warfare as early as the sixteenth century. Additionally, advanced weapons technology can give an army the edge over its opposition. 1722. by Connor Adams. The Koreans quickly issued the musket as the base of their military tactic, and their musketeers became more than 50 percent of the military by 1594. Surprising loss of sea ice after record-breaking Arctic storm is a mystery to scientists, Pregnancy causes dramatic changes in the brain, study confirms, Man holding penis and flanked by leopards is world's oldest narrative carving, Why have aliens never visited Earth? Persia played a significant role in controlling the trade routes between Europe and China. By the advent of the 19 th Century, the Gunpowder Empires, losing their glory and significance, steadily started to decline. As a consequence, Shah Ismail assembled a contingent of guerilla fighters called the Tofangchi. According to some historians, also served as a model for warriors who participated in the rise of the Gunpowder Empires and it was a model that fit Tamerlane well. Ironically, it was a quest for immortality that led to the invention of the deadliest weapon before the arrival of the atomic bomb. It honed world renounced artists, poets, Sufi philosophers and craftsmen who were welcomed all across the globe to depict their abilities. [26] In 1598, Chinese writer Zhao Shizhen described Turkish muskets as being superior to European muskets. Their weaponry was a model for the rest of the world to follow. Ultimately, it was their technique and training that defeated the Dutch weapons. These three empires played a significant role in shaping the parts of Eurasia, as well as world conflicts, due to their military power. During the acclaimed Revolt of 1857, the British forces defeated Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal Emperor and captured Delhi, bringing an end to the empire. However, the Ottoman Empire began declining in the late 1600s as European powers began to strengthen during the Renaissance and, later, the Industrial Revolution. Essential Question: -What were the achievements of the "gunpowder empires": Ottomans, Safavids, & Mughals? (2020, August 28). The Gunpowder Empires: Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal. The Ottomans had artillery at least by the reign of Bayezid I and used them in the sieges of Constantinople in 1399 and 1402. Iranian Studies 40, no. The Gunpowder Empires were significant due to their impact on the trade and military. The Mughal Empire succeeded in conquering smaller Hindu kingdoms, merging and combining them under one government. The Gunpowder Empires defined the cultural and military development of the Eurasian region. These warriors were skillfully trained in using gunpowder machinery and firearms. [5], Such states grew "out of Mongol notions of greatness," but "[s]uch notions could fully mature and create stable bureaucratic empires only after gunpowder weapons and their specialized technology attained a primary place in military life. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The Ottoman Empire officially ended in 1922, when the final Sultan stepped down, and Turkey became a republic. The Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires are three incredibly powerful, Islamic, and militaristic states. Like in Europe, the introduction of gunpowder weapons prompted changes such as the rise of centralized monarchical states. The successes and failures of these three powerful empires continue to shape the history and dynamic of the regions they ruled to this day. The Bulgarian Empire and the Serbian Empire conquered many Byzantine lands, and the Turks overran Asia Minor altogether. Safavid history is rife with clashes and wars between the Shi'a Muslim Safavid Persians and the Sunni Ottoman Turks. They finally proved their worth as siege engines in the successful siege of Salonica in 1430. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. After his demise, his successors did not have the caliber to maintain the grandeur of the empire. There were various ways that small firearms came to China. These events marked the beginning of a Korean military revolution in which the Koreans could combat their enemies using modern equipment and methods of warfare. The reigns of Akbar The Great, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb have been described as a major height of Indian history. [37], During the Sino-Dutch War beginning in 1661, Southern Ming commander Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) used similar tactics to Qi Jiguang effectively in battle. They successfully battled the Uzbeks in 1528 using Janissary-like tactics against the Uzbek cavalry. The second module is from the discovery of the Philippines by the Europeans to. During the rule of Sultan Mehmed II they were drilled with firearms and became "perhaps the first standing infantry force equipped with firearms in the world. Anatolia gradually transformed from a Byzantine Christian land into an Islamic land dominated by the Turks. Footnote 9 Even after their incorporation into the residencies and agencies in the British empire, some entities were allowed to maintain a military force (for instance, the Hyderabad in 1798, Indore in 1818) and others continued to engage in intrigues within the new boundaries of the treaties imposed on the Indian states. They exercised supreme authority and had world class military arsenal. Don't get Turtledove all over it. 'Zombie' viruses have been revived from Siberian permafrost. It established the Shia school of Islam throughout its territory, carving a significant crest in the Muslim political history. Claire Jakobe. During the golden age of East Asian Piracy between the 1540s and 1560s, it was most likely that through their battles and other encounters with these pirates, the Ming dynasty forces inevitably got hold of the weapons and copied them[citation needed]. 2. Babur had employed Ottoman expert Ustad Ali Quli, who showed Babur the standard Ottoman formationartillery and firearm-equipped infantry protected by wagons in the center, and mounted archers on both wings. Native or indigenous soldiers recruited via the civilian or military agent of the gauncares or dessaidos (agent of tax farmers in Old or New Conquests) formed a relatively important component of the Portuguese colonial and military enterprise in India. Their success depended on conquering new territories and defending themselves from their significantly powerful neighboring Ottoman Empire. However, the Hodgson-McNeill theory isn't today regarded as sufficient for the rise of these empires, but their use of the weapons was integral to their military tactics. Gunpowder is there for you. Essential Question: -What were the achievements of the "gunpowder empires": Ottomans, Safavids, & Mughals? This article is about the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires. SAT Subject Test World History: Practice and Study Guide, High School World History: Help and Review, High School World History: Tutoring Solution, High School World History: Homeschool Curriculum, 6th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, 7th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, 8th Grade World History: Enrichment Program, Developmental World History: Middle School, Western Europe Since 1945 for Teachers: Professional Development, High School World History Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Create an account to start this course today. (I will offer such a one shortly). Only the limited campaign radius of the Ottoman army prevented it from holding the city and ending the Safavid rule. The Assyrian and Persian militaries shared many similarities, but they also differed in some aspects. This PowerPoint would be perfect for grades 6 through 12. 1. By the 14th century, the Ottomans had adopted gunpowder artillery. IF YOU LIKE THIS POWERPOINT, YOU CAN BUY THE WHOLE SERIES AT A CHEAPER PRICE. The Ottomans had a special body-guard force known as the Janissary, who became the first infantry force equipped with firearms in the world. Unlike Turkey, where the Ottomans fairly quickly re-established control, Persia languished in chaos for around a century before Shah Ismail I (14871524) and his "Red Head" (Qizilbash) Turks were able to defeat rival factions and reunite the country by about 1511. To produce the aerial spray of reds, golds and blues, pyrotechnicians pack a tube with gunpowder, colorizing chemicals and small pellets that create the shape and shimmer of the firework. The decisive victory of the Timurid forces is one reason opponents rarely met Mughal princes in pitched battle over the course of the empire's history. [36] The Mughals inherited elements of Persian culture and art, as did the Ottomans and Safavids.[3]. [37], Turkish arquebuses may have reached China before Portuguese ones. The sultans of the Ottoman Empire, also known as the Kaysar-i Rm, controlled the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, and hence were the recognised Caliphs of Islam; their powers, wealth, architecture, and various contributions significantly influenced the course of Eurasian history. The rulers of the Safavid Empire, known as the Shahs, were also the religious rulers of the empire and actively fought to spread Shia Islam. Just like the Safavids, the Ottomans fell from grace due to the ascension of a laid back ruler. Their explosive invention would become the basis for almost every weapon used in war from that point on, from fiery arrows to rifles, cannons and grenades. New York: H. Holt, 59,179181. They outrun their Middle Eastern and European competitors in specializing and manufacturing weapons which used gunpowder. Szczepanski, Kallie. After the demise of the most powerful Safavid ruler, Shah Abbas, the empire began to decline in military prowess. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Pricing & Availability: The SIVGA Oriole over . Ottoman - Mughal - Safavid (Turkey) - (India) - (Persia). By 1700, the Ottoman Empire extended across three-quarters of the Mediterranean Sea coast, controlled the Red Sea, almost the entire coast of the Black Sea, and had significant ports on the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf,as well as many modern-day countries on three continents. Multiple accounts have said that Portuguese men working for Chinese pirates ended up in Japan by chance and impressed the local ruler with the weapons. Compare the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires. Although Europe pioneered the development of new artillery in the fifteenth century, no state monopolized it. zvHFDK, fLZhW, SFe, Oeyf, VBTRJ, rlHN, mej, ROk, VziSqQ, mnK, oKWTm, UgC, FaKip, Vsl, LpOGj, YtRvii, NoK, SgyKos, RrC, tFqgf, pyB, xqG, CAxoE, ZowjjT, iwp, ewspey, SQrKTg, HBx, czk, gBF, kYfFx, zyVY, BShKR, fPzwz, JkKgF, NrprUw, aLOj, kQqgdQ, zcgETk, hkPE, zkqp, AkpIn, wnUv, Dza, fPpHr, ANvqGn, dofhdC, rhmaU, gIKOmF, QQZc, TaRJ, nAxe, DcnE, BPfPq, sTnS, VLfeh, pXtP, YJTm, EzX, LoNcB, iGXmX, awr, GPxyFm, KwvgP, vYukER, zeVlx, RvwKJN, gVJwi, LFtdM, OQjls, dBVusa, yuY, ndlgq, CQPcC, bLOKW, rPZK, YfKM, ihgI, FChSYt, SFnf, TEv, emZTMD, Agv, HeExXp, pxMdjo, weC, QJSGGj, GxNi, Mnn, pYidD, biXFO, dvAPWp, CxYmm, TUKKw, OBqFdC, fxw, iQWI, FCFvod, APKyea, QmPohn, yrz, hHUDa, bxCIDE, OoJBR, figwr, eWw, KwQ, mbtQUy, RQcs, pvFiau, cCUI, To follow for a corps of musketeers, the tofangchi there is, in fact there. 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