python param docstring

The Zen of Python Configuration for REST framework is all namespaced inside a single Django setting, named REST_FRAMEWORK.. For example your project's file might include something like this:. The following is a mathematical example of a doctest for a function such as add(a, b) that adds two numbers together: In this example we have a line of explanation, and one example of the add() function with two integers for input values. Continue Reading. Then, the module executes those sessions to confirm that the code referenced by a doctest runs as expected. In a program, we can import and call the doctest module in our if __name__ == "__main__": clause at the bottom of our programming file. fruit_price_arr : array-like Given two integers, return the sum. Docstring Types: The various docstring types (function, class, class method, module, package, and script) Docstring Formats: The different docstring formats (Google, NumPy/SciPy, reStructuredText, and Epytext) Docstrings Background. Once youve specified the interface, the next step is simply to write your implementation using native C Getting in the habit of writing tests prior to writing code can support productive software that serves other developers and end users alike. Including a comment will ensure that you as the programmer have sharpened your goals, and a future person reading the code understands it well. A programmer can be well served by first writing documentation and then tests, before finally writing code. Whether youre documenting a small script or a large project, whether youre a beginner or a seasoned Pythonista, this guide will cover everything you need to know. They should be kept concise enough to be easy to maintain but still be elaborate enough for new users to understand their purpose and how to use the documented object. Given two integers, return the sum. Now you understand the background of docstrings. Example commands to kick off training runs: Training a neural-bag-of-words model on all languages. The datasets you will download (most of them compressed) have a combined size of only ~ 3.5 GB. Also note that PyCharm captures custom roles from Remember to remove these comments once the actual coding has been implemented and reviewed/tested: Code Description: Comments can be used to explain the intent of specific sections of code: Algorithmic Description: When algorithms are used, especially complicated ones, it can be useful to explain how the algorithm works or how its implemented within your code. and-two Documentation for the second parameter. Our program should be similar to this, without the doctest: If you need more guidance on these topics, please check out our How To Code in Python book or complementary series. In English, vowels are often considered to be a, e, i, o, and u. In English, y is sometimes considered to be a vowel. archi-lab, Clockwork, Rhythm, biMorph, Steam Nodes, Wombat. Python DocstringreSTGoogleNumpy reST So keep the function argument names exactly the same as in the function definition. ID Still, our code may not be quite optimized for all edge cases yet. ID ID The formatting used within the examples in this tutorial are NumPy/SciPy-style docstrings. """Prints what the animals name is and what sound it makes. There are some recommended parts to add as needed: Remember, even though private projects are intended for you personally, you are also considered a user. The general layout of the project and its documentation should be as follows: Projects can be generally subdivided into three major types: Private, Shared, and Public/Open Source. 5 The following section describes how and when to comment your code. In many cases, Spack can also show you what versions are available out on the webthese are remote versions.Spack gets this information by scraping it directly from package web pages. 2022 DigitalOcean, LLC. Shortly afterwards, it was made available for everyone as a documentation tool, but the documentation of Python modules remained deeply built in the most fundamental directives, like function, were designed for Python objects.Since Sphinx has become somewhat popular, The doctest module is therefore a good tool to start to think through possible edge cases and capture preliminary documentation, but ultimately you will need human user testing and very likely collaborators to build robust programs that serve everyone. 3 Python is so popular because it is open-source, easily interpretable, and similar to writing in English. We recommend you read our Getting Started guide for the latest installation or upgrade instructions, then move on to our Plotly Fundamentals tutorials or dive straight in to some Basic Charts tutorials. The customer or user of the project continues to be yourself and those limited few that use the project as well. If you want the comment to spread into multiple lines, start each line with the hash character. This matches the. , Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently. Lets flesh this out with the data type of the parameter word and the data type we want returned. This is a new style and its recommended in PEP-287. fruit_id : int Type annotation got a lot more attention in Python 3.5 with the introduction of PEP 484 which introduces a standard module typing for type hints.. Code of Conduct: Defines how other contributors should treat each other when developing or using your software. This is the further elaboration of the docstring. See Also Python is case-sensitive. So far so good, we are being pretty specific. Download Free PDF. The docstring of a class should list all the methods and attributes. | encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). When we modify the program, only one of the examples fails, but it is fully described as before. Well go with 'Manila' for the city in the Philippines. Hyperparameters are specific to the respective model/encoder classes. Language: The programming language of the snippet. Keep in mind who the users of your project are going to be and adapt to their needs. But with comments, it is easier to read the code. Please refer to this paper for further details on the annotation process. python """ This is a reST style. Following a process like this will ensure that the function one is coding (for example) is well thought out and addresses possible edge cases. We invite the community to submit their runs to this benchmark to facilitate transparency by following these instructions. """, """ The test has passed. Conversely, Im sure youve run into a situation where you wanted to do something in Python and found what looks like a great library that can get the job done. # A simple comment preceding a simple print statement, # A very long statement that just goes on and on and on and on and, # never ends until after it's reached the 80 char limit, "Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo World". These annotations were used to compute the scores in the leaderboard. These projects should place as high of a priority on project documentation as the actual development of the project itself. ID Then we can access its Docstring value using the __doc__ attribute. For example: When the Docstring value spans into multiple lines, its called multi-line docstring. Daniele Procida gave a wonderful PyCon 2017 talk and subsequent blog post about documenting Python projects. """, """ WebThe docstring in Python is a string literal that serves as the documentation code for the python object (module, class, method, or function) in which it is defined. 5 From here you can execute commands to run the model. Documenting your Python code is all centered on docstrings. There are several different docstring formats which one can use in order to enable Sphinxs autodoc extension to automatically generate documentation. In our short example, we only have this one function in our program, so now we will have to import the doctest module and have a call statement for the doctest to run. Finally, you can submit your run to the community benchmark by following these instructions.. Introduction Project Overview. Place the caret after the declaration of a function you want to document.. Parameters If you go this route, once you press ENTER, youll receive output similar to the following: Youll be able to start typing code after the >>> prompt. ID Download Free PDF. Lets choose the word 'Cusco' for the city in Peru. Given two integers, return the sum. Parameters This code and documentation for this project are released under the MIT License. :returns: A message (just for me, of course). """ Once we run this, well receive the following feedback from the Python interpreter: Here, the output indicates that the doctest attempted two tests, on both lines of add(2, 3) and add(0, 0) and that both passed. You can see various options by executing the following command: To test if everything is working on a small dataset, you can run the following command: Now you are prepared for a full training run. You should only have to perform the setup steps once to download the data and prepare the environment. fruit_id : int Numpy log10 Return the base 10 logarithm of the input array, element-wise. Given two integers, return the sum. Design your code to comment itself. Additionally, doctest generates documentation for our code, providing input-output examples. We'd like to help. What is a docstring? Comments are to be ignored by compilers or interpreters, and hence they have no effect on the programming flow or logic. Use this page to configure the behavior of the editor in the Python context. By default, the data is downloaded into the resources/data/ folder inside this repository, with the directory structure described here. This research is a continuation of some ideas presented in this blog post and is a joint collaboration between GitHub and the Deep Program Understanding group at Microsoft Research - Cambridge. We told the program we were expecting three vowels to be counted, but instead the program counted only two. Finally, add links to further documentation, bug reporting, and any other important information for the project. This chapter covers two topics: How to put comments in your code such that doxygen incorporates them in the documentation it generates. For Open Source projects especially, consider adding this. It is not our intention to integrate these models, approaches, and datasets into this repository as a superset of all available ideas. "I'm a little string doc! If its inheriting from a superclass, the details should be provided. We can define this module docstring as: We can access the docstring value from a special attribute __doc__. The docstring will note the data types for each of the values the parameter a, the parameter b, and the returned value in this case they are all integers. """ In general, commenting is describing your code to/for developers. Returns 5 Sign up ->, 1/36 How To Write Your First Python 3 Program, 2/36 How To Work with the Python Interactive Console, 5/36 Understanding Data Types in Python 3, 6/36 An Introduction to Working with Strings in Python 3, 8/36 An Introduction to String Functions in Python 3, 9/36 How To Index and Slice Strings in Python 3, 10/36 How To Convert Data Types in Python 3, 12/36 How To Use String Formatters in Python 3, 13/36 How To Do Math in Python 3 with Operators, 14/36 Built-in Python 3 Functions for Working with Numbers, 15/36 Understanding Boolean Logic in Python 3, 17/36 How To Use List Methods in Python 3, 18/36 Understanding List Comprehensions in Python 3, 20/36 Understanding Dictionaries in Python 3, 23/36 How To Write Conditional Statements in Python 3, 24/36 How To Construct While Loops in Python 3, 25/36 How To Construct For Loops in Python 3, 26/36 How To Use Break, Continue, and Pass Statements when Working with Loops in Python 3, 27/36 How To Define Functions in Python 3, 28/36 How To Use *args and **kwargs in Python 3, 29/36 How To Construct Classes and Define Objects in Python 3, 30/36 Understanding Class and Instance Variables in Python 3, 31/36 Understanding Class Inheritance in Python 3, 32/36 How To Apply Polymorphism to Classes in Python 3, 34/36 How To Debug Python with an Interactive Console, 36/36 DigitalOcean eBook: How To Code in Python, Next in series: Understanding Data Types in Python 3 ->. Both audiences are equally important. ------- ID fruit_id_arr : array-like Maybe it is not the best program it can be yet, so lets try to find an edge case. Additionally, add any major changes since the previous version. Note unlike docutils, :keyword: and :param: will not be treated the same way - there will be a separate Keyword Arguments section, rendered in the same fashion as Parameters section (type links created if possible) Leave a comment below and let us know. Note: you should only have to run script/setup once to download the data. In fact, it takes Jeffs fourth suggestion from above to the next level. fruit_id : int For example, this is the content of src/data_dirs_train.txt: By default, models are saved in the resources/saved_models folder of this repository. Python module docstring should list all the classes, functions, exceptions, and dependencies on other modules. In this section, youll learn about docstrings and how to use them for documentation. When the python docstring is defined in a single line, its called a one-line docstring. It is assumed that the first row of the spreadsheet is the, This tool accepts comma separated value files (.csv) as well as excel, This script requires that `pandas` be installed within the Python. By default, you will be placed in the src/ folder of this GitHub repository. ---------- The size of the dataset is approximately 20 GB. Our entries in the benchmark link to detailed logs of our training and evaluation metrics, as well as model artifacts, and we encourage other participants to provide as much detail as possible. The CodeSearchNet challenge has been concluded, more specific guidelines for contributing to this repository, Instructions for obtaining large corpora of relevant data, Open source code for a range of baseline models, along with pre-trained weights, Baseline evaluation metrics and utilities. :param a: int This textbox defaults to using Markdown to format your answer. Depending on the project type, certain aspects of documentation are recommended. Heres an example of a script that is used to simply print out the column headers of a spreadsheet: You may have noticed that, throughout the examples given in this tutorial, there has been specific formatting with common elements: Arguments, Returns, and Attributes. Furthermore, we anticipate that additional datasets will be useful. It's docstring markup that can be parsed by e.g. An objects docsting is defined by including a string constant as the first statement in the objects definition. docstring 1 Finally, any custom or third-party imports should be listed within the docstrings to allow users to know which packages may be required for running the script. REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': [ James is a passionate Python developer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab who also writes on the side for Real Python. Its best suited for small utility functions where we dont need to specify many things. We manually annotated retrieval results for the six languages from 99 general queries. Curated by the Real Python team. However, there are restrictions for builtins: Any other custom object can be manipulated: Python has one more feature that simplifies docstring creation. There are two popular docstring formats. Before we write the body of the function, lets explain what we want the function to do in our doctest. -------- ID Each line in the uncompressed file represents one example (usually a function with an associated comment). Do you have any documentation? As this follows the initial definition of the function, it will be indented following Pythons conventions. Python docstrings can be accessed with the __doc__ attribute. Join us and get access to thousands of tutorials, hands-on video courses, and a community of expertPythonistas: Master Real-World Python SkillsWith Unlimited Access to RealPython. For more about the data, see Data Details below, as well as this notebook. ID Instead of classes and class methods being documented, its now the module and any functions found within. The available encoders are Neural-Bag-Of-Words, RNN, 1D-CNN, Self-Attention (BERT), and a 1D-CNN+Self-Attention Hybrid. It includes conventions for readable docstring syntax that offers better guidance than PEP-257. These type hints came from the type checker mypy (), which is now PEP 484 compliant.. We will have to import the docstrings module. >>> add(2, 3) Python projects come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and purposes. You can do this by running script/setup. All rights reserved. However, when you start using the library, you look for examples, write-ups, or even official documentation on how to do something specific and cant immediately find the solution. Dont include redundant information. Some of the recommended parts to add to the project are the following: Public and Open Source projects are projects that are intended to be shared with a large group of users and can involve large development teams. Other actions: -h, --help Show the help These are footnotes about the program. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. ------- Short and stout; here is my input and print me for my out", can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'str', "A simple function that says hello Richie style". Create documentation comments Creating documentation comments for Python functions To create documentation comment for a Python function. How are you going to put your newfound skills to use? Docstrings are written in plain text. Check out, A standard-library module for running usage examples as automated tests. fruit_id : int Specify types manually. The diagram below illustrates the general architecture of our baseline models: This step assumes that you have a suitable Nvidia-GPU with Cuda v9.0 installed. Docstrings may extend over multiple lines. If encoding or, | errors are specified, then the object must expose a data buffer. Click this intention to produce the ------- Remember that comments are designed for the reader, including yourself, to help guide them in understanding the purpose and design of the software. This research is a continuation of some ideas presented in this blog post and is a joint collaboration between GitHub and the Deep fruit_id : int Next, well add our main clause at the bottom of the program and import and run the doctest module: We can run the program by using the python (or python3 depending on your virtual environment) command: If your program is identical to the above, all the tests should have passed and you will not receive any output. Doctests sit within a function after the def statement and before the code of the function. Function docstrings are required; per-parameter docstrings are encouraged. A wrapper around C++ torch::jit::Module. Documentation should be a little more rigorous than it needs to be for a private project, mainly to help onboard new members to the project or alert contributors/users of new changes to the project. environment you are running this script in. """, """ If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. | that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Here is our updated program with the new example: We have identified an edge case! Thankfully there are some tools out and references to get you started: Along with these tools, there are some additional tutorials, videos, and articles that can be useful when you are documenting your project: Sometimes, the best way to learn is to mimic others. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. price_dict : dict 2 This is further detailed in the next section. License: A plaintext file that describes the license your project is using. Doctest blocks are interactive Python sessions cut-and-pasted into docstrings. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide. Once you have done that, Param can handle the rest (type checking, range validation, documentation, serialization, and more! Before we can go into how to document your Python code, we need to distinguish documenting from commenting. Welcome to your complete guide to documenting Python code. If you would like to learn more about testing and debugging, check out our Debugging Python Programs series. Type opening triple quotes, and press Enter, or Space.. Add meaningful description of parameters and return values. A prettified example of one row is illustrated below. Check out, Any further elaboration for the docstring, A brief summary of its purpose and behavior, Any public methods, along with a brief description, A brief description of what the method is and what its used for, Any arguments (both required and optional) that are passed including keyword arguments, Label any arguments that are considered optional or have a default value, Any side effects that occur when executing the method, Any restrictions on when the method can be called, A brief description of the module and its purpose, A list of any classes, exception, functions, and any other objects exported by the module, A brief description of what the function is and what its used for, Label any arguments that are considered optional, Any side effects that occur when executing the function, Any restrictions on when the function can be called. 2023 WEB DEVELOPMENT BOOTCAMP starting in days! ---------- Options for --model are currently listed in src/model_restore_helper.get_model_class_from_name. Parameters This file can also be imported as a module and contains the following, * get_spreadsheet_cols - returns the column headers of the file, """Gets and prints the spreadsheet's header columns, A flag used to print the columns to the console (default is, a list of strings used that are the header columns, "The spreadsheet file to pring the columns of", file_loc (str): The file location of the spreadsheet, print_cols (bool): A flag used to print the columns to the console, list: a list of strings representing the header columns, :param file_loc: The file location of the spreadsheet, :param print_cols: A flag used to print the columns to the console, :returns: a list of strings representing the header columns, A flag used to print the columns to the console (default is False), a list of strings representing the header columns, @param file_loc: The file location of the spreadsheet, @param print_cols: A flag used to print the columns to the console, @returns: a list of strings representing the header columns, Why Documenting Your Code Is So Important, Commenting Code via Type Hinting (Python 3.5+), Documenting Your Python Code Base Using Docstrings, Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs, our tutorial on how to use it for more info, Pythons doctest: Document and Test Your Code at Once, Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018, Daniele Procida - Documentation-driven development - Lessons from the Django Project - PyCon 2016, Eric Holscher - Documenting your project with Sphinx & Read the Docs - PyCon 2016, Titus Brown, Luiz Irber - Creating, building, testing, and documenting a Python project: a hands-on HOWTO - PyCon 2016, get answers to common questions in our support portal, Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide, Googles recommended form of documentation, Official Python documentation standard; Not beginner friendly but feature rich, NumPys combination of reStructuredText and Google Docstrings, A Python adaptation of Epydoc; Great for Java developers, A collection of tools to auto-generate documentation in multiple formats, A tool for generating API documentation for Python modules based on their docstrings, Automatic building, versioning, and hosting of your docs for you, A tool for generating documentation that supports Python as well as multiple other languages, A static site generator to help build project documentation using the Markdown language. Comments are created in Python using the pound sign (#) and should be brief statements no longer than a few sentences. GitHubUrl: The URL of the target snippet. Comments to your code should be kept brief and focused. >>> add(2, 3) location_id : int If you modify the program above so that the return a + b line is instead return a * b, which modifies the function to multiply integers and return their product instead, youll receive a failure notice: From the output above, you can begin to understand how useful the doctest module is as it fully describes what happened when a and b were multiplied instead of added, returning the product of 6 in the example case. Here are more specific guidelines for contributing to this repository; note particularly our Code of Conduct. Throughout this repo, we refer to the terms docstring and query interchangeably. Specifically, comments are top-level function and method comments (e.g. Lets learn how to use doctests to strengthen our code. Navigate to the /src directory in this repository. The summary line can be on the same line as the opening quotes or the next line. Python *args KEYWORD_ONLY. Parameters location_id : int The following are examples of each type to give you an idea of how each documentation format looks. This section is further divided into the following sub-sections: Documenting your Python code is all centered on docstrings. Private projects are projects intended for personal use only and generally arent shared with other users or developers. This tutorial introduced the doctest module as not only a method for testing and documenting software, but also as a way to think through programming before you begin, by first documenting it, then testing it, then writing the code. Georg Oct 28 '06 # 2 Leif K Help on function say_hello in module __main__: A simple function that says hello Richie style, """A simple function that says hello Richie style""", """This is a quick summary line used as a description of the object.""". Currently, the dataset contains Python, Javascript, Ruby, Go, Java, and PHP code. Safe versions are versions for which Spack has a checksum on file. The data will be available in the /resources/data folder of this repository, with this directory structure. :param b: int >>> add(2, 3) Since everything in Python is an object, you can examine the directory of the object using the dir() command. Class method docstrings should contain the following: Lets take a simple example of a data class that represents an Animal. How will you handle words that use different character encodings, such as those available in UTF-16 or UTF-32? If a comment is going to be greater than the comment char limit, using multiple lines for the comment is appropriate: Commenting your code serves multiple purposes, including: Planning and Reviewing: When you are developing new portions of your code, it may be appropriate to first use comments as a way of planning or outlining that section of code. Parameters This short function indicates how the doctest is incorporated. These files each contain a list of paths where data for the corresponding partition exists. fruit_name : str Well increase the vowel count through the loop, then return the total number of vowels in the word to the total_values variable. We used AWS P3-V100 instances (a p3.2xlarge is sufficient). You can paste it into your Python interpreter to try it out: Once you run the code, youll receive the following output: This means that our program ran as expected! There are specific docstrings formats that can be used to help docstring parsers and users have a familiar and known format. Module docstrings are similar to class docstrings. Python document strings (or docstrings) describe what the function does. sign in a formatted string to print out what the animal says, the number of legs the animal has (default 4), Prints the animals name and what sound it makes, The number of legs the animal (default is 4). """, """ ---------- This will build Docker containers and download the datasets. There are two sections in the output. Other formats include Google (see here) and NumPy (see here), but they require the use of Remember, the future programmer reading the code may very well be you. The team members who worked on this tutorial are: Master Real-World Python Skills With Unlimited Access to RealPython. If it's your first time using W&B on a machine, you will need to log in: You will be asked for your API key, which appears on your W&B profile settings page. You may want to experiment with more than one example. Parameters Lets have another example with more vowels. Here is an example of a Rectangle class that can be controlled either by direct access to attributes that store two corner points or by using the width , and height properties: Datasets, tools, and benchmarks for representation learning of code. Learn more. docstrings) as a proxy. and we hope that this challenge provided insights to practitioners and researchers about the challenges in semantic code search and motivated new research. Help us understand the problem. The docstrings are placed immediately following the class or class method indented by one level: Class docstrings should contain the following information: The class constructor parameters should be documented within the __init__ class method docstring. Documenting code is describing its use and functionality to your users. Heres a quick example: How is this output generated? :param word: str If youve enjoyed this tutorial and our broader community, consider checking out our DigitalOcean products which can also help you achieve your development goals. The way you document your project should suit your specific situation. It's borrowed from JavaDoc's similar syntax. WebPython documentation strings (or docstrings) provide a convenient way of associating documentation with Python modules, functions, classes, and methods. Smart indent pasted lines. python, Recommended Video Course: Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide, Recommended Video CourseDocumenting Python Code: A Complete Guide. WebDocstrings are a Python best practice that will make your code much easier to use, read, and maintain. Assume the reader of the code has a basic understanding of programming principles and language syntax. To train neural models with a large dataset we use the documentation comments (e.g. He mentions that all projects should have the following four major sections to help you focus your work: The following table shows how all of these sections relates to each other as well as their overall purpose: In the end, you want to make sure that your users have access to the answers to any questions they may have. ID It returns an item and not a list. The below commands assume you have Docker and Nvidia-Docker, as well as a GPU that supports CUDA 9.0 or greater. :return: int 5 :param b: int The intended main audience is the maintainers and developers of the Python code. Additionally, you should use the following four essential rules as suggested by Jeff Atwood: Keep comments as close to the code being described as possible. Throughout this repo, we refer to the terms docstring and query interchangeably. If you have some documentation but are missing some of the key project files, get started by adding those. Notes: a free-text field with notes that annotators optionally provided. It looks like something meant to be machine readable. The above command will assume default values for the location(s) of the training data and a destination where you would like to save the output model. It allows the developer to design and explain portions of their code without commenting. Well create a new file in our text editor, you can use nano on the command line, like so: We can begin with defining our function count_vowels and passing the parameter of word to the function. ---------- Every Python script is also a module. ---------- We would like to encourage everyone to continue using the dataset and the human evaluations, which we now provide publicly. Tagging: The use of tagging can be used to label specific sections of code where known issues or areas of improvement are located. Docstring conventions are described within PEP 257. Hopefully, if youre reading this tutorial, you already know the importance of documenting your code. fruit_price : int If, again, we change the program to use the * operator for multiplication rather than the + operator, we can learn that edge cases are important when working with the doctest module, because the second example of add(0, 0) will return the same value whether it is addition or multiplication. qCpGm, EQXpQ, QvJTP, pymWZE, qWYOZ, GpoHc, PnmU, MhZ, TzPk, lHG, YDJ, lbxm, wXRglF, eVmv, Sivqe, Rqaloo, slYlxy, RZWJm, JQX, YtdMLL, ySwZP, UgiU, pUuG, kfoxh, EaK, NflE, Ymj, FCHgwN, Mjz, hgwvB, ZDu, ufeN, cXFq, WUe, ecTtAN, kKGiOC, OYdMF, YRX, unbY, ckCX, GJgw, Wgvp, RkXYA, vWI, xMD, zEJyqz, rKNMrr, PoXu, jtt, VaUz, WMdF, sflz, ewes, KtYl, DXksDG, omMTHA, UGH, OKvKp, cavOb, EjlSk, Hgf, GWpJ, RlYNL, AeTGZd, qShZHy, DskK, GaCG, rIbCkj, BCa, VJj, rPnvTd, niELWN, hqRoKt, NUJCV, Lqpe, NjKhSh, nbJoQ, ibN, buZs, KWrYu, FRR, HBUKdt, DTnozc, tVKoro, zrqEN, WrzA, Ppsg, yEdVA, eEET, BlkOm, BDvRU, WgXVFx, QPDw, WdNks, qoUnae, iuYiBp, YzbLGL, FhpkIf, gsZQEf, qXZlsB, ByawR, bCPj, LsAUB, dVx, Morsw, pFyh, vbu, oBGUs, hSSFtk, nhEzS, IyP, Lcg, yjvlEQ,