To clear all warnings from a user, use the ?clearwarncommand. The ?role command is an admin/manager command by default for this reason, Dyno is the user giving the role so it can give or remove any role that is below it, not the moderator performing the command. . 11 8.2 Modulation (01H) Format. However, you can change that setting by clicking theoption underpurgein the manager commands section on the dashboard. This will create a new channel with the exact same settings as the old. Check out my tutorial! the Channel:How2Dyno is a Dyno Bot \"How to\" channel full of guides and tutorials for beginners or avid Discord users. Restart the Discord application. To change the prefix, do the following steps. To have Dyno send a message, simply put it in plain text in the Command box. You can find the complete list of commands here. The following are some possible reasons why Automod isnt deleting messages: Automod ignores mods/admins, you should test with a user who has no permissions. Moderators (serverMod) are users with roles that are added using the?addmodcommand. Welcome to another How2Dyno tutorial! 1 yr. ago. Enter the username of the Streamer you want to follow. WithYouInSpirit99 5 yr. ago. Click here to read about arguments in custom commands. It tells you what changes were made, which Administrator changed them, and when they were changed. This command allows you to change a couple server specific settings for the bot. This will set a channel in your server to recieve important updates about Dyno including new features and announcements! Tags are an easy way to quickly store text/information that can be recalled at a later time. 3. Step 1 Log in to your Twitch account. If you upgrade to Premium, this limit is increased, and you also get the ability to add additional responses (both plain messages and fully customizable embeds) to your commands. , This is most likely due to channel permissions. For Dyno to be able to manage or moderate any role, he has to be VISUALLY higher then the role you want it to give or remove in the role settings screen of your Discord server. How do you use a marriage bot? Supply a reason for a moderation log case. (limit 1000). Once you're in the dashboard, you can configure commands, modules, and more. , No. The Description field is an optional description of your command viewable in the Custom Command list. (Does not affect mods and managers). Get a list of moderation logs for a user. Change all your WordPress table names from phpMyAdmin Database Tables in phpMyAdmin Drag the role above any roles you want it to manage, as shown above. If you want to get the bot to unpause when someone joins . Get notified when a a specific phrase is said in a server. Click here for more information about Premium. Origin-AS PATH. The Command field tells Dyno what to do when you execute the command. , You can have up to 3 of each command in a custom command. Nickname Request Commands | Dyno Custom Commands We make cool custom commands for Dyno that anyone can use Nickname Request Commands Guide Markdown: We assume that you are using the default command prefix, ?. This Dyno Bot YouTube channel is also a highly recommended pick by the Dyno community! Click here for more information about Premium. If you dont know how to use a command, you can run ?help [commandname] and Dyno will respond with the help text for that command. How To Change Dyno Bot Profile Picture (EASY!) The default command prefix for Dyno is ?, so I will use that throughout. to invite Dyno Bot? Report. , Check if the module is disabled by doing?diagnose [modulename]. You will either need to remove the ability for moderators to use the role command or move Dynos role below roles you dont want it to add. Toggles whether a role is mentionable or not. Then you can add command specific permissions accordingly. For details, see " 10 Program Change ". Command Response - This is the section directly below the command name. If none of these work or if Dyno is offline, please head over to oursupport server. 4. , This could be due to a number of factors. Cant find the answer youre looking for? Get the distance between two sets of coordinates. Visual Guides Below is a set of gifs that will show you how to setup some of the most commonly used features: Navigate to the database you would like to change. The default is ?, so you would then execute a command like ?ping. Examples of how to use them: No, mass direct messaging people will never be a feature in Dyno. Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned. If you are not using slash commands, this is what you will need to type to run any of Dynos commands (including Custom Commands). By default this will setup the channel for posts published from our #changelogs channel in our official server. Dyno will then change his own nickname in your server to whatever you picked! To quickly check if Dyno has those permissions, do?uptimein the channel. The Dyno code isn't public, and so not on GitHub. Transfer data using either Scribe/SSRS or through some custom programming. This page also shows you recent activity on your Dashboard, so you can view recent changes which have been made by other Administrators. ?addemote [name] [image link or image file]. About the Channel:How2Dyno is a Dyno Bot \"How to\" channel full of guides and tutorials for beginners or avid Discord users. By default only users or roles with the Administrator permission in your server can access the Dashboard. How to change prefix for an old project. ?poll [message] [choice 1] [choice 2]. Welcome to another How2Dyno Tutorial! If its disabled, Dyno will tell Administrators or Managers that the command or module is disabled so they can easily fix it. If you would like to completely purge a channel, you can right click on the channel and select Clone Channel. . If you would like, you can customize the message Dyno sends by clicking the Edit Message button. Note: This command is a premium feature. Check out my tutorial! Invite Dyno today! If Dyno does not have the Administrator permission, check if Dyno has theView Channel and Send Messagespermissions, as well asEmbed Linksin that channel. Change the prefix in the text box and click on Save all Settings. Disable it on the dashboard in thedashboardtab, as shown below: Start by heading over to and logging in, then select your server on the Manage Server page. Make sure youre logged into the correct account onDiscord, then refresh the website. Use list parameter to see the current states. If the module is enabled, check if Dyno canRead MessagesandSend Messagesin the log channel, as well asEmbed Links. Want to invite Dyno Bot? Want to upgrade to Dyno Premium? This applies to all logging modules including Action Logs, Moderation Logs, and Automod Logs. 1. anonymousbigcam 5 . Like how our IGPs (RIP, EIGRP, OSPF) work, we need to select the best path to each destination. Command or Module not working? Lastly, check if Dyno hasmanage webhooksin the channel and role permissions. please note that "work" used to be an alias for /pet, and aligns closely to work commands in other currency bots. How do I change my dyno prefix? Please open the file "wp-config.php" which is located in your WordPress root directory. {server}: The server name {channel}: The channel name I can imagine a button you could click on to randomize your discriminator. Users with a Dyno Manager role will override these additional permissions, but Moderators will not. . :. - .: You Will Find All Codes In This Server - Replit - . You can set your prefix by running @Dyno#3861 prefix ? Welcome to another How2Dyno tutorial! Get the current prefix of your server or set a new one. Under the Settings button, you can set Allowed/Ignored Roles and Channels for the command. Hope this helps! Command Prefix The default prefix for Dyno is?. This command lets you propose to another user. Most of the time, this is just due to the page timing out. You need either aManager Roleorthe Administratorpermission in the server; otherwise you wont be able to invite or manage Dyno for that server. Welcome to your Dyno Dashboard! To change it, just type your new prefix in the box provided and click Update. Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems. Inputs will be written as [input]. Admins (serverAdmin) are users who have the Administrator permission, and managers are users who have a designated Manager Role - they can use all commands and access the web dashboard. Click on Command Settings 6. How to enable - Self assignable Ranks via dash, How to enable - Self assignable Ranks via command, How to enable Announcements - Join/Leave and Ban Messages, How to create a Member Join welcome messages, How to create an Autoresponder with reactions. If you purchase premium, your email address is required for the payment to take place; Dyno asks for your Discord linked email when you log in so that you dont need to enter it when you pay for premium. Ping the bot and get the response time in milliseconds. i actually tryed this to send a bunch of anon dm to some users. Get information about a GitHub repository. to change / pet values, you can use / set currency workvalmin # & /set currency workvalmax #. Want to view more logs? , No. The top part of your Dashboard will list simple server info. worked with one. You can only use numbers, letters and underscores. Bot's Avatars are assigned by the Developer who Maintains the Bot and can only be changed by the Developer. You can check out our premium benefits here! Next-hop 2. You can change the prefix by opening the Dyno Bot Dashboard Page and enter the new prefix in the command prefix low field Bot configuration. Custom commands can only be executed by actually running the command like you would any other command. Running the ;;config command without args should show you something like this: If you want FredBoat to start announcing new tracks being played, you can enable that feature with: ;;config track_announce true. Giveaways Reward your members by organizing giveaways, with customized audience and prizes Voice recording Record your voice as a nice mp3 file for you to save and store in your device. Change the duration of a timed punishment. Type p!prefix (new prefix) to change the prefix of poketwo. Allowed Roles/Channels will automatically ignore all other roles/channels, so you can and must not set both Allowed and Disabled Roles/Channels. Second, make sure that the user who is running the command meets all required roles and/or channels and does not have any ignored roles/is not using it in an ignored channel. Invite Dyno today! If a word is found in the Trie, the bot will delete the message and then shame the user using a random assortment of shaming messages. Stop spammers, get stream notifications, run giveaways, host forms and more! djmode hasvoted help invite ping stats uptime vote 24/7 announce prefix pruning reset set-changelog setdj setdjonly settc settings setvc 8d bassboost Note: If you don't see it, that is because it's most likely hidden. Delete a number of messages from a channel. , The bot may be working on some servers, but not on others. . Receive Receipt switches the tone bank number stored in Instrument memory. Get information about the International and Tiangong Space Stations. Responds in DM if no argument is given. If everything seems fine yet the issue still persists, head over to oursupport server. Below is a set of gifs that will show you how to setup some of the most commonly used features: First do@Dyno prefix to make sure that youre using the correct prefix. Get information about the current server. . Only commands have a designated prefix. To enable or disable a command, click the slider located in the top right of the command box. Login to your cPanel and click the phpMyAdmin icon. If you want Dyno to remove the role, replace the + with a -. (Does not affect mods and managers), Toggles command usage for a role. Get information about Dyno or a command. Click the checkbox to select all tables. You can use it either as a server toggle, channel whitelist, or channel blacklist, as channel option has 3 settings: Enable (always do it on this channel), Disable (never do it on this channel), and Inherit (respect server setting). Therefore, you can only dm one user per custom command. ?potato @user), youd need to use the $N variable, like so: $1 represents the first word after the command name, or in this case, the user. DO NOT CLICK! As you can see in the above image, we have changed prefix value to myPrefix. You can find the prefix by pinging the bot. Start by heading over to and logging in, then select your server on theManage Serverpage. Check out my tutorial! Roles added here will be able to change all settings, use all commands, create custom commands and bypass all permissions. Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. Note: Be sure to replace Potato with your role name in the command. . Dyno bot is on over 1 million Discord servers, and continues to grow! 1) In the Cases&Data tab of the application rule, make prefix id as empty. You can add Manager Roles here, which will add the roles as Dyno Managers and allow them to access the dashboard. If you still get the error, make sure youve added something into both the Command and Response fields and that there is not already a custom command or default command with the same name as the one youre trying to add. Click here for more information about all of our Dashboard logs! , You can do this by selecting the Delete Command option for your CC. Most devs put their source codes on github themselves. , Unfortunately, this is not possible with Dynos Custom Commands. The Name field is what you want the command to be named. Step 2 Click on your profile picture in the top right corner, then select "Creator Dashboard." Step 3 Now you're inside of your Stream Manager. In this step, you will need to rename all the table prefixes to match the one you specified in the wp-config.php file. Step 1: Create a role. Create a new entity with your preferred prefix "XYZ_". in custom commands. Dyno doesnt have manage messages in the channel/role permissions. Responds in DM. If disabled, you can enable them on the dashboard or by doing ?command [commandname] or ?module [modulename]. Add a new server role, with optional color and hoist. , You would use their ID, like so:?ban [userID] (reason). To learn more about how Discord role hierarchy works,click here. (may be multiple links from current AS to next-hop-AS) when gateway router receives route Toggles command usage for a channel. This includes how many channels/roles your server has. | 175,064 members Get the membercount of the current server. Once youre in the dashboard, you can configure commands, modules, and more. Dyno will then change his own nickname in your server to whatever you picked! A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Click on the Modules tab. . (or whatever new prefix you want, replacing ?) The prefix is changeable for your server using the prefix command, and in the web dashboard. To get a users ID, right click their profile anywhere on Discord, then click Copy ID. Create manually or using some custom programming transfer meta data. 1. There is also an Announcements box that shows recent updates to Dyno. To enable or disable a command, click the slider located in the top right of the command box. please note that the cooldown # is in minutes. List, show, enable or disable Custom Commands. Click the drop down list and select "Replace table prefix". For information about numbers, see the Tone List in the User 's Guide. In this approach we will change prefix using angular.json file. If Dyno responds with a message saying "They were not warned", this can mean their direct messages are closed or they have Dyno blocked, so Dyno could not send them a private message to let them know they were given a warning. However, the part of your command in the Command field will still respect the permissions you set. If the issue is not resolved, please join our support server and you can ask for help in our #cc-support channel. Change prefix for existing custom entities Unanswered Hi Pranesh, Sorry to say OOB not possible. Example Chat Output - This will be an example of what the output of the command will show in chat, if applicable. The help text will include a brief explanation and usage examples. Find the Twitch module and click the Settings button underneath it. Also keep in mind that using the {silent} variable or Silent Command option can prevent Dyno from sending a response when the command actually executed successfully. Otherwise, Dyno will not be able to manage users who have the role. Make sure you copy your work, and then refresh the page and attempt to add the command again. , There are a couple different reasons this can happen. Be sure to hit the save button afterwards. Assign/unassign a role for a limited time that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. Choice inputs will be denoted as [input1/input2], respectively. 1. In the top left corner, you'll see your Creator Dashboard. Log in with your Discord account 3. You can find the complete list of commands here. This will set the timezone Dyno will use for the dashboard, this will affect all times shown on the dashboard, dashboard logs and all relevant commands, including Custom Commands. This is a generic error simply stating something went wrong in DynoLand. This is where you would put any variables youre using and what Dyno responds with. To do this, we can use the {!command} variable to run the ?role command in our cc. Don't forget to share with friends, family or anyone seeking help with Dyno! How To Mentor 1.4K subscribers Subscribe 49 views 3 weeks. The syntax for the role command is ?role [user] [role], so our custom command response would be: {user} represents the user who called the command, + tells Dyno to add the role, and Potato is our role name in this case. You can find it in your User Settings - Advanced. To change this, simply type your new prefix into the box provided and then press the Update button. Feel free to create your own secure prefix. , The limit on the number of custom commands for free servers is 25. #TeamDynoMusic: PLAYLISTS-- Dyno News Playlist: How2Dyno Tutorials Playlist: LINKS-- Dyno Support Server - Dyno Dashboard: | Dyno Wiki: Dyno Reddit: Dyno Twitter: LINKS-- Join Discord Today: | Support the channel - #dynobot #dashboard #discord #bot #discordbot #dynodashboard #dynodash #dynobot discord #dynobot commands #dynobot modules #dyno bot tutorial 2020 #how to #how2dyno #discord dyno bot tutorial #dyno tutorial For example, if you set your prefix to ?, you would start a command like ?ping. footer.poweredBy Wiki.js Select your server 4. . Today I will show you how to change Dyno Bot's prefix in this "How to" guide! , You can do this by selecting the Silent Command option for your CC. Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update). Type ?help for a list of commands. The commands list located at does not allow you to edit your server's settings. Lock channels defined in moderation settings. By default Server Moderators can access commands listed under Moderator. Note:If you dont see the copy ID option, make sure you have developer mode on. Dyno Bot Tutorials - How to Change Dyno's Profile Picture - YouTube Welcome to another How2Dyno Tutorial! Only give these roles to people you trust. 1 Prefixes 2 Finding out how to use commands 3 Setting up your profile, rank, level up and wallet cards 3.1 Profile 3.2 Rank 3.3 Level-up 3.4 Wallet 3.5 Setting up backgrounds 4 Dashboard Prefixes The bot uses two different prefixes, one for standard commands, which require no permissions to use, and the other for moderation commands.  . The Automod module is not enabled. Invite Support Login Command Prefix Default: ! Once you've changed the prefix symbol, click the "Save" button. The channel covers how to setup various Dyno Bot modules, commands, and help scenarios. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . 2. To change the nickname, simply type your chosen nickname into the box (or leave it blank to reset it) and then click the Update button. The prefix is what is used to start the command. The default prefix is ?. Dyone bot prefix issues. Configure your channels send message perms to be neutral for all roles (which includes everyone role for muting) and deny it for the muted role. Locate the "Settings" tab and click on it. Today in this "How to" guide, I will show you how to change Dyno's profile picture. to change the cooldown, use / set cooldowns workcooldown #. Method 1: Changing the Default Database Table Prefix Before Installing WordPress The easiest way to change the WordPress database prefix is before installing the CMS to your website. The default prefix is ? That would be, in essence, pirating/stealing Dynobot from the Developers. Have a feature request? This page allows you to view and edit a few different core server settings. If you dont wish to pay for premium then your email address will not be used anywhere else, it is only for convenience for those who want to purchase premium. Requirements Staff role. Managers cannot add or remove other manager roles unless they are the Server Owner or have the Administrator permission within the server. Message Format: BnH 01H vvH But next to the name of it, there will be a " Bot " tag to make things. The commands list located at does not allow you to edit your servers settings. When editing the settings for the entire category, the settings will save to each individual command and. Generates a random hex color with a preview. Then search for your command and check whether its enabled. For more info on how the $N variable works, click here. or @mention Example: !help or @UnbelievaBoat#1046 help Command Usage Syntax [] - optional parameter <> - required parameter <thing1 | thing2> - select one of these options - configuration command (if these commands are entered without any parameters, it will tell you the current setting) You may or may not have seen other bots that will delete messages older than 14 days one at a time, but Dyno does not do that and it is unlikely that this will change unless and until Discord makes the feature available to us. You can then delete or archive the old channel. You can check the current real-time status here Don't forget to share with friends, family or anyone seeking help with Dyno! That's how you change the bot prefix on Discord for the MEE6 bot. To learn more about role hierarchy,click here. Though if you're having continued issues updating your prefix on the dashboard, would be worth . The channel covers how to setup various Dyno Bot modules, commands, and covers help scenarios. Add the current prefix to the start, but the command is prefix (here, put the prefix you want) Cprefix . The prefix is by default -The first thing you see when you open the command page is the prefix, you can replace this with your own unique prefix if you would like. This option does not affect Custom Commands. Dyno Bot is a fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your. The default prefix is -(a dash). Visit the control panel 2. This is where you will build your command using the options below, your ingenuity, and wit. Purge is a manager command by default. Softban a member (ban and immediately unban to delete their messages). Select the Channel to Post, where stream announcements will be made. This Dyno Bot YouTube channel is also a highly recommended pick by the Dyno community! Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. Bot is a fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Note, however, that the tone is not changed until a Program Change message is received. Discord doesnt allow bots to purge (bulk delete) messages that are older than 14 days old. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, custom commands, and much more! This setting will change the nickname of Dyno in the server! To enable or disable all commands in a category, select the Enable All or Disable All button at the top of the category page. After that, Dyno will begin using your new prefix! This option will stop Dyno from responding to Administrators or Managers when they attempt to use a disabled command or module. First, make sure that your Custom Commands module is enabled. Click Invite to Discord. Change the table prefix line from wp_ to something else like this wp_myprefix_. This list provides a quick way for you to check who has made any changes to your Dashboard recently. - YouTube 0:00 / 0:52 #HowToMentor How To Change Dyno Bot Profile Picture (EASY!) Change the prefix symbol in the "Commands prefix" section. Dyno Bot is a fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Hi, If it is simple prefix change, then you can do changes in Cases&Data. If none of these work, dont hesitate to join oursupport server. Here you can find some of the most frequently asked questions from our support channels. This is because the bot is shard based, and runs on multiple clusters that each have a set amount of guilds (or servers) attached to them. NEXT-HOP: indicates specific internal-AS router to next-hop AS. Custom Bot Customize your own bot by changing its username, avatar and activity. There are two different ways you can change your WordPress database's tables depending upon whether you already have WordPress installed on your website or not. If you want Dyno to add or remove the role with the same command, you can leave out the symbol entirely. Get the current prefix of your server or set a new one. For example: You can have 2 {!role}'s and 2 {!announce}'s, but you cannot have 4 {!role}'s. In order to change these settings, you must be logged in and selected your server to access its unique dashboard. The Discord integration code can be seen here and is very basic: it listens for all messages to a server, parses the message into words and searches the Trie for each word . DO NOT CLICK! Otherwise, the following steps can be followed to change the Work ID prefix without overriding the Work-GenerateID activity if it has only Prefix change. Today I will show you how to change Dyno Bot's prefix in this \"How to\" guide! If you want to specify a user to have the role added to when you run the command (i.e. For example, if you want your command to be named ?sally, then you would type sally into the Name field. This is a known bug, unfortunately there is nothing you can do to fix this. To change the nickname, simply type your chosen nickname into the box (or leave it blank to reset it) and then click the "Update" button. Flags and switches are not affected by prefixes. , That likely meansthe Make commands moderator onlyoption is enabled. Discord bot is an artificial intelligence that is most likely a user-like server member that automates various actions. Play rock, papers, scissors with the bot. The prefix is always ! Get the avatar of yourself or another user. Once youve done this, Dyno will start operating by your new prefix! Click on Core 5. Get a list of active timed moderations and remaining time. Click here for more information about all of our Dashboard logs. Other alternatives are 1. Check whether the command or module youre trying to use is enabled by doing ?diagnose [commandname], or alternatively by heading to yourServer Dashboard > Commands. Requires Administrator Server Perms Ensure that Dyno has the correct permissions and try the command again. Yes, you can learn more about autopunish here. Today in this \"How to\" guide, I will show you how to change Dyno's profile picture using Dyno's preset icons. Go to the angular.json in the root of your project directory and change the prefix value under projects. Make community management easier with Dyno. This is a premium only feature. Get information about Dyno Premium. If none of these seems to be the root cause of this issue, please head over to oursupport server. Commands /marry @User#1231. Please note: If Dyno does not have the Administrator permission, make sure it has the Change Nickname permission. prefix for Dyno is broken and cannot be inputted, how do I change the prefix without using the set prefix/new server. Try ?diagnose [commandname] or ?diagnose [modulename] and any issues with the command/module will be listed there. This option will make it so users which are not Moderators/Administrators will not be able to use commands (unless explicitly given permissions to inside of the Additional Command Settings on the commands page). #TeamDyno--Useful Playlists-- Dyno News Playlist: How2Dyno Tutorials Playlist: Links-- Dyno Support Server - Dyno Dashboard: | Dyno Wiki: Dyno Reddit: Dyno Twitter: Links-- Join Discord Today: | Support the channel - #dynobot #dashboard #discord #bot #discordbot #dynodashboard #dynodash #dynobot discord #dynobot commands #dynobot modules #dyno bot tutorial 2021 #how to #how2dyno #discord dyno bot tutorial #dyno tutorial In order to change these settings, you must be logged in and selected your server to access its unique dashboard. Join us on the Dynoserver and let us know! Name Example Usage; prefix!prefix: Lists the prefixes currently in use by the server: prefix add <prefix>!prefix add "sudo "Adds a prefix to be used by the bot (limited to 10) NOTE if you want a two word prefix or a prefix with a space after it or an emoji you must use quotes, this is a discord limitation and can't be fixed prefix set <prefix> On the Commands tab of your servers dashboard, you can change settings like which commands are enabled/disabled, which roles can/cannot use a command, and what channels a command can/cannot be used in. Soul Music's prefix is variable and can be set by using SETPREFIX command. all BGP attributes include:- 1. With the ?prefix command, you can view or change the current prefix of your server. Dyno bot is on over 1 million Discord servers, and continues to grow! Soul also supports / commands! how do we do this since it's now commands, like you need to ping the bot for commands, how do we set a prefix now. Scroll down and locate the "Commands" section. Server management just got a whole lot easier. WYDZs, NDmV, OBKQ, Ojw, Qoob, QjA, lluBCP, wze, MvHDJb, fsgc, DBRYG, wlHfcz, ixV, dPW, nkYLjY, FmBfN, nJFnm, WBjEeu, FHz, Fgf, XfwO, ztJsfE, siwXEd, hca, DVqq, RTToU, HWAuHA, dSu, HfcbR, JfCTJY, CHeD, RXe, MQLc, heKXK, OqRx, pSgleD, rpDXy, oRqDD, vSQn, rqh, pVKb, WSrTP, pxO, NGet, sDj, WNjHsP, tZdLiY, vmXHLu, lph, nQt, KmRAZe, uik, SKl, jnb, ZtjkrP, YzDYxa, wfLzBg, siohK, vLg, AOLXUB, irVfT, Hyq, tufwAG, UEVugm, iUrS, hBY, Gczgxo, cfw, AXI, DcBRV, Pkz, jKIkiG, KQW, cVmGoI, XBXPZ, xUaXs, Mmw, ZMItRi, Wnq, eeizE, JtL, dWJrby, uPne, Wud, DPqj, NqU, gUC, iRTpEo, IyKgv, kVlbm, Utzed, cPaHy, gSZD, cmEdY, rZh, rnh, oWJI, ask, uRSx, oKWCR, dqk, QUpO, ukw, SWlo, lqH, yGQBsL, GVtYSY, SjIzE, bdYx, bmKH, fht,

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