www.worldbank.org/en/programs/icp, 51 INDDEX Project. COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: how to respond. Women in agriculture: closing the gap for development. c. Utilization If food is available and households have adequate access to it, the next question is whether or not households are maximizing the consumption of adequate nutrition and energy. 31 Eales, J.S. 2011. 123 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Table A5.2 shows own- and cross-price elasticities estimated by Green et al. Since all data from the PovcalNet tool44 are expressed in USD 2011, the costs of the diets measured in 2017 were adjusted to USD 2011 costs. pre-harvest periods) and disease (rainy season and diarrhoea, malaria, etc. 296 Upton, J. [Cited 20 May 2020]. As elaborated in Section 2.2 of this report, healthy diets can play an important role in an overall strategy towards reducing diet-related health costs and environmental costs. 288 Tiwari, S., Daidone, S., Ruvalcaba, M.A., Prifti, E., Handa, S., Davis, B., Niang, O., Pellerano, L., Quarles van Ufford, P. & Seidenfeld, D. 2016. (also available at https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/39307/1/LCW260_en.pdf). All of this is exacerbated by a large presence of internally displaced populations, which is also affecting neighbouring countries. As for nutrition, progress is being made on decreasing child stunting and low birthweight and increasing exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. The region has seen a rise in hunger in the past few years, with the number of undernourished people increasing by 9 million between 2015 and 2019. www.fooddive.com/news/why-are-organic-food-prices-dropping/546806. Potential scenarios may take different shapes, depending on the kind of policies that will be put in place and the time they will take to start showing their impact. Penang, Malaysia, The WorldFish Centre. 345 Van Ameringen, M. 2014. Urbanization, diet change, and transformation of food supply chains in Asia. 339 Esfarjani, F., Roustaee, R., Roustaee, R., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, F., Mohammadi-Nasrabadi, F., Esmaillzadeh, A. In children under five years of age, stunting is defined height-for-age less than -2 standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median. 2019. TRANSFORMING FOOD SYSTEMSFOR 2020. Since the last edition of this report, the FBS series used to estimate the average DES has been revised with improved methods for most countries. 2020. This includes foods high in trans fats, such as margarine, processed food, and fast food. ai An alternative would have been to adopt social cost of carbon values obtained for different discount rates (by which future damages are converted to present values) for a reference path with current policies, or to adopt social cost of carbon values for an optimal control path, but neither of these options fulfilled stated policy objectives with respect to limiting climate change. & Berdegu, J. Methodology: Nationally representative estimates of low birthweight prevalence can be derived from a range of sources, broadly defined as national administrative data or representative household surveys. 251 FAO. 93 GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators. 114 WFP. Generally, there is a negative association between food prices and the quantity of food demanded, while the association is positive between income and the quantity of food demanded. New food balances. Penang, Malaysia and Washington, DC, The WorldFish Centre and IFPRI. However, since an HEI needs to be developed, validated and updated whenever the FBDGs are revised, these indices are not very common, and currently not available for any lower-middle-income countries. Current food consumption patterns and the food systems that support them are both major drivers of negative environmental impacts and climate change, creating a vicious circle. 35 Alvarez-Sanchez, C., Moltedo, A., Troubat, N., Manyani, T., Yassin, F., Kepple, A. they are more price inelastic). As for nutrition, progress is being made on decreasing child stunting and low birthweight and on increasing exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. First, the least-cost to meet energy and nutrient requirements for this reference group is approximately at the median level of the least-costs for all sex-age groups over the life cycle.40 Therefore, this reference group is a good representation of the population as a whole. 2016. Addressing low productivity in food production can be an effective way of raising the overall supply of food, including nutritious foods, by reducing food prices and rising incomes, especially for the poorer family farmers and smallholder producers in low-income and lower-middle-income countries, like farmers, pastoralists and fisherfolk. These determinants are in turn underpinned by other socio-economic and demographic factors.50,51,52,c When pregnancy occurs during adolescence, demands for ongoing maternal growth limit the nutrients available for the fetus, which can lead to childhood stunting.46 Growth failure often continues after birth, as a reflection of suboptimal breastfeeding practices and inadequate complementary feeding and control of infection.53 The complementary feeding period, generally corresponding to age 624 months, represents an important period of sensitivity to stunting with lifelong, possibly irreversible consequences.54 Therefore, focusing on the critical 1 000-day window from conception to the childs second birthday is key. Relationship of food insecurity to womens dietary outcomes: a systematic review. The adoption of healthy diets that include sustainability considerations would reduce the social cost of GHG emissions by an estimated 4174 percent in 2030. The local Turkana county government is in the process of taking over the retail engagement activities and monitor market conditions in Kakuma, gradually increasing its capacity to facilitate smallholder producers and traders access to markets and optimize food supply chain management. Beyond hunger, a growing number of people have had to reduce the quantity and quality of the food they consume. This has implications for cost and affordability, and risk of micronutrient deficiencies.67 Within the same household, the cost of a nutrient adequate diet is not the same for everyone, as members are generally at different stages of life. Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity in sustainable food systems. 36 Allen, L.H., Carriquiry, A.L. ax Prices fluctuate, so the least-cost set of items will vary by time, and by marketplace; there is no constant set of items that are always least-cost. The increasing trend in childhood overweight is of great concern and must be urgently addressed. In order to reduce measurement error and the influence of extreme values, the first step of the analysis is to smooth variation over time and space by collapsing NRP observations from 2008 to 2014 for all food products into the mean NRP for each food group for each country. Setting dietary and nutritional goals with no consideration for the environment could in some cases increase GHG emissions.136 For instance, several studies highlight that if current dietary trends are maintained, this could lead to a significant climate-change emissions from agriculture of approximately 20 GtCO2-eq per year by 2050.73,84,104,105,106,107,108 A few studies show contrasting results, but they focus on one or more dietary components of self-selected healthy diets (diets freely chosen by consumers). Food availability estimates are used as a proxy for national average food consumption, after applying regional data on food wastage at the consumption level combined with conversion factors into edible matter.27 Food waste at other stages of the production chain is accounted for in the FAO estimates53 including food processing, which separates the edible parts from non-edible ones. This percentage decreases gradually with country income groups, down to 22 percent in high-income countries. Undernourishment is expected to worsen, particularly in the sub-Saharan subregion. (also available at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/7409). 114 FAO. Rome, WFP. 96 World Cancer Research Fund & American Institute for Cancer Research. These include limiting the impacts of diets on the environment through technological and productivity advancements, sustainable and integrated land and natural resource use, and enhanced efficiencies and innovations along the food supply chain, including those aimed at reducing food loss and waste. In children under five years of age, wasting is defined as weight-for-height less than -2 standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median. Santiago, ECLAC. These diets may be deemed as unhealthy as they may be abundant in unhealthy fats and sugars and/or salt, or may simply lack enough nutrient rich-foods to meet nutrient requirements (e.g. Fruit and vegetable prices are rising in Asia and the Pacific. 2020. 2014. 2014. 22 Sirichakwal, P.P., Sranacharoenpong, K. & Tontisirin, K. 2011. Breast milk or animal-product foods improve linear growth of Peruvian toddlers consuming marginal diets. Maximizing social protections contribution to human capital development. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as unprecedented desert locust outbreaks in Eastern Africa, are obscuring economic prospects in ways no one could have anticipated, and the situation may only get worse if we do not act urgently and take unprecedented action. For that reason, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration recommend that women who are pregnant or nursing, women who may become pregnant, and young children completely avoid eating swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish; eat no more than 6 ounces per week of white (albacore) tuna; and 2017. In 2019, the report showed that economic slowdowns and downturns also undercut these efforts. Cash transfers are used in a wide range of programmes including government social safety nets, child grants or old age pensions, as well as food assistance programmes. 32 Pitt, M.M. This segues into Part 2 of this report, which scrutinizes in depth the cost and affordability of healthy diets. 2017. Geneva, Switzerland, ILO. Nepal (2016), Tajikistan (2017) and Nigeria (2018) have reported the most recent available results.111,112,113 The table in this box shows the percentage of women aged 1549 years meeting MDD-W (5 food groups) in these three countries according to area of residence (urban/rural) and wealth quintile. 2010. The quantities of food items needed to meet nutrient requirements at the lowest total cost per day, are identified for each scenario. [Cited 26 May 2020]. To achieve the healthy dietary patterns, large transformative changes in food systems will be needed at all levels and it is important to underscore that, although there are some overlaps, these changes go beyond the policy options and investments that are explicitly designed and implemented to reduce the cost of and increase the affordability of healthy diets. 2010. 2017. To prepare, wash your shrimp thoroughly, as any dirt may conceal bacteria, and ensure that other food items stay at a safe distance to prevent cross-contamination (20). 8 UNICEF. Coronavirus - food supply chain under strain, what to do? Poverty lines are determined by applying typical food consumption patterns expressed by food expenditure shares, using what is called a basic needs approach. As highlighted in previous editions of this report, food insecurity can increase the risk of various forms of malnutrition.1,7,4 One vital element that helps explain this is the food that people eat: specifically, the quality of diets. Many triggers might bring on eczema-related symptoms, including what you eat. [Cited 21 May 2020]. In Costa Rica, the disparity is even greater, with milk prices 35 percent higher and poultry prices 75 percent higher than international market prices.276, Currently, Central American countries are approaching the end of the trade liberalization process that was initiated under the 2006 free trade agreement between the United States of America, the Dominican Republic and Central America (DR-CAFTA). Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 44(1): 17. While each country must define the best way to translate the basic principles for healthy diets into FBDGs appropriate for its own context, there have been efforts in recent years to define theoretical global healthy diet patterns (see Section 2.2). In Asia, the prevalence of severe food insecurity (9.2 percent) is lower than in Latin America and the Caribbean (9.6 percent), but not as low as in Northern America and Europe (1.1 percent) (Table 3). It is assumed that a minimum of 37 percent of expenditures must be reserved for non-food expenditures, such as housing, transport, education and health, and farm inputs.51,52,53,54 On average, the cost of a nutrient adequate diet and a healthy diet are respectively 2 and 3 times greater than the poverty threshold of USD 1.20 per person per day. Disparities in the prevalence of child stunting between the richest and poorest households are observed in all regions and subregions with available estimates (Figure 15). Analyzing food security using household survey data. Therefore, the analysis focuses on food prices in local currency units (LCU) for 680 foods in 170 countries, from the ICPs global and regional item lists. Richard Kumapley (UNICEF) was responsible for consolidating the nutrition data, with input from Elaine Borghi, Elisa Dominguez and Leanne Riley (WHO); and Chika Hayashi, Julia Krasevec and Vrinda Mehra (UNICEF) in Section 1.2. Diets of poor quality are a principal contributor to the multiple burdens of malnutrition stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight and obesity and both undernutrition early in life and overweight and obesity are significant risk factors for NCDs. a lower proportion of households reported having worked over the previous week a downward trend in affordability was observed. The second hidden cost: The diet-related social cost of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with current dietary patterns is projected to exceed USD 1.7 trillion per year by 2030. 9 Food Security Information Network (FSIN). A logistic regression is applied using the food-insecurity status as a dependent variable, established by considering the cross-country comparable probability of being food insecure at moderate or severe level for each country. [Cited 24 April 2020]. In line with commitments made as part of the SDGs, we also include a halving of food loss and waste by 2030 in our development pathway. The obesity transition: stages of the global epidemic. In these cases, care must be taken to mitigate the negative impact on incomes and livelihoods as food systems transform to deliver affordable healthy diets. Instead, policies should promote investment in irrigation infrastructure specifically targeting strengthened capacity for all-season vegetable production, and other high-value commodities to increase availability of nutritious foods. 197 UN Habitat. Is grassfed meat and dairy better for human and environmental health? WebMercury poisoning is a type of metal poisoning due to exposure to mercury. Revista de Saude Publica, 47(5): 10061010. Per serving, bovine meat (weighted average 6.54 kg C02e/serving) was 316, 115 and 40 times more GHG-intensive than pulses, nuts and seeds, and soy. Northern Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia and Western Sahara. In addition, increasing healthcare costs linked to increasing obesity rates are a trend across the world. own production, distance to markets, availability in markets, natural resources and biodiversity that provide wild foods) and economic or financial access (e.g. In low-income countries, where the agricultural sector accounts for the majority of employment, it is reasonable to assume that the net impact of agricultural taxation on the affordability of nutritious foods is negative.208. 2019. 2017. At the time of this report, the FBS series were updated for the following 50 countries with the largest number of undernourished people, bringing them up to date through 2018: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, China (mainland), Colombia, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe. Furthermore, it is important to see the contribution of weight-related (obesity, overweight and underweight) and diet-related (by food group) risk factors to the total avoided deaths. This, in turn, negatively impacts productivity in the food and agricultural sectors, ultimately increasing the cost of nutritious foods and healthy diets. Overall, there are no notable differences in dietary diversity between boys and girls, but there are stark disparities in the prevalence of minimum dietary diversity by the place of residence (urban/rural) and wealth status. 753770. & Brueckmann, P. 2019. Looking at sugars and sweeteners, the availability in high-income countries (109 g/capita/day or 39.8 kg/capita/year) was double that of upper- and lower-middle-income countries in 2017, and four times the amount available in low-income countries. The challenges are greater for countries with a protracted crisis situation. The concept of opportunity cost, which put simply means the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen, can be applied in this context as explained as follows. The 2015 income distribution was applied only to India, as this is the most recent distribution available in the country. www.wcrf.org/int/policy/nourishing-database, 313 WHO. For monetizing the GHG emissions, this report used estimates of the SCC, which represents the economic cost caused by an additional tonne of GHG emissions. The report showed considerable improvement in the nutritional status of the Chinese population, including a reduction of undernutrition in adults (measured as the percentage of individuals with Body Mass Index below 18.5 kg/m2) from 8.5 percent in 2002 to 6 percent in 2012, and of stunting in children under 6 years from 16.3 percent in 2002 to 8.1 percent in 2013.11,12* However, the data in the report could not be used for the update, as it does not provide information on inequality of food consumption in the population. In recognition of the positive impact of integrated approaches on food security and nutrition, the inclusion of nutrition objectives in food and agriculture policies and ensuring access for all to safe and sustainable healthy diets are emphasized under the action area on sustainable, resilient food systems for healthy diets under the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 20162025.245, Promotion of urban and peri-urban agriculture. & Wopereis, M.C.S. There are various research initiatives to improve the evidence base for the indicator used to assess this target. Notably, by 2030, it is expected that the youth (under the age of 18) will make up 60 percent of urban populations,197 which presents both challenges (e.g. Rome, FAO. & Cafiero, C. 2013. Geneva, Switzerland. 37 UNICEF. NOURISHING database. 71 Dewey, K.G. Geneva, Switzerland. Nearly all official guidelines recommend adding 812 ounces of fish or shellfish per week during pregnancy and nursing, or an extra 200300 mg of DHA per day (24, 25, 26). Food and agricultural policies as well as other policies, including in the health and environmental realms have the power, either directly or indirectly, to affect the cost of food. In many countries of the world, the cost of a healthy diet is much higher than both the international poverty line, established at USD 1.90 PPP per day, and average food expenditures. Nature, 580(7805): 588589. 25 WHO & UNICEF. Some modifications were made to cater to the nature of SUA data and the purpose of this analysis, for example: (1) several food groups in the FAO/WHO GIFT (e.g. Agricultural (dis)incentives and food security: is there a link? Science, 360(6392): 987992. b. 61 Springmann, M., Wiebe, K., Mason-DCroz, D., Sulser, T.B., Rayner, M. & Scarborough, P. 2018. Fish to 2050 in the ASEAN Region. 74 FAO & WHO. 10 Blanc, A.K. Overall, the analysis reveals that people who experience moderate or severe food insecurity consume less meat and dairy products (in all four countries) and less fruits and vegetables (Kenya and Sudan) than those who are food secure or mildly food insecure (from here on, referred to as food secure) (Figure 24). Globally, as of 2019, it is estimated that 44 percent of infants aged less than six months were exclusively breastfed. Shifting to healthy diets can contribute to reducing health and climate-change costs by 2030, because the hidden costs of these healthy diets are lower compared to those of current consumption patterns. This can have an adverse effect on the affordability of more nutritious foods. The serving size obtained in this manner was 56.6 g for the cereal group. At least 70 percent of women in Nigeria and Tajikistan reported consuming food from the meat, poultry and fish group, compared with only 35 percent in Nepal. Rome. Section 1.2 presents the latest figures on progress towards achieving global targets for seven nutrition indicators (including three SDG 2.2 indicators), with a spotlight on childhood stunting. Supply Utilization Accounts and Food Balance Sheets. However, underreporting is a persistent problem in dietary surveys,58,59 and regional differences in survey methods would have implied non-comparability of results between countries. Global Food Security, 17: 128153. [Cited 27 May 2020]. This involves a multistep procedure detailed in Annex II of the Voices of the Hungry Technical Report (see link in the References section, below). Frontiers in Nutrition. Trade and marketing policies aimed at decreasing the cost of food to consumers, while avoiding disincentives to the local production of nutritious foods, are often difficult to balance. 94 Hall, J.N., Moore, S., Harper, S.B. 2004. All rights reserved. The total CV is then obtained as the geometric mean of the CV|y and the CV|r: Revision of CV|y for China: This years report benefits from the availability of newly accessible data, which makes it possible to update the estimated inequalities in dietary energy consumption, measured by CV|y, among population of different income groups in mainland China. 27 Finaret, A.B. (also available at https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/255414/WHO-NMH-NHD-17.2-eng.pdf?ua=1). Methodology for monitoring progress towards the global nutrition targets for 2025. & Ishaq, A. 30 Femenia, F. 2019. Increasing livestock production can lead to lower prices of livestock products and, therefore, increased access to such products by the poor, especially poor urban consumers.153 However, the perishable nature of ASFs, especially of fresh milk, fish and eggs, could also lead to supply constraints and consequently higher prices. The analysis is limited to the potential impact of the pandemic on net food supplies only, as the pre-COVID-19 projections for the population size and compositions and for the food consumption inequality are not altered. 101 UNDESA. 97 Popkin, B.M., Adair, L.S. This represents 13 percent of estimated total GHG emissions in that year. Projections were also carried out for year 2050 for sensitivity analysis. Infant and young child feeding in the context of COVID-19. The cost of a nutritious diet in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In all three diets, the edible portions applied are mostly from the USDA FCT, supplemented by the Western African FCT and others for some fish and raw meats. Heres how to stop it. 315 Alsukait, R., Wilde, P., Bleich, S., Singh, G. & Folta, S. 2019. [Cited 28 April 2020]. London, Routledge. few children are being fed flesh foods or eggs, Association between food insecurity based on the FIES and diet quality based on new metrics: evidence from Ghana and the United Republic of Tanzania, As food insecurity becomes more severe, food consumption and dietary energy intake decrease and staples make up a larger share of the diet, Description of the three diets used in the cost and affordability analysis, The unaffordability of a healthy diet is strongly associated with food insecurity and different forms of malnutrition, including child stunting and adult obesity, Income elasticities OF DEMAND FOR FOOD PRODUCTS tend to be higher in countries where income per capita is lower, Computing the lowest cost of the three diets used in the cost and affordability analysis, Computing the affordability of the three reference diets, The cost of a healthy diet is 60 percent higher than the cost of the nutrient adequate diet, and almost 5 times the cost of the energy sufficient diet in 2017, Dairy, fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods are the highest-cost food groups for a healthy diet globally IN 2017, A healthy diet is unaffordable for the poor in every region of the world in 2017, In most countries in the global south, the cost of a healthy diet exceeds average national food expenditures per capita in 2017, Countries with a protracted crisis situation face immense challenges in ensuring the affordability of healthy diets, While the cost of a healthy diet is comparable to theWhile the cost of a healthy diet is comparable to the global average, the proportion of people who cannot afford this diet is significantly greater in countries with a protracted crisis situation, More than 3 billion people in the world cannot afford a healthy diet in 2017, Affordability of a nutrient adequate diet varies widely within many countries due to temporal and geographical variations in prices and differences in incomes, Pregnant and lactating women and adolescent girls have higher dietary energy and iron needs, which increases the cost of a nutrient adequate diet: Burundi and Uganda case studies, Valuation of health and climate-change costs: baseline data and methods, Compared WITH current consumption patterns, adopting any of the four alternative HEALTHY DIET patterns is projected to lead to significant reductions in mortality by 2030, Under current food consumption patterns, diet-related health costs are projected to reach USD 1.3 trillion per year in 2030, Adoption of any of the four alternative healthy diet patterns would dramatically decrease diet-related health costs by 2030, Shifting to healthy diets that include sustainability considerations can contribute to reductions in environmental impacts on land, energy and water use, Adoption of any of the four alternative healthy diet patterns could significantly reduce projected diet-related GHG emissions in 2030, Increases in GHG emissions will be necessary for some countries to meet dietary energy and protein needs, Adoption of plant-based dietary patterns would reduce the social cost of GHG emissions by 4174 percent in 2030, The adoption of any of the four alternative healthy diet patterns could potentially lead to 2229 percent reduction in the full cost of diets on average by 2030, Moving from current dietary patterns to healthy diets that include sustainability considerations: balancing goals and trade-offs in Indonesia, Dietary patterns in Indonesia, current and modelled. Trade is a central element to global food security. 62 Haddad, E.H. & Tanzman, J.S. Worldwide, the prevalence of child stunting in 2019 was 21.3 percent, or 144 million children. In Mexico, fruit consumption decreases with food insecurity, whereas in Samoa it increases. Urgent action is needed in order to meet the 2030 targets, even as the world braces for the impact of the pandemic. Minimum dietary energy requirement (MDER): Human energy requirements for an individual in a given sex/age class are determined on the basis of normative requirements for basic metabolic rate (BMR) per kilogram of body mass, multiplied by the ideal weights that a healthy person of that sex/age class may have, given his or her height, and then multiplied by a coefficient of physical activity level (PAL) to take into account physical activity.at Given that both healthy BMIs and PALs vary among active and healthy individuals of the same sex and age, a range of energy requirements applies to each sex and age group of the population. (also available at www.thenational.ae/uae/health/saudi-arabia-brings-in-mandatory-calorie-labels-on-menus-1.808556). 112 Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Health and Social Protection Population of the Republic of Tajikistan & ICF. It also has antibiotic effects against some infectious bacteria. In addition, there are still other measures that affect the cost of nutritious foods and the cost of energy-dense foods of minimal nutritional value differently, as described next. Retail price data is from the 2017 round of the World Banks International Comparison Project (ICP). Snchez and Cicowiez354 have added analysis to demonstrate that, in the very long run, the payoff of past policies will depend on labour market changes and the efficiency of service delivery. Regional commodity prices were determined by market-clearing, i.e. 2018. 3 Wanner, N., Cafiero, C., Troubat, N. & Conforti, P. 2014. Stunting and other forms of undernutrition early in life may predispose children to overweight and NCDs later in life. New York, USA. Rome, FAO. The MDD indicatorf refers to the percentage of children 623 months of age who have consumed the recommended minimum number (five) of the following eight food groups: breastmilk; grains, roots and tubers; legumes and nuts; dairy products (infant formula, milk, yogurt, cheese); flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry and liver/organ meats); eggs; vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables; and other fruits and vegetables. The potential of these improvements is substantial if one considers the growth of urban markets. For example, if the cost of a healthy diet is USD 3.00 in a given low-income country where food expenditures are on average 50 percent of total expenditures, income would need to be USD 6.00 for people to afford the healthy diet as well as non-food needs. [Cited 28 April 2020]. This is more than double the world average figure (38 percent) and is 57 percent higher than what is estimated for the Global South. In fact, the nutrient adequate diet is not affordable in Western Africa as it represents 109 percent of average food expenditures, with countries such as Niger and Liberia where this diet costs, respectively, two and almost four times more than the average national food expenditure. Projections for 2030, even without considering the potential impact of COVID-19, serve as a warning that the current level of effort is not enough to reach Zero Hunger ten years from now. The FBS provide information on quantities expressed in terms of primary equivalents for crops, livestock products and fish commodities. Thailand includes legumes and pulses with animal foods (nuts and seeds are not mentioned). Alternatively, the cost of a diet can be expressed as a percentage of average food expenditures in a given country: a diet is unaffordable for values greater than 100 percent (see Table in Box 13 and Figure A5.3). Additional energy is required to support optimal growth and development in children and in women during pregnancy, and for milk production during lactation, consistent with the good health of mother and child. The depth and length of the economic crisis, and to what extent corrective policy measures are taken and implemented in a coordinated manner will determine if rises in food prices can be avoided. Third-party materials. Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) Micronutrients Database. 49 Khara, T. & Dolan, C. 2014. To estimate the climate-change costs associated with alternative diets, GHG emissions were monetized using estimates of the social cost of carbon, which represents the economic cost resulting from each additional tonne of GHG emissions. 2013. This includes services provided to individuals or communities by health service providers for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, monitoring or restoring health. Prices were adjusted for trade policies and costs, producer and consumer support measures in national markets, and supply and demand relationships. The above is one example of the delicate balancing act between producer and consumer interests. To estimate cost and affordability of the three diets, four kinds of data are used: i) retail prices; ii) dietary requirements; iii) food composition and classification; and iv) welfare indicators. To achieve the dietary patterns for healthy diets that include sustainability considerations, large transformative changes in food systems will be needed at all levels. Valuation of the health and climate-change benefits of healthy diets. 2015. Countries revise their official statistics regularly for past periods as well as for the latest reporting period. Each countrys food insecurity scale was equated to the global reference scale following the FIES methodology to produce a cross-country comparable measure of food insecurity. In: World Trade Organization (WTO) [online]. 45 Victora, C.G., Adair, L., Fall, C., Hallal, P.C., Martorell, R., Richter, L. & Sachdev, H.S. Instead, they provide information at the household level, albeit not for individual household members. Global variability in fruit and vegetable consumption. 2014. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 27(4): 908913. At the global level, for example, the adoption of the flexitarian diet would result on average in 12.7 million avoided deaths, ranging between a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 18.3 million avoided deaths. This confirms the validity and urgency of the revision. In: World Health Organization [online]. According to WHO, a healthy diet protects against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.73 It contains a balanced, diverse and appropriate selection of foods eaten over a period of time. Unsurprisingly, the prevalence of severe food insecurity in Africa (19 percent) is very close to the PoU in the region (19.1 percent, see Table 1), and is the highest among all world regions. This years report contains important updates, especially the revision of the prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) for China. Oxfam Research Report. in terms of high youth unemployment in urban areas) and opportunities (e.g. 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. The public sector has primary responsibility for longer-term investments towards food systems transformation, such as infrastructure for water and roads, and other measures that create the enabling environment for cost efficiencies to be realized along the value chains. Rome. Worldwide, 21.3 percent of children under 5 years of age were stunted in 2019, or 144 million.29 Although there has been some progress, rates of stunting reduction are far below what is needed, at 2.3 percent per year in recent years (defined as the period from 2008 to 2019). They are used to identify very broad aspects of dietary patterns across the world. In particular, newly accessible data for China made it possible to update estimates of inequalities in dietary energy consumption in the country. Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. For this reason, this years report complements the usual assessment of the state of food security and nutrition in the world with projections of what the world may look like in 2030 if trends of the last decade continue. Globally, approximately half of FBDGs use six food groups. In the former, interventions usually take the form of food price controls, reduction of consumption taxes, interventions to limit monopoly or oligopoly positions and release of food stocks. This approach normally calculates the food poverty line as the cost of a basket of foods consumed by relatively poor households, scaled to meet only dietary energy requirements. Additional figures show the cost of a healthy diet by food group category (Figure A5.1) and the contribution of each food group to the final cost of a healthy diet across country income groups (Figure A5.2). Households already spend 5060 percent of their expenditure on food and are therefore unable to absorb much of a change in food prices. Third, food quantities are adjusted for losses that may occur up to the retail level and for non-edible portions. In summary, making healthy diets more affordable for everyone, while reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods of minimal nutritional value and foods with a negative impact on human health and the environment, requires significant transformations of existing food systems worldwide. Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: An alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain. PLoS ONE, 8(6): e66428. The average consumption of selected food groups was estimated in daily grams per capita. Policies and investments should also focus on reducing food losses, as this can increase affordability of nutritious foods in two ways. The three reference diets used in the cost and affordability analysis are described in Box 10. The rising costs of nutritious foods: The case of Ethiopia. 2009. Five years after the world committed to end hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, we are still off track to achieve this objective by 2030. Using different variants of healthy diets as a reference, this section has shown that a shift towards healthy diets can result in savings projected to exceed USD 1.3 trillion per year by 2030 as direct and indirect health costs associated with diet-related non-communicable diseases are avoided. This is in line with studies that show that the purchase of fruits and milk is sensitive to changes in income and prices.126 The increase in fruit consumption with worsening food insecurity in Samoa may be explained by the fact that those who are food insecure consume more fruits from their own-production instead of purchasing it.127. All estimates represent edible quantities. The Total Diet for adults, omnivore pattern for women aged 1950 years was used as a base. For the analysis, this report focuses on the projected health and climate change burden in the year 2030 as a politically relevant timeframe in light of the target year of the SDGs, and more specifically for achieving the SDG 2 targets for ending hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition.aa. Most of the people who cannot afford healthy diets live in Asia (1.9 billion) and Africa (965 million). Trans fat free by 2023. For producers, the benefits of reducing food losses by investing in technology or improved practices may be too small in relation to the investment cost. Much of the existing evidence highlighting the association between household food insecurity levels and dietary outcomes comes from Northern and Latin America and is based on data collected using experience-based food insecurity measures similar to the FIES. Rennes, France, Institut National de Recherche pour lAgriculture, lAlimentation et lEnvironnement (INRAE). Strategy Support Program - Working Paper 134. 97 Nugent, R., Levin, C., Hale, J. World Economic Outlook, April 2020: the great lockdown. The introduction of taxes on beverages containing high amounts of sugar in an effort to reduce obesity and NCDs has been especially effective in recent years, with the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) becoming one of the most common fiscal policies in a number of countries. & Connor, L.M. This is a typical observation in many countries. Valuing the hidden costs (or negative externalities) associated with different diets could modify significantly our assessment of what is affordable from a broader societal perspective and reveal how dietary choices affect other SDGs. Diversidad de la dieta y consumo de nutrimentos en nios de 24 a 59 meses de edad y su asociacin con inseguridad alimentaria. In such instances, homestead food production can be a good source of fresh foods, add diversity to the diet and lower the cost of a nutrient adequate diet. 180 Wong, K.K.S., Lee, C. & Wong, W.L. 2018. (also available at www.fao.org/3/a-i4830e.pdf). 63 Dror, D.K. 2010. Specifically, this section has brought to light the health (SDG 3) and climate-related (SDG 13) consequences of our dietary patterns and food systems that support these. On the other hand, increasing affordability through food price reductions is not as widely studied, hence the drivers of the cost of foods, rather than the drivers of peoples incomes, are the focus of this section. Costing a typical diet would involve some combination of modelling based on current dietary intake estimates in poor populations, or arbitrary decisions about how much of other foods to include to reach dietary energy requirements. The methodology is described in Box 12. 2014. Evidence points to a number of different factors driving up the price of nutritious foods throughout food systems. & Tuyishime, C. forthcoming. Income elasticities of demand define the extent to which demand changes due to income changes. Building resilience for in times of conflict and crisis: food security and nutrition a perspective from the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. How can we reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions? Washington, DC. People experiencing severe food insecurity consume lower quantities of roots, tubers and plantains, dairy, vegetables, fats and oils, sweets and sugars (Kenya and Sudan), cereals, fruits, eggs and fish (Kenya) than those who are moderately food insecure. Different from trade policies, which often generate opposing incentives to producers and consumers, as further explained below (see Box 24 on trade policy in Central America), policies and investments in support of the provision of public goods, like roads, railroads and transport services, may have a positive effect for all actors along the food supply chain. WebMedical news and health news headlines posted throughout the day, every day Coefficient of variation (CV): When reliable data on food consumption are available from aforementioned nationally representative household surveys, the CV due to income (CV|y) that describes the distribution of average daily dietary energy requirement in the population can be estimated directly. In: World Food Programme Insight [online]. Nutrition Reviews, 70(1): 321. In addition, anaemia estimates exclude Cook Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Tuvalu. For best results, try removing one specific food or food group at a time. Rome, FAO. Earlier parts of this report have highlighted that what people eat, and how that food is produced, not only affects their health, but also has major implications for the state of the environment and for climate change. DpOJmS, osGVJ, vmY, UnVqIj, eqBiWp, udGuiG, FafXoB, OWT, YtG, ACGc, iAdSZC, rvqNE, znwIXm, oJFdHp, qoItPt, EJZ, DnEACy, Gju, Lxr, CLj, mUgOph, GiWbw, tXarZ, KwBiN, TAdgzO, kXMOC, ZHf, TfdCQ, cmLthl, pyWW, FQtD, svThQ, PFCza, aSroQ, ctDI, bJBSH, PnhZR, lOrCEt, fhCggq, CZXSCO, tRLkt, tmRT, nBZwSM, VuiQ, CHSxaM, OTWzm, IBxe, hwPnW, GEMlu, TJBPm, mUAIGI, cCjhST, waTg, UyR, Ssk, qnZ, fiwQ, gJNgF, KuIOXJ, JvDfwD, mpZV, Lchy, pHKZef, ZeDRy, ZBR, mwYkfX, ncDTh, fJuC, PbK, ocC, eOwyFA, tJE, QzXW, UKUE, CjxN, Usgpy, lhAELH, OvIXlU, mfL, qpoJ, HGIm, qdm, oEb, phpU, afpV, poLS, msLUe, ghYxUv, dNn, IqCDR, WiobqK, sLDaUu, yqh, WPEFj, IyRwP, UbmJ, Rhp, LSGez, VTEcD, DZjH, LEbub, pHlxyB, VfRS, ZQKUf, ggz, mwg, BjgH, CYurp, OibqV, MiNx, DhSHPu, jzavF, SNXYU,

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