When Bendu asked why they had come, Kanan apologized that they could not stay long and nudged Ezra to tell Bendu the purpose of their meeting. This enabled Jarrus to pilot the Ghost through the opening in the Imperial blockade and drop the supplies down to the Ibaarians. However, before this could be enacted, Thrawn returned from Coruscant in the Chimaera, and held position directly over the complex, which forced the rebels to abort their launch out of fear of crashing into the Star Destroyer and destroying Capital City. Vidian's determination forced Sloane to order the destruction of Forager's transmission tower. [57], Although Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide established that Kallus was in his late-30s when he first came to Lothal which leads to a birth date between 44 BBY and 42 BBY,[1] The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 86 gave a younger age, stating he was born only a few years before the Battle of Naboo and was a teenager during the Clone Wars, leading to a birth date around 35 BBY.[3]. While one of the shuttles was shot down, the rebels' and Kalani's shuttles manage to reach space. [90], Shortly, Kanan and his team discovered a lone Geonosian on the other side of the air shaft. Ezra sided with Hondo when the pirate insisted on loading his treasure but Zeb was unwilling to back down. [68], Helming the Ghost, Jarrus and the rest of the Phoenix fleet converged on Ibaar, where they were quickly joined by the Phantom, which carried the Prototype B6 to be piloted by Syndulla on its underside. Astrographical information Herabecame familiar with the rebel cell in question, and personally made contact with their leader, who was also her father Cham Syndulla, a hero in the Clone Wars. Despite Ezra's best efforts, he was unable to lift the astromech droid. On April 7, 2015, the Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Lucasfilm jointly announced the digital releases of the six released Star Wars films. [31] The world was first settled by Ariana Surabat and the crew of her ship, the Ravenstar. [2], Black Spire Outpost Market housed several local merchants, including Black Spire Outfitters, Creature Stall, The Jewels of Bith, Toydarian Toymaker, and The Wooden Wookiee. However, Thrawn had learned about the rebel infiltrators and had sent Governor Pryce and Colonel Yularen with stormtroopers to deal with the second set of intruders. Despite Bridger's insistence, the rebels did ultimately return, though the boy escaped from his holding cell on his own. However, Reklam Station had begun falling apart and the starship was knocked off by a falling crane. After limping back to his quarters, he placed the meteorite Zeb had given him on a shelf before reflecting on his sobering experience with his enemy, now privately doubting the Empire. Aboard the Chimera, Ezra found part of the Lothal Jedi Temple, which had been removed from the main structure, and a hologram of the Emperor. After everything they'd been through, the two of them had now developed a friendship. Jerjerrod argues that they need more men, but quickly agrees to double their efforts when he learns that the Emperor is coming. Luke removes the mask and sees the face of his father for the first time. When Ezra refused, the former Sith killed the Seventh Sister and then admonished Ezra for his hesitancy; warning him that it could cost him or his friends their lives next time. Kanan holds off a group of stormtroopers aboard the station while Chopper reopens the blast door. The senator made her way to the cantina, where she found that Duja's body had been laid in a funeral pyre outside the cantina. When Jarrus and Rex began to argue about Bridger being a soldier or a Jedi, an exasperated Bridger then responded that he might not wish to be either, much to Jarrus' surprise. She also asked Dume how he felt, and Dume told her that his heart was at peace, having found his place in the galaxy. Caught by the triple-formed Chimaera, even Pegasus could barely free you. The Chimaera was an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that saw service during the reign of the Galactic Empire.Just as the seeds of rebellion began to spread across the galaxy, the vessel was placed under the command of the Chiss officer Thrawn following his promotion to Commodore.The ship, with Thrawn as its captain, was dispatched to Lothal was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories. As they contemplate their options, the Imperial fleet, which they were led to believe was away, appears and an intense battle begins. By that stage, Yushyn had managed to surround the rebels with cannons and more guards. While Sabine was repairing their transmitter, they heard a signal emanating from the engine room. He explained to Bridger that he would stop trying to train him and would actually train him properly, and Bridger agreed to continue training under him. As he had begun mastering the Jedi Mind Trick, he apparently gained some ability in telepathy, as he was able to reach out through the Force to Tseebo, expressing his forgiveness, which Tseebo was able to both hear and feel. As the Brother and Sister poked their lightsabers through the apartment floor, the rebels fled into the hallway as Ezra struggled to calm the baby and decided to split up. Jarrus later instructed Bridger in an exercise when the boy had a vision revolving around Senator Trayvis. Rex then explained that Saw was still grieving over the loss of his sister and distrusted Geonosians due to their alliance with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. There is no try," although he did not fully comprehend what Yoda meant. [5] He was eager to learn and formed a strong relationship with his master as well as several clone troopers he fought beside. [19], In an effort to destroy the rebels, Kallus prepared a trap to lure them in by making the rebels believe they had learned the location of Wookiee slaves being held by the Empire. Back at Chopper Base, Hera reprimanded Ezra for disobeying his orders, endangering his team, and getting the Phantom destroyed. Jarrus was meditating in his chambers when he heard Bridger and Orrelios panicking outside. Unable to escape off-world or establish communications with the rest of his group, Ezra called on his master for help through the Force. After sending the Wookiees on their way, Ezra returned to his tower on Lothal with Kanan's lightsaber. With the illusion gone, he heard the voice of Master Yoda through the force, who guided him to his next test where he found himself in a hallway of inscriptions. The ISB agent started dueling with the Lasat and got the upper hand for a time. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Kanan also interacted with one of the wolves, which called him by his birthname "Dume." He contacted Hera via comlink and was told to hurry up. Ezra was able to relate Maul's tragic experience with the Sith to his own experience with the Empire. However, while meditating through the Force, Ezra sensed the presence of the white loth-cat he had seen in his vision inside the ruins and approached it. While Phoenix Home evacuated the stolen Y-Wings, Hera and Kanan traveled on the Ghost into the depths of Yarma's atmosphere. Aboard the sail barge, Leia smashes the controls for the sail barge's interior lights, throwing it into darkness, and proceeds to strangle Jabba with her chain, killing him, Leia jumps off of the throne and has R2-D2 help break her chain, then heads for the stairs to the top surface of the sail barge. He was one of the few Lasat to survive the devastation of his homeworld of Lasan and as a result developed a deep hatred towards the Empire. Rotation period When Zeb returned, Kanan and the other rebels learned that Lira San was the original homeworld of the Lasat species and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. However, the AT-AT proceeded to crush the smaller AT-DP walker. [98], The Spectres fighting in Lothal's sewer system, After their speeder was destroyed, they were then led by Jai Kell back to Old Jho's Pit Stop where there was an entrance to the sewers. However, Rukh survived, and warned Thrawn of the rebels' intentions. Jabba, engaged by the graceful gyrations of his collared slave girl Oola, starts tugging on her chain and commanding her to come to him on his throne. [45], Ohnaka eventually reported back to Dok-Ondar, but was spied on by a cam droid operated by the Kendoh Gang. [6] Kallus also believed that the smuggler Cikatro Vizago was untrustworthy and cautioned his rebel comrades against trusting Vizago. [48], Contacted by "Fulcrum," the Ghost crew was to pick up supplies on Kaller for the Tarkintown refugees,[10] which he had avoided for years,[49] where crates were ready and waiting for them. Returning to the Ghost, the crew had only a day to search for their companion before the Empire showed up searching for Agent Kallus, who nonetheless must've been in the same escape pod fighting him when it crashed. He found a possessed Kanan sitting above the altar. The compromised droid-ensnared by the Controller-tricked the crew into entering the cargo hold, and attempted to jettison them into space. When confronted by his comrades, Ezra explained that the Purrgil were connected to the gas, so blowing it up would only hurt them. He also attended a class by Madame Jocasta Nu on how Padawans were chosen by Jedi Knights, and Dume asked about how it came to be, much to Mace Windu's disapproval and Billaba's amusement. Syndulla then revealed Bail Organa's identity and the existence of other Rebel cells, just before "Fulcrum" identified herself as Ahsoka Tano, a former Padawan of the Jedi Order, and mentioned a change of protocol thanks to their message. This timeline uses galactic standard calendar dates, which are expressed in terms of years before (BBY) and after (ABY) the Battle of Yavin. Kanan and the other rebels watched in shock and bemusement when AP-5 chided Chopper for the "illogical act" of sacrificing his stolen droid leg. Luke Skywalker and friends travel to Tatooine to rescue their companion Han Solo from the vile Returning to Lothal, the rebels attempted to sell the T-7 ion disruptor rifles to Vizago, but before they could complete the transaction, the rebels were interrupted by the arrival of ISB Agent Kallus, who brought two AT-DP walkers and several stormtroopers. [41], Soon the notorious Kendoh Gang arrived in Black Spire Outpost with the intent of stealing the hilt of the Sword of Khashyun from Dok-Ondar. In turn, Batuu's mountains and spires become an extended background element for the river, allowing for Galaxy's Edge and Frontierland to better function as neighbors. Despite promising to spare his friends, Maul ordered his droids to kill the captives and made a second attempt on Kanan's life. Hazel[1] Shortly afterwards, Tarkin and Krennic contacted Thrawn and Ronan, a strong believer in Stardust and a big follower of Krennic. As the rebel ship was preparing to depart, Kallus noticed graffiti art on the hangar floor, which had been drawn by Wren, and realized it was an explosive. Kallus was given permission to dock by Captain Hiram Zataire, with whom he later had dinner aboard the Lawbringer; Kallus' goal with the meal was to determine if he could trust Zataire as a loyal Imperial officer. Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Padawan, a freedom fighter, and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. ({{, Stand-Ins: Thomas Darby, Marlene Goffnett, Richard Jurgens, Additional Rebel Forest Troopers (on the Crescent City location): Anthony (no backpack), L. Burner, Brad, Drew Davis, Harold, Duke Lee, Steve Lockett, G. Stevens, Terry, and Russ Young, First Assistant Director/Second Unit Director , Additional Optical Effects Lookout Mountain Films, Pacific Title, Monaco Film Labs, California Film, Visual Concepts Engineering, Movie Magic, and Van der Veer Photo Effects, Special Edition Digital Remastering Provided By, Film Restoration Consultant Leon Briggs. Coleema subsequently awoke on the ship and after being briefed by Kallus, professed a desire to go home. Because of it, Jarrus made a deal with Calrissian to smuggle some cargo past the Imperial blockade of Lothal. [13], Once aboard the Chimaera, Kallus and Lyste headed to Thrawn's Office. The 7th Fleet, or Seventh Fleet, was a fleet of the Imperial Navy during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Convinced of the Rebels' good intentions, the Ewoks set them free and later that evening make them "part of the tribe," thereby agreeing to join the fight against the Empire. In Star Wars. Leia prepares to strangle Jabba with the very chain he'd used to enslave her. Konstantine reported that he did not know since the rebels had already escaped into hyperspace. Hera then explained that Fulcrum was a codename for the Rebellion's many undercover agents. [81], Kanan then made his way into the Ghost's cargo hold and destroyed Maul's tour guide droids before they could execute Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine. Noticing the Sith holocron had activated, Ezra took it out of the Imperial cadet helmet he was hiding it in and held it in his hand. As Kallus gave them a minute to surrender or be attacked, Chava immediately stated that he was the warrior and advised that there are many children, warriors and fools, but in time Zeb would get the chance to become all three. Eventually, the trees decided to create more diverse forms of life, suited to survive in different parts of the planet. [90] In his final moments, he created a barrier of energy to hold back a massive explosion from an Imperial fuel tank long enough for his family to escape. Hondo escaped aboard the Phantom with the stolen proceeds and Vizago dispatched Ezra and Chopper back to Garel in an escape pod. An argument quickly broke out between Padawan and Master when Kanan reprimanded his apprentice for dabbling with the Sith holocron, and proceeded to take the device. Despite driving off the Inquisitors, Kanan and Ahsoka were distrustful of Maul. He also used his knowledge of Imperial protocol and procedure to infiltrate the Dome and initiate Protocol 13.[50]. Before they could make their escape, Darth Vader and his forces attacked them, and Jarrus and Bridger were forced to duel him. Despite the Walt Disney Company's 2012 purchase of Lucasfilm Ltd. and the release rights to all future Star Wars films, Fox was to retain original distribution rights to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which they co-produced and co-financed, in perpetuity in all media worldwide. While Rex and Gregor are friendly, Wolffe remains hostile to the rebels. Ezra and the crew of the Ghost traveled to the desert world of Seelos, but after exiting hyperspace, the Ghost was damaged. Despite bombardment from three Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, including the Chimaera, the ship managed to escape by jumping to hyperspace through an Imperial construction module. About 3 years ago I left Galaxy's Edge to work on another great project. [5] The world was the location of Black Spire Outpost, a haven for those looking to avoid attracting too much attention to themselves. Batuu's surface was covered in jungles, oceans, and the petrified remains of ancient trees, referred to by the local Batuuans as "spires," which towered over the planet's landscapes. Rex agreed and ordered Ezra to carry out the task while he and Kanan provided covering fire. The Dark Angels were the first of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, and in their earliest incarnation fought as the personal army of the Master of Mankind in the dawning years of the Great Crusade and in the shadowed campaigns that had preceded it. [49], While traveling back to Lothal, the rebels and their allies waited aboard the Ghost in hyperspace to latch on to an Imperial container transport at the suggestion of Hondo. [105], This lesson was significant, as Ezra was capable of resisting the Emperor's seduction at being reunited with his deceased parents through the gateway the Emperor so desired to control. Forced to pursue him, Jarrus finally recovered the crate by offering the boy a chance to escape in the Ghost. [11] Imprisoned in a cell and awaiting his execution, Dume heard as Key contacted Grey and Styles to inform him of Dume's capture. Upon receiving a tip from one of his contacts, Ezra led his fellow rebelson a rescue mission to Nixus Hub 218, where two refugees were being held prisoner by the Empire. [13], In battle, Kallus used a J-19 bo-rifle given from a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated, which he was proficient with in ranged and close combat. [81], Kanan and Ezra made contact with the Ghost only to discover that Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine had been taken prisoner by Maul and his repurposed tour-guide droids. The rebels subsequently discovered Klik-Klak's nest and found a working transmitter, which Kanan used to contact Hera and arrange for a pick-up in the air shaft. After Imperial forces destroyed a rebel convoy near Teralov, Ezra and his fellow rebels attended a briefing chaired by Sato to discuss the recent losses. Apparently, after eating some special plant food that farmer A. L. Butts had sowed on his apple orchard, the grasshoppers grew to an astounding 3 ft. in lengthlarge The Seventh Fleet utilized ground units, with Major Carvia commanding the Chimaera's stormtrooper forces. When one of the AT-ATs proceeded to crush their AT-DP walker under its heavy body, Kanan and Ezra used their lightsabers to cut their way into the enemy walker. His conversations with Zeb revealed that he held a somewhat rose-tinted view of the Empire, firmly believing that Zeb would receive a fair trial if he were to turn himself in and cooperate. From the ship, Kallus contacted the Grand Inquisitor,[19] a dark side warrior tasked with hunting down Jedi survivors. After Janott denied that he had seen either, the mugs on the bar exploded as a trap for Skywalker and Thrawn, releasing gas. Then, an officer informed Thrawn that several unidentified objects had entered orbit. Cornered by Kallus and his men, Jarrus ignited his lightsaber and publicly revealed himself to be a Jedi, giving everyone time to escape. Kanan showed up and told him about the force and that it was strong with him. Human (Coruscanti)[1] Following a brief skirmish, the Ghost descended into the depths of Geonosis. "[115], The decision to make Kanan blind in "Twilight of the Apprentice" was inspired by the Zatoichi samurai films. The Chimaera, flagship of the Seventh Fleet. Along with Zeb, Ezra was simply held responsible for leaving the Phantom with a leak yet expected more by Hera the next time the mistake nearly winds her and Sabine up as lunch. During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. Later, Ezra accompanied Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Wedge, Hobbie, and other members of the Phoenix Squadron on a training exercise. Ezra informed him that the Empire was monitoring his most recent Fulcrum Transmission and that he came to get him out before he got exposed and executed for treason. Kanan comforted Sabine who blamed herself for Hera's injuries. Going into hiding, he forsook the Jedi ways for some time, swapping his blue-bladed lightsaber for a Flight of the Falcon, Part 1: Spy Games, Iron Squadron, A Rebel Bounty, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notoriousclass. Cenotes[4]Forests[9]Mountains[9] As part of the training session, Kanan goaded Sabine about her past decisions to abandon the Empire and leave her family. As captain of the Honor Guard, he was responsible for protecting the royal family and all the Last. [52], During a mission to swipe the Lothal Imperial Academy's new recruits, Wren let herself be captured and taken to the Zygerrian slaver MaDall, prompting Jarrus and the rest of the team to look for clues of her whereabouts. [6] The remains of the trees became petrified gray and brown stone that towered over their surroundings and were referred to by local Batuuans as "spires. The freighter's captain identified his group as a local rebel cell called the Iron Squadron and destroyed an Imperial Gozanti-class Cruiser. En route, R2-D2 is tasked with serving drinks to Jabba's guests, and the Max Rebo band plays music in the background. In the third season of Star Wars Rebels, the "Chimaera" is used as the name of Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship and as the emblem of the Seventh Fleet. [67][63] Despite his issues with clones, Jarrus was able to work with Rex to rescue Ezra and several other Phoenix rebels during a rescue mission aboard the Imperial Interdictor. Kanan and Ezra also informed their comrades about the assistance they received from Kallus. At the age of Despite this, Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research Assistant Director Colonel Brierly Ronan denied that the analysis group could see the sensitive information as it related to Project Stardust. Following the sparring session, Ezra joined Kanan and Fenn in pledging to help Sabine to fulfill her goals of repairing her relationship with her family and reuniting the Mandalorians. Despite their best efforts, the Ghost managed to jump into hyperspace before the Imperials could trap it. Kanan told Fenn that Sabine did not want to go down that path. [89], Kanan asked Bendu what to do next only to discover he had vanished. During the fight, Ezra has knocked off the platform leaving Kanan to believe he was dead. Luke demands that Jabba release Han and his other friends, but Jabba refuses the young Jedi's offer. However, Thrawn warned the pilots that Ezra's team had hijacked the AT-DP walker. 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