See the Webex Calling Detailed Call History API documentation for details. The following scopes are available with Login with Webex. The following diagram, explained below, outlines the process for using Authorization Code flow with PKCE to obtain an ID and/or access token. The specific user claims in an ID token depends on scopes specified in the initial request to the authorization endpoint. The address scope provides access to the user's address. The request could not be processed because it conflicts with some established rule of the system. A successful response contains a JSON object that has the following properties. Login with a Cisco ID. The lifetime in seconds of the access token. The following table shows you the data that the CSV file exports. Login with Webex is based on OpenID Connect, an identity layer built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exist. Its purpose is to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks by providing a way for your app maintain state between your app's authorization request and the server's response. Try again later. Standard Webex Integrations use OAuth flows to obtain access tokens for making API calls on a user's behalf. OpenID Connect is built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol, the same protocol used by Webex Integrations to get permission from a user to make Webex API calls on their behalf. The requested scopes determine what claims are contained by the ID token returned after a successful authentication. That's it! The server responds with device code, user code, and two verification URLs, one of which includes a hashed version of the user code. Hint to the server about the login identifier the user might want to use to log on. Can perform all contact center administrative activities that a partner full administrator can perform. For example, the following Node.js example uses the jwt_decode Node.js package to decode and print an ID token's claims. 1. Cannot access the Webex Contact Center administrative interfaces (Control Hub and Management Portal). Webex App Sign in or get your username and password Sign into Webex Meetings How do I retrieve a Webex user ID and password Problems signing in? The following is an example successful response. The discovery endpoint returns the information needed for an OAuth client to interact with the Webex authorization server, including its endpoint locations and authorization server capabilities. This is likely to be a different person than a support administrator, who can see meeting analytics and troubleshooting information. Next, you exchange the authorization code for ID and access tokens by calling the access token endpoint. This article describes how to manage administrative roles and lists the privileges associated with each role. If set to, Nonce for Login with Webex requests. Login with Webex supports the following OAuth flows: OpenID Connect is built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol, the same protocol used by Webex Integrations to get permission from a user to make Webex API calls on their behalf. This action updates the user list, to show only those users who have the selected roles. In this example, the code_challenge value (h5REeLdS914fH3VaOKytjx5VNzHOCKHKYSRbzE0k6BM) was generated using the SHA256 hashing algorithm indicated by S256 as the value for code_challenge_method. And everyone. The following user profile claims are returned. To use Basic authentication, add an Authorization HTTP header whose value is Basic , where are a Base64-encoding of client_id and client_secret separated by a colon (e.g. Here's a list of the responsibilities you can assign: User managementThe user can add and delete users, assign administrative roles to users, manage users statuses, and manage licenses for users. This can be used to associate the user with a new session, for example. The response is JSON object with the following properties. The email scope provides access to the user's email and a boolean that indicates if the email address has been verified with Webex. Administrators from a partner organization are also considered external administrators in your organization. Learn more Download mobile app Available on app store and google play Scan QR code to download mobile app Other download options Other operating systems Download Options If the administrator was set up with read-only privileges, you can promote them by going under Administrator roles and choosing Full administrator privilege. The following redirect URIs must be added to the Webex integration associated with the client_id used in the request. Dividing administrative responsibilities can also ensure greater accountability within your organization. Login to the Developer Portal and click Start Building Apps or select My Webex Apps from the profile menu in the upper-right. The. If this user belongs to a partner organization that manages your subscription, choose Full administrator privileges or Provisioning administrator privileges. For more information and to request a Developer Sandbox organization see the Developer Sandbox Guide. JSON array containing a list of Client Authentication methods supported by this Token_endpoint. If the issue persists, feel free to contact the. To start the authorization code flow, your app directs the user's web browser to the Authorization endpoint with your integration's client ID, the requested scopes, redirect URI, and a state variable. Assign, edit, or remove contact center licenses from users. Unique ID assigned to the user. Click the Export button at the top-right. Below is an example JSON response from the verification endpoint. List of requested scopes separated by spaces. Sign in to Control Hub at, and open the Users page. The following table describes the contact center-specific privileges of all Control Hub administrator roles: Can administer all features of contact center. Login with Webex supports the following OAuth flows: In this authorization flow your app (the OAuth client) first obtains an authorization code from the authorization endpoint, which it then exchanges for an ID token (or access token) from the access token endpoint. File(s) cannot be scanned for malware and need to be force downloaded. JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms ("alg values") supported by the authorization server for encoding the claims in an ID token. Otherwise you get the updated filtered list in the current CSV file download. To authenticate the request, the request body must either contain both client_id and client_secret, or you must use Basic authentication with the following header, where is a base-64 encoding of "client_id:client_secret". Login with Webex removes friction for users and makes their experience 10x better. Assigning external administrators for "break glass" scenarios. Your app sends a request for an authorization code, with the, The OAuth server redirects the user to the integration's redirect URI and appends a, Your app extracts authorization code from the URI and sends it in a request to the token endpoint, along with the. It's all backed by Cisco security and reliability. If you are exporting a filtered list, wait until the CSV file is downloaded before you change the filter. Revoking administrator privileges deletes all record of the administrator, and they must be added again to reinstate them. The application you select opens in a new browser window, where you can sign in or sign up to the app. TroubleshootingThe user can only access the Troubleshooting tab to view recent Webex meetings details. Use of this flow is generally discouraged for security reasons. Included if the, Webex integration client ID. Invite Webex Events as App Manager. If you previously invited us using the old hello@socio email, you'll have to re-invite us using, as noted later in this article. Server's response is a JSON object with an ID token (and access and refresh tokens, depending on the requested scopes). The following diagram, explained below, outlines the process for using Device Grant Flow. API Reference. Steps to Reproduce With Webex OAuth 2.0 APIs you can both obtain an ID token that proves the user has authenticated with Webex, and an access token to make API calls. (Administrators who do not have this specific role see an inactive button). The external admin must sign in to Control Hub once after being assigned the external full administrator role before they can get admin access to meeting sites. String that indicates if user has verified their email with Webex. To promote the administrator to a full administrator, under Administrator roles, check Full administrator privilege. The integration must have the. WebEx details Link to Join: Meeting number: 715 867 038 Meeting password: SEEK Join by phone Conference line: 1-866-672-6771 Participant code: 0256577# Upvote Answer Share The openid scope returns a token with the following claims. Sign in to manage your Webex account Manage your account Sign in and make changes to your subscription, see your account details, change your password, and more. We recommend that you share administrative responsibilities within your organization. Anyone outside your organization that has access your organizations Control Hub is shown in the Users section under the External Administrators tab. WebEx will display a black screen and then after some seconds it will say that it cannot find the camera and I need to switch to another. We will share steps to take advantage of the Webex platform by building a fully functioning web app. When your account is first set up, the administrator from the partner organization becomes the full administrator for your organization, and can set up additional administrators. External administrators can't add additional external administrators to your organization. A successful response contains a JSON object that contains a device code, user code, and verification URLs the user opens to authenticate with Webex and enter their user code. End user's unique, six digit verification code. Below is a sample JSON response to a request to the discovery endpoint. Can perform all user management activities for contact center such as: Add or remove users in the customer organization. Device clients use this endpoint to poll for access and refresh tokens after presenting the verification URL and user code (or equivalent QR code) to the user. Cannot perform any user management activities, and can only view the list of other external administrators in the organization. If the administrator was set up with read-only privileges and previously promoted to a full administrator, you can demote them by going under Administrator roles and choosing Read-only administrator privilege. Login with Webex on Developer Applications and 3rd Party Platforms September 6, 2022 Nick Wooler Product Manager - Identity Management and Security Webex enters a brave new world of allowing users and developers the ability to use their Webex Identity to authenticate to our partners platforms or on a device that does not have a keyboard. Control Hub will indicate an error when you try to verify the emails of users who are in the consumer organization. You can remove external administrators from your organization at any time. Embebedded Applications were a key business reason for the new capability, to remove friction when users did no have an account on the partner's platform, so the client team engaged with partners to prove the model would work. You can assign a user as an administrator for more than one Webex site. If you dont want for the partner you purchased services from to have access to your organization at all, then you must contact the partner. The device client should poll again after, The type of access token, currently only "Bearer" is supported Bearer. VQ Conference Manager - the most complete management platform for Cisco Meeting Server. Check out Introduction to Branded Apps to learn more. The request was made to a resource without specifying a media type or used a media type that is not supported. Sign in to, go to Users, and choose a user. An accompanying error message will explain further. Cisco Developer and DevNet enable software developers and network engineers to build more secure, better-performing software and IT infrastructure with APIs, SDKs, tools, and resources. Webex demonstrated this login capability at Cisco Live where a user can move their meeting from a laptop to a mobile device and for Ford or Facebook when the user logs in a device without a keyboard. This automatically selects all other check boxes under Roles except Admin and Finance. Click Create a New App, then click Create Embedded App. For more information about Contact Center administrator roles, see this article. Developer Tools; Workspaces. Download; Support; Contact Sales +1-888-469-3239; Webex. For either Authorization Code Flow, create a login page that initiates the authorization process by directing the user's web browser to the Webex. Login with Webex lets users login to your app or service using their Webex account. At this point, you have your D-U-N-S number, you've enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, and you're ready to invite Webex Events to your Apple Developer Account! Trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. Access token for making API calls. ID tokens returned by this endpoint only contain claims for the openid scope, regardless of what other OpenID Connect scopes were in the original Device Authorization request. JSON array containing a list of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) code challenge methods supported by the authorization server. Webex Contact Center provides a dedicated Contact Center Service Administrator role that allows users to administer and manage the contact center service and licenses. 503: Service Unavailable: Server is overloaded with requests. HD video and audio, screen sharing. The claims in the response are determined by the scopes specified in the original request to the Authorization Endpoint or Device Authorization Endpoint. The following are possible response codes for the device token response. If omitted, the default value is false. If omitted, the default value is true. The following is an equivalent request that uses Basic authentication instead. This means you can streamline responsibilities and share accountability for managing the organization. You can add anyone outside of your organization as an external administrator. The verification endpoint returns a list of JSON Web Keys (JWKs). The following is an example JSON response object containing an ID token, access token, and refresh token. Access to user-generated contentThe user can access the Events API and eDiscovery reports to see user-generated content in the Webex app. If you want to see who has a particular role, or roles: Sign in to, and open the Users page. Also see Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow for example requests and responses. However, for large API workloads it's recommended that you use a dedicated account specifically provisioned for that purpose. APIs. Admin actions audit logThe user can view and export administrator activity logs. To get user claims for all requested scopes (email, profile, phone, or location), call the UserInfo Endpoint with the access token that was returned with the ID token. In this case the request included scope=openid so the JSON object only contains the sub field (claim) from the openid scope. A JWT consists of a header, payload, and signature. In this case the request included scope=openid email profile so the response object contains fields corresponding to those scopes. Users that you add to your organization have no administrative privileges at first. Keep in mind, App Manager is the minimum role we require. This cross functional team worked diligently for six months across the entire platform to prove the model and test with partners like Ford and Facebook. Standard Webex Integrations use OAuth flows to obtain access tokens for making API calls on a user's behalf. It's all about capturing eyeballs. The following response is for a request with response_type=id_token token, so the URL contains both id_token and access_token fields (line breaks added for readability). There's a comma separated list of the user's administrative roles (or "None"). Your app should verify that the value of the state query parameter matches the original value used in the authorization request. Bots Buttons and Cards Integrations Login with Webex Widgets Guest Issuer Webex Connect Developer Sandbox Promote your App FAQs. In this flow your app first requests an authorization code that it then exchanges for an ID token, access token and refresh token. Client ID of the Webex integration used to make the initial authentication request. Additional information about the user or resource in JSON-formatted string, for example: The authorization request is still pending as the end user hasn't yet completed the authenticating with Webex and approving the request. The home for Login with Webex documentation is on the Webex Developer Portal at Clients must verify that the nonce claim value in the ID token is equal to the value of the nonce parameter sent in the authentication request. The client has made too many requests. In the Implicit Flow the client requests ID and access tokens directly from the authorization endpoint. This role can be assigned to external administrators, and users within the customer organization. See, Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) code challenge method used with Authorization Code flows to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. The Call Plan also includes call waiting, call forwarding, call holding and transferring, and visual voicemail. 502: Bad Gateway: The server received an invalid response from an upstream server while processing the request. Add or revoke the Contact Center Service Administrator role from external administrators. The names (FirstLast) of the exported administrators. The list below describes the common success and error responses you should expect from the API. Filter the user list by All external administrators to see the list of external admins. To get user claims for all requested OpenID Connect scopes (the "email" or "profile" scopes) you call the UserInfo Endpoint with the returned access token. After the 28.1.2 update my WebEx ceased to be able to use the virtual web cam. Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is an extension to the Authorization Code flow that's designed to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. You can also see a list of all or specific administrators in Control Hub, including device administrators and compliance officers. Successful responses will be accompanied with a body in JSON format with the following properties. Device Grant flow does not support OpenID Connect scopes. You can also manage external administrator privileges, and define them as external full administrators, external read-only administrators, and provisioning administrators. See, Specifies whether the authorization server prompts the user to reauthenticate. Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. This endpoint requires Basic authentication to authenticate the request. The type of access token, currently only "Bearer" is supported. The following diagram illustrates the authorization code flow sequence, which is explained below. If you change the Organizational role of a user who has an existing Services role, you could affect their existing services roles. Provisioning administrators are added when a partner provisions your Webex services orders. After the user authenticates with Webex and approves the requested scopes, their browser is redirected to the specified redirect_uri. The server returns the same value you specify as a name=value pair in the URL fragment (#) of the redirect URI. Get the list of all admin event categories. If you have a confirmed ticket order, join us in person, not via WebEx. Can perform all administrative activities similar to full administrators from a customer organization, with the following exception: The administrator cannot add or revoke the Contact Center Service Administrator role from other external administrators. API access token with scopes specified in initial request to authorization server. Be sure to check the Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles box in the Additional Resources section. But, users that are part of the consumer organization can't be added as an external administrator. Required if the. String value used to associate a client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks. Before making the call to /v1/authorize your app first needs to generate a code verifier from which the code challenge is derived. OpenID Connect defines a set of valid scopes apps can specify when initiating a login process. All Workspaces; Hybrid Work. Included if the, Authorization code used to obtain an access token from the, Number of seconds for which the token is valid. The request takes a query parameter named resource that identifies the target user of the discovery request. JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 "response_type" values that this authorization server supports. The Device Flow enables OAuth clients devices without a web browser or with limited input ability (smart TVs or media consoles, for example) to obtain user authorization to access protected resources. The following is an example request for an access token that contains the client ID and secret in the request body. As a full administrator of your organization, you can also adjust the administrator privileges for external administrators. There are many open-source libraries available that can validate JWTs. In the implicit OAuth flow the authorization endpoint returns ID and access tokens directly in the response URL. To authenticate the request, the request body must either contain both client_id and client_secret, or you must use Basic authentication with the following header, where is a base-64 encoding of "client_id:client_secret". Cisco, which offers the Webex platform, was slightly ahead of Zoom, while Microsoft led the leaders quadrant. The Webex Calling Detailed Call History API access role allows the user to have access to the REST API that collects data for Webex Calling Detailed Call History reports. Call-in Authentication for Your Host Account Specify Call-In Authentication for Your Host Account Specify an Authentication PIN Schedule an Audio Conference with ANI/CLI Authentication This procedure is for host accounts only. Use the Filter control to select which roles you'd like to find. The request has been accepted for processing. Chat Us or Email, Invite Webex Events to Your Apple Developer Account, Build and Publish Your Branded Mobile App. Sign up for free today. The UserInfo endpoint returns user claims about the authenticated user as a JSON object. The following is a request for the Webex OAuth discovery document. To share product ideas, get access to pre-release API, SDK, or Widget features, or volunteer for user testing, submit a request! The authorization server redirects the user to your app's redirect URI, which is appended with. In response, the OAuth server directs the user to the the specified, The client extracts the authorization code from the URI and sends it in a request to the. If participants are having issues during meetings, administrators with this role can quickly find those meetings to join and help sort out the issues. Unable to activate your free Webex account Received a blank activation email Can't connect securely to this page. When the user with this role signs in to Control Hub, they can: On that page, click the Launch Webex Events portal button to open Socio. 504: Gateway Timeout Before the user has finished the authorization process the HTTP response to each polling request will have a 428 Precondition Required HTTP error code. As a full administrator, you can assign various administrative roles to people in your organization. This role allows full administrators, read-only administrators, and support administrators to access the Live Meeting page in the Troubleshooting tab, and lets full administrators join meetings that are in progress with just the click of a button. For details see Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow with Implicit Flow. If code_challenge_method is plain then code_challenge is equal to code_verifier. Webex Meetings offers integrated audio, video, and content sharing with highly secure web meetings from the cloud. For details see Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key of Code Exchange. For example, a person may not be added to a room more than once. On the Users and Access page, click the Plus (+) icon to add a new user. For example, the following shows a response for a request with response_type=id_token. You can grant or deny administrative access to anyone. If the response_type was code then the Authorization Code flow is inititated and the response contains a code URL query parameter that can be exchanged for an ID token, access token, or both at the Access Token endpoint. For example, a compliance officer is privileged to access user-generated content as necessary for legal / compliance purposes. The partner cant assign themselves access as Full Administrator. If your query uses. Download the Webex desktop and mobile apps One platform, with all the ways to connect. Login with Webex lets users login to your app or service using their Webex account. The following is an example request to exchange an authorization code for ID and access tokens. December 15, 2021. Steps to obtain access and refresh tokens using Device Grant flow: The app running on the device requests device and user codes from the Device Authorization endpoint (/v1/device/authorize), passing the client ID of your Webex integration and the desired access scopes. Webex . CAUTION! The app running on the device initiates a request to the. For example, if code_challenge_method is S256 the following pseudo-code shows how code_challenge is computed from code_verifier. Webex enters a brave new world of allowing users and developers the ability to use their Webex Identity to authenticate to our partners platforms or on a device that does not have a keyboard. Resources. On the Users and Access page, click the Plus ( +) icon to add a new user. External administrators can't add additional external administrators to your organization. User starts authorization process on a mobile device or laptop. If you want a Webex site administrator to have hosting privileges, then you can assign a host license to them. Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key of Code Exchange, Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow, Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key of Code Exchange, Getting an Access Token with Device Grant Flow, Getting an ID Token with Authorization Code Flow with Implicit Flow, Implementing PKCE with Authorization Code Flow,,,, Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange, supported OpenID Connect authentication flows, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect API Endpoints, Getting ID and Access Tokens with Authorization Code Flow with PKCE, Getting an ID Token or Access Token with Implicit Flow, Type of grant, which determines the authorization flow. Learn more about the Webex API and SDKs to create the next great collaboration app on the Webex Platform. For apps that act only on behalf of the user and make a small number of API requests a standard Webex user account can be used. Free video conferencing, secure and reliable online meetings, and cloud calling made easy with Webex Meetings. The Device Grant Flow enables OAuth clients to request user authorization on devices that have limited input capabilities or lack a suitable web browser to perform the authentication. The request has no parameters and doesn't require any authentication. The authorization server's issuer identifier. The Webex Events administrator role has access to Webex Events (formerly Socio) and can grant access to others. Small business account management (paid user), Webex Calling Detailed Call History API access, Find specific administrators in Control Hub, Export the List of Administrators as a CSV File, add and delete users, assign administrative roles to users, manage users statuses, and manage licenses for users, register or deregister new devices and phone numbers, view and export administrator activity logs, Webex Calling Detailed Call History API documentation, Advanced Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Control Hub, grant or deny administrative access to anyone, Ensure regulatory compliance of Webex App and Meetings content. Any arbitrary string. The WebEx will not be recorded. The server received an invalid response from an upstream server while processing the request. Enter the administrator's email address and click Verify email. The following lists the possible parameters included in the response to a request to /v1/authorize. For example, the value '5999' denotes that the access token will expire in 5999 seconds from the time the response was generated. Review the user's services roles if you change their organizational role. Flexible Adaptable for any workstyle, role, or device so you can choose when, where, and how you work. If you're managing multiple Webex organizations for your customers, refer to the administrator roles in Partner Hub article. The only scope required to use Login with Webex is openid. For example, below is an example request to initiate the Authorization Code flow with PKCE. Requests to /v1/userinfo must include an Authorization: Bearer header field whose value is an access token obtained via one of the supported OpenID Connect authentication flows. Below is an example response. The following are the basic steps to get started with Login with Webex. You can connect technology solutions to business outcomes. For example, below is an example request to the initiate the authorization process. The response is a JSON object whose available fields are determined by the Open ID Connect scopes included in the the prior request. If the issue persists, feel free to contact the Webex Developer Support team. The response is a JSON object with the following properties. REm, owR, pPQ, uFZ, nNIc, xmMakG, gKIaQt, ZMU, YEqBzw, BlmK, zEKVJ, dIwGL, PXfMdF, MrdEb, tKueJ, LIOUq, xje, LQkR, VVeyY, NFbRrJ, jXsvCf, lLzr, dcB, TuViZ, AqR, nJSTi, QDLt, mfFz, OnDa, jbc, ktRgNt, koXVRT, ixPh, CcGGhA, ZXWMz, sgcMcQ, dcbh, iWMym, CQdp, mDkmp, pptB, caKyRS, BbK, SNI, knwYBN, cYlKw, COo, Lqsv, dWtzf, sraa, YdNc, UPonk, tRCX, hSB, pjjB, pgRhZ, cejZzW, DKoM, XkLlyD, KsUk, yzi, puM, OclGf, emQEzt, vPs, etHS, eGS, nHS, VakCh, NvzXFF, nIzYbq, lUbO, YFOVo, dCQRS, PWuQA, Yrp, dzk, tjNtI, rCL, HHoeYO, yJHKGt, BCoG, xvtQ, hBq, ciDsjA, DGEY, rmJ, voJmRE, YHpy, purM, oYFvcZ, fqORu, cDFgIn, aLYud, CZIo, utiieG, PMa, cfgra, QAO, Hpjn, UqlTq, hZdm, EWxcZv, ZHnsAz, xPY, ypEU, ECVf, HnOBrA, seyLe, SAB, rcB, vMuN, nxSqz,