can smoked food cause acid reflux

Thank you so much and stay healthy! No questions at all. I am also in the US and looking for FGHP - or any HP without stabilizers. It's a vitamin/ mineral deficiency of chromium and vanadium. It was like revenge for going outside of "The system.". I had lung cancer back in 2005. The problem with that, Uncle Sam and all those rich doctors would loose the income the medicines provide for them all. Before I tell you what I've been up to lately, I'd like to answer your questions one by one. Some studies also show that vitamin D supplements may improve many aspects of blood sugar management in people with prediabetes, compared with control groups (38, 39, 40). For example, when cancer spreads to the lymph nodes it might cause lumps you can feel through the skin. Currently I am taking "lugols iodine" everyday with some juice, the benefits I have gained from it in just over a week are amazing. } Before reaching a diagnosis, your doctor will eliminate other possible disorders or allergies that cause similar symptoms. So, as I've said, when supplementing the higher H2O2 daily dose you should initially start with 2 drops of 35% H2O2 and just increase the dose by one drop every day until you are taking 25 drops 35% hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day(always outside mealtimes). Gastric cancer treatment (PDQ). A doctor may carry out tests to identify the underlying cause of gastritis, such as: The treatment they recommend will depend on the result. Later stages of stomach cancer might cause symptoms such as feeling very tired, losing weight without trying, vomiting blood and having black stools. I'm curious about this too. I would say people would buy 35% fghp to dilute it to 3% fghp because it's more cost effective, also it saves the environment when you can dilute it at home rather than buying 11-12 bottles of 3% you can just buy 1 bottle of 35% fghp and 2 bottles of distilled/purified water to dilute it with. Although all doctors know of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% they all deny the fact of it's healing power due to being discredited by medical field and the other being there is no money to be made with healthy people so if and only you get a doctor who recommends peroxide 35%, it's a doctor who has morals and honors the Hippocratic oath, which is not to lie cause that's what they swore to. How can more h202, than the body already produces, be beneficial? One oz daily if using 3%, 3 drops 3x day if using 35%, see has other schedules also. In one 2017 animal study, researchers found that exposure to e-cigarette vapor led to DNA- and gene-level changes that could increase the risk of lung cancer. Learning about your condition can help you make confident decisions about your care. My H Peroxide says 3% food grade and deionized purified water. It has to be doing something because of the blood sugar spike. It is 3%. Normal levels of DAO enzymes cant break down the increased levels of histamine in your body, causing a reaction. 1. (2018). As long as it's food grade h2o2 and you follow the dosages outlined here and in the sources I've left on this thread you'll be fine, 12% is the same as 35% FGHP, except 12% is 3 times less the strength of 35%, so you just have to take 3 times the amount that you see for a schedule of 35%. The dr has told me I have dullness in my left middle lung and may have a number of issues with my lung. Lime could work but other citrus such as grapefruit or orange may not do as well with their sugar content. The droppers/dosage is AFTER dilution. Why does it have to be 35%? I think it is fine to dilute your 12% food grade the way you describe to make it 3%. 1/4 Teaspoon = 0. How much will it affect me to only do 2 treatments a day? Changing sedentary behavior can be as simple as standing up from your desk and walking around for a few minutes every half hour. I am still using the h2o2, I'm on 75 drops twice a day and I have to say I've never felt better in my life. He says it can bind with food to create oxidative stress, but it should be okay within a certain range citing a maintenance dose of 10 drops a day twice a day, I believe. Anything which can soothe and heal the lungs is a good idea. perx. There are great home remedies out there that doctors are fully aware of, but greed is the number 1 reason your doctors will never tell you about hydrogen peroxide, but I am here to tell you that it really does work. Hi, H2o2 is not to go in your stomach-inhale it you will have the benefit in a short time. Cancer that spreads to the liver might cause yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Brendan, I was told to start with one drop for first week. The liquid is considered the worlds safest sanitizer as it functions to cleanse by oxidation. Vitamin C and E. Glutamine. thanks. Stomach cancer more commonly affects older people. I started with the recommended 3 drops, 3 times daily and I have worked up to 19 drops e times daily. Stomach cancer that grows through the stomach wall or spreads to other parts of the body is harder to cure. The best way to prevent allergic bronchitis is to quit smoking. @nurit. It usually passes from person to person via direct contact with saliva, vomit, or fecal matter. A smoker's feet may be vulnerable to a variety of foot and leg conditions that can develop from smoking. Smoked on a whole wheat bagel, teriyaki grilled, or slathered in pesto, salmon is a welcome addition to this list. I'd like to see the science and facts behind your opinion. Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, peppers, tomatoes may be best avoided until his pain is better managed. There used to be this tugging sensation behind my eye that made me feel stressed that is going away. Can I drink it throughout the day as I sip my water or is it better to drink all at once in a smaller glass? Exercise increases the insulin sensitivity of your cells, meaning that you need less insulin to manage your blood sugar levels (7). During pulmonary rehabilitation, youll work with doctors, nurses, and other specialists. Salmon is rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids that have a host of benefits . 5 drops, I do not feel much and actual start to feel sluggish. Before that, my balance (hormones??) This article examines the safety and health effects of. My friend uses 33% HP but he always uses Distilled water and so do I, every other water has germs, so when you are using a med of some kind that you add to water it is best to use Distilled. Anyone have a similar experience? #2 You did not mention what percent peroxide you're using. Chronic bronchitis mucus is usually clear or white. I have observed mountain people who live in more oxygenised environment, big difference! Speak with a doctor to get your vitamin D levels checked before starting a supplement. E-cigarette smoke damages DNA and reduces repair activity in mouse lung, heart, and bladder as well as in human lung and bladder cells. I look for things that have only "purified water" as the inactive ingredient. Yes, but then you're supposed to dilute it and take a few drops in distilled water. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Hopefully my experiences will help and encourage you back to health, you deserve it, I'll leave you with a few ebooks that have helped me and hopefully they will help you too along your journey :),,, I have read to not use hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for infection because if you have fillings, it will cause the toxins from the mercy to be released into your body. Other than that, it is the best and the most amazing substance that I have ingested, as you can tell from my own testimonials above. This is a big enough subject to be impossible to itemize here. It also helps to protect me against any COVID-19 threat. Add one cup of 35% H2O2 and 10 cups of distilled water to an empty jar or jug and you will have almost exactly a container of 3.5% H2O2. After a month or so of HP therapy the UTI infection and gall bladder stone completely disappeared and I've not had any re-occurrence since then. While hydrogen peroxide is a safe, natural treatment, food grade peroxide must be diluted prior to use. What I did was get up at 7:30am and drank the h2o2 by 8am then had breakfast at 9am, 12:30pm would be my 2nd dose and I would have lunch at 2pm then at 5:30pm - 6:00pm my 3rd dose and dinner at 7:00pm or 7:30pm.By 10pm-10:30pm I would be in bed. How close are we to definitively identifying the respiratory health effects of e-cigarettes? The taste is something I'm not sure I'll get used to. Like headache, chest pain, nausea, any physical pain or discomfort, eye or hearing problem, food addiction, etc etc - whether regular or occassional. All of the dosages are correct and I can assure you that from my experience and consuming h2o2 for over 3 months, that I do not have brain damage in any shape or form, quite the opposite infact. "I'm not going to give you the last dose, I don't want to be known as the Dr. that Killed you with Chemo! and how 2 correctly mix and use the one made for internal consumption plus all of its benefits. Do we use the whole amount from the glass dropper (counting this as one drop) when mixing it in with the 8oz of purified water, or do we just let tiny drops of the FGHP out of the dropper dilute into 8oz of purified water? So maybe there are suddenly some dead bacteria in there and maybe my cells are just getting shocked awake. If the infection is serious and you're in pain, you should visit your doctor. Please someone better at math than I--tell me what the strength that 12% food grade H202 would be at 1/4 tsp. The tar in cigarette smoke can also build up in the lungs. "35% h2o2" is no longer available, more information about that, is on the website where you can purchase the h2o2. I am 67 years old and still work full time by choice. Jeff. There are five main treatment options for stomach cancer: Surgery to remove all of the cancerous tissue and probably some of the healthy tissue around it. My understanding is that 35% H2O must always be diluted using one part H2O to 11 parts water. It's worth double-checking, it's peoples' lives we are talking about. And it is only about 79 Cent. Experts say the benefits from e-cigarettes to people to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes outweighs the risks from teen vaping. (2011, August 4). I started using the food grade hydrogen peroxide, still using insulin, now I'm getting glucose readings of 100 to 160. (2014, April 1). With that, the substance delivers a number of benefits. Give your body what it needs to heal itself because God made us that way. Other factors might include the cancer's stage and the type of cells involved. Another example would be 25ml of 12% H202 mixed with 75ml of distilled/purified water would make 3% H202. Last medically reviewed on August 13, 2018. I use both tabs and powder, depending on what I'm going to eat. All rights reserved. Learn the Symptoms, releases after injury or allergic reaction as part of your immune response, medications that block DAO functions or prevent production, histamine-rich foods that cause DAO enzymes to function improperly, foods that block DAO enzymes or trigger histamine release, fresh vegetables except tomatoes, avocados, spinach, and eggplant. Thanks a mil. I have been using for a week. I measure 6 ounces of distilled water in a glass and start with 3 drops 3 times a day from an eye dropper. Effects of smoked marijuana on food intake and body weight of humans living in a residential laboratory. It's not clear what causes stomach cancer. My body was polluted from various toxins and to a certain degree still to this day is. While many studies on fiber and diabetes use fiber supplements instead of high fiber foods, getting more fiber from foods is likely beneficial. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Eating the right foods and adopting other lifestyle behaviors that promote healthy blood sugar and insulin levels will give you the best chance of avoiding diabetes. I hope this helps. Lean proteins like fish and healthy fats from olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds also have less of an effect on blood sugar. But if youve never smoked cigarettes and arent planning on starting, vaping increases your overall cancer risk. I am just about to start using hydrogen peroxide and like yourself I purchased the 12% variety and this is the only site I've found so far to be able to assist with this so thank you so much for your info to date. 24 drops of HP sounds like an awful lot! Find out here. Yet, some of the above tips, such as drinking coffee and quitting smoking, arent applicable for young children. I reread my book 'The One Minute Cure' & then read your post & was so relieved. Heres what you need to know about a chest cold, including symptoms and how to distinguish it from other respiratory conditions, and what you can do. Best to start with 3 drops in an 8 ounce glass of distilled water. I read an online book called the one minute cure, you can google it by searching "the one minute cure.pdf" it should be the top link. I have had good results regarding fatigue but I have Motor Neuron Disease and I am not convinced that it is helping that but having said I suspect it is helping me to detox and is possibly slowing my MND progression. Just finished my second HP dose and this time I'm using a nebulizer. It was in less than an hour that he got up and pronounced himself all better! What's the ratio recipe for the 3%? (As a guideline: 1 ml usually contains about 25 drops, but obviously varies with different droppers). I had it down to 200-250, sometimes lower, and began using diluted 35% hydrogen peroxide about 5-days ago. Just started myself and I am up to 8 drops. Currently I am taking 3 drops in 8 oz of distilled water. I just read a post above where a woman actually got blood cancer from HP! Once in awhile I would still get a discharge. The most common cause is infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). That would indicate that it is drops of 35% FGHP in 4-6 oz of water as a dose. If you have signs and symptoms that worry you, make an appointment with your health care provider. Eating a diet high in salty and smoked foods or low in fruits and vegetables can be also a risk. Erythropel HC, et al. Its essentially the same as vaping. Scary! If you do have to use these products, open the windows or do it in a well-ventilated, open area like an open garage. All of the things you have mentioned "headache, chest pain, nausea, any physical pain or discomfort, eye or hearing problem, food addiction, etc etc - whether regular or occassional", - I have no pain anywhere, whereas before I had some pain in my back, I can't remember the last time I had a headache, no discomfort anywhere, eyesight and hearing are normal. What are probiotics, and who can benefit from them? Knocked cancer out in 2005 and I am still going at 67 years old and working full time by choice. There are several different types of stomach cancers, but most are curable if detected at an early stage. Are you exposed to chemical fumes or dust at work? I'd doubt it very much though, I'm the healthiest person I know and have yet to even get a whiff of any cold or flu in over the year and a half that I have been taking what you call simply too strong amounts. Once you fill the glass bottle ( label it "35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide" in order to prevent accidental undiluted use), store the remaining hydrogen peroxide in the freezer, out of the reach of children. I've been using food grade 12% H2O2 for over a year now, my experience with it has been documented in the previous posts as well as the dosage schedule that I've personally used. The symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Minerals have to become attached to amino acids before absorption or they just pass through the GI tract. I use the one in a store that has nothing added to it, but it is not classed as food grade. Sticking with water as your drink of choice will help you limit beverages that are high in sugar. Here's the article and all the research on it. The latter is the dose and frequency that is advised in the above book for all serious diseases like cancer. This suggests that focusing on dietary habits may help manage symptoms. All the written material refers to using 35% to achieve 3% strengths which leads me to ask is the purity in 35% greater than in other strengths? I'm still taking it once a week and since I've started I've never been sick once, nor do I have any health issues like I did before I started to take it. I too have been reading the Protocol of how to take H P via the book called One Minute Cure information. Nausea may be due to acid reflux, which happens with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). How will I know if it is working? Smoking cigarettes and vaping affect the lungs differently. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I do have a couple of questions that hopefully anyone can answer for me. I'm using 12% food grade H2o2 so I took the same information from the book and using its protocol for 35% food grade H2o2, I've increased the drops for using 12% food grade H2o2 accordingly. Hidden formaldehyde in e-cigarette aerosols. All is well. i have been making my own 3% from 35% for five years. Controlled studies show that linoleic acid, the most common dietary omega-6 acid, does not affect inflammatory markers (32, 33). Thank you for your post, Paul. Since most of the users I have researched are using either 35% Or 12%, should I increase my 1st day of HP from 1drop to 4drops and increase by 4drops every day? Acute gastritis lasts for a limited time and often improves after treatment. He also had a triple bypass 7 yrs ago. for video What is stomach cancer? Learn more about stomach cancer from oncologist Mohamad (Bassam) Sonbol, M.D. It says on the battle that is has purified water with it. Food grade Hydrogen with your finger dipped in 35% would make your finger completely white. are you diluting first as I have seen on other posts. In other words, one cup H2O2 and nine cups water Why would you want to dilute it to one eleventh of the original dilution if you want it to be one tenth the strength? The breakdown of the substance forms water and oxygen. Thank you so much for the post. Which I see is wrong, or they themselves have not interpreted the protocol correctly, or state it in a confusing way. In people with prediabetes, the bodys cells are resistant to insulin, so blood sugar remains high. What types of chemicals are you exposed to? Try going dairy free for 30 days and just see what happens. Chemotherapy, which uses drugs that journey throughout the body, destroying any cancer cells in its path. Everything I have read says it should be helping gums/gum infections/inflammation --- I am thinking it could be a healing crisis but want to double check with someone who has more knowledge /experience on it. Thank you for the valuable information. A friend of mine had the same symptoms and she came over to see me and I became sick the next day. the best of luck to your wife. The tube that carries food to the stomach is called the esophagus. I found SproutMaster 35% HP at my local health food store. That 25 is tough! Maybe, I took too much H202? It has always been successful for me. It has additives that could cause the peroxide to attack the additives and not get the full benefit of the H2O2. It's a two dilution method clearly mentioned several times. I am also taking 3 grams of turmeric everyday (1 gram three times daily) and oil of oregano to cleanse my blood, I thought these two things might be interfering with what I was experiencing until I mentioned it to my family member who is not taking either turmeric or oil of oregano. Moni, of course you can use less strength! Accessed July 22, 2022. Mix 3% food hydrogen peroxide with distilled water and drink it?. This is NOT the amount to use to do therapy. And for serious problems like cancer, the book also recommends that you should supplement a daily dose of 25 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day outside mealtimes. How often? I do not always eat the healthiest and I'm not very active. Cocaine. Just wanted to know if this hydrogen peroxide product will take care of fibroid, blocked fallopian tubes and help with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I have severe allergy problems or candida in my right sinus passage for the last 7 to 10 years. Does anyone know where to find it in Europe? I'm currently using 3 drops of 35% H2O2 once a day. I have taken it for years. What color is the mucus? DOI: Hahn J, et al. I don't expect over night miracles. A free ebook, The Truth About 35% Foodgrade Hydrogen Peroxide by James Paul Roguski, has some great information. Learn. Keep reading to learn more about allergic or chronic bronchitis. Water seeks stability at between 100-250 ppm of calcium. Evaluate and keep track of what you eat if the stomach pain is continual; reduce those foods from your diet or consult a physician. You don't mention how many ounces in the bottle. Sometimes I have no appetite either but I seem to be making better choices. One large observational study in 2,800 people found that those who drank more than 2 servings of sugary beverages per day had a 99% and 20% increased risk of LADA and type 2 diabetes, respectively (13). Kay, more is NOT always better, especially with h2o2. A randomized, 2-year study in more than 1,000 people at increased risk of type 2 diabetes showed that exercise, diet, and weight loss interventions significantly reduced the risk of this disease by 40% to 47%, compared with a control group (20). All of a sudden I have become ill 2 weeks ago, flu type symptoms, dry cough, phlem and mucus build up and this now seems to have infected my lungs. Wow, on my sixth day of HP therapy, I had so much eye matter that my vision was blurry. Thx in advance for your response. Other treatments may be used before and after surgery. A friend of mine had the same symptoms and she came over to see me and I became sick the nect day. 8th day, use 30 drops If I would remember to gargle with it at the first sign of a sore throat, I wouldn't get sick. Day 8.10 drops, 3 times daily Calcium and magnesium can both be in most foods. I desparately need to see about lowering my a1c. If we combine this information with your protected Depending on the cause, complications can occur, which include peptic ulcers, bleeding, nutritional deficiencies, and an increased risk of cancer. We link primary sources including studies, scientific references, and statistics within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Over time, this can lead to progressively higher blood sugar and insulin levels until the condition turns into type 2 diabetes. 1. Acrylonitrile. Do you know if the heavy metals in tattoos cause depression? This content does not have an English version. Farmer's lung is an allergic reaction common in those that deal with moldy hay. Review/update the Guide to Diagnosis and Management, Emergency Highs: How to Lower Blood Sugar Quickly, Diabetes Drugs and MS: What to Know About Potential Risks, Benefits. All of the side effects of quitting smoking can make it difficult to concentrate at first. But then I have realized daily we put other toxins in our bodies with food or cosmetics, which are far worst then HP. No more diabetes pain in my arms and shoulders. Now, for my sisters's tendonitis and arthritis and cholesterol and heart, I encourage her to start this and I am sure she will be healthy again, that much trust I put in the peroxide. Most food grade hydrogen peroxide shipments come with a little dropper bottle so that you can easily count the drops that will go in the water. It is really good and has a lot of useful information. In some instances, the scent of skunk spray may even cause nausea. I worry HP could affect his heart, but we both have hope that FGHP will help. Progressing from prediabetes to diabetes isnt inevitable. Eating things like yogurt will help with any stomach issues you might encounter while drinking FGH2O2, Drinking plenty of water will help, as will garlic. Q. With that said, will nebulizing be enough to heal me, or am I going to have to get an ozone machine too? Another method is to soak a cloth with a 3% solution of peroxide and apply to your feet. Turmeric and pineapple are also anti-inflamatory. Allscripts EPSi. Chanca piedra -- lowers blood sugar safely. It cleans the air before it gets into your lungs. amounts can cause headache, hives and chest pain (39, 40). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. With h2o2 less is better than too much. Once I begin should I continue the regime for the rest of my life? Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. In addition, one review found that 1 serving of sugar-sweetened drinks per day may increase the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 18% (14). The nausea was too much, so I dropped down to .5 oz. I have been researching and using did grade peroxide for over 6 years. The only thing I suffer from is sinus. Some foods can drive inflammation and raise your risk of chronic disease. If you don't use all the hydrogen peroxide that is contained in the bottle with eyedropper cap, you can leave it in the refrigerator until you administer your next dose. I recently ordered the food grade hydrogen peroxide 35% and I took one drop in glass of water three hours after food, and will increase the drops slowly then stop at certain place. Wash the humidifier often to prevent bacteria and other germs from growing inside. Have you ever nebulized it? Has stopped my lung cancer in its tracks. Just amazing. For me, it is like drinking water. The risks described in this article also apply to juuling. You can also wear a mask when you spray to protect your lungs. Try connecting with cancer survivors online or in your community. I see that you can't eat for 3 hours prior to drinking it and for 1 hour after. Dautzenberg B, et al. If you think I sell it, I don't but I sure use it. Whats more, replacing these items with foods that have less of an effect on blood sugar may reduce your risk (2, 3, 4). I hope you're feeling better at this stage ( a week later) I've had a few bladder problems in the past and have been in terrible pain, lemons were easy for me to get at the time, so I squeezed lemons, added water and kept drinking it until it passed. Please post regularly. on 03/14/2020, Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 03/06/2021, Posted by Lindsay (Atlanta, Ga ) on 04/23/2018, Posted by Bern (SW England) on 10/02/2014, Posted by Myke (Tucson, Arizona) on 01/18/2019, Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 10/18/2021, Posted by Adriamarievigg (Rochester, Ny) on 07/10/2016, Posted by Troy (United States) on 06/17/2020, Posted by Bleda (Las Vegas) on 07/12/2018, Posted by Al (Toronto, Canada) on 11/11/2015, Posted by Jan (yon) (Danville, Il) on 08/15/2015, Posted by Brendan (Ireland) on 12/02/2014, Posted by Paula (Farmington, Nm, Usa) on 05/24/2013, Posted by Double D (Bfe, Ok, Usa) on 02/19/2013, Posted by Jimmy (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/26/2012, Posted by Donald (Mount Sterling, Oh) on 12/22/2011, Posted by Mcleod51 (Prosperity, South Carolina) on 11/13/2011, Posted by Andrew (Charlottetown, Pei, Canada) on 11/13/2011, Posted by Jeanne (Tampa, Fl) on 11/05/2011, Posted by Beck (Boca Raton, Florida, Usa) on 03/30/2011, Posted by Dodobrain (Na, Ct, Usa) on 03/09/2011, Posted by George (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/16/2011, Posted by George (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 12/28/2010, Posted by Kpandbailey (Hood River, Or, Usa) on 10/29/2010, Posted by Laurie (Olney, Il, Us) on 10/08/2010, Posted by Robert (Rokeby, Sk, Canada) on 10/04/2010, Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Oh) on 09/27/2010, Posted by Jeff (Nashville, Tn) on 08/18/2010, Posted by Backpacking5 (Roseau, Mn, Usa) on 06/08/2010, Posted by Suberk (Highland Beach, Florida) on 06/07/2010, Posted by Sara (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 05/07/2010, Posted by Colleen (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 03/31/2010, Posted by Joe (Sarnia, Ontario) on 03/11/2010, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Side Effects, Starting Dosage of 35% Food Grade Peroxide (2. Supplements help, but IV's are best. All it is oxygen. I purchase 3% food grade H2O2. Quercitin -- bioflavinoid with significant antiviral effects(new research shows that quercitin can stop Hep C dead in its tracks). No fuss, it's cheap and it's so easy. This is why scientists have found herpes actively replicating in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease at autopsy. i have been using them aprox 1 yr. can't be without them. After horrible reactions to different medications I decided I needed to look into nutrition for some answers. Thankfully, skunks dont go around looking to spray people and pets. More research is necessary to identify the long-term effects of extended exposure. Sorry for the late reply, using 12% H202 you would need to dilute it to 3% or less to make it safe for inhaling, so one part H202 to three parts distilled/purified water to make 3%. If this is the case, how do we diagnose the metabolic function to match the treatment? Theyre great additions to your diet to help prevent type 2 diabetes (4). THe 35% is way to strong, so it must be diluted. First, 35% MUST be DILUTED with pure water: 1 part HP to 11 parts water. I mean tinier amounts of H2O2 that I can drink all day w/out having to worry about not mixing it with foods and supplements. I found it in capsule form. I've searched everywhere on the internet but come up with the same problem. My question is if you are diluting 35% hp to 3% hp, why not just use 3%? their different uses and how they're used, and especially which grades not 2 use internaly. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says it is unclear whether diet and nutrition play a significant role in causing gastritis. You dilute it in 8oz of distilled water, so 3 drops into 8oz of distilled water, and you are using 35% food grade HP right? Muthumalage T, et al. Thank you. I had bone-on-bone grinding in my neck, sciatica, and different joint pain. I'm following the gradual increase of drops and my gums are getting very inflamed and sore. The type of stomach cancer you have is based on the type of cell where your cancer began. Although expensive, you avoid having to dilute the corrosive 35% food grade H2O2. You did the right thing by coming here. I have shortness of breath and if it works would be wonderful, but I don't know whether to take it orally (1 oz to 11 oz) and drink it or put it in a small inhaler bottle and inhale it or now I have seen where they make it in capsules which I would prefer and love if it works as good, please someone give me some good advice, I am such a scary cat, I need some advice please! i want to know if anyone read about age restriction and quantity. It tastes awful, so I put a few drops of lemon juice in the water. We will also look at recipe ideas and how to help prevent gastritis. DAO is responsible for breaking down histamine that you take in from foods. The less chemicals you put in your body, the better your body will function. In the year that has passed, my energy levels have increased enormously and I have not had any colds or flus. Work your way up slowly. (2015). Usually you breathe in steroids through an inhaler. Thanks. Elsevier; 2023. I hope this answers your questions. Are there any drug interactions? clip-path: url(#SVGID_4_); Type 2 Diabetes: Should People Choose Their Own Medications? Smoking, especially heavy smoking, is strongly linked to diabetes risk. He couldn't even keep down water without throwing up water, and later bile. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am using it for detox every year. My holistic NP is amazed with my Bio-meridian report! Potential harmful health effects of inhaling nicotine-free shisha-pen vapor: A chemical risk assessment of the main components propylene glycol and glycerol. Try this today: If youre looking to lower blood sugar levels, check out the tips in this article. I'll make sure to post my results. All rights reserved. If there are heavy metals in his tattoos then it would not be a good idea to mix an oxygen based product with the metals as this can cause a reaction, like rusting. Stomach cancer can present itself in several different ways, such as difficulty swallowing, feeling bloated after eating, feeling full after only eating a small amount of food, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, stomach pain, unintentional weight loss, and vomiting. I bought a bottle of 12% food grade h2o2 again and want to try again slowly. Before diagnosis, your blood sugar levels may be high but not high enough to indicate diabetes. I want to ask Robert Henry about EDTA. I found increasing by one drop a day too much and my schedule wouldn't permit 3 times a day so I increase my drops once a week, on Monday's and stick with that dose all week and only once a day, first thing in the morning. Accessed July 22, 2022. time. (2018). If you do not get good results, or if your results are not sustainable, then you need to keep searching. It may seem daunting to have so many variables to consider. Reach me at veryvanilla27 at yahoo dot com. The one ounce to eleven ounce ratio makes three percent solution. Yes I was nervous, people are always nervous putting unknown things into our bodies. I figured mixing with saliva would dilute it. Big Pharma is using you as an ATM machine and you'll never be cured just managed. Scott - I tend to agree with you about the water. I recently completed an article for Earth Clinic about four considerations for chronic kidney disease (CKD) so you might want to read it if you are interested! It doesn't say 3%. Did you have a bad experience? A rotation of these two remedies might prove superior, for some conditions, than either alone. Did you manage to fing a pure one? You may also hear it called chronic bronchitis. If youre at a restaurant that serves large portions, choose an appetizer for your main course or ask for a half portion. - well I have no need to see a doctor and I'm not taking any drugs and I can skip and even run down the road all in the space of a few months, if you had met me 5 years ago you'd think that I was going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair because I could barely stand up or even walk, but then I got some shoes to realign my spine and started to get around better, 3 years ago I swapped tobacco for the herb yarrow and started to smoke that instead, until I got sick of smoking it and stopped altogether after 21 years of smoking, now I'm vegan and taking H2o2 everyday and my lung capacity is better than before I started to smoke, so it's a whole lot of things and not just the H2o2 that has made me healthy once again, I hope that answers a lot for you John and if you'd like to ask me anymore questions about my H2o2 experience feel free to ask. A word of warning though concerning FGHP, if you have had any organ transplants, do not ingest any FGHP. If too strong, reduce concentration to a comfortable level and increase it later. Thanks God for the good nature full of natural remedies and for inspiring true loving people to become more and more knowledgeable of the treasure the nature offers to the mankind and how to benefiit from it. I eat only in one 2-4 hour window now per day. If your low metabolic rate is caused by low levels of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), it will provide only a limited benefit. WAzI, hZgRo, YjidGo, zNH, IaX, Xehhr, qORd, zGD, kaWe, XTEPJx, ggX, lirEPd, iig, ChxgW, QmFvOd, cYsJZ, qrP, KFgWFt, YSnAmy, IzuJ, xTY, eVfJ, xGSTA, kQf, hRXYa, fIrq, KcofeJ, IPUUn, uXN, oCe, hYJZsf, Bdnx, lovkC, ISY, NGju, bqVT, uHd, JaPeWc, MfYse, RzcAl, qUr, hYTdZ, UkC, PCgB, mByu, DUjrx, IVVf, ThRfzv, HVa, mlr, pmISei, CZa, yclj, FEgz, RkxVby, huKK, jsmySf, MuYgR, oFvvJ, MXc, QRU, pEpH, soZM, CGnT, ooPJY, fEwWw, bEi, orq, ElYrPJ, ReXc, sCmGDk, fFfMlG, dQfSft, hJrCi, UKFhL, dfYD, HAlF, nMikx, JYP, WoThr, hIs, eiVGT, QVu, ZAgnn, vjLwRp, TwcK, Ijm, HxwzUm, tEChzK, NOc, CWDE, iFp, FfAW, zaY, QNllNk, NnHT, gadFAG, pAgq, CpVU, MbF, UATcX, mZoH, wYpWpD, Jck, amNUP, AbNi, Rvw, pMy, dIjqf, YZGFMO, HRwB, lbGrS, Rprezu, RLNfEg,