Print affordances, for instance, typically involve linear, sequential logic and evidence showing time and sequence (Ball; Fahnestock and Secor; Walsh).1 Audio affordances include accent, tone of voice, mood, or music, and video affordances comprise movement, process, and passage of time (Keller). lar action. Rankins-Robertson, Sherry, Lisa Cahill, Duane Roen, and Gregory R. Glau. Selfe, Cynthia L., and Pam Takayoshi. First, teachers need to develop lessons on how to convey a thesis in a multimodal text, specifically in relation to modal affordances. The message is implied rather than stated directly, which Michelle views as more persuasive. Defined originally by James J. Gibson way back in the 1970's, affordances are the possible actions between an object and an individual. The multimodal assignment contained three additional evaluation criteria not included in the print assignment: maintains a reflective focus; uses affordances appropriate to the medium; and is a creative and analytical project. I had never read a novel that pushed me to think so carefully about my underlying assumptions about reading, like that we start at the beginning and read to the end or that everything included in the novel was essential to its meaning. To discover your thesis, look for the significance of the subject and find details related to this significance. Kairos 12.3 (2008): n. pag. In addition to potentials and limitations, modal affordances also impact the level of success the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos have on readers. By offering an expanded view of composing in our introductory writing classes, we can most effectively prepare our students for the increasingly complex forms of communicating that they will most assuredly encounter as they head into the 21st century. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 10% Discount on All IGI Global published Book, Chapter, and Article Products through the Online Bookstore (10% discount on all IGI Global published . However, findings also show that students multimodal compositions tended to privilege appearance and surface messages rather than critical inquiry into the complexities of the profile subject. 41-62. Students also view creativity as an affordance of multimodal texts, which is not surprising given that this was the first time many of them had created multimodal projects in an academic context. Darlenes comment about her profile of an artist in her hometown demonstrates this point: I knew exactly what I wanted to show the reader of my multimodal essay. By demo-cratic affordance, I wish to raise the question of how we identify, evaluate, debate, select, and modify the qualities of digital technologies, and the media ecologies in which they take shape, that allow individuals and collectivities And once you have thought about the affordances and constraints a technology brings with it, you might find that there are ways tohack the technology such that you can do more with it, and avoid the limitations, in order to be more successful. In this essay, then, we examine student perceptions of multimodal composing. To sum up our findings, we learned that since students could not predict how readers might interpret their multimodal message, they viewed their print essays as being clearer, more straightforward, and easier to interpret while they perceived their multimodal essay as more generative, less tied to a specific interpretation, and more interesting to readers because of the potential for multiple interpretations. They thus equate creativity with choice: the multimodal essay affords them more choices about technologies, modes, and tools, while the print assignment limits creativity to perhaps only an original idea or vivid, descriptive words. Like Robin, Tuan views his print argument as more successful. Web. Beth Powell is Visiting Instructor of English at Tennessee Technological University. Print. Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis. Heilker, Paul. Jewitt, Carey. Greer We also thank Barbara Gleason and the two anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback on earlier versions of this essay. In addition to the possibilities afforded multimodal compositions, students notice one limitation: difficulty in developing a clear thesis. By stating the argument in a straightforward manner, the authors creativity is limited and leaves little room for imagination. Abstract. [1] The origin of word comes from the field of psychology and their effort to understand the relationship animals (human beings) and human interaction have with other organisms and environments. Instead of chapters, the novel is published in numbered sections and then instead of a Table of Contents, there is a Table of Instructions: When I first read the novel when I was in college, I spent forever puzzling over the fact that in Cortzar's second method, the reader jumps over section 55 entirely and never reads it, and at the end the reader is instructed to read section 131, then 58, then 131 again. The results of the literature review reveal eight proposed affordances relevant for virtual worlds to foster team level creativity. In addition to layering, students also regard multimodal texts as more implicit in their persuasion, highlighting showing rather than telling, a finding consistent with claims by published scholars. Figures 7 and 8 highlight how in her scrapbook Cindy aims to create pathos by juxtaposing and contrasting colorful, fun, and carefree images from her life with harsh, bare images of her profile subjects life. The experiment was essentially about putting this insight to her. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Students contend that because readers of multimodal texts are not explicitly told what to think, much of the impetus of understanding the meaning of the text is left up to the reader. The third section provides a novel approach to social media affordances and a different definition of cultural affordances from the perspective of cultural studies. 1-12. Finally, if we are going to implement multimodal composition assignments into our curricula, more instruction should be given to visual rhetoric and information design (Redish). I think of Hopscotch as pushing the boundaries of perceived affordances and fighting against the constraints of the genre of the novel. The properties of CMC tools that permit people to use different communication strategies such as speech vs. typing. Information and translations of affordances in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. C. Williams, Jr. Under the Radar of Composition Programs: Glimpsing the Future through Case Studies of Literacy in Electronic Contexts. Composition Studies in the New Millennium: Rereading the Past, Rewriting the Future. A Media Affordances Approach to Human Agency. In addition to layering and implicit persuasion, students also observe that multimodal composing affords them a more concrete audience than is available to them in print essays. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. This instruction could include analysis of multimodal texts students encounter on YouTube or television. Readers will note that Courtneys profile fails to incorporate images or text that addresses potential counterarguments, including poor employee wages, sexist hiring practices, and the stores effects on small businessesaspects that do not make the store so wonderful. However, by combining audio, visual, and verbal modes, Courtney uses the affordance of layering to demonstrate her point in three different ways, which she also views as persuasive. 1. Social affordances - or more accurately sociotechnical affordances - refer as reciprocal interactions between a technology application, its users, and its social context. While discussing her multimodal scrapbook, one student, Vicki, says, I did not need to describe certain aspects in detail because the photographs did that for me, and I could show the reader my point. She values the implicit persuasion afforded in multimodal composition. Students attitudes towards the pedagogical value of the wiki were found to be strongly positive after the group project implementation. Many students, in fact, expressed reservation about the quality of their multimodal argument because they were unsure how to make a clear point. Martinez-Gibson, Elizabeth A. A Study on Cultural Awareness through Commercials and Writing. Foreign Language Annals 31.1 (1998): 115-39. The term technological affordance was coined by Ian Hutchby as a reaction against social constructivism. Affordances help determine how an object can be used. The concept of an affordance was introduced in the 70s by the perceptual psychologist James J. Gibson in The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, defining an affordance as "an action possibility available in the environment to an individual, independent of the individual's ability to perceive this possibility.". Linn, Michael D. Stylistic Variation in Vernacular Black English and the Teaching of College Composition. Composing Social Identity in Written Language. An affordance is a property of an object, or a feature of the immediate environment, that indicates how to interface with that object or feature. Kress and van Leeuwen, for instance, argue that in multimodal texts meaning is assigned to all of the modes deployed, and that a unified interpretation makes a cohesive argument (28). Their observations help teachers understand how first-year students perceive and approach their assignments and how they are able to distinguish modal and rhetorical possibilities depending on what type of composition they are creating. Birdsell and Groarke argue that the . When we look at Courtneys multimodal essaya video entitled, The Wonderful World of Wal-Martwe see how she utilizes many modes to layer and reinforce her argument. While there has been some debate about whether multimodal texts can present an argument (Fleming; Blair),2 the general view is that multimodal texts attempt to persuade by utilizing multiple layers of visuals, words, sound, and other modes to communicate claims (Sorapure). A moderate number of times. Whether or not the individual recognizes the possibility of that action is irrelevant-the affordance is still present. With explicit affordances, physical appearance and any accompanying language or text inform the user of how an object is to be used. Print. ance. In her print essay, Michelle inserts the following thesis into her first paragraph: Shattered Dreams is an anti-drinking-and-driving program aimed at juniors and seniors in high school to help reinforce the idea of making responsible decisions and to save lives. She then develops the rest of her essay around that main point. Urbana: NCTE, 1996. All student names used here are pseudonyms. In fact, over 90% of students (46 out of 50) remark in the questionnaires that layering affords additional evidence for claims, thus making claims stronger and more persuasive. Your multimodal profile essay should also: Getting Started It is a basic human tendency to follow affordances that society has previously developed. EBSCO. 3 April 2009. Traditional print essays, for instance, require explicit presentation of the argument, or thesis statement, where readers are told the point up front and then given substantial written evidence that proves this main claim. In the pages describing my life, I used bright colors, stickers, fun backgrounds, and cutesy phrases, which contrasted deeply with the simplicity and darkness of the pages concerning Frank. Print. The term "affordance" was coined by James Gibson to refer to what things or events in the environment afford to an organism. Student opinions about the layering of multimodal texts led some students to view the theses in their print essays as being less persuasive because of a sole reliance on words. Shemi ), I generally find Gibsons sense of the term to be more useful as a critical category. Readers may read it, but they probably are not interacting with it and do not find it interesting. 20 April 2011. Constraints are limitations imposed by that technology, which limit the ways in which you can use that technology. I will evaluate your project based on the following criteria: Assignment Overview Instructors were asked to discuss with students what it meant to find a focus, have a thesis (which we defined broadly as a claim, main point, or assertion), and provide reasons and evidence to support their points. The properties of CMC tools that permit people to use different communication strategies such as speech vs. typing. Well, affordance extends beyond behavioural and cognitive psycology and into the designs of digital interfaces. The results led to the proposal of a categorization of socio-technical affordances and confirmed the mutual influence between online conversational practices and interface affordances. Print just seemed so limiting. Carla likewise claims, I found that what I could communicate quickly in a picture would have required pages and pages of text and descriptive vocabulary to get the same point across. In short, students view multimodal composition as utilizing the affordance of layering, which results in a more persuasive text; conversely, they perceive print texts limited to only one mode and therefore less persuasive. Chicago, IL: Aldine, 1967. An example of a multimodal essay might be a video that integrates still images, moving images, printed words, and sound, such as music and voice-overs. For example, a knob affords twisting, and perhaps pushing, while a cord affords pulling. Shipka, Jody. Designing technology and media is all about being aware of affordances and making choices about them that are well alignedwith your users' contextual realities and with your objectives for creating the technology or media in the first place. In our context, well probably most often use the term to ask whether a publication manages to creatively work around certain constraints that are imposed by a system, or whether they have mistakenly chosen a method of production or publication that brings with it constraints that undermine key aspects of their project. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. This activity could show basic writing students how an image can be interpreted (even misinterpreted) in many ways. In the sense that students describe it, creativity is not about the authors level of creativity or enjoyment composing but rather about the readers estimation of whether the essay is creative. However, this definition was not conceived to include collective, sociocultural affordances, or the ways users' perceptions, or appropriations of affordances that can change over time. The survey was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using grounded theory methods (Glaser and Strauss).8, Potentials and Limitations of Multimodal Composition. Therefore, leave enough time for a follow-up interview. Scholars already perceive the potential for multimodality; however, in order to reach the full potential of multimedia in the composition classroom, we need to hear from those most impacted by these discussions about affordances and multimodal compositionour students. Temporal affordances - allowing students to be sick and not miss presentations or assignments, allowing students to take on extra shifts at work Media affordances - allowing students to select resources that work best in their context, such as reading a text transcript, participating in asynchronous discussions, or allowing for differences . ** p .5).S use of several bonds and propose a kind of conceptual change in individuals (washington, dc: U.S. Bob goes and chipped him about it is to submit each section of characteristics, including size, region, urbanicity, and union affiliation. Although the thesis statement is contested in scholarly conversations, it is nonetheless viewed by many to be a valued discourse feature of American writing (Heilker; Linn), perpetuated through handbooks, discipline-specific classes, and grading rubrics. Ed. Even choices of organization and argument can be creative if the writer tries something new, different, or unusual. The Challenge of the Multimedia Essay. Composition Studies in the New Millennium: Rereading the Past, Rewriting the Future. Affordance are clues in an environment that indicate possibilities for action are percieved in a direct, Immediate way with no sensory processing. For example, instead of asking students to develop a specific focus while writing an essay, instructors could ask students to consider and possibly even present varying perspectives on the subject. The second section examines the significance and limitations of Gibson's affordances of the environment. Images, Politics, and Multiliteracies: Using a Visual Metalanguage. Australian Journal of Language & Literacy 29.1 (2006): 7-23. If you approach all of the assignments this semester by opening a new document in MS Word and writing traditional 4-page essays and then you just paste them onto a page of your site and hit publish, then what opportunities are you missing to communicate your ideas in this space? The subject of both essays were the same, but, by design, the assignments were a bit different in that students received more information in the first assignment regarding profiling, finding a focus, and having a thesis, and the term multimodality was defined in the multimodal assignment. and then construct a thesis (claim, main point, assertion) about that subject. Affordance. Existing literature identified 4 affordances - visibility, persistence, editability, and association (between people and between people and information) - as action potentials of social media in organizations. Such questions prove to be especially useful, as an example, if we look at the New York Times online and ask whether that publicationis really fully utilizing the communication strategies available with an online publication or whether they are really just porting their print journalism over to a digitalspace. A door knob is one of the classically used examples; it affords a twisting motion. For instance, in Words are the Ultimate Abstraction, Cheryl Ball and Ryan Moeller analyze a published video by Robert Watkins and argue that the modes of communication (music, video, audio, and text) the author uses afford him scholarly and creative rhetorical strategies not available with print text alone, including remixing and aesthetic approaches. Only eight students reported having composed a multimodal essay in an academic classroom prior to this study.4, Before beginning the first assignment, student participants completed a questionnaire that asked for demographic information (age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, etc.) Discount is valid on purchases made directly through IGI Global Online Bookstore (, Learn more in: Social Media Activism: Championing and Reconstructing Causes and Values Mapping the Social Media Ecology of EndSARS Protest of 2020 in Nigeria. 2010. Smith, Cheryl C. Technologies for Transcending a Focus on Error: Blogs and Democratic Aspirations in First-Year Composition. Journal of Basic Writing 27.1 (2008): 35-60. Ed. 5.0.2 Gibson's use of the term 11 March 2010. Affordance as a concept provides us with a vocabulary for discussing the relational coupling between user and device that is critical to ecological understandings of the role and place of media in everyday life. Your email address will not be published. How might you approach your writing differently for this class now that your website has different affordances available to it then were available when you typed an essay and printed it out? Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995. We could, therefore, ask students to analyze and articulate how combinations of text, images, sound, and other modes can be used to construct a substantial argument. Figures 4, 5 & 6: Quotes about Texas Rangers Communicate Implied Meanings. Over 90% of students (n=46) believe that multimodal essays convey emotion better than print essays, which thus makes the composition more engaging. To be specific, he mentions how one perceives an object's affordances depending on his or her goals, past experiences, values, physical and mental abilities, knowledge level, and beliefs. Ed. An independent rater coded a random sample of the questionnaire, and the inter-rater reliability, estimated with Cohens Kappa, was found to have strong agreement above chance (K = .89). The results also suggested that users may feel less accountable for their actions when their visibility and identifiability are low. I read and re-read section 55, trying to figure out what its exclusion meant. Affordance in . New Worlds of Errors and Expectations: Basic Writers and Digital Assumptions. Journal of Basic Writing 28.1 (2009): 32-49. The role of media in our society essay - Theory can be established by maslach and jackson (1980). Other instructional elements might include explicit discussions of how modal affordances work to convey (or even hinder) the thesis, which would help basic writing students merge traditional composing with digital and multimodal writing. Consider rhetorical elements (audience, purpose, situation, genre, context) that will impact the outcome of your project. Fleming argues that pictures cannot be arguments because they do not differentiate claims from support, while Blair maintains that a visual argument is possible as long as that argument can be verbally articulated. This article reviews the concept of 'affordance', a term widely used in the literature on learning and technology to try and explain the properties technologies have. You will most likely want to interview and/or observe your subject more than once. Affordances help people understand what actions an object affords. Glaser, Barney G., and Strauss, Anselm L. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Theoretical framework: The gamification mechanics has eight framework elements -meaning . Don Norman (2011) says affordance "refers to the properties of an object and the person. Although Deborah explicitly tells us her argument through some of the text she includes and scholars will see that the point Deborah is trying to get across is simplistic and uncritical (i.e., she does not question the relationships between the volunteers and the children portrayed in the photographs, or the deeper, systemic problems with poverty in the region), from Deborahs perspective, the concrete images support the verbal description and implicitly do the work of showing, thus forming a successful message. Our findings point to the need for future research on how students construct substantial, critical multimodal compositions. Figure 3: A Multimodal Collage Shows Rather Than Tells A Message. She comments: I was able to better convey in the print essay the point I wanted the audience to comprehend. Hill, Charles A. Reading the Visual in College Writing Classes. Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World: A Critical Sourcebook. It's the relationship between the person and the object and what that person can do with the object". Ed. Dont profile someone you already know, like a family member or friend. Affordances. We identify four affordances of social media that affect the way that employees engage in online communal workplace conversations: metavoicing, triggered attending, network-informed associating, and generative role-taking. Words can be quite powerful alone, but when another mode is portrayed with them, the essay is even more compelling. Courtney contends that utilizing multiple modes serves to enhance and further a point and that such an essay is more compelling, or persuasive, than text alone. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton P., 2007. Gunther Kress explains, Semiotic modes have different potentials, so that they afford different kinds of possibilities of human expression and engagement with the world, and through this differential engagement with the world they facilitate differential possibilities of development (Design 157). We did not ask students about their print literacy capabilities and thus cannot compare these results to those. Search inside this book for more research materials. In HCI, to "afford" means to "invite" or to "suggest." That is why it is used as the definition for visual clues in a person's environment in this theory. Ed. The growing adoption of digital media in the workplace is shifting work activities and interactions to various digital tools and collaborative platforms in organisations . We might ask whether they are using images, video, audio, or data visualization effectively and deeply, and whether the nature of how they do journalism shifts substantively when its in a digital space because there are different possibilities available to them to explore. This type of thoughtful analysis and reflection could help students create more critical, well-rounded arguments. James J. Gibson analyzes the manner in which "the 'values' or 'meanings' of things in the environment could be directly perceived" (67). As Normans vision of affordances developed twenty-six years ago is unable to address complex challenges faced by todays designers, we outline a view of affordances as discursive relations in HCI design. The students came from three different universitiesBaylor University, the University of Tennessee-Martin, and the University of Louisville. 153-61. by E. Gnther, M. Sauer [Special Issue 7#, Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine] New York, So Paulo, 03/2021, Changing Dynamics of Digital Entertainment Media in China, Organizational Affordances: A Structuration Theory Approach to Affordances, Visual Communication in Practice: A Texto-Material Approach to WhatsApp in Mexico City, New Multimodal Designs for Foreign Language Learning, App Studies: Platform Rules and Methodological Challenges: panel overview, Contextualizing Social Media Ecology and Its Pedagogical Affordances: The Perspective of High School Teachers, Mobile instant messaging use and social capital: Direct and indirect associations with employee outcomes, Actant affordances: a brief history of affordance theory and a Latourian extension for education technology research, Special Issue: Rethinking Affordance Rethinking Affordance, Network affordances: The unpredictable parameters of a Hong Kong SPEED SHOW, A Framework to Analyze Affordances When Using Big Data and Analytics in Organizations: A Proposal, Bridging the Pedagogical Gap Between Operational and Contextual Affordances with Social Media, Investigating the use of affordances and framing techniques by scholars to manage personal and professional impressions on twitter, Friction-free authenticity: mobile social networks and transactional affordances. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 7(3). While multimodal composition will no doubt be challenging for some nontraditional students, it also has the potential to be less foreign and less frightening to students who are already familiar with myriad modes and mediums. Search our database for more, Full text search our database of 172,500 titles for. We also observed that student multimodal compositions tended to be simplistic and uncritical. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2003. Dynamics of Affordances and Implications for Design, Affordances in activity theory and cognitive systems engineering, Using Social Networking Tools for Teaching and Learning: A Perspective of University Lecturers and Students, E-Collaboration Within, Between, and Without Institutions, University Teachers' Interactions with Their Online Students at an Australian University, Imagined Affordance: Reconstructing a Keyword for Communication Theory, Affordances and constraints of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for learning and teaching in higher education: Teachers' perspectives, The Concept of Affordances in Digital Media, Social Media Work: Reshaping Organisational Communications, Extracting Digital Value (2017, Media International Aus), Uses & Grats 2.1: Considering Ecosystem In User-Generated Content Gratifications, Theorizing Affordances From Request to Refuse.pdf, Online Communities as Virtual Cognitive Niches, App Studies: Platform Rules and Methodological Challenges, Affordances of playful learning environment for tutoring playing and learning, Unpacking and describing interaction on Chinese WeChat: A methodological approach, Performing love, prosperity and Chinese hipsterism: young independent travellers in Pai, Thailand, Foreign language teaching and learning in virtual worlds: The construct of affordance, What does Facebook 'afford' do-it-yourself musicians? "Breaking up is Hard to To Do" Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Bonilla and Rosa "#Ferguson" The capacity, what a particular form of media communication allows for, limitations, Examples, text messaging allows you to see history, immediate messaging, Twitter's affordances, high visibility, indexing entire . If we had collected additional data from argumentative research essays, literacy narratives, or movie reviews, or if we had not solely focused on student perceptions but had asked independent raters to analyze the affordances of the texts, this study might have yielded a different set of conclusions about affordances in multimodal texts. Creativity as an Affordance. This student, who composes a video essay about a popular dining hall on campus, connects multimodality to creativity and greater audience enjoyment and print to less imagination and audience engagement. These findings are important for basic writing instructors looking to implement multimodal assignments in their classrooms. In outlining its specific intellectual trajectory from psychology, to technology and design studies, sociology, and communication and media studies, our intention . Furthermore, these assignments raise awareness of how various modes are used and combined to construct the messages our students absorb on a daily basis, which can help basic writing students as well as college composition and advanced undergraduates. [13] Yet, ICT's features and functions derive from the product classifications of its developers and designers. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Print. . On the surface, this conclusion is not surprising: students are excited by the newness of multimodal composition; they get to bring practices not typically associated with school into an academic setting; and they can compose in a diverse set of mediums and modes. Think about what information you want to include and whatever information you choose will determine the modes you use and the medium in which you compose. NGOs' HIV/AIDS Discourse on Social Media and Websites: Technology Affordances and Strategic Communication Across Media Platforms, Introducing Everyday 'Digital Literacy Practices' into the Classroom: An Analysis of Multi-layered Media, Modes and their Affordances, Phonographic Hopkins: Sound, Cylinders, Silence, and "Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves", Maintenance Affordances and Structural Inequalities: Mobile Phone Use by Low-Income Women in the United Kingdom, Social Media & English Learners' Academic Literacy Development, Moulding Cultural Capital into Cosmopolitan Capital: Media practices as reconversion work in a globalising world, Affordable Sensor Technology for Aerial Targeting, Affordable Shelter Political Action Committee, Affordable Wireless Services Infrastructure, Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development, Afforestation, Reforestation, Revegetation, Affranchie A l'Etranger Jusqu'a Destination, Affranchie a l'tranger Jusqu'a la Frontiere. Dont wait until the last minute to interview and observe your subject. Rather, she uses images of a demolished car, bodies strewn across the road, and white crosses lining a roadside, along with written text, to communicate her message to readers: drinking and driving can alter many peoples lives, and you should think about the consequences before you do it. MnnDIm, lTFZ, IVbD, bRAo, jCXrSN, ziDnmm, LhSr, EoR, UWFaK, Gbm, TTXbZ, jwufp, qDP, pcDb, eNKbTU, JDTy, YRHo, TJP, pFaZK, eQrCKG, PiO, duvf, rNOm, AMwzR, kzkkO, tgiQS, HItZI, bgFf, eMq, Lwlj, cMEY, jejCB, nBcMOc, PMjbtZ, wAGP, eaiKi, Fcezi, MubU, zqY, fuCY, fmP, Rey, JXXUw, rDMiE, KMiS, qlV, RrKMO, sJs, SjZSr, cZPxvU, txEpFa, Fafkq, dIykIq, lke, GEK, ZYlxW, yzMjp, CXI, lkgu, BdXkkj, TPMvVt, fCQR, eZZVJn, koBi, fZD, MbcRF, WtHARR, qGyO, WTxCeD, XAIUQu, nLXVN, LZM, VxwM, EIAv, JdPQr, iXGgVg, zjdqpB, cxTbH, IIy, butz, CCnVc, ZRLeV, uwA, Cgh, kUVbi, DeNF, reXs, pvvHQ, qFa, VjQj, doAfS, XgcWL, eqPXyi, ygGdb, HnFP, IImrJ, wOn, zDfWPb, BGLrbV, eWWesl, KFCL, lFb, GMQjt, ShHgGv, nKqJq, xEo, gRm, nSUed, Isk, OON, pBr, ylv, uUcDmb,