Il se contente donc de rester producteur sur Pacific Rim: Uprising[25]. Other well-known Kaiju monsters include Mothra, Anguirus, Rodan, Gamera and King Ghidorah. I piloti di Striker, Chuck Hansen e suo padre Herc, decidono di uscire dallo Jaeger e di sparare al Kaij con i lanciarazzi per tenerlo lontano il pi possibile dalla citt. Riddick It continued on to Sacramento and Oakland, causing massive destruction in its attack. The strongest and fastest of the Jaegers, Striker Eureka's fighting style is akin to that of a dirty boxer or a brutal brawler. Over the next five years, Kaiju slowly adapted to the Jaeger's strength. lo Jeager e i Kaiju Scunner e Slattern; Kaiju. Because of their tremendous body mass, two brains are needed to control the Kaiju's motor and cognitive functions. Ils apprennent par les infos qu'un Kaij de catgorie 4 dfonce sans trop de difficult le mur ctier de Sydney en Australie, qui ne doit d'viter la destruction qu'au Jaeger Striker Eureka. Le Kaiju meurt ensuite rapidement, trangl par son propre cordon ombilical. For the initial part of the battle, Otachi single-handedly engages both Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha. The tail crushes and tears the Jaeger's Conn-Pod from its shoulders. Our database currently contains 958 articles and 6,024 images. Newton learned the first wave of Kaiju sent through the portal were meant to both test and weaken the boundaries of the inhabitants' defenses. According to the novelization, Kaiju have reproductive organs. It was the first and last Mark-5 Jaeger in service and the last Jaeger to be constructed before its destruction in 2025. Back to the Future As a result, they decided to put their plans on hold and wait until Earth's environment was just right for them to colonize. Prior to the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Gipsy Avenger was stationed in the Moluyan Shatterdome. [10], Upon decomposing, their bodies release a noxious agent into the air known as "Kaiju Blue", their blood. Date de lancement: 4 juillet 2015 - Mark 1 - 85mtres et 2412tonnes. [3] Slattern's body is also extremely resilient against a multitude of attacks, nuclear or otherwise. "Gipsy Avenger honors the heroic legacy of her namesake as the flagship leader of the Mark VI fleet. Here are the ones that fans are speculating about. Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors was an animated series announced by Guillermo del Toro and Legendary Entertainment. Atop the center of its head resides a blowhole that forcefully expels air whenever it resurfaces from the water. Il primo prevede che due Kaij attaccheranno Hong Kong in poco tempo, Newton capisce invece che i Kaij non sono cos diversi nonostante siano classificati in categorie, e vuole quindi usare la tecnologia con cui due piloti Jaeger connettono le loro menti per vedere i ricordi di un Kaij attraverso un frammento di cervello, in modo da capire al meglio la natura dei mostri. Pacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was developed to promote the 2013 film Pacific Rim, directed by Guillermo del Toro. L'chec de la drive provoque une violente altercation entre Becket et Chuck Hansen, ce dernier reprochant Mako d'tre inutile. Atop the center of its head resides a blowhole that forcefully expels air whenever it resurfaces from the water. WebGodzilla e Anguirus, due kaij, sul poster del film Il re dei mostri. Power Move(s) Left behind, teenage siblings Taylor and Hayley embark on a desperate search for their She also has a sac under her neck that can be engorged to spit out a blue, extremely corrosive acid, as seen when it melts the thick armor of a Jaeger and when it easily liquefies the side of an office building.[2]. Acts of God. It is also the first and last of the Mark-5 series, holding the best stats of all currently deployed Jaegers. En 2025, les gouvernements mondiaux dcident de mettre fin au financement de la construction continue de Jaegers, en faveur de la construction de murs ctiers massifs, alors que les attaques des Kaiju sont sans cesse plus nombreuses et les Jaegers dtruits plus rapidement qu'ils ne sont renouvels. Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization,Click for full list, Pacific Rim: The Video Game,Pacific Rim: The Mobile Game,Pacific Rim: Kaiju Battle. Rodan, un altro kaij, sul poster del film Rodan, il mostro alato. 6[2] In 2013, the Precursors opened a portal between dimensions at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, allowing the Kaiju to enter Earth and begin their assault on humanity. , Le rcit peut tre complexe. Hermann affirme que la Brche se stabilisera et que les attaques des Kaijus augmenteront en nombre, tandis que Newton suggre de driver avec le cerveau d'un Kaiju pour en savoir plus sur eux. Raleigh e Mako cercano di sfruttare la carcassa di uno dei mostri, ma vengono assaliti da Slattern che gravemente ferito. Crimson Typhoon successfully defended Hong Kong against Kaiju attacks until its destruction in 2025. IV[1] During the events of January 12, 2025, it was sent through the Breach to protect the portal from destruction.[3]. With Herc injured, Pentecost takes his place as Chuck's co-pilot. [3], The battle goes badly for the Jaegers; Crimson Typhoon is easily destroyed by Otachi, who then proceeds to melt Cherno Alpha's armor with its acid spit. Slattern's body is then used to bypass the Breach and enter the Anteverse, allowing Raleigh to destroy it by manually arming Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor to self-destruct. Mako Mori as she appeared in Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors. The creature's high toxicity levels and intelligence makes it the most Armor Newton et Hermann se connectent au cerveau du ftus et dcouvrent que la Brche ne peut s'ouvrir qu'en prsence de l'ADN d'un Kaiju. Aprs une bagarre, les deux sont spars par Herc et Stacker. 596 ft (181.66m) (est. "strana bestia"; AFI: [kaid]) un tipo di mostro tipico della fantascienza giapponese.Il termine si diffuso in Occidente negli anni 1950 grazie ai kaij eiga ("film di mostri giganti"), film che hanno per WebOfficial Description "There was a time when Kaiju rose from the Pacific Rim only to encounter gigantic robots, Jaegers, built to fight them back.That time has passed. WebBefore we begin, let's take it that any Warner Bros. Discovery-owned character could potentially be added to the game. [17][18] Intervistato da Entertainment Weekly Charlie Hunnam ha dichiarato: "Penso che la creazione di mondi e mostri come quelli di Pacific Rim siano divertenti solo se secondari all'importanza del racconto. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. Legendary Pictures Re-Teams With 'Clash Of The Titans' Scribe On 'Pacific Rim', Lo Hobbit: Guillermo Del Toro non sar il regista, Robot vs. mostri nel trailer di Pacific Rim, PACIFIC RIM Viral Marketing Continues with Video of Kaiju Attack, Pacific Rim Ecco il poster ufficiale italiano del film di Guillermo del Toro, Pacific Rim Nuovo spettacolare trailer per il film di Guillermo del Toro, Poster di Cherno Alpha, Coyote Tango e Crimson Typhoon. Their ability to fight and attack in packs is demonstrated in their battle against the four remaining Jaegers, Gipsy Danger, Striker Eureka,Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. On June 26, 2014, director Guillermo del Toro announced on BuzzFeed that he and Legendary Pictures was working to produce the sequel to Pacific Rim. Slattern's facial structure is symmetrical, similar to that of a hammerhead shark, and contains two blue eyes on each side. Left behind, teenage siblings Taylor and Hayley embark on a desperate search for their WebFandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Her tongue has a flowering and bioluminescent structure which she apparently uses either as a grasping mechanism or sensing organ (similar in function to a snake's vomeronasal organ). Cependant, il se rveille dans les bras de la jeune femme aprs que cette dernire l'ait serr trop fort. As biological weapons of warfare, is a Category IV Kaiju that attacked Hong Kong, China in 2025. [2], Her anatomy consists of two short legs and long, four digit hand-wings that bear a striking resemblance to those of a Pterosaur which she can use to fly. [3], There were thirteen Kaiju attacks in 2024 alone, resulting in staggering Jaeger losses. Al WonderCon 2013 Del Toro disse che gli sarebbe piaciuto fare un crossover in cui i Kaiju affrontati fossero Godzilla e Mechagodzilla. Breached Questi alieni avevano gi tentato di invadere la Terra nel triassico rinunciando per via dell'atmosfera troppo pura, ma a causa dell'inquinamento provocato dall'uomo l'ambiente del pianeta ora adatto per la loro sopravvivenza. Guillermo del Toro s'est grandement inspir pour Pacific Rim du folklore moderne japonais. Nonostante l'esperimento risulti pericoloso, Newton decide comunque di collegarsi al frammento di cervello del Kaij; dopo l'esperimento scopre cos che i Kaiju in realt non sono bestie selvatiche, ma delle armi biologiche fabbricate da una razza di alieni invasori che risiedono dall'altra parte del portale. L'adrnaline provoque une raction de dfense de la part du Jaeger, etlecanon plasma deGipsy menace de s'activer. Loa Apex was a Kaiju-Jaeger hybrid unknowingly built by Shao Industries with the intent of supplanting humanity. With the arrival of the Category V Kaiju, the other two Kaiju attempt to separate the two Jaegers in an ambush.[3]. Height Newton poursuit son plan malgr les protestations de Herman et dcouvre que les Kaiju sont desarmes biologiquescultives par des colons extraterrestres qui envisagent d'liminer l'humanit. The Jaegers were the most effective first and last line of Chuck e Herc vengono salvati da Raleigh e Mako che prendono il comando di Gipsy Danger, poich il loro Jaeger analogico e quindi non stato neutralizzato dall'onda elettromagnetica emessa da Leatherback, e lo uccidono. Even during individual combat encounters involving a single Jaeger and one Kaiju, the creatures were able to demonstrate a degree of cunning and slyness. 2,690 tons[2] Combat Specifications Le tournage principal dbute le 14 novembre 2011[14], avec la camra Red EPIC[15]. In turn, they're backed by a pair of twin-retractable Assault Mount 3.25 "Sting-Blades" laced with carbon nanotubes that channel thermal energy at temperatures over 300F, capable of wounding and cauterizing Kaiju in close combat. The Matrix Striker Eureka remained on the sidelines with orders not to engage unless necessary. Come spiegato nel prologo, gli Jeagers sono talmente grossi che necessitano di due piloti (uno per emisfero del cervello). Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. It was the first and last Mark-5 Jaeger in service and the last Jaeger to be constructed before its destruction in 2025. Web"A drone survived. It was the first and last Mark-5 Jaeger in service and the last Jaeger to be constructed before its destruction in 2025. Per fronteggiare le titaniche minacce, le nazioni del mondo decidono di mettere da parte le loro inimicizie. WebMako Mori as she appeared in Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors.. Pacific Rim: Steel Warriors was an animated series announced by Guillermo del Toro and Legendary Entertainment.. On June 26, 2014, director Guillermo del Toro announced on BuzzFeed that he and Legendary Pictures was working to produce the sequel to Pacific Rim.In the same video Le ftus Kaiju sort alors du ventre d'Otachi et dvore Hannibal, ne laissant sur place qu'une de ses chaussures. Pacific Rim Trio of triple-crowned tails and highly resilient, leathery reptilian scaling Otachi's pain threshold appears to be much greater than other Kaiju. You can win." [6], Numerous Kaiju attacked various cities along the Pacific Rim and were met with staunch resistance by the Pan Pacific Defense Corps' Jaegers. I loro "occhi" sono sostituiti da un visore che funge da proiettore per fare vedere ai piloti l'ambiente circostante, ma anche da monitor, per visualizzare lo stato di integrit del robot e vari altri parametri. The film is set in the future, The golden dots on her crest may look like eyes, but her real eyes are behind the crest on the side of her head. After three days, the military again dragged the creature away from the city, hoping to deploy another nuclear missile against it while sparing the city the effects of the nuclear fallout. Tueur de 7 kaijus. Il a une lueur bleue au fond de sa gueule et sur son corps. As Scissure neared the city, the Australian military lured it away and deployed a nuclear missile against it. Category Cocrit par le ralisateur Guillermo del Toro et Travis Beacham, le film met en scne des Humains utilisant des robots Mecha pour affronter des Kaijs. En voyageant la base de Hong Kong, le Shatterdome, Raleigh est prsent Mako Mori, directrice du programme de restauration des Jaegers et fille adoptive de Pentecost. All Kaiju are based on familiar creatures in the real world, such as gorillas and sharks. Using their superior strength and intelligence, Leatherback and Otachi are able to coordinate attacks against the Jaegers. The portal used by the Kaiju to travel to Earth. She is larger than other Kaiju types in terms of length, though not mass. Otachi is one of the more cunning Kaiju after. [4] Il primo trailer del film apparso il 12 dicembre 2012. Henry Cavill, Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Aaron Paul et Luke Bracey taient envisags pour le rle de Raleigh Beckett[rf. Slattern has thick, leathery skin and three triple-crowned tails that can be used for long-distance attacks or piercing the armor of a Jaeger. Non dico che non sono fiero del primo, mi piaciuto e penso che abbia regalato al pubblico esattamente ci che si aspettavano. Poich i devastanti attacchi dei Kaij sono quasi tutti concentrati sugli Stati che si affacciano sul Pacifico, le nazioni pi potenti del Pacific Rim impiegano gran parte delle proprie risorse per aderire al progetto Jaeger e al loro sviluppo. Del Toro ha scelto Djawadi basandosi sui suoi lavori pi famosi, come Prison Break, Iron Man e Il Trono di Spade. Before you start to edit our wiki be sure to check out our Policies and Guidelines. The most famous Kaiju in history is Godzilla. Piloted by the Wei Tang Brothers, Kaiju Specifications However, before Striker Eureka can finish Otachi off with its AKM, Leatherback, having already destroyed Cherno Alpha, attacks from behind and disables the Australian Jaeger with an EMP burst.[3]. While Leatherback remains behind to observe and taunt the disabled Striker Eureka, Otachi heads into the city to hunt down Newton. I due Jaeger rimasti si uniscono per eseguire l'attacco decisivo pianificando di abbattere il portale gettandoci la testata nucleare quando si aprir; Pentecost sostituisce Herc, poich quest'ultimo rimasto ferito e prende il comando di Striker, lo Jaeger che trasporta l'arma nucleare. Netflix Announces Anime Pacific Rim Series & Altered Carbon Movie. Therefore, after the Sydney attack,Dr. Jasper Schoenfeld began to contemplate how to protect the populace without resorting to nuclear weapons. WebCrimson Typhoon (, Crimson Tempest) is a Mark-4 Chinese Jaeger piloted by Tang Wei Cheung, Hu and Jin. Leur sang, appel le bleu kaiju, est une substance fluorescente trs toxique pour la Terre et les humains. Il prsente un certain degr de violence, non extrme, pour des raisons spcifiques et non lies la sexualit, rendant ses consquences claires. Here are the ones that fans are speculating about. V To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. Mark-5 Striker Eureka Following the reemergence of the Kaiju in 2035, Apex gains independence and holds no allegiance to the Precursors. Web"There are things you can't fight. Pacific Rim: The Official Movie Novelization,Click for full listPacific Rim: The Video Game,Pacific Rim: The Mobile Game,Pacific Rim: Kaiju Battle Prvenu de l'attaque des Jaeger par la nouvelle drive,un troisime Kaiju (Slattern) en merge, de catgorie 5, le plus grand jamais rencontr. 2013712 Otachi uses her tail to knock Cherno Alpha over. Released June 22, 2013, Jaeger Combat Simulator is a tie-in game connected to's Jaeger Designer. Contre l'avis de Guillermo del Toro, la Warner Bros. projette de convertir le film en 3D aprs le tournage[17],[13]. Men in Black They finally succeeded with three tactical nuclear missiles. Energy Core Target information Her wings are stored inside her forearms for protection, folding out from an elongated, double-jointed fifth digit. Seijin: Japanese term for aliens, also frequently called Uchujin which means "space beings". Dopo la sconfitta dei due mostri, Chau e il suo squadrone si recano alla carcassa di Otachi per ricavarne delle parti, e qui Newton scopre che il Kaij gravido e il feto che portava nelle sue interiora (un piccolo Otachi) prende vita e li assale, prima di morire (apparentemente) per via del cordone ombelicale intorno al collo. Guillermo del Toro a travaill jusqu' 18 heures par jour[13]. Poco dopo, mentre Newton discute con Chau, il piccolo Otachi si risveglia ingoiando Chau per poi soccombere definitivamente. WebPacific Rim: Jaeger Combat Simulator was a free online browser game developed by Qualcomm. Unfurling her wings, she takes flight with the Jaeger in tow. According to del Toro, there are nine Kaiju chosen and designed for the film, each one with its own personality and abilities. Si les premiers modles ont permis la victoire, les monstres reviennent plus forts et en 2020, les Jaeger subissent une vague de revers. Kaiju Specifications Pacific Rim Un nuovo full trailer italiano per il monster movie di Guillermo del Toro! WebGipsy Avenger is a Mark-6 Jaeger and the namesake of Gipsy Danger. [1] This fighting style stems primarily from its pilots, Chuck and Herc Hansen. This one. The largest and strongest of the Kaiju, Slattern is unrivaled by any of its brethren in battle. Peu aprs, Herc Hansen ordonne la dsactivation de l'horloge de guerre, indiquant la victoire de l'humanit face aux Kaijus. As Crimson Typhoon prepares to attack Otachi again, its pilots are ignorant of the pincer at the end of Otachi's tail. Alien As Kaiju began to appear in increasing frequency, nothing short of nuclear options proved capable of stopping them.[6]. Il existe un roman graphique intitul Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero, se droulant 1 an avant les vnements du film Pacific Rim, et raconte lhistoire de la journaliste Naomi Sokolov, travaillant sur une rtrospective de lhistoire du programme Jaeger et de la guerre contre les Kaiju du point de vue de trois tmoins: Tendo Choi, Jasper Schoenfeld et Stacker Pentecost. WebPacific Rim ou Rives du Pacifique au Qubec est un film de science-fiction amricano-mexicano-hongkongais ralis par Guillermo del Toro, sorti en 2013. WebPacific Rim un film del 2013 co-scritto, diretto e co-prodotto da Guillermo del Toro. Piloted by husband and wife duo Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky, Cherno Alpha was the last of the Mark-1 Jaeger series and the oldest Jaeger still active in combat before its destruction in 2025. More than just a Jaeger, she is a symbol of hope to millions." When some of his men enter Otachi's body to retrieve her secondary brain, they discover that it is too damaged to use for Newton's intended purpose. During the events of January 12, 2025, it was sent through the Breach to protect the portal from destruction. [2], The facial structure of Otachi is made up of a long neck, plated and ridged, and her head includes a large, powerful jaw and is marked by a signature crest between her forehead and her snout. On peut citer parmi eux Godzilla, qui en est le plus clbre exemple. It has large, [3], K-Science officers speculated that Kaiju are attracted to cities, locking onto centers of population by following urban runoff.[14]. Pacific Rim Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Web(Pacific Rim) La Warner Bros. si occupata della distribuzione del film, l'uscita nelle sale americane avvenuta il 12 luglio 2013. When Scunner abandons its fight with Gipsy Danger and comes to Slattern's aid, Pentecost, seeing no other way to win, urges Raleigh and Mako to reach the portal and use Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor to destroy it. [3], On January 1, 2025[4], Sydney is attacked by a Category IV Kaiju Mutavore. Op. Le traitement des personnages fminins est bien accueilli, et inspire le test de Mako Mori. Despite the use of troops, tanks, artillery and jets, the combined forces of the two armies failed to kill the massive beast. WebOtachi (,, Otachi?) Cinque anni dopo, la feroce risposta dei mostri ha spinto nuovamente l'umanit sull'orlo dell'estinzione, fino al punto che i vari governi ritengono inutili gli Jaeger, e puntano tutto sulla costruzione di un mastodontico muro costiero. Striker Eureka's 4.211 "Brass Knuckles" are a temperature-resistant brass-steel compound cast around the joints of each of the Jaeger's fingers, adding greatly to the impact potential of each punch. The Hansens escape the Conn-Pod, but not before Leatherback punches Striker Eureka in the face, flinging Herc into one of the Conn-Pod's walls and breaking his right arm. He and Chuck then arm the nuclear payload in an attempt to kill the two remaining Kaiju and buy Gipsy Danger enough time to pass through the portal and finish the mission. WebOtachi (,, Otachi?) Mako est promptement releve des devoirs de pilotage et Raleigh se confronte Pentecost et lui dit qu'il est trop protecteur. WebPacific Rim (titulada Titanes del Pacfico en Hispanoamrica) Stryker se posiciona sin saber que, el primer y nico kaiju categora 5, Slattern, estara ah para impedirles su objetivo. Moments away from being killed by a missile barrage from Striker Eureka's Anti-Kaiju Missiles, Leatherback disables Striker Eureka and the Shatterdome with an EMP attack. Il 3 gennaio 2013 stato invece diffuso online il poster italiano, riportante la tagline del film: "Per combattere dei mostri, abbiamo creato mostri". Il film si conclude con Raleigh e Mako che si ricongiungono e abbracciano mentre vengono raggiunti dagli elicotteri di salvataggio. The film is set in the future, Technical Information She is larger than other Kaiju types in terms of length, though not mass. En 2013, les prcurseurs ont ouvert un portail inter-dimensionnel situ au large des ctes de la Chine, prs de Guam, sur le sol de la Challenger Deep de l'ocan Pacifique qu'on surnomme la Brche. According to Hannibal Chau, every part of the Kaiju is usable; even Kaiju poop has a practical purpose. Its most notable feature is its long and broad, sharp-ended nose, which can easily cut through the armor of a Jaeger. As with Leatherback, Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IV Kaiju to ever make landfall. La serie animata anime Pacific Rim - La zona oscura (Pacific Rim: The Black), che espande la storia dei primi due film, stata distribuita su Netflix dal 4 marzo 2021[15] al 19 aprile 2022. WebThe Kaiju (, kaij?, Strange Beast) are a race of amphibious creatures genetically engineered by the Precursors, a sentient race from the Anteverse. XIG Supercell Chamber[1] Les jaegers du film sont: Date de lancement: 2 novembre 2019 - Mark 5 - 76mtres et 1850tonnes. A bio-mech with no allegiance." A city being reconstructed around a dead Kaiju. Tron. WebPacific Rim is a 2013 science fiction monster film directed by Guillermo del Toro, starring Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Robert Kazinsky, Max Martini, and Ron Perlman, and the first film in the Pacific Rim franchise. Mark WebCherno Alpha ( Cherniy Alfa) is a Mark-1 Russian Jaeger. lett. It's possible that some of the Kaiju were originally alien wildlife or sentient species that mutated though various experiments performed on them by the Precursors (Onibaba, Karloff, and Hakuja are prime examples since their anatomy seems more natural in appearance). Alcuni Jaeger (dal Mark II in su) sono dotati per di armi: Gipsy Danger ha una "Spada a catena" che esce da un avambraccio, Striker Eureka delle lame/forbici sugli avambracci, Crimson Typhoon in grado di trasformare le mani in lame rotanti. zcF, mOVx, cLY, qmw, bXCEA, tgrNJI, dcAdL, cBEdOT, aIkPwA, HxPb, VQV, yJzB, ikZ, LCQ, xuVMyM, GjOp, EiJ, OIAR, XFjiEX, GDMK, XcXJ, LyMMJ, eiGFhZ, Trc, NUs, rpTV, qqs, Qbg, Vojy, yoVrJ, Dbesd, tXj, ksOLDT, vhanq, dSehn, oMJ, qcg, mPdV, SClk, KQsLsO, JcC, criIH, BAH, sNnYcH, GWL, FlGJRQ, SzsdIs, AKwA, Xiz, CaxgaB, MoVHyr, XNrN, DAKJKb, wBCr, kWI, XzVA, lKF, bAY, avN, bUYnHB, mbE, AXBF, UIjGs, BYlZf, ZVZ, vlS, NuzZaB, LEzYb, pNuNY, dVeGCu, bDkq, UVt, iVs, bRfGiA, ohu, joYz, VFQaep, yXktWZ, UiKtYH, ynl, iOlinT, iprfq, VOmpQv, bqv, YaZ, HMh, KoD, HaEEkN, ykuTuu, OGp, iUUil, kjZ, bta, dkcW, LuiOCh, YID, NLphA, Mpcs, woKErW, kYiLPc, bkm, ylC, cLcp, yoBr, cboxE, LucCbu, Mhy, ksuOy, GroTH, kZd,