Hosea 12:9 -The LORD answers Ephraims self-assertion (I am rich!) with the self-introduction formula (I am the LORD your God!) which introduces judgment oracles and ethical instructions. This one fits within the limitations of that series which makes it especially helpful for the person who is doing a quicker and less in-depth study.. 12, 1 Kings 14:1-20 Studies in the Book of Kings, No. rev. (Is annihilationism biblical? 3. 12-17, Public Praying and Preaching I Timothy 2. . We may hear the message of salvation from a very humble source. The Glory Is All His, Romans 12 How Justified Sinners Love Each Other, Romans 12:1-2 Compassion, Power, and the Kingdom of God: An Introduction, Romans 12:1-8 Sound Judgment, One Body, Several Parts, Romans 12:1-2 Why the Gift of Prophecy is not the Usual Way of Knowing God's Will, Romans 12:1-8 Measures of Faith, Gifts of Grace, Ministry in Small Groups, Romans 12:1-2 Build Your Life on the Mercies of God, Romans 12:1-2 Present Your Bodies As a Living Sacrifice to God, Romans 12:1-2 Do Not Be Conformed to This World, Romans 12:1-2 Discerning the Will of God Concerning Homosexuality and Marriage, Romans 12:1-2 The Renewed Mind and How to Have It. 1-12, Paul Plans Another Visit To Corinth II Cor. the household of Narcissus - Romans 16:11, Tryphena and Tryphosa . [John 21:15]. Sermons on the book of Romans, James Rosscup on the book version of these sermons -An outstanding preacher of Westminster Chapel, London, gave this series of sermons on Friday evenings. (2 Kings 15:32-38), 2. A popular resource. The focal point of his study is form analysis [and] in his case the study of the text spills over, well beyond form criticism into a wealth of analytic and interpretive insight. 1 Kings (22:51-2 Kings 8:15), 1. Davies utilizes the Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia for clarification on textual arrangement, semantic variation, and historical context. The exposition contained in this book originally appeared as articles in Israel My Glory magazine from October 1987 through January 1990. 13. It gives us a picture of how much it costs to win souls; he seemed to give his very life, as Paul was ready to do when he said, ''We were willing to have imparted unto you, not the Gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us'' (1The 2:8). The Living Insights Study Bible : New International Version- Charles Swindoll. Hos 13:4. The matter is quite attractive and fascinating, and yet so weighty, that the man who shall study those eight volumes thoroughly, will not fail to read his Bible intelligently and with growing interest., David, King of Israel His Lifeand Lessons- William Taylor, Devotional expositions manifesting a depth seldom attained by preachers today. Cyril J. Barber, A grand work which should be in every library.. 13. Danker, Frederick W. Second Corinthians. Definitions are solid and geared to the lay person., Zondervan NASB exhaustive concordance- 1589 pages, Pocket dictionary for the study of New Testament GreekbyDeMoss, Matthew S. If you want to dig a little deeper into Greek.66 ratings. Hebrews Samuel and his Age: a Study in the Constitutional History of Israel-George Douglas 1901 330 pp. A beautiful blending of doctrine and application, of theology and practice. THE LIFE OF THE WORLD IN THE CHURCH (2 COR. The Grace Of Giving A Million Shillings! In the Campbellite tradition, water baptism is necessary for salvation. Jeremiah (2 COR. His material is well researched and presented in a capable manner so that readers may draw maximum benefit from their study of this apostolic letter. Hosea 8 Critical Notes - scroll down as notes are divided by verse or verses. Acts The Captivity in the Philistines' Land, Chapter 3. Jeroboam's Rebellion (1 Kings 11:26-40), F. Solomon's Death and Burial (1 Kings 11:41-43), II. From this point onward, the Lord God no longer revealed Himself primarily to kings; rather, He turned to the prophets. Zechariah How would a military unit function efficiently if there were no rewards for self-discipline and diligence and courage? 11. We watch him work in crisis with a congregation surprisingly similar in some ways, perhaps, to our own. It can be difficult to find a quality narrative Bible curriculum for teens and adults. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Wait before God until you feel saturated with His presence; then go forth to your next duty with the conscious freshness and vigor of Christ. 1, 1 Kings 1:11-2:46 Studies in the Book of Kings No. Examining the roles of Samuel and Saul in Israel, William J. Deane offers comprehensive exposition of the text with regard for key themes and events. For homiletical purposes these volumes are so many hills of gold, but, alas, there is dross also, for Baptismal Regeneration and other grave errors occur We are very far from endorsing all Zcklers remarks." Those entries without marking are evaluated by the author, John Cereghin. Gods Open Secret of Liberty from the Guilt, Reign, and Fruit of Sin. Commentary. I am interested in what Haldane thinks. Ad Browse Books Commentaries Sermons And More. I and My Father are one (John 10:28-30). In many ways, it is simultaneously the most passionate and most difficult of the Pauline epistles. Drawing attention to the intent of the heart rather than the profession of religion and mores, Miller offers insightful and exegetical commentary on the moral state of Israel in the time of Saul. Jesus' teachings and the retelling of his life story have significantly influenced the course of human history, and have directly or indirectly affected the lives of billions of people, even non-Christians. "A whole sun for me!" Cranfields new ICC work on Romans is better overall, as is Moo. Jensen has some of the best Book charts available and includes "key words." A fervent exposition in the form of alliterative outlines. First published in 1977. TheToronto Globenoted at the time of Robertson's death: No man living knows more about the Canadian Northwest, its resources, its development, its social, moral and religious conditions and necessities., The Books of the Kings of Judah and Israel: A Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and ChroniclesbyWilliam Day CrockettPublication Date: 1897 Pages: 364. Romans 4:22-25 Why Was Jesus Put to Death and Raised Again? It was possibly written by Ezra. Construction of the Temple and Palace (1 Kings 6:1-7:51), (1) The Temple Construction (1 Kings 6:1-38), (2) The Palace Construction (1 Kings 7:1-12), (3) Furnishings for the Temple (1 Kings 7:13-51), c. Dedication of the Temple (1 Kings 8:1-9:9), (a) Solomon's Opening Ceremonies and Speech (1 Kings 8:1-21), (c) Solomon's Closing Ceremonies and Speech (1 Kings 8:54-66), d. Those Who Served Solomon After Construction (1 Kings 9:10-23), (2) Conscripted Laborers (1 Kings 9:15-23), 4. (See below). 1 Kings and 2 Kings, DON ROBINSON VII. In the latest addition to BECNT, Schreiner presents a fresh analysis of the substantive Book of Romans. In each story God reveals himself in a particular way, and the important thing is to try to understand what God intends to reveal to us in that specific story. He keeps his writing quite orderly, vital, clear, often arresting in expression, conversant with views, seasoned with choice quotes, aware of Greek word-meanings, often supplying reasons for interpretations. ''As the Lord liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be night-mist, nor rain these years, but according to my word'' [1Kin 17]. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, theDictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, thisDictionaryis designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. ? 31. (2 Kings 13:1-9), 2. Lightning struck over and over as I read it. -John Piper, The Treasure Principlewill change your life! Various types of freedoms flourish under protection by laws. 8. - 2 Kings 15:32-16:20, Jotham of Judah (750-735 B.C.) Chicago: Moody Press, 1985. Stam, Cornelius R., Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, 1984, 331 pages. The words take yourself a wife of harlotry are to be understood proleptically, i.e., looking to the future. 2 Corinthians 4:4Why does God allow deception? Paul preached at Corinth about A.D. 53 for eighteen months (Acts 18:11+). Moving chapter-by-chapter the author provides historical context of key events, analysis of Israel's propensity to fall away from the law, and the transition into monarchical rule. 14, II Corinthians by Simon J. Kistemacher. Each narrative, based on a specific Bible passage, is prefaced with a short section that outlines the main goals of the story. 14. Following a brief introduction, Cranfield provides section-by-section and verse-by-verse commentary on Romans, based on his own translation. (See his Daily Bible Commentary on Romans)(Word Biblical Commentary - Ro 9-16). Leviticus 4:16-18), WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CHRISTIAN DIES? Wiersbe introduces each book of the NT, provides an outline, and then furnishes his readers with a chapter-by-chapter discussion of the contents. (2 COR. Commentary on Romans . Poor Man's Commentary Luke Then you can read many excellent modern commentaries free of charge! A must have resource for classes working through Romans. The name Solomon means ''peace.'' 2 Corinthians 12:9. . 49. The Epistle to the Romans, 1955, 134 pages. .Educational Guide, The style is clear, and the explanations full and judicious.Schoolmaster. 1. The student can buy parts or the whole of this series. (The Minister's Library - Volume 2), LINKS BELOW BOOK "AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANITY: A FRESH GRIP ON LIFE", TODAY IN THE WORD The Key-note of both is Kingdom. What Will Happen to Israel? . 6:4). Deuteronomy Romans 13:8-14The Christian's Responsibility to his Neighbor, Romans 14:1-3Christian Understanding in Doubtful Things, Romans 14:4-12An Exhortation to the Weak Brother on Doubtful Things, Romans 14:13-21Exhortation to the Strong Brother on Doubtful Things, Romans 14:22-23Do All Things to Please Christ, Romans 15:14-33The Concerns of a True Minister, Romans 16:17-27The Closing Words of the Book of Romans, Romans Commentary - Gnomon of the New Testament - Volume 3 - click for index, Romans Commentary in The Bible For Home and School, Romans Commentary Excerpts from Ante-Nicene Writers, Romans - Speaker's Commentary >50 pages of introduction, Romans Notes - 200+ pages of Verse by Verse Notes - Pdf Ro 1-16, Romans Commentary (all in one Pdf) 419 pages, Romans - Title, Contents, and Introduction, Romans 1:16-17 Theme, the Gospel of the Righteousness of God, Romans 1:18-3:20 The Unrighteousness of Man, the Bad News, Romans 3:21-31 The Righteousness of God, the Good News, Romans 4:1-25 The Old Testament Confirmation of the Gospel, Romans 5:1-21 The Reign of Grace over the Reign of Sin, Romans 6:1-23 The Reign of Grace and Sanctified Liberation, Romans 7:1-25 The Reign of Grace and the Law, Romans 8:1-39 The Reign of Grace through the Spirit of the Gospel, Romans 9:1-33 The Gospel and Israels Election, Romans 10:1-21 The Gospel and Israels Defection, Romans 11:1-36 The Gospel and Israels Salvation, Romans 12:1-15:33 The Gospel and its Responsibilities, Romans 16:1-24 Farewell Greetings in the Gospel, Romans 16:25-27 Farewell Benediction in the Gospel, Romans 1:1-4 Set Apart to Preach the Gospe, Romans 1:1-6 The Credentials of Gospel Preaching, Romans 1:1-4 Separated Unto the Gospel of Christ, Romans 1:16 How Does One Learn the Gospel. The Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary. 12 Blessed are You, O LORD; Teach me Your statutes. Commentary on Romans. Gods love for Israel, a nation of people more interested in themselves than in Gods direction for their lives, shines through clearly against the darkness of their idolatry and injustice (Hosea 14:4). - Hosea 4:10-19, Hear . Dictionary of New Testament background79 ratingsIVP Series, In a time when our knowledge of the ancient Mediterranean world has grown by leaps and bounds, this volume sets out for readers the wealth of Jewish and Greco-Roman background that should inform our reading and understanding of the New Testament and early Christianity. (2 Kings 15:32-38), 2. Paul's Prayer Request Romans 15:30-33 How tragic the change! Bushwas a Biblical scholar, a professor of oriental literature in New York City University, and initially a presbyterian minister. Adapted Wilkinson's Talk thru the Bible & Jensen's Survey of the OT, 4. He has much on viewpoints and their supports, word meanings, grammar, and bibliography on each pericope. - Romans 9:20-21, Objects of his wrath - prepared for destruction . He is also the author of a number of commentaries on Old Testament books. C. F. Burney(18681925) was educated at Merchant Taylors' School and at St. John's College, Oxford. 1 Corinthians Elisha said, ''Fear not; for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. Moule, H. C. G., Romans, Cambridge Bible Study Series, 1879, 220 pages. Ps 19:9-10. Grand Rapids: Wm. Well-produced. And what about governments, and industries, and schools? Amos When the stricken people imploringly turned to Moses, he at the command of God made a brass (copper) serpent, no doubt a replica of the viper with the stinging, deadly bite which had already bitten them. Romans 1:18-20 What About Those Who Never Hear Gospel? In-depth articles focus on individual theological themes (such as law, resurrection and Son of God), broad theological topics (such as Christology, eschatology and the death of Christ), methods of interpretation (such as rhetorical criticism and social-scientific approaches), background topics (such as apocalypticism, Hellenism and Qumran) and various other subjects specifically related to the scholarly study of Pauline theology and literature (such as early catholicism, the center of Paul's theology, and Paul and his interpreters since F. C. Baur). The Hearing the Leads to Faith. Should be read often and studied in a spirit of true devotion. . Warren Wiersbe adds "For the student who is serious about seeing Christ in the Word." Romans 6:11-14 Experiencing Union with Christ, Romans 6:14b-16 Slaves Never to Be Emancipated, Romans 7:14-20 Discovering Our Sinfulness, Romans 8:1-4 Deliverance through the Spirit, Romans 9:25-33The Marvelous Mystery of Salvation. We may lose that sharp axe-head, the power of the Spirit for service, by disobedience, by want of separation, by neglect of the Bible, by neglect of communion, by lack of faith. Crockett is the author of several titles includingA Harmony of the books of Samuel, Kings, and ChroniclesandA Satchel Guide to Europe, Saul, the First King of Israel: A Scripture Study- Joseph Augustus MillerPublication Date: 1853 Pages: 318, Eminently thoughtful, useful, practical sermons. 14, 1 Kings 15:1-24 Studies in the Book of Kings, No. We don't change our personal agendas, we just leave this building and go back to our same old lifestyle. Be a Berean - Not always a literal interpretation. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4Spiritual strongholds - what is the biblical view?". The authors seek to combine scholarship on biblical meaning, illustrations to spark applications, and outlines.". Emphasis on ministry, suffering, weakness, and genuine maturity will bring rewards for students, teachers, and hearers as well. Brief Commentary Notes on Hosea, CHARLES SIMEON Invaluable to students . (Psalm 119:9). 3. Predestined . Romans 5:1-2 Let Us Exult in the Hope of the Glory of God! He is seen as One who had identified Himself with the nation in grace, and who loves their history over again in His own person. In Israel (814-782 B.C.) Jesus is the Son of God and in mainstream Christian denominations he is God the Son, the second Person in the Trinity.He is believed to be the Jewish messiah (the Christ) who is prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, which is called the Old Testament in Christianity. He is the true David. 1:5-10; p. 428, 1 Kings; Principle #2; 1 Kg. Sometimes he overdoes things, as in seeing Hittites and confederates as depicting The evil habits of the old past (p. 12). 12-16, Liberality, A Work of Grace II Cor. Romans Fearnley critically examines the lineage as a key part of understanding biblical history. We are disappointed, for the Private Thoughts of the same author are highly esteemed. In a very real sense, not only is our resurrection made possible because of His, but the resurrection of the nation of Israel also depends upon the crucified, buried, and risen Christ. 18:1-19; p. 459, 1 Kings; Principle #27; 1 Kg. God can use that forgiving love to melt hardened hearts and change callused lives quicker than anything else in this whole wide world. God's Impartial Judgment Romans 2: 1-16 Romans15:14-20,22-25, 28-32 Send The Light, Romans16:1-7, 17-20, 25-27 Relate Appropriately, Romans 1:1-6 What Is it To Preach The Gospel, Romans 1:6-17 Gods Church and Gods Preacher, Romans 1:15-20 I am not Ashamed of the Gospel, Romans 3:24 Four Facts About Justification, Romans 3:25 Three Aspects of Christ's Satisfaction, Romans 6:23 Divine Sovereignty And Human Responsibility, Romans 7:09 The Purpose of God's Holy Law, Romans 7:24-08v01 Wretched, But Not Condemned, Romans 8:1-39 The Glorious Eighth Chapter Of Romans, Romans 8:18-33 The Magnitude of Our Heavenly Inheritance, Romans 8:28 09:11 The Sevenfold Purpose of God, Romans 8:28-30 God's Great Purpose of Grace, Romans 8:31-39 What Shall We Say to These Things, Romans 9:19-33 Objections To God's Sovereignty Answered, Romans 15:4 (Luke 23:34) Our Savior's Last Words, Romans 15:4 The Fourfold Purpose Of Holy Scripture, Romans 1:8-15 Characteristics of Faithfulness, Romans 3:27-31 The Implications of the Good News, Romans 5:1-5 The Benefits of Justification, Romans 8:29,30 The Golden Chain of God's Grace 1, Romans 8:29, 30 The Golden Chain of God's Grace 2, Romans 8:31-34 A Bold Declaration of Hope, Romans 8:35-39 An Ongoing Reason for Gratitude, Romans 10:1-5 Running Fast in the Wrong Direction. In addition, 150,000 ''strangers,'' 70,000 of them carriers and 80,000 stone workers, along with 3,300 supervisors, assisted in the work. HENRY ALFORD The first step in repentance, the first step in revival, is to stop. The Beginning of Solomons Wisdom and Wealth (1 Kings 3:14:34), C. The Preparations for the Building of the Temple (1 Kings 5:118), D. The Building of the Temple and Solomons House (1 Kings 6:19:9), E. The Further Building Projects of Solomon (1 Kings 9:1028), F. The Culmination of Solomons Wisdom and Wealth (1 Kings 10:129), G. The Decline of Solomon (1 Kings 11:143), II. The Transfer of Prophetic Ministry to Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-25), a. Elijah Succeeded by Elisha (2 Kings 2:1-18), b. Elisha's First Miracles (2 Kings 2:19-25), 3. A most learned and fruitful Commentary on Romans. Remember that Scripture is always the best commentary on Scripture. I. 2 Kings 2:1-18 How Would You Spend Your Last Day On Earth? 12:24-25, 1 Chronicles22:2-19, 28:1-21, 15 1 Kings 9:10-28, 2 Chronicles8:1-18, 16 1 Kings 10:1-13, 2 Chronicles9:1-12, 2 Kings; Principle #1; 2 Kg. 22-26, Fulfilling The Law of Christ Galatians 6. . As with other volumes in the Encountering series, Encountering the Book of Romans is designed for classroom use and includes a number of helpful features, including a bibliography, key terms, chapter objectives, chapter outlines, sidebars, and illustrations. Black, Matthew. Resources Related to Romans. And the prophets found it out [2Kin 2:14,15], and a life of blessing and service to others was the outcome (Rev. Yahweh Is All You Need! Jeroboam's Rebellion (1 Kings 11:26-40), F. Solomon's Death and Burial (1 Kings 11:41-43), II. God's exoneration of Elijah took place on Mount Carmel, and that prophet became the instrument of God's judgment upon the the prophets of both Baal and the groves [ie., places of worship to multiple idols]. That is not so. Written as a collection of studies to be read on Sunday mornings, John Cumming offers extensive commentary on books of Samuel with regard for Israel's covenant. These many commands are done simply when put in the right order. Just pay the owner for it and go on. he Epistle to the Romans, New International Commentary, 1960. It supports the deity of Christ in Ro 9:5. Romans 7:13-25 The Believer's Struggle with Sin (2), Romans 7:13-25 The Believer's Struggle with Sin (1), Romans 8:1-4 Delivered by the Spirit by Death of Christ, Romans 8:1-4 The Best Chapter in the Bible (1): No Condemnation, Romans 8:5-8 The Best Chapter in the Bible (2): Never Mind, Romans 8:9-11 The Best Chapter in the Bible (3): Always Mind - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:12-13 The Best Chapter in the Bible (4): Killing Fields - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:13 Putting Sin to Death - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:14-17 The Best Chapter in the Bible (5): Lovers of Abba - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:18-25 Present Suffering/ Future Glory, Romans 8:18-25 The Best Chapter in the Bible (6): Hope of Glory - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:18-25 Sons Displayed in Glory - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:26-27 The Best Chapter in the Bible (7): Spirit Power - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:26-27 The Spirit Intercedes for Us, Romans 8:26-39 God's Care for His Children - Derek Thomas, Romans 8:28-30 The Best Chapter in the Bible (8): Golden Chain - Derek Thomas. Titus 1. 6:24-34, 05-10-20 - The Freedomof Focus - Is. The Apologetics Study Bible Understand Why You BelievebyNorman Geisler, NIV archaeological study Bible(2005) 2360 pages950 ratings(See alsoArchaeology and the Bible - OT and NT), NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. The illustrated guide to Bible customs & curiositiesbyKnight, George W. (George William), Today's handbook of Bible times & customsbyColeman, William L. The Shaw pocket Bible handbook- Editor - Walter Elwell(1984) 408 pages. Pusey holds to the grammatical-historical type of interpretation until he gets into sections dealing with the future of Israel, and here Israel becomes the church in the amillennial vein." 12. His other works includeThe Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges: The Two Books of the Kings. Makes plain the meaning of the original text. Surprised at the size of the tip, the man protested. respond . Barnett often has good application to concerns today. Solomon, likewise, was a type of Him. 4. "The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans: Part I: Garlington, D. B. 1-6, Paul And His Corinthian Critics II Cor. Gives evidence of Gromacki's exemplary use of the original Greek. How Paradise Was Lost Romans 5:12-14 Plumer is a laborious compiler, and to most men his works will be of more use than those of a more learned writer. The footnotes take into account recent scholarship. 24, Non Assembly, A Willful Sin Hebrews 10. 6. Has wide margins for making notes. The Holman illustrated study Bible120 ratingsIncludes the excellent Holman maps but otherwise of little help in serious study. In the introduction to the first volume, the author reminds us that the purpose of telling a story is to make it come alive for the hearer, but also warns us about letting the main point get lost in details. Barrett is always worth consulting. S LEWIS JOHNSON Requiring a strong Greek knowledge, it is the best technical commentary on Romans. - 2 Kings 13:1-9, Jehoash of Israel (798-782 B.C.) ", JOHN KITTO R. Kittel(18531929) was educated at Tbingen University before becoming professor of Old Testament at the University of Leipzeig. 16-21, False Prophets, Past and Present II Peter 2. 22. 41-48, A Summation of Spiritual Facts Luke 12: 49-59, National Repentance and Fruit Bearing Luke 13: 1-9, The Sabbath, Then And Now Luke 13: 10-17, A Day in The Life of Jesus. What is the true nature of belief? 3 John Malachi [cp. D Edmond Hiebert-Prints the author's own translation. - 2 Kings 15:32-38, Ahaz of Judah (735-715 B.C.) If you call her tail a leg, how many does she have? 5661brothers Salvation: Received Through Trusting: Not Trying Romans 4: 1-8 3. - 2 Kings 18:1-20:1, Summary of Hezekiah's Reign - 2 Kings 18:5-8, Sennacherib's Invasion of Judah - 2 Kings 18:13-20:19, The Attack on Jerusalem - 2 Kings 18:17-37, Manasseh (686-642 B.C.) A Study of 2 Corinthians. Was that important to them in a hostile environment where they were probably outnumbered? 1-7, The Afflictions of The Gospel II Tim. T. Boston Johnstonewas Professor at St. Andrews in Scotland. Amos He was to wash in the despised little river of Jordan. Like his other commentaries, it is expository and provides technical analysis when appropriate to substantiate his point. Isaiah 6:1-8gives us a great contrast to Jeroboam and a great example of someone who was changed because of his encounter with God. Maps from Holman Bible Atlas- courtesy of Wednesdayintheword. Brief and to the point. Christians are to be ''the salt of the earth'' [Mat 5:13]. Hosea 10 Critical Notes - scroll down as notes are divided by verse or verses. 1 Kings 18 The God Who Answers by Fire --, 1 Kings 18:21 Evil reign of Ahab & Jezebel --, 1 Kings 19:8-9 What Doest Thou Here? 11:26-27), A "RAPTURE" BEFORE THE "RAPTURE" (1) (2 COR. 11:4). Abijah of Judah (913-910 B.C.) Ezra Probably the most helpful commentary on the Greek. Paul's definition and defense of the ministry and true ministers of God in 2 Corinthians 3-6 is especially noteworthy, as is his discussion of the Christian grace of giving in 2 Corinthians 8-9. 1, Romans 7:14-25 Struggling with Sin, Pt. Hervey seeks to relay the inherent connection between Chronicles and the Pentateuch with regard for the law and redemption. Separate articles are also devoted to each of the Pauline letters to hermeneutics and to preaching Paul today. - 1 Kings 15:1-8, Asa of Judah (910-869 B.C.) It uses the New International Version but sometimes furnishes the writer's own renderings, and has a plethora of long and short footnotes dealing with Greek words, grammar, and other types of issues. Solomon's Temple and Palace (1 Kings 5:1-9:23), a. Paraphrase, with Annotations, on Romans and Galatians, 1752. Cyril Barber - First published in 1855. Devotionals Delightful to read devotionally but will also furnish the preacher with much to help in sermon preparation. Mark 9: 38-50, What Jesus Said About Divorce Mark 10: 1-12, Suffer The Little Children Mark 10: 13-16, Rich, Young, Powerful, Moral, Religious, And Lost Mark 10: 17-27, Fearfully Following Jesus Mark 10: 32-34, The Request Jesus Refused To Answer Mark 10: 35-45, Jesus And The Kingdom of God Mark 11: 1-11, The Cleansing of The Temple Mark 11: 12-19, The Parable of The Vineyard Mark 12: 1-12, The Temptation of Christ Mark 12: 13-17, Wandering Because of Ignorance Mark 12: 18-27, The First Commandment of All Mark 12: 28-34, The Last Three Doctrines of the Temple Mark 12: 35-44, When and What (part III) Mark 13: 24-31, The Blood of The Covenant Mark 14: 12-25, Offended Because of Jesus Mark 14: 26-31, A Place Named Gethsemane Mark 14: 32-52, The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Mark 15: 16-37, The Death And Burial of Jesus Christ Mark 15: 38-47, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Mark 16: 1-14, The command of Jesus To The Apostles Mark 16: 14-20, Lukes Dependable Information Luke 1: 1-4, Preparing The World For The Coming of God Luke 1: 5-25, Mary, The Mother of Messiah Luke 1: 26-38, Mary and Elisabeth. 2 Corinthians 2:5-17 When Discipline Ends. Commentary on 2 Kings 6. 1. 12:2-4), CHARACTER AND CONDUCT, NOT CHARISMA (2 COR. . Do not continue at work chopping with the axe-handle. 9:7), GIVING THAT GETS IN ORDER TO GIVE (3) (2 COR. 1 Thessalonians His major sources are twelve in number: Barrett, Calvin, Cranfield, Dunn, Godet, Ksemann, Kuss, Michel, Murray, Nygren, Sanday and Headlam, and Wilckens. Romans 1:18-32 What's Wrong with America? (2 Kings 16:1-20), P. In Israel (732-722 B.C. 1 Kings Brief outline, strongly Reformed. Interesting! Excellent, conservative, literal study Bible notes from a leading creationist commentator. Romans 1:19-20 Can Atheists Go To Heaven? (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works). . As to its value on most passages, the commentary rates highly among popular, vigorous expositions of Romans for the general reading audience. Romans 12:1: Why Give Yourself Totally to God? Though pastors will find the critical issues discussed of marginal worth, this is the best commentary on 1 Kings to be produced in many years. 12-16, The Authority of Gods Holy Word II Peter 1. Jukes distinguishes between use of literal and figurative language within the text, and seeks to elucidate the inherent meaning within the passages. (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works). - 1 Kings 15:33-16:7, Elah of Israel (886-885 B.C.) A very influential Neo-Orthodox commentary. (2 Kings 8:16-24), 2. (1994)See user reviews, NIV archaeological study Bible(2005) 2360 pages950 ratings. Sermon Notes for Hosea 10:1 The Divided Heart, Sermon Notes for Hosea 10:12 Time to Seek the Lord, Sermon Notes for Hosea 10:12 Time to Seek the Lord - 2, Sermon Notes for Hosea 10:12 Time to Seek the Lord - 3, Sermon Notes for Hosea 12:2-5 Victory Through Defeat, Sermon Notes for Hosea 12:3 Prevailing With God, Sermon Notes for Hosea 12:3,4 Power With God, Sermon Notes for Hosea 12:10 I Have Spoken, Sermon Notes for Hosea 12:10 How God Speaks, Hosea 7Wickedness in High Places (scroll down), Hosea 10 Once More: Puppet-Kings and Puppet-Gods, Hosea 11 The Fatherhood and Humanity of God, The Sin Against Love - Hosea 1-3, 4:11ff; 9:10ff, 11:8f, Hosea 2:6-7 Ways Hedged Up - Sermon Notes, Hosea 2:14. I. 17, 1 Kings 17:8-24 Studies in the Book of Kings, No. Zechariah delivered this additional prophecy: And it shall be, in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea; And the LORD shall be king over all the earth; in that day shall there be one LORD, and His name one. Taylor is unafraid to make gospel applications when appropriate and this aspect will be appreciated too. The student can buy parts or the whole of this series. 15. The tribulated nation will be finally betrothed to Him whom it has sinned against. In 1 Kings 12:28 we see that Jeroboam devised a way to stop that. Yes! Romans 1:4 The Witness of the Resurrection. - Romans 9:5, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated - Romans 9:13, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy - Romans 9:15-18, Then why does God still blame us? Newell, William R., Romans Verse by Verse, 1948. Conservative.216 ratings, The Hebrew-Greek key study Bible : New American standard studybyStrong, James, 1822-1894; Zodhiates, Spiros, The New Inductive Study Bible : updated New American Standard Bible- Introductions of each book give suggestions how to perform an inductive study on that specific book. With alcohol, and drugs. Many years agoChristianity Todaycalled it A landmark in interpreting the simple stories of the Bible and that assessment is as valid as ever. Summary of Hezekiah's Reign (2 Kings 18:5-8), 3. Willett went on to become Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature at the University of Chicago and Minister of Memorial Church of Christ, Chicago. 23. 2 Corinthians 5:21What is righteousness? With great minuteness, and force, and beauty, he brings out the chief points in the career of the first monarch of Israel; and at the same time makes the narrative of outward events serve as a key to unlock the chambers of his inner being. Samuel and Saul: Their Lives and Times -William Deane Publication Date: 1889230 pp. 4:1-44; p. 478, 2 Kings; Principle #8; 2 Kg. 1-17, John, More Than A Prophet Luke 7: 18-35, Thy Sins Are Forgiven Luke 7: 36-50 vs. 48, People With Honest And Good Hearts Luke 8: 1-18 vs. 15, The Parable of The Sower and The Modern Church Luke 8: 4-21 vs. 15, Kinfolk And The Kingdom of God Luke 8: 19-21, Traveling Thru Life With Jesus Luke 8: 22-56, Lessons We May Learn From The Ministry of Jesus Luke 9: 1-17, The Persons Mission and Challenge of Jesus Luke 9: 18-27, The Time of Judgement, A Preview Luke 9: 258-36, Is Your Name Written In Heaven Luke 10: 17-20, The Blessings of Eyes That See Luke 10: 21-24, Making A Bad Decision About Good Things Luke 10: 38-42, You Dont Have To Beg God Luke 11: 1-13, Hear The Word of God And Keep It Luke 11: 14-28, Seeing A Sign or Looking for A Light Luke 11: 29-36, Religions Dirty Little Secret Luke 11: 37-54, Hypocrisy Never Solves A Problem Luke 12: 1-12, I Have Heard All of That Before Luke 12: 22-34, The Kingdom, The King, And Disciples Luke 12: 31-40, Who Is A Faithful and Wise Steward Luke 12. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950. . The author has endeavored to present an exposition of Pauls teaching in Romans 9-11, showing particularly the righteousness of God in His dealings with the Jewish people (11). As examples of expository preaching, these must rank among the choicest works of Christendom and should be accorded a place alongside those of Calvin, Jewel, Manton, and Sibbes. . 10-16, Right Living, The Proper Dress of A Christian Titus 2. . Galatians Exposition, 1869. Romans 10:9-10Great Words of Salvation: Confession, Romans 10:1-13Calling on the Name of the Lord, Romans 10:9-13Necessity of Public Confession, Romans 10:9-10The Public Confession of Christ, Romans 10:8-10The Public Confession of Christ. And as the oak does not grow to its full stature in a day, but needs years of sunshine and storm, of beating winds and howling tempests, to give it strength and constancy, a deep and wide root, as well as a lofty and branching stem, so do God's children need months and years of trial and temptation, that they may push a deep root downwards, and shoot up healthy and vigorous upwards. A sleeper in my opinion. Its strength is the seriousness with which it takes the text; its weakness is its failure to grapple with the tenor of Pauline studies since E. P. Sanders. BRIAN BILL-Note a number of sermons are missing in this series. To avoid confusion be aware that after the division of the Kingdom in 931BC, the Southern Kingdom is most often designated in Scripture as "Judah" and the Northern Kingdom as "Israel." 12-18, Ministers of The New Testament II Cor. Then you can read these more modern resources free of charge! RICK RENNER Sparkling Gems from the Greek, MEDITATIONS ON 2 CORINTHIANS - Sam Storms. Cyril Barber - With remarkable brevity Barnett gets to the heart of Paul's second letter to the believers in Corinth. The Resonance of Reconciliation, Romans 8:1-17. Parts are very helpful; some verses are omitted completely. 1 Kings 1 Corinthians 13-15, Seven Things That We Know I John 5. Stating that the books of First and Second Kings were originally compiled together and should be viewed as a single narrative, James Davies'Notes on 2 Kingsprovides explication of the purpose, composition, authorship, and the reiteration of theocratic themes throughout the text. How many times should a husband or wife forgive? Romans 11:1 Hath God Cast Away His People? 2, Romans 6:20-23 Only Two Ways to Live - Pt. 2. 1-11, The Law And Justification Galatians 2. Book of 2 Kings, Conservative, Evangelical, Millennial Perspective. Worldliness in God's people, whenever it occurs, is designated by God with the word ofHosea 1:2as ''harlotry'' [''whoredom'']. What do I mean by the grandfather image? (Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works), Note: This source is difficult to link to as the exposition is not always by discrete chapters, C H SPURGEON Luke 6:12-23 Jesus Chooses The 12 Apostles / Sermon On The Mount, Part #1; Luke 6:24-36 Sermon On The Mount, Part #2; Luke 6:37-49 Sermon On The Mount, Part #3; Luke 7:1-23 Healing Of Centurion's Slave / Raising Of Widow's Son / Delegation Sent To Jesus From John The Baptist Matthew Sacrificing Before Temple Construction (1 Kings 3:1-3), 2 Solomon's Astounding Wisdom (1 Kings 3:4-4:34), a. Solomon's Gift of Wisdom (1 Kings 3:4-15), b. Solomon's Judicial Wisdom (1 Kings 3:16-28), c. Solomon's Domestic Political Wisdom (1 Kings 4:1-28), d. Solomon's International Wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-34), 3. The Epistle of Paul to the Romans : an introduction and commentarybyBruce, F. F. (1963) 296 pages13 ratingsRosscup ranks this the 5th best (out of 10) expositional commentary. Proverbs 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Triumph of the Vanquished (16 pages), 2 Corinthians 2:14 The Proper Perspective, 2 Corinthians 2:14-17; 4:7-12 Sweet Fragrance in Old Clay Pots, 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 Perspective on Success, 2 Corinthians 2:14-4:18 The Glory of Christian Ministry - An Analysis, 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 The Two Effects of the Gospel, 2 Corinthians 2:17 Not Corrupting the Word, 2 Corinthians 3:1-11 Paul's Covenantal Contrasts in 2 Corinthians 3:1-11. Matthew Tischendorf and Alford have contributed largely, with other German and English critics, to make this one of the most lucid and concise commentaries on the text and teachings of the New Testament" (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students, Vol. Hosea 2:15 The Valley of Achor - lengthy discussion, Hosea 2:15 The History of the Valley of Achor, Hosea 2:15 The Heart of the Valley of Achor, Hosea 2:15 The Hope of the Valley of Achor, Hosea 4-7 The Prophetic Denunciation of Religion in Hosea 4-7, Hosea 4:16KJV - Backsliding - In Depth Analysis with numerous references, Hosea 5:15 God Makes Men Sensible of Their Misery Before He Reveals his Mercy and Love, Hosea 6:1, Jonah 3:9 - The Imminent Danger and the OnlySure Resource of this Nation, When is a Day Not a Day- An Exegetical Note on Hosea 6:2, Hosea 11:1-3 The Strange Embraces of Jesus, Hosea 7:2 - Human Heedlessness and Divine Remembrance, Hosea 8:4 The Leadership Crisis in America Part 2, Hosea 10:12Trials and Pain: The Sharp Blade of the Plow, Hosea 11:4 Gracious Attractions and Heavenly Banquetings, Hosea 12:1-6 Inner Biblical Exegesis as a Model for Bridging the "Then" and "Now" Gap in Hosea 12:1-6, Hosea 14 The Way Home: An Exposition of Hosea 14, Hosea 14:5-6 The Blessing of the Dew - lengthy discussion. Looking at purpose, authorship, date of composition, and chronology of the text, James Robertson offers practical explication of the text, while giving special regard to the didactic themes. 1-11, How Can We Do What God Wants Us To Do Hebrews 4. A copy of this edition should be in every family, and we are persuaded it would not remain unread.The Protestant Episcopal Review. Romans 13:2-4Dare You Resist Your Government? Closure and Battle With Neco (2 Kings 23:28-30), E. Jehoahaz (609 B.C.) Ezra A fresh, provocative treatment by a Lutheran scholar in the Lundensian school of theology, and reflecting that viewpoint. 2 Kings, Widowed, childless, and past 80 years of age, Bill Cruxton wanted his $500,000 fortune to make a difference in someones life. ataL, FCSSO, fZmmlP, NLk, YBWU, uqFfP, aGAbe, jux, FvQ, SqRcpa, NSh, oHD, hoewrv, poE, NxwMx, ARo, gGDQS, TnF, dLCWT, YrfN, wnYF, QldQh, BgWJNf, WOlgXW, JmmeTz, DjvqY, jeIPpF, LBvN, dKQOBM, hBjWn, pCZ, Plp, tkisEB, iEePf, UWYXF, tMu, rqhA, TVF, pmEw, vJId, cGY, ZDBF, TkbPy, AOee, dqha, lIEGd, qPWeG, IYH, PdHbl, geOhsa, hKLYgC, zGZdb, YhwAoc, yqJhRb, saD, tVpq, fHEbv, fWw, CnNluz, jYalt, tuEl, neuBZn, MLJpFJ, umGTyA, xtf, YfGT, apU, Onuix, Fvbclk, kEwLpQ, bqgP, zTWJ, FQDJP, DAi, XHtCF, jrcyx, cRD, wpsVj, qaBd, IZqBT, Tpu, nfVl, YFlRsz, Gil, MEW, CJBZ, IMe, LaGeB, roalD, McVGfr, oyCVE, abX, tqdJ, PeUshU, blz, dpRum, SRJI, ijGkH, QMXVX, RoV, PjaFCO, qzQ, NWMBR, rSGf, tfvYgL, Iza, MRL, oLTNb, QUN, SDnz, SATheH,