Recently, UIDAI has issued an advisory asking people not to share their Aadhaar number openly in the public domain especially on Social Media or other public platforms. Mumbai - 400 005, Ground Floor, Supreme Court Metro Station, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi-110001, Khanija Bhavan, Beltola-Basistha Road, Dispur, A successful face authentication confirms that your physical face which is being scanned for verification matches the one which was captured at the time of enrolment when your Aadhaar number was generated. Do not forget to update your new address in your Aadhaar. Can anyone harm me by knowing and misusing my Aadhaar number? Book Appointment to visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra. How this Aadhaar Offline Paperless eKYC document is different from the other identification documents produced offline by residents? You use PAN card, debit card, credit card, bank cheques wherever required. Why am I asked to verify Bank account, Demat account, PAN and various other services with Aadhaar? Similarly, use of Aadhaar has checked unscrupulous elements that used to resort to impersonation in various examination and tests for college admission and jobs, etc., and thereby denying the genuine candidates of their rightful dues. Note: - Once 'NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre' has been as a Trusted Identity, any subsequent documents with digital signatures from CCA will be validated automatically when opened. In order to install the app follow the steps given below: mAadhaar is more than Aadhaar card in a wallet. Beside Maitrivanam, Ameerpet The process of generating Aadhaar Offline e-KYC is explained below: Identity verification can simply be accomplished by providing an identity document like PAN card, Passport etc to the service provider. Lucknow- 226 010, Copyright 2022 Unique Identification Authority of India All Rights Reserved.
If suppose you receive the OTP as "012345" then
SMS DISABLEBIOLOCK 9123 012345 and send it to 1947
Grievances are received in UIDAI HQ and ROs through post/hardcopy.
For example if the Aadhaar number is 1234-5678-9123 then
SMS GETOTP 9123 and send it to 1947
SMS 2 : LOCKUID<SPACE>Aadhaar NUMBER-last 4-digits<SPACE>OTP-6-digits
Also, as per the Aadhaar Act 2016, the Aadhaar card is required to be verified either by in physical or electronic formby way of authentication or offline verification, or in such other form as may be specified. Is there any difference in specification and/or functionality of M-Aadhaar basis on iOS & android device? Type mAadhaar in the search bar and download, or download mAadhaar Android version from, To make sure you are downloading the right app, check to see if the developers name is listed as Unique Identification Authority of India. Is this a good practice? They continue using them and if any fraud happens, the law enforcement agencies handle them as per law. For example, you give your mobile number at various places and to various authorities such as bank, passport authorities, income tax departments, etc. Hence the user will be required to enter password every time they wish to access profile or My Aadhaar. Sector 17- B, Entire XML is digitally signed and Service Provider can validate the XML file using the signature and public key available on the UIDAI website.If suppose you receive the OTP as "012345" then
SMS DISABLEBIOLOCK 349123 012345 and send it to 1947
SMS 1: GETOTP<SPACE>Aadhaar-Number-last-4-digits
For example if Virtual ID is 1234-1234-1234-9123 then
SMS GETOTP 9123and send it to 1947
SMS 2: DISABLEBIOLOCK<SPACE>Aadhaar-Number-last-4-digits<SPACE>OTP-6-digits
WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. As your bank information is not shared by the bank with anyone else, no one can have information about your bank account just by knowing your Aadhaar number. However the demographics updates features may be included in future releases. If any agency does not follow these best practices, then that agency will be fully responsible for situations or losses arising out of possible misuse or impersonation. Time-based One-Time Password can be used instead of SMS based OTP to avail Aadhaar Online Services available on the UIDAI Website, Locate Enrolment Centre (EC) helps user find nearest enrolment Centre. Obviously no! They operate bank accounts in fictitious names/companies and run shell companies accounts to carry out money laundering or stash black money.UNLOCKBIO<SPACE>Virtual-ID-last-10-digits<SPACE>OTP-6-digits>
In case if Aadhaar Number is used -
As in bank for withdrawing money, your signature, debit card, PIN, OTP, etc., is required, similarly for withdrawing money from your Aadhaar linked bank account through Aadhaar, your fingerprint, IRIS or OTP sent to your Aadhaar registered mobile will be required. Under the PML Rules Aadhaar is one of the officially valid documents accepted for opening bank account and the bank is required to do other due diligence for banking transaction or KYC. On one hand the mAadhaar profile is accepted as a valid ID proof by Airports and Railways on the other resident can use the features in the app to share their eKYC or QR code with service providers who sought Aadhaar verification of their customers before providing Aadhaar services. Chandigarh 160017, 7th Floor, Steps to access the Aadhaar profile : Note: To view the Aadhaar Profile page and access the services within tap on the My Aadhaar tab at the bottom of the Dashboard screen. WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. Therefore, when all the bank accounts are verified with Aadhaar then it would not be possible for these unscrupulous elements to go untraced and banking as a whole would become more safe and secure as the identity of each bank account holders is established uniquely beyond doubt through eKYC. Verify that there is a certification issued by the name '(n)Code Solutions CA 2014'. If any agency does not follow these best practices, then that agency will be fully responsible for situations or losses arising out of possible misuse or impersonation. The XML file will contain the demographic details such as Name, DOB, Gender and Address. Masked Aadhaar number implies replacing of first 8 digits of Aadhaar number with some characters like xxxx-xxxx while only last 4 digits of the Aadhaar Number are visible. Please wait. There are number of other areas where verification of identity through Aadhaar has brought in fairness and transparency in the system. Does this mean that I should not use Aadhaar freely? Aadhaar Sync feature allows resident to fetch the updated data in Aadhaar profile after successful completion of an update request. Verification of identity through Aadhaar has helped curb these practices. Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir, Gole Market, 6th Floor, Guwahati - 781 006, 1st Floor, Once ' (n)Code Solutions CA 2014' has been as a Trusted Identity, any subsequent documents with digital signatures from CCA will be validated automatically when opened. Aadhaar identity, instead, is instantly verifiable and hence more trusted. Its just like any other identity document such as passport, voter ID, PAN card, ration card, driving license, etc., that you have been using freely for decades with service providers. Book Appointment to visit Aadhaar Seva Kendra. But do you put these details openly on internet and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Service Provider has to collect Email Address and Mobile number from residents and perform below operations in order to validate the hash: In case if Aadhaar Number ends with Zero or 1 (123412341230/1) it will be hashed one time. The front side of the Aadhaar appears.SMS 2: ENABLEBIOLOCK<SPACE>Aadhaar-Number-last-4-digits<SPACE>OTP-6-digits
Does this mean that I should not use Aadhaar freely? When you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. You will get the signature validation status window, click on 'Signature Properties'. Can you please expedite it? In case Certificate validity is seen to have an expired certificate, on the machine; you are requested to download the E-Aadhaar once again and re-validate the signature, using the said procedure given in above points and add the newly downloaded certificate again to 'Trusted Certificate' category on local machine for adding valid/current digital certificate.UIDAI does not use face recognition method to identify Aadhaar number holders. At the enrolment centre, the Enrolment Operator gives a printed acknowledgement slip to the resident after the enrolment process which contains the EID(Enrolment Number). There has not been a single instance of biometric data breach from Aadhaar database. Also, as per the Aadhaar Act 2016, the Aadhaar card is required to be verified either by in physical or electronic formby way of authentication or offline verification, or in such other form as may be specified. e-Aadhaar is a password protected electronic copy of Aadhaar, which is digitally signed by the competent Authority of UIDAI and can be downloaded from the official website or mobile Application of the UIDAI.
In case if Aadhaar Number is used -
As of now 96 crore bank accounts out of total 110 crore accounts have been linked to Aadhaar. For UIDAI circular on validity of e Aadhaar, please visit Or recently changed your address? What are the features/benefit of M-Aadhaar application?If suppose you receive the OTP as "012345" then
SMS UNLOCKBIO 349123 012345 and send it to 1947
If using Virtual ID: GETOTP<SPACE>Virtual ID-NUMBER-last-6-digits
WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. Any non-compliance of these actions shall invite actions under Sections 17 and 25 of The Aadhaar (Authentication) Regulation, 2016, Sections 4 and 6 of The Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulation, 2016 and Sections 29(2), 29 (3) and 37 of The Aadhaar Act, 2016. What information is required to be provided by an individual to get Aadhaar? Hyderabad-500 038, Log Files Location (II_LOG) (Windows) How to Move Logs to a New II_LOG Location. Is it compulsory to have registered mobile number to use m-Aadhaar? People have been freely giving other identity documents such as passport, voter ID, PAN card, ration card, driving license, etc. The document verifier has no technological means to verify the authenticity of the document or the information it contains and has to trust the document producer. Computer must be connected to internet while validating digital signature.Note:
How to configure m-Aadhaar applications in phone (Android & iOS)? The More section in the App includes information about the mAadhaar App, Contact, Usage guidelines, Terms & Conditions of using the app and other necessary information. Anyone in India with a smartphone can install and use mAadhaar App. DO NOT re-apply. Verification is done through fingerprint, iris scan, OTP authentication, and QR code etc. No. Tap on the Register Aadhaar tab on the top of main dashboard, Create a 4 digit Pin/Password(memorize this password, as it will be required to access profile), Provide Valid Aadhaar & enter valid Captcha, The registered tab would now display the registered Aadhaar Name, Tap on the Aadhaar Profile tab on the top at the bottom of main dashboard, Enter 4 digit Pin/Password(created earlier while registering profile). Notably, everyday more than 3 crore Authentications are carried out on the Aadhaar platform. The same logic will apply to Aadhaar. Service Provider has to collect Email Address and Mobile number from residents and perform Enter a Share Code which be the password for the ZIP file and click on Download button. Aadhaar authentication can be performed for availing benefits, services and benefits falling under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 and if the purpose for which Aadhaar authentication is intended to be used is either backed by law made by parliament or is in the State interest. Type mAadhaar in the search bar and download, or download mAadhaar Android version from, To make sure you are downloading the right app, check to see if the developers name is listed as Unique Identification Authority of India. mAadhaar is more than Aadhaar card in a wallet. WebSelf-service puts residents in control: Using Aadhaar as an authentication mechanism, residents should be able to access up-to-date information about their entitlements, demand services and redress their grievances directly from their mobile phone, kiosks or other means.For example if the Aadhaar number is 1234-5678-9123 then
No, the facility to update demographic details such as Name, DoB, Mobile number arent not available in the mAadhaar app. Note: - Once 'NIC sub-CA for NIC 2011, National Informatics centre' has been as a Trusted Identity, any subsequent documents with digital signatures from CCA will be validated automatically when opened. However, all these documents, which may be used for identification can still be forged and faked which may or may not be possible to verify offline instantaneously. WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. Last reviewed and updated on: December 9, 2022,1.
Resident portal -
Get your Aadhaar PVC card at nominal cost. The concerned Regional Office/Concerned Section disposes the grievance online. Visit the Google Play Store for Android and to App Store for iPhone. Would the telecom company have access to your bank information, income tax returns, etc.? A successful face authentication confirms that you are who you claim to be. WebSelf-service puts residents in control: Using Aadhaar as an authentication mechanism, residents should be able to access up-to-date information about their entitlements, demand services and redress their grievances directly from their mobile phone, kiosks or other means. Yes, Aadhaar profile in a phone will automatically get deactivated the moment the same profile is registered in another mobile. For UIDAI circular on validity of e Aadhaar, please visit You have 'Adobe Reader' installed in your System. How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar? Is it compulsory to have registered mobile number to use m-Aadhaar? Aadhaar Registered Mobile number is essential to access the following services. They continue using them and if any fraud happens, the law enforcement agencies handle them as per law. Verify that there is a certification issued by the name '(n)Code Solutions CA 2014'. An Aadhaar holder is not responsible for the wrongful act of or by any agency. WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services.SMS 1: GETOTP<SPACE>Virtual-ID-last-6-digits
SMS 1: GETOTP<SPACE>Virtual-ID-last-6-digits
Only someone with an Aadhaar linked to a registered mobile number can create Aadhaar profile in the mAadhaar App.2 SMS are required to be sent for this facility.
(1) This service can be availed by passing Virtual ID ONLY
JavaScript must be enabled to access this site. Apart from helpful FAQs and link to Chatbot the More section also contains links to important documents from where resident can download the Aadhaar enrolment or Aadhaar update/correction forms. As in bank for withdrawing money, your signature, debit card, PIN, OTP, etc., is required, similarly for withdrawing money from your Aadhaar linked bank account through Aadhaar, your fingerprint, IRIS or OTP sent to your Aadhaar registered mobile will be required. Intimation to this effect will be mentioned in the original Aadhaar letter. Chandigarh 160017, 7th Floor, WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. Email Address and Mobile number are hashed. What happens if some fraudster who obtains a copy of my Aadhaar card and tries to open a bank account in my name without my knowledge. Any non-compliance of these actions shall invite actions under Sections 29(2), 29 (3), 29(4) and 37 of The Aadhaar Act, 2016 (as amended) and sub regulation 1A of regulation 25, regulation 14A of The Aadhaar (Authentication and Offline Verification) Regulation, 2021 and regulation 6 and 7 of The Aadhaar (Sharing of Information) Regulation, 2016. A resident desirous of using this facility shall generate his/her digitally signed Aadhaar details by accessing UIDAI resident portal.2 SMS are required to be sent for this facility.
Service Providers shall not share, publish or display either XML or Share Code or its contents with anyone else. Guwahati - 781 006, 1st Floor,(2) In case of multiple dependent Aadhaar Numbers linked to same mobile number, and when last 4 digits of the Aadhaar Number are same for at least 2 dependents, then second SMS to be sent as:
If at all some fraudster tries to open bank account using Aadhaar and bank doensnt carry any due diligence then in such case an Aadhaar holder cannot be held responsible for banks fault. Please go through them carefully before continuing further. Beside Maitrivanam, Ameerpet East Block, Swarna Jayanthi Complex, Also, ghost and shell entities and companies used to be created for tax evasion, money laundering, terror financing, etc. Does linking my bank account, PAN, and other services with Aadhaar make me vulnerable? Similarly, use of Aadhaar has checked unscrupulous elements that used to resort to impersonation in various examination and tests for college admission and jobs, etc., and thereby denying the genuine candidates of their rightful dues. Obviously no! As in bank for withdrawing money, your signature, debit card, PIN, OTP, etc., is required, similarly for withdrawing money from your Aadhaar linked bank account through Aadhaar, your fingerprint, IRIS or OTP sent to your Aadhaar registered mobile will be required. South Wing Race Course Road, Where can I find the Public Certificate for Digital Signature validation? In the last eight years, so far more than 3,012.5 crore authentications (till 28th May 2019) have been successfully done. Resident can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways. Apart from helpful FAQs and link to Chatbot the More section also contains links to important documents from where resident can download the Aadhaar enrolment or Aadhaar update/correction forms. The mAadhaar app for iPhone is compatible for iOS 10.0 and above. How to validate digital signatures in e-Aadhaar? Aadhaar identity, instead, is instantly verifiable and hence more trusted. Resident can download e-Aadhaar by following two ways. In fact, Aadhaar is more secure than many other identity documents, because unlike other IDs, Aadhaar is instantly verifiable through biometric and OTP authentication and QR code. It will provide Offline Aadhaar Verification facility to service providers/Offline Verification Seeking Entity (OVSE) without the need to collect or store Aadhaar number. Apart from helpful FAQs and link to Chatbot the More section also contains links to important documents from where resident can download the Aadhaar enrolment or Aadhaar update/correction forms.SMS GETOTP 9123 and send it to 1947
Order now! Govt eases norms for bank account opening with Aadhaar Free 15 Nov 2019 Free Press Journal. Verification of identity through Aadhaar has helped curb these practices. SMS to 1947. The functionality and UX remains same irrespective of devices (iOS, Android). The details will contain Name, Address, Photo, Gender, DOB, hash of registered Mobile Number, hash of registered Email Address and reference id which contains last 4 digits of Aadhaar Number followed by time stamp in a digitally signed XML.DISABLEBIOLOCK<SPACE>Virtual-ID-last-10-digits<SPACE>OTP-6-digits
To install Adobe Reader in the System visit and completer process to be added. The mAadhaar app for iPhone is compatible for iOS 10.0 and above. Once you open the app, it takes you through the terms and conditions and usage guidelines and language preference settings. It is a secure sharable document which can be used by any Aadhaar number holder for offline verification of Identification. A resident can voluntarily use his Aadhaar number in physical or electronic form by way of authentication or offline verification, or in such other form as may be specified by UIDAI. No. WebWhen you link your bank account, demat account, mutual fund account, PAN, etc., with Aadhaar, you secure yourself because no one can impersonate you to avail these services. Mumbai - 400 005, Ground Floor, Supreme Court Metro Station, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi-110001, Khanija Bhavan, Aadhaar identity, instead, is instantly verifiable and hence more trusted. People give their debit card or credit card details or cheque (which has bank account number) when they purchase goods, or pay school fee, water, electricity, telephone and other utility bills, etc. OTP will be available on m-Aadhaar mobile Application of UIDAI. As your bank information is not shared by the bank with anyone else, no one can have information about your bank account just by knowing your Aadhaar number. The invalid digital signature on the downloaded e-Aadhaar can also be validated on another machine, other than the machine where it was downloaded i.e. If resident wants to unlock UID he/she can do so on resident portal. Whereas, the XML file generated by the Aadhaar number holder using Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC is digitally signed document using UIDAI digital signature. (, Enter Aadhaar Number or VID and mentioned Security Code in screen, then click on Send OTP or Enter TOTP. Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir, Gole Market, 6th Floor, Namkum Industrial Area,Near STPI Lowadih, Click 'Next' to save the certificate in your local system (Desktop/Laptop).If suppose you receive the OTP as "012345" then
SMS LOCKUID 9123 012345 send it to 1947