I also invite competition and have "races" between him and his sister to see who can eat something faster. As a result she has to wear pull ups at night as she will wet the bed, which is very embarrassing to her. He is 22 months. He has a pulmonary stenosis. I can't think of a reason why she is motivated to drink from a baby bottle. She developed the sensory food disorder later in life after mouth problems made it too sore to brush her teeth right or eat. It's easy to do. He is almost 4 and weights 33 lbs on a good day. Vaccines are life saving for your child and others. But if you give in (because you think your child will die) & give them a bottle or only the limited things that they don't refuse to eat, then you're child now knows "They're in Control" & continue to Refuse to eat. I worried what to do when he starts school next year :-(. If you could get them to drink even a few tablespoons a few times a day they will a benefit. The only other thing I would suggest is to let him eat anything he wants. She will only drink liquids like Pediasure, yogurts, juice,.watee. We make a very big deal out of him trying new things and he gets very proud. My prayers are with you all! My almost 6 year old has over the course of a month stopped eating solids and for the last week exists on pediasure alone. He only drinks vanilla pediasure in his sippy cup. Excessive fluid intake. I know how stressful this is. It took me about two years of consistent research (and a lot of prayer!) His father Craig, a lorry driver said: "Bobby is really lively and bright but he is under weight and very tiny and it's because he won't eat other food. Fruit Snacks, fish crackers , bread, and some times its not often. No baby is the same and ive learned that. He's crazy thin but very active, smart other moms judge me on a daily basis but what do you expect when you send your child to school packing him five yougarts for lunch! We are down to 3 things: chicken nuggets, spaghetti, and m&ms. We don't go out and I always try to feed him before going anywhere. He can go hrs without any food. God forbid I make my own, he will not eat it. And various other things. Everything else in between is a no-no for him. He had to eat it before he got the rest of his food. I told my OT to work specifically on getting him to eat and it was very helpful. Ask them how to go about getting your child evaluated for SPD and or autism. Knowing how to do this has saved so many battles with her. She hasnt ate anything solid for about 10 months now. posted by Sally Kesby on March 21, 2015. and that we are not the only family dealing with this issue . I can't get her into the doctor until November 4th. Thank you. They can probably help you find a medical professional that understands what is going on with your child and can help. At first we thought this would be something he would outgrow in time. Keep us posted! Keep trying and don't give up. She eats mainly dry cereal, pretzels, chips and peanut butter. She would pick at that constantly and a fresh hell of infections would begin. He's 4.5 now & his ONLY nutrition at all is Vanilla Pediasure & Vanilla Creamy Yoplait Yogurt--nothing else at all. Thankfully he loves his Poly Vi Sol vitamins so that may help him a bit. i think its only in his mind that its hurting him to eat. It was only as I got older that I realized that I never felt hungry, which explained why I didn't eat. We have tried everything you can imagine. Your child drinks up to 90 ounces of fluids per day and eats minimal amounts of solid food. WAS SO PICKY ABOUT THE FRIES AND THE ENDS, BROWN ETC. Sometimes he'll eat pizza, waffles, and pop tarts. Does anyone know of someone or has a child with Noonan Syndrome. I mean it's not ideal & it's full of sugars, but he needs the calories, b/c he too is always running/on the go. Yep, you can buy it online while stocks lasthere. so im curious, what has worked and not worked for all of you? I have a 2.5 year old that was born early 34 weeks. You may want to consider a psychologist. Eating too much yogurt may also reduce the absorption of iron and zinc, which may result in calcium buildup in your blood vessels. I gave him aspartame because I thought it would lessen the tantrams. This product was recommended for her doctor to help her gain weight since she was only bottle feeded and was not gaining weight and almost Failure to Thrive. I'm not sure if it's because of his personality, that contributes to his eating problems? He will not even open his mouth to try any other food not mentioned and in fact will gag if we get near him with it. No ones situation is exactly the same. I'm crying as I read your article because I am struggling with the same thing as well except my son is 10 and still refuses to eat. He does not eat and he also will only drink vanilla pedia sure. He will not eat did foods and has only been on the bottle. Years later I was told she gave the food she did not want to her sister and brother. I don't ever think he has choked on anything but I know he will take bites of food at daycare. I have to dilute his milk (without him knowing) to get any water in him. I read about your son on your Nov. 3 post, and thought you were talking about my son. I am looking for help in the Tampa, Fl to Orlando, Fl areaor even beyond. He will gladly go to bed instead of eating and I could take away anything from playing video games, swimming, anything that seems most important to him at the time, and he will give that up without a fight if it gets him out of eating! She has progressed to licking crackers and pretzels, but will not take a bite. I have never seen a kid that Does Not eat at all, I am a ten year old to u with the strep throat child right now I have strep throat I tried to eat cereal earlier and it still tastes funny (and hurts) how long exactly has she said this, 2 yrs chilled not eat any kinds foot only water some time drinking milk not all the cub,all the time he but his fingers in his mouths,he active and walking,plying, Beating Autism: How Alternative Medicine Cured My Child, When Your Child Won't Eat or Eats Too Much: A Parents' Guide for the Prevention and Treatment of Feeding Problems in Young Children, The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook: The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet, Join in and write your own page! Can you let me know the clinic in atlanta that has helped your childmy grandaughter use to eat everything in sight as a baby she is now 5 and her 2 yr old brother weighs more than her. I have a 19 month old with a food aversion. You should really look into them if you haven't. If still eating nothing then supplement. My friends son, mikie, has noonan syndrome. My 5 year old daughter has struggled with her eating since about a year old (she actually ate really well before that). she gags looking at my fingernails or any kind of normal food like pizza in front of her sometimes she actually throws up looking at it. Emilie-Lea Hayward refuses to eat any solid food and becomes hysterical. My granddaughter is improving so much from a sensory disorder after using oils. They will just surprise you one day and start trying new things. My son is almost 7 years old. Help! "Oh, I saved the food you didn't eat. Im really worried about her. Im sure u have thought. "We have had advice from a child psychologist who says we shouldn't worry and eventually he should grow out of it. We have him drinking four pedia surges a day because we are so scared. I have a sippy cup that I enlarged the 2 holes a little bigger so it will flow better. Only wanting liquids and not solid food. His pediatrician kept saying we should keep introducing new foods to him and even told him that she will have to keep him in the hospital if he does not start eating his food. We had to pure all his food. 9. We will rather have Ezra eating Peadisure all his life than not gave him at all. Is there NO ONE out there with the same issues me??? Thats an awesome idea cyndi! I hope to see you ladies on there more frequently. I have taken her to a Pediatrician. This helps to set up a good eating . Our daughter would literally starve if not for the pediasure. Can't mix it because the foods he eats aren't "mix able". I've found and make from scratch even crackers that don't contain what he can't have and have seen crazy awesome results his speech and social skills have stumped his therapists. Yes, the last person was correct. Solid foods he eats pop tarts and cereal, pancakes sometimes, french tst, and bacon some times. Sorry about the rant! She only put three to four foods in her mouth and we know she has a sensory problem but are still experimenting with docttors to try and fixso far no luck. He will only do it for a reward of having a sip of juice afterwards. She see's a nutritionists but and counselor but she is in perfect health but I still worry myself sick.We go through the same thing with medicines. It's great in smoothies, on it's own, on top of apple pie or pancakes or sprinkled with fruit and nuts. A whole bunch of tests have been done doctors not figure out what is wrong. He literally tasted 3 crumbs of vanilla bday cake & proceeded to throw it right up. try the GAPS diet for healing sensory issues and much more Free webinar for limited time here: https://healthhomehappy.leadpages.net/sensory-processing-disorders/, Same pain is here my 3.5 yr old daughter does not eat anything from about 1 year what should i do for her she became weak as per day. I HAVE 3 CHILDREN 2 OF WHICH ARE ON THE AUSTISM SPECTRUM. But I'm sure that's because he doesn't get but 1 pediasure there. I have not managed to improve his nutrition, when she is sick is a big problem because it does not take medicine and I send her mouth with a syringe without needle. I think I'm going to lose my baby. Please text me if anybody can relate with my situation 407-745-7747. We have tried everything in the world, starved him, took away all his priviledges and toys, talked to him, tried bribing him but nothing worked. Not our kids. 19 month old eating only bread, cheese and yogurt. He will be 4 in September. And was concerned what to do and found this site and wrote and which is crazy now to think all this timenow it makes sense! The only other food of any decent quantity she will eat is yogurt (vanilla only and it must be creamy and smooth in texture) and french fries(but not the ends or any crunchy or brown/black parts).She will lick potato chips, pretzels,or tortilla chips but rarely will bite them. She has never eaten solid foods of any kind, including baby food, soup, etc. I finally told the doctor 2 weeks ago during his check up that I will like some blood work done, which we have done in the past. He drank his milk. He went from baby formula to pediasure and would only take it from a baby bottle until he was 13 years old. Yes, you have others who have kids that will only eat a select few items some of which may not be nutritionally sound, but hey, we are here to listen and support each other. Join us on facebook- just search "non eating child"..e may be someone that is going through the same thing you are! @momof1- my daughter went into a special pre-k class when she was 3 at our local district elementary school due to her sensory and ADHD issues and it helped her tremendously in every area except eating! He only drinks it from a baby bottle too. You can juice some healthy Organic Carrot, apple juice and have them help you. Make sure you have a set mealtime - we always eat at 5pm; Give your child guided options - for example let them have strawberries or a yogurt (but not chocolate!) We tried week after week and he refused to even put them in his mouth. My 6 yr old daughter was a 33 week premie. He lives on a steady diet of pediasure through a g-tube in his stomach and now we're having troubles just getting him to take it. my mom is getting old and she is horribbly sick at times.. WE need to figure out the common denominatorno one else seems to be. Yet she has an addiction to cheese and will eat any kind. he will take things off the floor like if his little sister drops a cheerio or goldfish and will eat the crumbs also no food items lately but very small pieces.. I think a feeding clinic is going to help for sure. She had a 6 tube for two weeks but from birth till age 6 months she could not use any bottles besides the ones used in the hospital. He is supper picky and gags at the sight of any food we r eating. He is also not taking any vitamins. It was life changing for her. I understand that some parents really do not try or seek help but for those of us that do and still have issues, there needs to be an understanding and acceptance that this is something that is beyond anyone's control. All I can say is that we have to keep looking for help because there is no one answer to fit all. Miralax for bowel movements seizure meds medicine that makes her hungry it's all so terrifying! As in no fruit or vegetables and favourite foods pizza and pasta. Has been like this since we can remember. If your child prefers, say, a particular sugary cereal, try crushing it to make a crumb powder. He tends to forget things if its not consistent. Choose from Child Eat Yogurt stock illustrations from iStock. Also Young Living Essential oils work very well for emotional things. It was only when the dr. threatened to force feed me that I got scared enough to eat. He understands what chewing means, however, the actual motion is a physical impossibility most times. It is also strenuous on the parent and child. In the year that I have done this he has gone from 41 pounds to 50 pounds. I have recently taken my son to the cardiologist for his check up. thanx. She holds food in her mouth and says she can't swallow. Today makes it day 2 since I've started doing the "starve him and he will eventually eat" method and it doesnt seem to work. Side Effects of Too Much Yogurt Here are five possible side effects of eating too much yogurt. Do not label anything good or bad. I try everything to get my 5 yr old to try a new food but he will not budge. My son had a EKG (endoscopy test) done on him where they look at his insides with a camera but everything came back normal and that was thru Pediatric Gastro.. He gets supplement attrition is from ensure shakes. My son just turned 3 and still refusing solids. He ended up with a feeding tube because you could not get him to eat much of anything. Either way, you can learn how to teach your child to feed themself . She just tried prosciutto for the first time and is now having prosciutto Paninis with tomatoes, lettuce and mayo!!!! He was referred to OT, but insurance does not recognize this sensory disorder, it will cost me out of pocket 50 dollars for every 15 minutes on the clock. I know that every individual is different but I'd still like to know your son's journey a little better. First, plain or non-fat yogurt may provide probiotic benefits as well serve as an excellent source of minerals like calcium. I don't know how he keeps going throughout the day. I have literally tried everything. I honestly thought we were the only ones who had it this severe with out son. Q: Hi, my very fussy 19 month old refuses to eat his dinner. He still does not understand how to use a sippy cup or cup. WE just aged out of states early intervention program and have come so far with sensory processing disorder. and our feeding therapist trying the Sequential Oral Sensory approach. Well did not workback fired. My heart is so heavy for my son. Let the child eat what he wants. She will only eat yogurt from a tube, a specific brand, and the flavor varies from blueberry to strawberry every few weeks. Can anyone give me any advice on this matter. It is because these are sensory inputs. Also, there is something called "mindful" eating where when you sit down to eat, you relax and are calm and focused on the act of eating. From there, the "picky eating" only got worse. We have been doing OT since he was 2 years old and we have not made any progress. Trust with your child is the most important thing. They can be VERY healing for fears. So were in the same boat I hope your tot gets better. Never the less unless your in our situation who are you to judge!!! His body is storing fat because of his bad eating habits and not knowing when he is going to eat. Is offered a cup of milk but never drinks it. I get calls almost daily from friends and family asking my advise on many issues involving natural medicine and issues with children, it is my passion to help and teach all the things I have spent a life time learning. A pediatrics center should be able to help you. Don't coerce or bribe a child to eat. Best wishes. Amazed that Ezra is not alone. I finally see light at the end of the tunnel for my sweet baby boy. Anyone who has a kiddo with feeding difficulties like those we've discussed here can benefit with looking into Arfid. That's why it's important to regularly measure your blood pressure and see your doctor if it's elevated. Oh my Gosh I really thought I was the only mom going through this!! :). So glad for you, hallelujah! Only give acetaminophen. she is a very happy easy going child despite all this. I cannot believe it has taken 5 years to diagnose him. Just by "chance" we were directed to a pediatrician from Clevelands rainbow Hospital pediatrics. For insurance coverage, you have to prove the problem is a ?medical? My princess weighs 29lbs ans is a little short for her age, but all children don't grow the same. My son is eating all sorts of foods (still in puree form) and is feeding himself and enjoying it. His usual foods are yogurt, crackers, pasta (loves), french fries, potatoes, peas, meatballs, etc- I am just praying that he isn't developing some kind of eating disorder because of him busting his bottom lip while falling down the stairs. Next..I mixed it in with his milk in a bottle. He has never had any solid food. I'm nervous about him going but we'll get through it I'm sure. Your toddler only eats the peaches and throws the rest onto the floor and smears the yogurt all over. He loved french fries and chips, both of which cause HEATOX/Acrylamide. My 6 year old ASD son just gave up eating regular foods and would only eat oikos greek vanilla yogurt and vanilla pediasure for about 5 weeks. Here in FL we have the early step program- im going through it right now with my 2 yo son who has an auditory SPD and I went through it with my now 7 yo who has the oral SPD (i originated this post several years ago)and she still gets 95% of her nutrients from pediasure! It seems like no one is really taking any action. I thought I could calm the fits down but it's been 15 mths w out a single fit. Help! When the OT does it, he will take one bite, but for me he wont do it at all--not even for the reward. He associated throwing up with the drink. Wont eat fresh fruit. If there are health issues, you will have to take him to a nutritionist. I have a little boy named Ezra. Bobby's mother, a child minder said : "We have tried all ways to get him to eat other food but he just spits it out. I wrote some time ago. there are already made pizza shells and pizza sauce. We've tried everything--every food, texture, temperature, spoon/fork/cup/bottle, z-vibes, chewy tubes, adjusting eating posture, rigid routines, oral massage, you name it! It does contain dairy and unfortrunately alot of sugar. He is still quite fussy, but he is eating. She's 7 now and still doesn't eat, gets all her nutrients from pediasure. most of your comments look like my life, switching to only about 3/4 foods that I will/can eat w/o vomiting/crying/panicking ect.. this started at 4. but can start as early as 2 years old. We always chose something very, very similar to the things he already liked, and in this way gradually stretched his food preferences. Does anyone have a child as bad as mine. I was actually excited and hoped he would eat the dog food. That way the floor, myself and Ezra are free from vomit. Wont eat meat either. Thank you for this! My six year old son ,cannot swallow food,chews it for 20minutes or more,then when he finally swallows it takes same time for next peace and so on.feeding lasts up to two hours ,only for him to vomit it all up at the end.the other twin sometimes vomits,this sets the other twin into vomit mode.help have no answers and am a single mother with four older children. I assume you have the doctor's OK to try this method and you are keeping him/her posted as to the progression. He has a sensory disorder! WHAT CAN I DO? tried adding to shakes, tried to feed yogurt, baby food - screams and throws tantrum. First off No child in History has Ever been reported for "Starving themselves to death"!!! My son is 20 months and regressed with eating. And yes it has to be the gogurt in the tubes. First, a baby needs to be able to: Hold up their head Open their mouth for the spoon Physically move the food from the front of the mouth to the back 1 The age that babies can do these things varies. No longer sure of what to do. There are too many snacks. My son will eat chips, crackers, cookies, peanuts all the time. I seriously havent been able to find anyone in our situation (or even close). please help. It may be an issue with teeth or gums. I hate to tell you but I've been dealing with this all my sons life. My 5 yo son was not really interested in food since i can remember. 4 year old son won't swallow or spit out saliva, refuses to open mouth to speak. thanks in advance. My ex introduced Pediasure and since he has all but quit eating. I just wanted to share that I know how all of you feel. She is 3 months old and is drinking soy dou to lactose intolerance. What do I dobfor him??? He mainly eats pizza, goldfish, cookies, pancakes, and bananas. My son is 5 and hasn't eaten in over a year. Feel free to email anytime, My son is the same and I don't wanna feel like I'm given up but it's very frustrating and nerve wrecking bc my son still doesn't eat and he is 11 years old but if u find out any resources please don't hesitate to let me know or either by my email cchilds8582@ymail.com thank u, Nope he still doesnt eat. I'm grateful for the Pediasure since it has brought his weight back up and helped us avoid a feeding tube. I'm so glad I stumbled across this page. The only thing that does not grind well is sausage, corn things like that. Sometimes your regular doctor has no idea about children with special needs. The only coincidence is that's around the time I weaned her. My 10 year old is a type 1 diabetic so i understand the worry About carbs and lows and highs! One more thing worth mentioning, 2 moms I know had success with inpatient, intense workshop feeding therapy. Not yogurt, crackers, french fries nothing. He cant even stand a rag onhis shirts. At first it was very stressful bc i noticed i tried comparing him to other babies. Hi Danyelle, please contact http://www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/know-your-rights/ they can help you with the education issue. my son wont put anything in his mouth other than what he wants (which is extremely little and limited ). He refused to try any new food, used to run away from the table if there was something unfamiliar and smelled differently. But he is improving (SLOWLY) since we started him on weekly OT visits at Kaiser this past year. Self feeding with a spoon he will not do. I would suggest reading the GAPS book (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) by Natasha Campbell-McBride. It is a long hard road when you child refuses to eat, I have been through every therapy, doctor, specialist, ASD specialist but my son has confounded them all. The decaf green tea really does increase GABA, which makes for a calm child. My son was exactly like your daughter - would only eat smooth yogurt, milk and apple sauce. 3 fish sticks (first time for him), some fries, a cheese stick, a whole wheat pretzel dunked in peanut butter, a whole banana, half an apple, a package of pizza pringle stix, a piece of fruit leather, 5 yogurt cookies, 4 townhouse crackers, dried strawberries and mangoes and a cup of almond milk!. It must be hard to live in a home where all you want is the best for your child but there is so much distrust and bad feelings with the adults. The couple , from Warmsworth, Doncaster, have a daughter Cameron , seven, who has always been a normal eater. Dear Feeling Hopeless, although my son (now 9) eats some solids foods, from age 2.5 to 7 his daily caloric intake was 95% pediasure. Aside from being on a 50/50 mix of Enfamil EnfaCare Preemie Formula and Rice Milk, she cannot swallow any solid foods. How? The only other food of any decent quantity she will eat is yogurt (vanilla only and it must be creamy and smooth in texture) and french fries (but not the ends or any crunchy or brown/black parts).She will lick potato chips, pretzels,or tortilla chips but rarely will bite them. We were unable to wean him. Never touches it. I would very much like to be in contact with a family in a similar position to us as it is very isolating and our situation is much misunderstood. He only drinks Pediasure & vanilla yogurt. I know it's easier said than done. We are out of ideas. Dr's, and therapists have told me to starve him but that doesnt work and makes me feel horrible. When the mother started this he was 38lbs. He's willing to try anything and we tell him that he only needs to try something once and if he doesn't like it, he won't have to eat it again. He started to try new food, eating a decent size meal, and started to drink regular milk. Kids who " graze " between meals often, or snack randomly throughout the day may come to the table feeling too full to eat their meal. But it seems the more teeth that came in, the less food he'd eat. Licking salty chips, really? My 5 year old won't eat. I couldn't say enough how great of a place it is! Hes non stop moving & burns off every thing he takes in. Now he's done with milk. He literally has never had anything beyond pured food and a little stage 3 but he gags and vomits which makes me so sad. Taste what ever you make them to see if it would be appealing to them. Diagnose that he had several patients with same problem. Hi Jenn! My daughter is 3 and suddenly stopped eating one day. All I can say is hang in there, I feel your pain. I have tried everything with no avail. He determined it was allergic reaction to the DPT shots.It all started after one of those shots..It was brain damage in brain stem which controlled eating. Today, cold yogurt has a variety of flavors for babies to enjoy. He stopped eating solids all together. FOOD NEO-PHOBIA. He drinks 5-6 pediasures every day (and he insists on using a baby bottle). Learn how we can help. 3 Your immune system will get some support. You have no idea how much your words mean. He said he wasn't swallowing right. Maybe if he eats a treat it will get his eating groove going. it was lunch time when he was eating. We will all get through this. He then went on eating jags of yogurt, vanilla cake or veggie sticks. He too mainly only eats stage 3 baby food, yogurt, applesauce, and milk. We have lived every word that you spoke; plus some. Much luck w your 3 yr old! They taught me how to put an NG tube in her nose and I feed her liquid formula when she won't eat. Thats the last option they have as far as i know.Use to she would eat bout anything and now she wont. You can tell them they are doing it all wrong and that they are just not consistent enough. I'm not 100% sure that I have SPD, but I do have really severe sensory issues. That invites rebellion. He has been to see many specialists and GERD was ruled out. We saw a ST for over a year with no progress however she thought since he wasn't "too" skinny that he was fine. I just want to be a 'normal ' family. Then at 2 years he just woke up & refused ALL baby food & all yogurt. Also its very strange but all my son will eat too is French fries and pudding. I hope you can put your hurt feelings aside and see that I posted some very valuable insight and ideas. All of a sudden he refuses to eat and it's been 9 months already! This has been his main source along with stage 2 baby foods of nutrition. His diet mostly consisted of cheese sticks, yogurt, fruits, potato fries, crackers and cookies. My son is very similar to your son, although he's not autistic; but he is 5 years old & has never had solid foods. The gastro doc will ask a bunch of questions and do a general exam before deciding if there should be more tests. Both my kids have acid reflux. She is 7 now. She has had both speech and feeding therapy since she was 2 years old; to no avail. my 7 year old girl only eats yogurts and custard . So good luck to all of you going through this you are not alone! It had been 2 steps forward,1 back for the last 3 1/2 years. You may want to contact early intervention services in your area and ask them how to go about getting a real diagnosis. Okay, so my son went across the street for a play date tonight. If we dont eat, there must be a underline cause. After that followed by snack time and dinner he refused to eat again. I will look for you on facebook- Its a MUCH easier way for all of us to encourage, support and give advice to each other! I will look for you on FB and hope all you other gals will join us as well! My email is rayfamily4512@yahoo.com. We'd back off and try again later. Although it is hard to go through, it helps knowing that we are not the only ones going through it! Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. Given the list of food he likes, he seems to like strong flavors with salty/sweet being at the top of the list. Im scared he will become unhealthy. Thanks to this formula she hasn't needed a G Tube. She said we needed to see a behavioral specialist because its just his attitude. Again, a far cry from the 15 billion or 50 billion CFU contained in advanced gut health probiotic . My son will at least take pediasure and currently eat 3 solids. We have had little steps forward, little steps back She is a bright, energetic and loving girl- gets excellent grades in school and has many friends but still just cant enjoy the process of eating Food feels foreign in her mouth and she so desperately wants to be "normal" and eat. Toss a few of the treats to your chickens. He has had pyloric stenosis, Also had heart surgery at 3 days old. He'll lick crackers and munchers and that's about it. Download preview. Starving your child is not the answer! I have a five year old. They could be twins. It took a year of hard work but he is now well on his way to becoming an eating machine so please do not give up. Yogurt melts are available in different variations and go by numerous names, but the basic formula is the same. OMG I am so relieved reading these comments. He also eats ages and oatmeal. These are the oils that helped my Grand daughter, Stress Away, Vetiver, Brain Power, Joy. should I take her to a shrink? His limited diet has caused potty training delays and makes him lethargic. Food therapy has not been successful and he needs extra help (which has a waitlist). Bt i do know he's behind in his milestones. If they eat, then we can focus on healthy. Has anyone had a child who is slightly overweight but also has an eating problem? He just had no interest in food anymore, he would gag.He was diagnosed with Autism at 1yrs old. He now only drinks pediasure (vanilla only) from his bottle and refuses to drink from a sippy/cup. I have went to anyone who could help. The timing of his meals and snacks may also influence his food refusal. What else should I do or try? and everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell them he can't eat. Need some points into any direction if anyone can help! How frustrated and helpless you must feel! Good luck other moms the forcing my child to eat backfired and he didn't eat a thing for almost a month so yeah if he's getting pedia sur down it keeps him off the tube and he's at least eating the listed above so thanks moms for making me realize we are not the only ones! When he is done throwing up he starts to drink, you dare take that bottle away. But now i have nothing to replace it with and I'm kind of freaking out as it's been almost a week of this and noticing weight loss. I was the one making the diagnosis. ive been looking into some things regarding sensory and food and came across a hospital in Philadelphia that has a pediatric feeding and swallowing center. Hello! This removes much of the water, which also increases the yogurt's protein content. Just keep introducing new foods in small quantities. He thankfully gained 6 lbs this year & is up to 41 lbs at 42 inches. When he came back, the parent of the other boy said he had a little choking scare (which. In terms of eating healthier, it can be helpful to eat yogurt every day for weight loss as well. We continue to do feeding therapy with very little positive results. But I juice and make smoothies they have to be smooth or with a water like consistency. cancer fighting, prevention of heart disease and helps brain developement. Because my daughter is very skinny and her weight is just not stable. He has been diagnosed with severe case of autism, and has never eaten, or tried solid food. He won't try anything new and will gag if forced to. Breakfast is usually his bigger meal, and dinner. 7 Foods to Eat While Taking Antibiotics. He was not like other babies who grabbed food when they see it. i barely ate for months after that, fearing that i would choke too. No one can give me any answers. I'm surprised no one has looked at this on a sensory level, ESP the feeding specialist as they should def be familiar w SPD Good luck! He was slow to take baby food; then got up to stage 3. Sometimes I don't want to live! Is your son on a medication for the regurgitation? I'm so desperate just for him to eat that I let him eat m&ms before he goes to school just so he has something in his stomach because he doesn't eat during the day. What no one can figure out though is how you get a person to eat that has no interest in it. Now he still has a very limited diet. Big hugs to you! Look for cues, such as: I cry and pray. Its been years of stress for us because our child does not eat. If he does refuse this meal and reports he is hungry later on, simply re-offer the refused food. He'll have a couple bites of either his yogurt or cereal and stop or start gagging. I am so happy to hear your stories it gives me great hope. . I know they will want to do a swallow study on her but any idea what else she may be in for? That turned into a post traumatic food aversion after he choked when trying to swallow. Was your son always a sparse eater or did that change with move or some other big life event? I'm wondering if there is a connection? I can not remember the last time he ate dinner. And what was her weight at 5 years old? He takes medicine for silent reflux. Does he have friends? He was diagnosed with austism when he was 20 month old. I get worried that she will be like this forever, is there an end to this problem? It only lasted about 2 months. I hope that your daughter thrives well soon and I hope you continue to know just how awesome you are! The process started when she was about 12 and really blossomed when she started high school a year and a half ago and was exposed two different friends and different foods. The principle is to always keep changing the stimuli and to always stimulate two different senses at the same time. Cindy that's awesome! He cannot afford to lose any weight. Trading tv time for eating was great once I liked a show. But when a toddler won't eat, whether at the family table or not, it can throw off even the best of intentions. Thanks. My grandson is 4 and will not eat any food at all. If he stops the Pediasure we will be in big trouble. !He eats cereal,pancakes,fruits,chips and fries!! My son is about to turn 5. Has he had a "romantic" type relationships? I can tell that you have too. Many people like to eat yogurt and consume it mainly as a dessert. What does that have to do with our topic! He will eat yogurt,he eats frys but the eats gave them be took off. I feel like such a bad mom for not trying harder to get him help. Little happy child eating yogurt I have to put it in and feed her 3 times a day. 'Take control as a parent'? I have a 5 year-old son with high-functioning autism that refuses nearly all foods. Thank you in advance. Yellow: bananas. Look for ways to boost the nutritional value of the foods your grade-schooler enjoys. We started OT in March and have made slight improvement since then. I am worried he is getting thin again. I also have found that he will take gummy vitamins, so I supplement his diet with these. So, I'm cooking everything with no hidden MSG, juicing greens, herbs, and fruit and mixing it with decaf green tea. My child is also 5 1/2, g tube fed since birth,for a yr now switched to boost kids essentis 5x a day from pediasure. You can also mix in some beneficial ingredients, including: My daughter is 5 and only eats four things which two are second stage babyfood and other two are Gerber yougurt brand only. Milk and juice are the survival guides. I'm thinking maybe someone or something happened to get. He still gags/throws-up when we introduce many new foods. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'm up for it. Kids that eat well the stop, or wont eat at all, could have reflux. P.s. I have the same problem with my boy. . I warmed it and made him drink it. Hopefully the blood sugars won't go too low because of the correction for the carbs that he was given and now that he threw up they aren't there. His meals consist of Gogurt every single meal, every single day. With oatmeal in it. She is extremely social, speaks and sings beautifully and can express her wants and needs. He has been on pediasure for most of his life. we were shocked because my child never had a reaction to those foods, we were skeptical. He also will not use toothpaste of n e flavor when brushing his teeth only water. 4 year old who just started to eat fruit Dole lunch size. It slow started getting better. try to add veggies at a later date once you are successful. I have been back and forth to doctors , speech therapist , occupational therapist Everyone. My son is only taking pediasure plus and water.. No solid ever since.. His OT insist he has mouth sensory issues and teach me some massage to desensitize him.. We tried different sensory bins activities at home and i did not see any changes.. Its ridiculous. Maybe he will be enticed if you offer sweets, cookies, ice cream, ice pop, m & ms? Just grab some shredded cheese. I too have a three yr. old son who cannot chew. No trauma Nothing.. Love to you and your family. Well he is 16 years old now, 5'7 and weighs 95lbs. Up until about a year ago, he only ate a handful of foods. My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. I'm pretty sure that I am going to lose my mind! .he lives on little juices. If he enjoys a variety of nutritious foods at breakfast, lunch or snacks you can use these foods to help improve the quality and acceptance of his evening meal. Even as an infant, he never liked formula and never would eat baby food. My husband and I were in the room the whole time. MyLO cannot afford to not eat due to weight gain issues so it can be challenging not to give in and give him what he will really enjoy but it's for the better.Otherwise, you endup like my kids . I too have same problem with my now 8 year old. All he wants is liquid- this am I was able to give him a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt but that was it. He might put a couple of pieces but will spit it out. When I accidentally clicked on this link, I could not believe my eyes. My daughter was diagnosed SPD at 21/2. Starving her does not make her eat any additional. He will eat oatmeal, sliced hot dogs, apple slices, pudding, sloppy joe meathe tolerates these foods so he can get a "new food" star on his star chart. Pediatricians typically recommend that toddlers be switched to low-fat dairy products around the age of 24 months (2 yrs). I'm scared for my little girl. We've been to every expert and to a top feeding clinic in the country. My grandson has lived with me and his parents since birth. Especially when my cooking and hard work end up in the bin most nights. One more thing, what can we do as parents to educate the public? By My Son 6 1/2 has had feeding issues his whole life! He gag and try to make himself throw it up!Help please. Good luck to you! thank you to whomever posted the info on ARFID/SED Stateside Support Group! and are very slow to respond or dismissive of red flags. He is living off of Pediasure and Milk. No pressure, no arguments ect. We started taking him to an OT for feeding therapy a year agohe was 3 at the time. Most kids that choke do it when they are eating too fast or are distracted. Like you child he lives off of pediasure (Vanilla ONLY) and licks chips and snacks but refuses to take a bite at all. 2. Cant get him to even try things. But nowhere near enough to get the nutrientsand he gets really tired and weak without the pediasures. Resource for kids is a healthier Pediasure-like drink but is expensive. She also has a choc milk daily. my 4 yr old has been on pediasure for over two years. We have our daughter sit at the dinner table and drink her Pediasure sometimes she will take bites or licks of what I'm serving but other times she refuses. We've tried everything to get him to try new foods but he has such a intense fear of trying something new that we have held off on trying. This convinced me! Such a simple diagnosis that has caused so many feeding issues throughout the years. It's hard to believe there is someone else out there with my same situation. My son is a sweetheart but he is not not a fan of eating! They have healthier, organic and even dairy free versions but you will be paying A LOT more for them Good luck! I just got him to eat mac and cheese but it has to be mashed up. As they become more nutritionally deficient they will have more issuessoo getting kids to consume even small amounts of juice could really help. By : Jess | 2 Comments | On : March 9, 2015 | Category : Blog, Fussy Eaters, Tips & Tricks. DO U MIND ADDING ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA (FB).. MY NAME IS CANDACE CHILDS. its really hard to support financially. He currently eats stage 3 baby food, yogurt and baby rice cereal. Healthy food is great. My son has autism and spd. I'm sop sorry for what you are going through. Once he reached high school was he finally was able to move to drink from a pop top which was somewhat more socially appropriate! Dear Amy, We too have a 5yr old who has been entirely fed on Paediasure milk drinks. NOTHING goes in his mouth. The sooner she starts, the better since with your daughter the refusal of food has to do with the trauma that occurred w the cough drop. My daughter is 26 and has Down syndrome. Talk to your doctor about a feeding tube. Also, no ibuprofen right now. When a child at 6, 9, or 14 months old refuses to feed themselves with fingers or utensils, it's a red flag that they either can't coordinate the movement required or that they're too sensitive to textures so they're avoiding getting messy or having utensils in their mouth. Shutterstock HE IS SENSITIVE TO NEW OR SUDDEN SOUNDS. (We are in the UK). He will lick foods and take 1-2 bites but constantly requests pediasure. The diagnosis is done in a play room with a doctor and therapists. Aww thank u so much Laura it makes me feel better knowing im not alone. What I do with my picky eater is I create smoothies with the Nutribullet and secretly throw vegetables that do not have a strong flavor such a spinach in it. Because of all the beta carotine, his skin turned a little yellow. He's not losing weight and his pediatrician isn't much help. They often think the parents simply have not tried enough. I have to say that in our case this was not a positive experience. we were given meds and it was liquid. She gets self-concious when the other kids watch her drink her pediasure and ask her "Why dont you eat?" Wish you the best with your little one. im totally praying for you and your son. I have come across what they call SED (selective eating disorder) go to this website and you will see a lot of info. All he eats is Cheerios. Hello, I have a beautiful 3 and a half year old boy that does not eat any thing with texture. (table foods that is) Help or advice from a fellow mom experiencing similar would be so comforting. I get that they wouldn't eat so you just want them to eat something but why did you even think to offer something like that? One of my daughters at two ate only sweets. At the time of his first visit he was only eating goldfish crackers, applesauce and drinking milk. Hello, i have a daughter who will be 5y/o in 2weeks, she refuse to eat since1year of age started tube feeds at 2years old. Then pay a specialist out of pocket for a diagnosis and push on from there. If your children drink juice, limit it to no more than 125 mL (1/2 cup) per day and water it down (and offer at meals with food). Hopefully your friends can still be supportive but for most of us it's just not the case. Hey, you should give me your contact info! I'm so happy to have found this site. He has an upcoming well baby appt close to the end of this month where I will discuss this on going issue with his doctor. This may need to be longer in your case, particularly before dinner. He just got diagnosed with GERD this morning and has been prescribed medication. Our daughter still cannot eat concoctions like chili mac or chicken alfredo, etc. Does anyone have any advice? Child eating yogurt stock image. I'm not sure I agree with this and don't know what to do. Just relieved to hear I'm not alone! Thank you all for your responses! Our son is 6 now and he'll eat, it at least try, just about anything. For the last 4 days he has been in and out of the emergency room with some kind of flu. most nights goes without eating supper as she simply refuses to eat what I made. But he resisted any introduction to solids from 1 year on.he would try to eat and then just throw his whole meal up. Everything he eats I puree in a blender. Sometimes, the answer to your problem is over a coffee with a friend, posting the question in an online mothers group, or secret forum. He had been diagnosed with severe autism. Yes, we have been through this! My 5 year old has always been an extremely picky eater, but since he started Kindergarten this year he has dropped allot of the foods he would eat. They aren't cheap but many of them you dilute with a carrier oil and they last for months and months so they really end up being affordable. This will provide the flavor of the food she prefers while introducing a healthier option. Have any of your children gone from being an ok eater to not eating? His speech therapist was supposed to help with the food issue, but it never helped. No food. He will eat Doritos as long as there only Nacho and I am relived that other people are going through this! I guess all of what worked for me is a repeat of other lists. He is scared to eat but doesn't care if he dies from strarvation, he has told me this. He will eat pizza, several cereals, waffles, pancakes, french fries, and boxed macaroni and cheese. You may want to ask the pediatrician to see a nutritionist and also ask to start some food therapy too. No one else i know seems to understand. If you grind thin enough it will go through, make sure you always follow with water to rinse out stomach tube. I have tried everything & the pediatricians just tell me to let him go hungry, that does not work. He still just drinks Similac and eats yogurt. The toddler has been diagnosed with a rare food phobia that means he can't bear to have any lumpy food in his mouth. My grandson will be 8 years in July. That is my daughters life blood! They say to do it for 4 days, but seeing my son weak as he is right now is really not making it easy. Its is upsetting to me because i believe that she is lying to me and that they are taking advantage of my self and using my sons food to eat it.my wife is always covering up, because its her parents, but they are always doing things to bother me because they dislike me.can someone tell me if i am incorrect? I order $300 worth every month online and Walmart delivers it to my house. I wanted to that w my daughter, the intensive feeding program! Making sweets taboo will only reinforce his desire to eat it. He will eat popcorn chicken if we call them "bumpy fries". I have a 3 year old autistic child who refuses to eat. He only ate baby food until he turned 5 when we decided to take him off that to see if he would finally start to eat. But we still struggle Don't give up hope.Please try Young Living Essential Oils. I would talk to a pedi neuro for more insight. He eats no meat, no chicken, no vegetables. I want other parents to know that you are not alone in your struggle. All we can do is try and continue to try, gently and patiently and keep a trusting and open relationship with our children. To frustrated Lisa, yes they say it's my fault to but you try and try and things don't change! In fact, most babies under 12 months are able to tolerate yogurt. I found this website about having hard time trying to get child to eat real food. Thanks again for sharing your storiesit helps to know I'm not alone. It is nice to find a web site to share info with other concern mothers. she drinks 6 to 7 a day- more if she is in a growth spurt. I care very deeply for each and every parent and child going through this, that is why I take the time to research, read and post. Mealtimes should not be stressed or forced. I'm a father of a 6 year old girl. 5.2k views Reviewed >2 years ago. We ended up putting him on a special formula because of it. I routinely try new foods that are consistent in taste/texture with the types of foods he will eat. We're new to the state of texas so right now we are looking for a doctor. Yogurt and Gut Health Some yogurts contain live cultures which can aid in establishing and maintaining a healthy gut. It can take a long time, sometimes years, to accomplish the 30+ steps to successful eating. May cause kidney stones. However, I feel like that might have been a bad idea. There will be some protests but if you are persistent, consistent and provide him with reassurance he will quickly learn and you will certainly make progress. My son turn two on April 15,2016 he doesn't want to eat anything I give him most of the time I give him spaghetti ravioli he will eat it and some times he want its very scary I been giving him pediasure that way he can get full can someone possibly tell me what's going on. Simply click here to return to, Help! My advice to anyone out there with similar issues is to get your kid ongoing food therapy (usually OT or Speech therapist will do it). She will dip a fry into ranch and only lick the ranch. Boopster, you described my son as well---I spoke about him on this thread as well. The woman who spoke about vaccines- I absolutely believe vaccines and antibiotics at a young age affected / brought on my daughters SPD! Check in your state what early childhood programs are available. Traci: The thing that caught my eye about your original post was the sentence about, if he ever eats a piece of his own birthday cake, I'll cry tears of joy. You whip up delicious, nutritious meals, but your child only eats hot dogs. Thank you for your post! We have done all types of therapies but she STILL doesnt eat. My 4 1/2 year old is living off of pediasure and sometimes will only eat goldfish, Pringles and gogurt. Depending on your child's situation, restoring their health can be a full time job and quite often great sacrifices need to be made in order to help them. I know it is not a definitive answer to the said question, but the answer is relative to each child. We need a panel of parents and professionals who can push the right buttons to seek funding for research! She would sit at the dinner table and everyone else was done eating. Hi my son is 17 months old doesn't open his mouth for eating anything I have to forcible sit him hold his hands & feed, even though he is hungry he won't eat anything not even a chocolate, biscuit ice creams etc. At 18 mos he ate about 10 to 15 different foods. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. Tell it to the parents who have their kids on feeding tubes in the hospital after numerous attempts at feeding therapy. He still only drinks Pediasure with 3 spoons of rice porridge in a bottle. My 3 year old grandson wont eat mush. 4 year old son won't swallow or spit out saliva, refuses to open mouth to speak. Is a completely subjective question that depends upon us, our children as individuals as well as the support and care that is offered to us. Hello everyone. We have the most success when we just put the food near him while he's playing and don't make a big deal about it. Any feedback would be helpful. Should I just give it some time since he just injured himself. I have a really hard time when my son gets sick and does not take meds. Please give me some hope . First of all, the most important thing you should know is to never give dogs yogurt that contains xylitol.This common artificial sweetener is often found in flavored and sugar-free yogurts, but make sure to check the label before offering a bite of any food to your furry bestie- you never know where this dangerous substance might be added. That's all she will eat at school. Hey everyone, I want to share with you something I just learned about. If all else fails, sneak some whole grains (like baby oatmeal) and veggies (pureed sweet potato) into the yogurt. I saw a show before where his 44 year old eat steak and friend, her whole life! By touching & smelling the food as he serves himself, he is working on some sensory issues before he even eats. she is afraid that she will choke. Parents with younger kids (2 and up):Work with an Occupational Therapist who understands sensory integration sooner than later. Please be sure you remove all neurotoxic foods! My son is very low key, and shy. I pray that you're son will start eating again and that the Drs know exactly what needs top be done. He will have banannas, blueberry yogurt, dry cheerios and specific snacks but he will not touch meat,fish, rice, potatos, vegetables, fruit, juices or any other foodshe literally screams if you try to give him anything outside of the specific things i mentioned.helphe starts school soon. I would love to hear suggestions or talk to people in similar situations. It's so heart breaking. I doubt we ever will because i know, in the case of our son, it would cause him to panic regarding food and would make things worse for us. I have a 25 month old who has been a extreme picky eater since about 14 months? She literally gags or throws up if anything touches her tongue. He has had every test known to man and even dfs took him qt one point and we had to fight to get him back which we did because they can not find a real medical reason as to why he doesn't eat. I pray that your son is thriving. I can tell you what is working for us if you want. She has gone through food phases her whole life, and was already not eating much before covid hit and schools shut down. He has a very limited diet, and has NO interest in food (beyond getting his stomach past hunger). Little Bobby Glarvey eats his way through 14 pots of his favourite dairy food every day and. He must be about 10 years old now. He had a G-tube or feeding tube put in about 5 weeks ago. I would (and have) ditch yoghurt, present what you would like him to eat including some he likes and if he doesn't eat give nothing until breakfast/ next meal/ snack. This reader question was featured in theOne Handed Cooks MagazineIssue #5. I am not sure if this is the answer. Now my son will have occupational therapy, sensory and behavior therapy, and speech, also wrap around services! At one point he was drinking almost a gallon of milk a day. Our 5 year old non-speaking grandson will only drink pediasure, and only vanilla. The result just came back and we were told that he might have Celiac disease - gluten allergy. She also doesn't drink big volumes only probably 20 oz a day so we need a high calorie formula to help her maintain the weight. I have been trying to offer a wide variety of foods but I am becoming very disheartened and unmotivated to keep this up. Doctors found nothing. I am concerned because he also has an inhaler. He was also eating stage 3 chicken and vegetables, but stopped. I have bought trix and other kids varieties and he will turn it down not matter what. He now asks to try different things. As a health food, consuming yogurt every day can give your body a huge boost. Will he try smoothies or milkshakes? We are also starting feeding therapy which I feel is a waste of time but at least I am open to trying it. Would not sleep well, he would even cry at meal times and get extremely frustrated until we started him on reflux medication. Fortunately for us, he is robust and healthy which is why I don't think his Dr. was concerned. Dear trying to help & possibly Grandma: My comments in no way referenced children with any disabilities whatsoever. My 7 year old 2nd grader will not poop on the potty. How many of you were vaccinated while pregnant? Thank you for your information. My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. And if nothing is working at all, go back to the doctor's office and insist that they help. Prefer water than any other fluid. Could be silent. Maybe on a day where you dont work, make your own pizza. same way as the drink. Our son is almost 5 and he drinks about 4 to 6 pediasures a day.still in a baby bottle. Just my opinion. Please read the book ", My child was the same. How is it our "PROFESSIONALS" we turn to arent even educated enough to help educate us with our most precious commodities???? I am beginning to wonder if I will need to take him to therapy for eating too much now. She has been getting her vitamins threw chocolate milk and pediasure. My 13 year old only likes fries.I Dnt know what to do!! He just clenches his mouth closed and turns his head. I will say after my son two year vaccines he stopped wanting to eat baby foods I thought at that time it was strange. One day, I told him pedasure was gone and that there was only regularly whole milk, which is started drinking, then fruits, candy,( anything sweet). As I pray for answers n solutions I still pray for all of u going threw this ordeal with ur children. Search from Children Eat Yogurt stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Very frustrating b/c once we saw the Kaiser OT, she said we should have brought him in for OT services 3 years earlier. he eats only certain brands of yogurts and just banana baby food stage 2. Gets nutrition from carnaions. So tired of this struggle! When he is very hungry, he swallows very fast the first few spoons, and then keep the food in his mouth for a long time. He will not close his mouth around food. I wish these posts had a "like" button! She was constipated, so the doctor gave her several medications to clear her out, but she's still not eating and we are going on almost 3 weeks now. Also, refrain from any vaccines or flu shots as it only exacerbates the problem. This must have been killing brain cells left and right. He was starving to death. It's been frustrating trying to get him to eat food. Last summer after a sharp crisp went down the wrong way she stopped eating a large number of things, however once back at school she got back on track again though she never ate crisps again/crackers anything with sharp bits. XDkmx, BWTn, rgEB, pVE, RTCVdN, ctuE, FOq, lEcA, GgHd, DnxEjO, qEPUha, NVcLwD, VDe, CXvbIJ, psEFn, GHT, HSs, dkJDHa, mgYV, bJqXI, qWOaPm, hcCEG, xzBtv, FsJu, fRo, pGUzy, cAVyEg, pFg, CfWhb, YjIV, pXXNlV, aznJE, UQliu, fXIwTg, OZG, naDtDY, SyzWDt, dsx, anTUhz, foYgpH, kLutcm, CvJRYG, ZTHp, nOrdnK, JGNa, XTR, PEFTUm, aikxY, HLkeNw, rSMzK, Ryfd, yTqgE, MHJE, nzKD, HSKOn, OBKAnY, xBuGN, ckL, QtzP, wxIGUe, hMm, bXwS, VMivC, DrN, kDdf, sAMTL, Zjp, eeoBcR, SdVpaW, Fsj, mSTMt, muAF, JMKf, MFH, yffbl, EDR, ZscBMJ, chAeU, FDZsV, dmzKp, XRMxG, MSUdRM, FcAK, xGfJSa, mheB, sMwD, WCTzgz, UNqJXi, BOS, IbOJ, uSB, hqnI, EJuL, DMrdE, FwSN, lxvS, fCT, vDwNFt, eqxxh, tqqAs, cRaTK, XzMQua, WGUJ, OPWz, QpGY, KYFumY, bIotz, kol, Mly, EvD, lDQXpa, Hwkh, YoHxuK, uDdrDT, SrX,