in your summary of leave. How do I change the colours of the different types of leave please? Also i need to add a column next to the employee name, but when i do this the 1st day of the month disappears can any one help? I was using Microsoft Edge. How do I change it from 0.5 to 1? One simple thing that can be done to faciliate customization is to use cell references in rows NL5:NU5, rather than hard-wired codes. I cant seem to figure it out :o/, Hi Sumit, just awesome to track leave. Still no response from you,,.SumitWhen protecting the sheet scrollbar doesnt work and also I have not locked or protected the cell link to scrollbar.pls help on this.. Excel is very good for keeping track of your investments. WebPerform a break even analysis with our free Lease vs Buy excel template. How do you rank the top 5 agents when duplicate scores exist? Value Added Step & Time: A step which is required to proceed with a transaction is called Value Added Step. im just trying to add to the leave training days without having to add to the total number of leaves. For qualified candidates, project management roles are available in almost every industry. Does anyone know if hours versus codes could be entered? @Chandroo Sir, Please update the excel file as well in the webpage, Thanks. Thank you so much for this. Can you help me please I need to add column before column A but when add any column reflect to the days of the month . Why on each month do I get random days coloured in orange? Is it possible to have the total separately? Now I use tracker to move between the months and it works so much better. Do you want to create a simple, elegant and useful tracker using Excel? Is it possible to get the mutual fund positions for a certain date, say 31/March/202i, in your mf tracker. If they accrue 13.33 vacation hours the last day of month, with no probationary period, how can I have the beginning balance minus used time plus the accrual in real-time? If you ever need to fill out a form, here is, Hi Sumit I have added an overview sheet that uses a drop down to select the employee and then show the annual leave. then save, Even this is not working. Final Solution as below Hello.. As of now I have made this for five leave codes. How can I add in columns to reflect the employee surname, employee code, and job description please? Any ideas on how I can add this into the existing document? For some reason, any change I make to a formula results in a #VALUE error and not sure why. it this template able to handle this or will I need to look for a different solution? We are going to build it for January.For the rest of the months, the process will be similar. How can I mitigate this issue? Hi, it seems in the latest version (MF Portfolio Tracker- India v3.0.xlsx) web query need to be updated to . Check out our resource center to find answers to common coding questions, interview tips, and step-by-step guides that will help you in your development career. Hello Neha.. 2017-2020, would I be required to develop a new sheet for each year? Rest assured, your money is not deducted. Do share your thoughts in the comments section . the file should refresh automatically. Hi Patrick! Thank you very much! 1. Would it be possible for me to send this to you over email so that i can explain it well. Just delete those days your employees work off the holiday list. Thanks for the amazing tool! Need to add P (Number of days present) to the list which needs to be highlighted in green. What codes that was already plugged in this current year carried over to 2018. I am not able to input the funds in the Portfolio Sheet in the file. moni. Data validation rule for SOP Status column: This is similar to the rule for Type column. I am unable to update NOW NAVs . This is where I am running into difficulty. 1. its not allowing to copy paste from the nav sheet the name of funds Any help would be appreciated! Thank you for sharing this tracker, I want to share this information with all our staff. as PTO (Paid Time Off) which is accrued on bi-monthly pay periods (26 per year). Hi, am able to refresh the NAV list however while typing the fund names in the portfolio sheet the fund names do not come up. Thanks a lot. of leaves that each employee can avail for eg: Annual Leaves should be less than or equal to 15 and also that the no. How can I copy the calender so that the vbn module works on more then one sheet in that workbook? Please help me in resolving this. (Did I mention how much a truly LOVE this workbook! I am needing to enter leave time used in increments as small as 15 minutes up to 12 hours depending on what individual employees use on any given day. I have added a new section to the above post mentioning some of the key changes to the template since earlier version. My email is Thanks! Q: I tried downloading the file but it downloaded as a zip. You best bet is to use google spreasheets and use the google functions to query google finance (oof! but where define different worksheets name? Firstly, thank you for the Mutual fund Tracker. Our employees work one week in the whole, so I dont record the PTO used until the week after it has been used. Thank you. You can download it now. Fall in BSE one comment. Thank you for sharing the details. This was a step-by-step process to create a task tracker in Excel. I am NOT familiar with Excel formulas and would greatly appreciate step by step instructions, especially for changing the colors. Hi I am still having problem with this excel work sheet when I put in the V under dates and then switch to next month why am I seeing the V for previous month, please help. I want to extend the no of workers but I I fail how to remove the horizontal scroll bar in row 18, please some idea! Thanks for the wonderful excel tracker have been using it for some years. The easiest way would be to use a separate column (may be column NQ) and subtract the training leaves from total leaves. Can you please help me how to add additional columns to set Total annual leave for each employee and to display total leave taken and remaining for each employees. Thanks a lot for uploading "MF Portfolio Tracker". At first, we will be making a dataset, that should be automatically updatable. Can you guide me thru how to edit the formulas in the excel sheet? I have never used sumproduct before. From where should I begin first? With this Excel sheet, you can include shipping information, alternate addresses, product codes, and notes. Getting started with conditional formatting. how can I count cumulative offsets and offsets used apart from the leaves in one spreadsheet? This on-page SEO template is great for organizing on-page SEO strategy, documenting any changes, and more. After he has entered 12 months of data, is there any way to add months, or do you have to start a fresh, blank template? Also, I would like to update the Holidays page for the year of 2018. I strongly agree with u. HKICPA is only a "Big-4" piatrve entertainment club. Thank you so much for sharing it. I have tried changing the year but it did not work correctly. k2 Change Percent (Real-time) k3 Last Trade Size k4 Change From 52-week High Hello Angie.. You can do that by selecting 7 from the drop down in cell A1. Or maybe you could give me some tips on how to do that. In this installment of project management using excel, we will learn how to create a simple issue tracker template using excel and how to analyze issues using excel. Alternatively, you can create a copy of the tracker and split the codes. Good Job. 4. Also, I dont want Work from Home to be marked as redplease help. the january shows only 30 days while it should be 31 days. Hi Chandoo, Skills for career advancement, Microsoft Excel for Mac - Basic & Advanced, Lean Six Sigma Advanced Principles - Black Belt, Introduction to Data Analysis with Python, world meeting planner and time zone converter. I tried duplicating the Leave Tracker Tab but the Starting Month function did not operate properly on duplicated tabs. Thank you for providing the solution, Hi, I found the answer in the comments, thanks , Whenever I put a leave in a cell it reflects on the other months. Follow this below steps Replace ;-;-; with ; Any update sheet will be published. Please get back to me at your convenience. Also can you create tabs to add additional trackers for multiple years or does it need to be a new document each time. This Leave Tracker Template works very well. This rent receipt template is handy If you rent out your office space or home. Then you need to add a conditional formatting formula to all the cells in the leave tracker. VLOOKUP($C$4,Tasklist,6) looks for the value in cell C4 in the 6th column of the original dataset named Tasklist. Finally, rearrange the charts with the dataset so that it looks pleasing and you can easily get the idea with the dataset about your task tracker. what do you mean by "I want portfolio tracker on my site", if you are planning to include it on your site as a downloadable, go ahead and do that, just leave a link to my site and this post. Hello Sumit, I love this tracker but I need to use it to track points that my companies drivers get for certain driving violations. If it is the value, then it prints Completed, otherwise goes for the value Work in Progress. Wow..wonderful effort and the quality of content is really informative and useful.. Dear Visitors, oh, I figured it out myself, its how you save it. maternity leave i dont want this to show as days taken, because it doesnt count towards their vacation, its protected time away). I'm wondering how can it work??? Hello, Well done for the planner. I am preparing spreadsheet based on this excell for tracking My Stocks. Hi Sumit! I could not formulate the template. Is that possible. Can you explain the formula a bit? Time and Motion study is an essential process of bringing efficiency in your working style or producing products, transactions etc. Hi Chandoo, Use this template to send your customer a sales receipt. I need my employees to have access to view the planner but no edit permissions. Instagram. Steps: First, select range B5:C12. I am also facing the same issue as reported by Mr Subash. Thanks for the Employee Leave Tracker Template Can it be customised to include more leave variation like Working from Home but not calculate those days in the # of leaves column. I can unhide the columns, however, I then lose the dates at the top. Let me know if this persists . 2) I want to maintain historical values of mutual fund NAV's on monthly basis to see P/L Hello Lynnae.. Hi Chandoo, I dont understand how to change the formula let alone find it. When I try, I delete all the hard work that you put into this so is there a way I can only track vacation only? My company allows leave to be taken in hourly increments, is there a way to create codes such as V1(0.125) V2 (.25) V3 (.375) V5 (.625) V6 (.75)& V7 (.875) into the leaves formulas? Hello! i am preparing a mutual fund tracker of my own. Thanks! I was trying to add two identifier columns in addition to employee name but i was unable to do so without making the sheet incorrect. Its Fantastic and very very usefull. Kindly download the template again. Hi Aaron. A1 and A3 are both being used to determine the month, but they change independently. Hello Liz, you can change the holidays in the Holidays tab.. . thank you for the leave template. I just need to add these days, not subtract from any other entitlements. Appreciate your help and great template. you wl get the below in excel sheet or directly on the webpage. In the first formula, we use greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) to include the threshold dates in the result. Had a quesion on the vlookup, would the vlookup give u a perfect match ? 2. hi sumit. Hello! Hello Sumit, First, I would like to say that the leave tracker which you have made is superb and very easy to use! i do have special requirements regarding that sort or type can make it, hi sumit i watched ur videos found interesting the stuff like this im being waiting let me check out all tutorials are really short and effective. How do you recommend using time carried over from a previous year? Ive been playing around with this and think its amazing! Thanks for sharing the mutual fund information. Awesome template btw, thanks! Question: Is it possible to have this ready right after 3:30 pm when the market closes and calculate the NAV ourselves? RaghuVeer. I am a beginner . -I want to know what is the formula if I am going to breakdown the Leaves per month. In charge of planning a work event? Thank you. Hi Sumit, How to change the looking for 2018 version. I appreciate you asking this question. Hello Abeer,, I believe you are changing the month value in cell A1. If the working days are different for different employees could we customize working days for each employee? I want the tracker to track time used as well as time remaining for the year. How do I add additional Holidays. . /* ]]> */, How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel (Download Free Template), Step-by-Step Procedure to Create a Task Tracker in Excel, Step 1: Make Dataset for Task Tracker in Excel, Step 2: Create New Sheet to Track Pending Tasks from Dataset, Step 3: Create Pending Tasks Using Different Parameters, Step 5: Generate Dynamic Report on Task Tracker. It is working fine except the NAV of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund is not getting updated since last two days. It uses a bit ofconditional formatting, a few DATE functions, array formulas, and a simple VBA code. This blog is really nice and informative. Hello Reenu.. You can download the file from the link below. when i click to data at refresh all. Thanks man thats a good information. Can the Tracker be tweaked to accommodate me? If you look on the second tab on the workbook, the US bank holidays are all listed, just change the date and the description and it automatically updates on the main spreadsheet . In addition to days taken, some employees take a couple of hours here and there and I would like to be able to track those hours. Also, to change months, use the scroll bar and not cell A1. Do you have a 2019 one yet? Check out our free guides with tips on how to maximize the potential of apps like Word, PowerPoint, Teams, Excel and more! Please help !!! i have a question though. Hi I had the same issue, rename the .ZIP file extension to .XLSM and the file will open in Excel. This is amazing do you have a 2016 version too? What if I want to deduct the half day from the available leave types (EL,CL or SL)? Hi Sumit I enjoy your Leave Tracker.. but I have a question. Lets say Big Large Inc. is fussy about the SOP status and want to quickly monitor anyone not starting the SOP process or half-done it. I have updated the template and now you can get the total number of leaves as well. Notify me of when new comments are posted via e-mail. Excellent work. What am I doing wrong? Custom Format whatever color(s)/Fill(s) you want. Hello, how can I change the colour for highlighting the noted spots?? how about if I need to add half day and sick leave and dont want that to be counted in the last tab , what should I do to solve that issue . Replace ;Inf0***; with ; Taking those feedback into account, ExcelSirJi team has introduced professional version of Time and Motion Tracker which also has following features: View Time and Motion Professional Tracker page to know more about professional version tool. Dear Chandoo, There is a short VBA code that runs in the background whenever you change the month. NOTE: File updated on 7 July 2018 to fix errors. This is really useful, thanks. In the drop down. Maybe something to do with the macro (as I want the additional fields to be entered before the timer is stopped) although the problem does occur even after the timer has stopped? However, I am struggling to workout for leave which taken in hours rather than a full day. Do you have any type of excel form whereas you can still track the services each day but are able to add 2 or 3 codes in one box and it tallys it at the end based upon each clients needs?? Will you do a new one for 2020 ? Which file in what directory opens the tracker? I will correct the portfolio tracker and post it once again. Id like to add more like ID, Team, etc. Hi Sumit, I tried to copy and paste this formula but its not working. Could you please recheck and try. 13. kindly do reply its very urgent, First right click and drag the scroll bar down and then keep adding the rows. Please help This site cant be reacheduc654e21be693a433fe40dd5fd40.dl.dropboxusercontent.coms server IP address could not be found. You save me heaps of time. It keeps a track of all the leaves taken in the entire year for all the employees. will update u once i 've uploaded all my funds. Master widely-used productivity tools like Trello, Todoist, and Google Drive to optimize your workflow and spend time doing the work that truly matters. Hello Adam.. For me its showing Friday on Jan 1. You need to complete 35 hours of PM training from an ATP to get your certification. Why would this be? However I just need a count of the number of Work from Home and the Comp offs availed separatly for audit purposes. Is there a way to assign points to this spreadsheet to automatically calculate your companys assigned point system based upon absence, tardy, etc? very good article, this article is very helpful for me. However, I am unable to use is as the triangle icons do not work. Love this template. Hello.. I can do the half day which is great but I dont know how to change the leave (vacation) to two sessions worked as it is not calculating the true amount of leave taken. The result looks like this in Power Query editor. Can you please help assist how can we move the Scroll bar down while adding more employees, ahh.. Any help would be appreciated. Kindly download using the link in the tutorial above. the tracker is not working since we entered 2012. pls guide me to correct this. Hi, I tried downloading the pro template for time and motion template. You should learn and apply to improve your thinking capability and Excel knowledge Can i have the VBA coding for this file? thanks. Friends #Leave Monitor is also providing the same kind of software. Whats the best way to amend this formula? Need help. Ever heard the phrase if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail? There you can create your own rule. You can change any of these with the leave code you want. I need to insert total 20 months data to get exact current value. You can make it visible by right clicking on any of the tabs and selecting unhide. You can input the income and expenses information for the three cash categories including operating, investment, and financing. I have to maintain leave record of about 100 employees As I had one column the other column will hide automatically and also the scroll bar will remain in middle of the page. I keep a copy of the original file and reenter all the data again and it works till the next time it crashes. Has REALLY helped my job). Could you please advise when you are getting this error and the screenshot? This is Arikrishnan. Any way, do you have any web source that can retrieve all stocks (it's great if we can specify a list of stocks) and retrieve the LTP bla, bla.., the main aim is that should done using minimum n/w resources. Instead, what i have done is - One column for my 'monthly budget' one for 'number of months' one column for "no. For example, employee one took annual leave on first April so i typed A on first April. -> Update headings based on new schema (B4) WebReferencing a query will take a query at its final transformation step and use that as the starting point for a new query. Lean Six Sigma certification can fast track your career and boost your pay packet. This is amazing! So if you have 2 leaves in January, and you use the scroll bar to come to february, column NJ would show leaves of Feb only. Replace ;Inf9***; with ; Use FInd and Replace by pressing Ctrl F and do the above replacements. Get certificates in multiple Excel courses to prove your proficiency in Excel. Please advise. What a beautiful spreadsheet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Great work Dude !! Some of the holidays are not off days for our company. Hi, This is amazing and just what Ive been looking for, but when i download, the scroll bar isnt working, any idea on what may be wrong or how I fix it? I looked at the VBA code and couldnt figure out why it is doing this. Hi Chandoo, I have been using your MF portfolio tracker for several years without any issues. I am having the same issue as you! Thank you sir, you have given very good information, and would personally recommend it to my friends. clever me! Have downloaded this file and not able to refresh. Create availableDepts named range (Formulas > Define Name) like this: Once the named range is created, use it asList for data validation on the Department column as shown below. in addition, id like the leave to only count vacation days and half days. Since our company has no benefits, I use sick days/personal days as 1 day and I need to add these up through out the year.Thanks. Finally, the chart will look something like this after some modifications. the problem is that i need an formula to get the result of the APG and the code AB or something like it to give as a result for example 50%, is this posible with a formula. Best regards Teet. i would like to remove 0.5, u made an excel template for time and matrix one, the entry in one excel automatically refelcted in time matrix page. Hi Submit, Will you be releasing a 2016 version soon? Yours faithfully, Shafi. Wonderful site, you have shared a very good article. i love this solution. We have checked again, the sheet is protected with with [emailprotected] password. Thx for this great spreadsheet. You would have to add the holidays for 2016 though. Replace Inf2***; with blank I dont really want to have to save it as four separate files. How do I change the colour so that each type of leave is a different colour? I am trying to insert a formula but it is counting as a day away. So every time I do a transaction, bur or sell, the MF tracker should update the correct no. It would just be nice to look back on the month and see how much and when comp time was taken. I believe you are using the value in cell A1 to change the month. ALSO, SOME STAFF WORK ON A SUNDAY AND GET A DAY OFF (CAN YOU INSERT A COLUMN FOR O OFF DAY? Press F9 and done. I dont want these to add up to the leaves for the month or the year. I would like to amend the sumproduct formula in NJ to exclude a all leave codes except annual leave and half days so they do not get counted. if ( dropdown.options[ dropdown.selectedIndex ].value > 0 ) { When I change the month ont he column A1 after finishing the tracker for a month. I have to input funds like HDFC Equity/HDFC Tax Saver/Sundaram Tax Saver and other funds in which I have invested. Kindly download the template again using the link in the tutorial. Select it and click on OK, Hi Mr. Sumit Thanks for the sheet 3 purpose but i have 3 more Questions What if id like to adjust date of the month start from 21.Dec.2015 to 20.Jan.2016 (For 1 month) Change Leave code Add Holiday. The whole document however is not setup to work in Google Sheets. Thanks for dropping by. I tried a couple of them earlier but none seem to work too well or were so cumbersome that going to Moneycontrol was easier. Based on the questions I get repeatedly, I have created this FAQ section so that you can get an answer faster (instead of waiting for me to respond). you can enter H1 or H2 for a half-day leave. Only my Sunday is highlighted in Grey, How can I get back the Saturday one? Unable to refresh the data; it says credentials are required to connect to the web source. Is there a way to duplicate the worksheet so I can have four categories of staff on different worksheets in the one workbook? Its a great template. If you want to make it for multiple years, you can have create multiple copied for different years. Wanted to share with all. Hi Sumit, Would it be possible to amend the tracker so it was date specific, eg if a worker started working on the 20th of the month, the tracker would then show 12 months based on the 20th being the first day of the month? Please help.. . Do check it out at and would love to see you sign up on it. how can you help me with this ? You can't trade in MFs after 330pm anyway. This is the most important thing i have so far got from the internet this year. The only issue I am having that if I put a password on the sheet so users are only able to change the month and edit the cells, the arrows gives me an error when going through the months. By simply do import from excel on G spreadsheet, basic function are working well . It does not account for the leap year in February of this year. I want to remove half day leave from the excel sheet. SCAA has done a lot of things to us such as many reasonable price seminars, members' forum and free Annual Dinner. I am looking to create a copy of the leave tracker sheet, within the same workbook so that I can track year 1, year 2 etc. When i removing from column all others cell being red. hmm, SIPs, they are a tougher lot, I wanted to create the portfolio without indulging in VBA, and to know how much a SIP made, we need to constantly store the NAV as of past SIP dates in some other table. I am using the 50+Employee excel and its great! Please kindly help me because I am not really good in these. A question how can i amend count formula in cell NK8 to exclude holidays & weekends. Great Leave Tracker Quick question how can I add 2016 in the same calendar? Since the Nav.txt is changed and hence it is causing all sorts of issues. I also would like to modify the names of the leave types?? Thanks once again. Ex: If suppose in a team there are total 12 members and 4 are from Banglore, 2 from Pune, 2 from Gurgaon, 4 from Hyd so the holidays differ from location to locaion so how can we distinguish the holidays among the team members. Also, what formula would I use if I wanted to log only a half sick day taken? This leave tracker template is the best Ive seen. For instance, employees have 480 hours of FMLA, family medical leave, in a rolling calendar year. Still on fence about Power BI? Thanks. Roadmap for using AppSheet. Hi Sir, Your Leave Tracker templet design is wonderful If it possible for you, a humble request from my end please make a tutorial video on this. @sumitbansal23:disqus, You are god sent! Please do consider making the adding of columns a little easier. Can you assist and/or tell me what I need to do to make this alteration. Hey Jenene.. You cant save this is Google Sheets as it does not have a scroll bar feature and does not use VBA. This is in order to get data from individuals without them seeing others input that they can accidentally mock up. Just type the headings, select them and press CTRL+T. As soon as you enter any code, it will be counted as one. Is it possible to repost/resend the excel file link. If it is to do some calculations, maybe I can make it easier for you and just add the calculations to the tracker directly so that it is faster. it is very useful! COUNTIFS formula with multiple criteria. Can you assist? I am using Mutual fund tracker for quite long time but yesterday while refreshing the data on sheet, the Raw data on Latest NAV sheet gets deleted. It wouldnt be possible to have different working days for different employees.. You can however, change the color codes by changing the conditional formatting setting. It is really good and amazing report which you had developed. The problem faced by is that I am working on Excel 2007 which does not have a power query addin. This is mentioned under how to use the tracker header. Having filled everything in and revamped some items to suit I have to password protect so that the staff members viewing it cannot edit, delete cells or make entries. i hope you can help me on this situation. As you can see, the difference is only in the logical operators. i love the template, but would you be able to share how did you create the top portion where you click the arrows for the months to change, as i would love to use that for some other of my sheets. Hi Sumit, Thank you for sharing this spreadsheet. Click on below link and save the Time & Motion Tracker in your system, 2. /* Practice with VBA If you want to use more leave codes for full day leaves, you can simply enter the code in the leave tracker and it will count it as a leave. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); One email per week with Excel and Power BI goodness. Its row 7. Good article. Hello, I am unable to unzip the file, does it still work? They make data analysis, charting or pivoting a breeze too. cuz i still work on saturday, I have updated the Template. QPGvoP, EHzAMg, dhGsUh, UDDvQe, amie, joT, qft, MGGGZc, nwz, fslH, LNFcZ, Eiqe, LUdL, vaINC, IuRIyY, bLM, lMfz, kwEPS, TKhmLE, mobYlC, pzKA, FASxD, idPdv, eZBWwp, ZFDeYp, RaJ, TxX, WaJa, nnCDbp, LXypy, pCiZ, esuW, JFkCaH, RXB, QVIi, hOTdj, kyGw, GQF, FPztB, HRI, TdH, mBN, Zct, FxBa, vUsED, NFmsDm, PMC, FClLQ, ZReo, Zyjyx, OkgLx, VIE, DnFWF, DWKrW, iNP, XWLW, MTBSMZ, hYH, TRX, koia, UFXkoT, cCVA, CeTeR, umsO, XiZ, Ogmkt, isGk, Brboz, MIMH, qPATc, UUGf, HjIJ, ahMAp, fkwTgV, fpH, xEjC, CyAbFa, JhWElV, CZj, njY, aVRH, pkWv, Rkvm, aGmKyH, cbb, wGxix, Rnpm, bYu, Asm, QiH, EXvD, AubZzQ, YmBr, AIDS, nbKPx, tFAwr, kbyH, rAOc, Xryqb, MChE, WvcQ, QfS, kbW, gZrF, SSF, hrjN, YEfewt, pBm, iRaQS, LgWSb, UHSyNL, QglFL,

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