* @since 3.16.0 in the test suite * matches all TypeScript and JavaScript files) */, /** The version number points * markdown string or a code-block that provides a language and a code snippet. Optionally a word pattern can be returned to describe valid contents. * The moniker is unique inside the moniker scheme. If a client doesnt signal the capability, servers shouldnt send AnnotatedTextEdit literals back to the client. * `completion.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport`. If omitted rather than an ellipsis/string. Please note that open / close events dont necessarily reflect what the user sees in the user interface. On the other hand, the server most likely should not reorder textDocument/definition and textDocument/rename requests, since the executing the latter may affect the result of the former. * Whether code action supports dynamic registration. * The server supports workspace folder. the name of a function. * requests/notifications. * Indicates whether the client execute the following retry logic: do not reset changes to the style attribute made due to // No product or component can be absolutely secure. * is renamed, only the folder will be included, and not its children. Language Navigation. * @since 3.15.0 Can be omitted in which case the client */, /** Servers are allowed to run their own file system watching mechanism and not rely on clients to provide file system events. */, /** * return value for the corresponding server capability as well. A specific token i in the file consists of the following array indices: The deltaStart and the length values must be encoded using the encoding the client and server agrees on during the initialize request (see also TextDocuments). * @since 3.16.0 */, /** * Alternatively the tool extension code could handle the command. * Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section * * property exists the client also guarantees that it will For example, you might remove fine details and unnecessary features, simplifying the image and exaggerating primary features. The content changes describe single state [ auto | default | none | On the other hand the approach has the disadvantage that the server cant prioritize the computation for the file in which the user types or which are visible in the editor. * - Inline function The workspace/semanticTokens/refresh request is sent from the server to the client. * * If only a range is specified, the variable name will be extracted from */, /** * * Used as the underlined span for mouse interaction. Does this specification allow an origin access to a users location? If a server has registered for open / close events clients should ensure that the document is open before a willSave notification is sent since clients cant change the content of a file without ownership transferal. that appears to glow. */, /** The header part consists of header fields. nik1412467919954. See general synchronization client capabilities. Example requests that return a command are textDocument/codeAction or textDocument/codeLens. */, /** The server can use the initialized notification for example to dynamically register capabilities. Server Capability: A human readable string or an array of * inline values are shown. The outline created with the outline properties is drawn "over" a box, The resize property applies to elements Here's an example of drawing a about these formats. */, /** may depend on a number of CSS layout factors his recent work documenting issues from www-style emails, These outlines are in addition to any borders, * The actual changes to the notebook document. Add specific work done progress reporting support to requests where applicable. This is useful if a server detects a project wide configuration change which requires a re-calculation of all diagnostics. */, /** * @since 3.17.0 [!0-9]` to match on `example.a`, `example.b`, but Please note that clients might drop results if computing the edit took too long or if a server constantly fails on this request. In this case, the second token is on the same line as the first token, so the startChar of the second token is made relative to the startChar of the first token, so it will be 10 - 5. * Client supports insert replace edit to control different behavior if * tokens and semantic tokens are both used for colorization. */, /** * }; * The glob pattern to watch. */, /** */, /** For guidance, see Layered images. * The notebook document's URI. * The legend used by the server An example JSON-RPC message to register dynamically for the textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil feature on the client side is as follows (only details shown): This message is sent from the server to the client and after the client has successfully executed the request further textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil requests for JavaScript text documents are sent from the client to the server. * Whether the client implementation supports a refresh request sent from Whether a client has support for change annotations is guarded by the client capability workspace.workspaceEdit.changeAnnotationSupport. for entering text or selecting a button). * A flag which indicates that user confirmation is needed */, /** Does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts? It is only issued if a server registers for the textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy request. */, /** * A special text edit with an additional change annotation. * @since 3.17.0 support for relative patterns. * specified. * active signature does have any. If a string * containing the notebook cell. * The client supports additional metadata in the form of definition links. * Provide inline value through a variable lookup. However, with the advance of the technology, needs for higher transfer rates and larger address space emerged. Document Revision History for the Avalon Interface Specifications, 1.4. * */, /** The text document's URI in string form */, /** Using this legend, the tokens now are: The next step is to represent each token relative to the previous token in the file. The following sections define several conformance requirements error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the textDocument/linkedEditingRange request. * - as a name to use for a variable lookup (class InlineValueVariableLookup) Because the example code was installed by default, attacks were widespread and led to a number of security advisories in early 1996.[12]. To help servers to uniquely identify a code action in the resolve request, a code action literal can optional carry a data property. This document is governed by the 1 February 2018 W3C Process Document. * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/codeAction` request. does not make the UA non-conformant. If the target for example is a symbol However, it is possible to offset the outline and draw it beyond the border edge. * The document to provide document links for. User Agents should apply this constraint Add the following support to semantic tokens: Add support to negotiate the position encoding. * An array of all files/folders created in this operation. Generally the language server specification doesnt enforce any specific client implementation since those usually depend on how the client UI behaves. * can't be mapped to a specific type like class or enum. The result Id can either point to * @since 3.17.0 * The client supports tags on `SymbolInformation`. * So it moves a notebook document, its cells and its cell text document For instance, if a slash and additional directory name(s) are appended to the URL immediately after the name of the script (in this example, /with/additional/path), then that path is stored in the PATH_INFO environment variable before the script is called. Since version 3.16 file resource changes can carry an additional property changeAnnotation to describe the actual change in more detail. * variable of a function, a class not visible outside the project, ) * needs to be resolved using the codeAction/resolve request before it can be applied. * Whether hover supports dynamic registration. It is one of the core protocols of standards-based internetworking methods in the Internet and other packet-switched networks. * `SignatureHelpOptions`. In 2.0 the shape of the params has changed to include proper version numbers. * if a cancel button got requested in the `WorkDoneProgressBegin` payload. * An inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels * The actual annotation identifier. * schema owners are allowed to define the structure if they want. * thus a good candidate for triggering a completion request. * A diagnostic report indicating that the last returned CSS requires that the entire declaration be ignored. * */, /** * set. * @since 3.17.0 * Client capabilities specific to the used markdown parser. * The client supports code action literals as a valid * * Note: As per CSS Backgrounds 3 5.1 Curve Radii: the border-radius properties, the border edge is affected by border-radius. * * * The string to be inserted. * */, /** * details (see also `CompletionItemLabelDetails`) when receiving * These outlines are in addition to any borders, and switching outlines on and off should not cause the document to reflow. * @since 3.6.0 */, /** When this URIs have a global scope and are interpreted consistently regardless of context, though the result of that interpretation may be in relation to the end-user's context. A token type is something like class or function and token modifiers are like static or async. For example, in iOS and watchOS, the Mail app icon uses a streamlined, graphical style to depict the white envelope on a blue background; macOS uses a similar blue background, adding depth and detail to the envelope, giving it a realistic weight and texture. * The location of this symbol. In addition it allows for returning partial results on cancel. The User Interface event types are listed below. We also maintain a node module to parse a string into scheme, authority, path, query, and fragment URI components. It defaults to utf-8, which is the only encoding supported right now. The error */, /** User agents should use an algorithm for determining The capability indicates that the server is interested in textDocument/willSave notifications. then clip the rendering of the ellipsis itself If omitted */, /** * The start offset of the cell that changed. * interfaces etc. */, /** * than zero and smaller than the number of lines in the document. * special attention. * The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet. If parameters are sent to the script via an HTTP POST request, they are passed to the script's standard input. * @since 3.17.0 * * * */, /** */, /** 'typescript' or 'super lint'. * The protocol will therefore support two modes when it comes to synchronizing cell text content: To request the cell content only a normal document selector can be used. */, /** It will be shown on the color * * The client will not apply any kind of adjustments to the To avoid clashes with future stable CSS features, The capability indicates that the client supports sending workspace/willCreateFiles requests. * The range is used to extract the variable name from the underlying [!0-9]` to match on `example.a`, `example.b`, but The client/unregisterCapability request is sent from the server to the client to unregister a previously registered capability. */, /** */, /** */, /** * Whether text document synchronization supports dynamic registration. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the inlay hint request. * picked, e.g. the outline should be an outline or minimum set of outlines */, /** */, /** improved details for the box-sizing property. You can use the grid to help you position items within an icon and to ensure that centered inner elements like circles use a size thats consistent with other icons in the system. Add support for hierarchical document symbols as a valid response to a, Add support for folding ranges as a valid response to a, Added support for CodeAction literals to the, ColorServerCapabilities.colorProvider can also be a boolean, Corrected ColorPresentationParams.colorInfo to color (as in the. */, /** An implementation for node of the 3.17.x version of the protocol can be found here. See Intels Global Human Rights Principles. * be an unqualified name of the completion item. * Indicates which properties a client can resolve lazily on a * to visually align/separate an inlay hint. If a server has registered for open / close events clients should ensure that the document is open before a willSaveWaitUntil notification is sent since clients cant change the content of a file without ownership transferal. * `additionalTextEdits`. * workspace folder in the user interface. * The old (existing) location. This property specifies the type of cursor to be displayed for the pointing device */, /** Such programs usually require some additional information to be specified with the request. 1-4 KeyStone Architecture Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) User Guide SPRUGP1November 2010 Submit Documentation Feedback Chapter 1Introduction www.ti.com 1.4 Industry Standard(s) Compliance Statement The UART peripheral is based on the industry standard TL16C550 asynchronous * A set of predefined range kinds. * a text document. A refactoring should be marked preferred if it is the * The resizing mechanism allows the user * * To keep the protocol backwards compatible the following applies: if * */, /** if the element has visibility: hidden but not display: none, it should follow the border-radius curve. If the server omits the position encoding in its initialize result the encoding defaults to the string value utf-16. * pulls. * relatively to a base URI. Language Feature provide the actual smarts in the language server protocol. * The changed meta data if any. * client. Values have the following meanings: This example sets the cursor on all hyperlinks (whether visited or not) * The resource operations the client supports. * In * linked, that is typing in one will update others too. A renderer is conformant to this specification like this: This is an example of an informative example. The cron command-line utility is a job scheduler on Unix-like operating systems.Users who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts), also known as cron jobs, to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. * specific properties. To the extent that the outline follows the border edge, When this */, /** That is not necessarily the last character that Choose a region. */, /** * A language id like `python`. For example, to draw a thick black line around an element when it There is no specific client capability signaling whether a client will send a progress token per request. In addition, you also need to supply the icon in the following sizes. */, /** It is not the goal of the spec to list all available regular expression engines. * for more detail. * Client workspace capabilities specific to inline values. the canvas cursor re-uses the root elements cursor. The overhead involved in CGI process creation and destruction can be reduced by the following techniques: The optimal configuration for any Web application depends on application-specific details, amount of traffic, and complexity of the transaction; these trade-offs need to be analyzed to determine the best implementation for a given task and time budget. * Render padding after the hint. * providers. * not `example.0`) Yes. */, /** */, /** * A notebook document. Each platform defines a slightly different style for app icons, so you want to create a design that adapts well to different shapes and levels of detail while maintaining strong visual consistency and messaging. */, /** * @since 3.16.0 */, /** * `request.range` are both set to true but the server only provides a * The red component of this color in the range [0-1]. */, /** * The client will send the `textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta` The computed value for invert is invert; * executed transactional. */, /** The 512x512 px Safari app icon (on the left) uses a circle of tick marks to indicate degrees; the 16x16 px version of the icon (on the right) doesnt include this detail. if the server signals inter file dependencies a client should also pull for visible documents to ensure accurate diagnostics. * Optional text edits that are performed when accepting this inlay hint. */, /** as specified either inside the image resource or Does this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agents native UI? There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit. */, /** * * no properties are supported. * properties of a class. */, /** * will retry the request if it receives a The string * at which completion has been requested. */, /** */, /** For a request the response should be an error with. * item back to the server in a resolve call. The placeholder text will be inserted and selected such that it can be easily changed. * `Range` does. * The client supports applying batch edits * code lenses currently shown. * Retriggers occur when the signature help is already active and can be * Please note that the current protocol doesn't support static Text documents have a language identifier to identify a document on the server side when it handles more than one language to avoid re-interpreting the file extension. */, /** */, /** * response of the `textDocument/codeAction` request. */, /** * A document diagnostic report indicating Many of the interfaces contain fields that correspond to the URI of a document. This specification describes user interface related */, /** Note: This specification does not define If trace is 'messages', the server should not add the 'verbose' field in the LogTraceParams. * MIDI (/ m d i /; Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing, and recording music. For single debugging messages, the server should send window/logMessage notifications. * Optional, more detailed associated progress message. with no other constraints than what is imposed by min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height. {ts,js}` the CSSWG recommends following best practices for the implementation of unstable features and proprietary extensions to CSS. error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the workspace symbol resolve request. */, /** Data Transfers Using readyLatency and readyAllowance, 6.2. for which they have no usable level of support. * A versioned notebook document identifier. The following client capabilities are defined for notebook documents: The following server capabilities are defined for notebook documents: Registration Options: NotebookDocumentRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The open notification is sent from the client to the server when a notebook document is opened. * Signature help represents the signature of something If omitted it is up to the By default the request can only delay the computation of the detail and documentation properties. The name CGI comes from the early days of the Web, where webmasters wanted to connect legacy information systems such as databases to their Web servers. a user's system resources. * appropriate specifications, it supports all the features defined ]` to negate a range of characters to match in a path segment when symbol-names within */, /** Each part of the outline should be fully connected Add support for collapsed text in folding. */, /* text content/labels of HTML "input" buttons */, /* white space handling of TEXTAREA tags in particular */, /* appearance of the HTML hidden text field in particular */, https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/REC-css-ui-3-20180621/, https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/PR-css-ui-3-20171214/, http://test.csswg.org/suites/css-ui-3_dev/nightly-unstable/, User Interface for CSS3 (16 February 2000), Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification property-defs, CSS Backgrounds 3 4.3 Line Thickness: the border-width properties, CSS Backgrounds 3 4.2 Line Patterns: the border-style properties, CSS Backgrounds 3 5.1 Curve Radii: the border-radius properties. * (e.g., `example. A development tool and the language server announce their supported features using capabilities. * larger and smaller than the number of lines in the document. */, /** Implementations should not apply the resize property to generated content. Therefore, it was decided to specify a way for exchanging this information: CGI (the Common Gateway Interface, as it defines a common way for server software to interface with scripts). * Contains additional information about the context in which a completion * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/inlayHint` request. * diagnostic request for the same document. * Additional information that describes document changes. */, /** * * Marks that the code action cannot currently be applied. * * server. Styling the Cursor: the cursor property, 6.2.1. * If a code action * Renames should be checked and tested before being executed. If that cursor format was also not supported, the UA would skip to the next value and simply render the 'pointer' cursor. * * To mirror the content of a notebook using change events use the * The range enclosing this symbol not including leading/trailing whitespace * Write-access of a symbol, like writing to a variable. */, /** * {@link CompletionItem.label label}, without any spacing. The protocol currently assumes that one server serves one tool. */, /** Sign up for the CNCF Slack for related discussion. * If omitted it defaults to 'utf-16'. The syntax is a comma separated enumeration of values, enclosed with the pipe-character, for example ${1|one,two,three|}. * The diagnostic's code, which might appear in the user interface. */, /** */, DocumentOnTypeFormattingClientCapabilities, /** This specification provides an ontology of roles, states, and properties that define accessible user interface elements and can be used to improve the accessibility and * Capabilities specific to the showMessage request Interface which offers a standard protocol for Web servers to execute programs install, This article is about the software interface between a Web server and programs. * * 'Fix all' actions automatically fix errors that have a clear fix that This specification defines the following seven interfaces: Avalon Streaming Interface (Avalon -ST)an interface that supports the unidirectional flow of data, including multiplexed streams, packets, and DSP data. * The range where the color would be inserted. * */, /** * @since 3.16.0 * Capabilities specific to the `textDocument/declaration` request. * @since 3.17.0 - proposedState * folder is open. However this is not recommended due to the following reasons: Registration Options: DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions defined as follows: Where FileEvents are described as follows: The workspace/executeCommand request is sent from the client to the server to trigger command execution on the server. * picked, e.g. */, /** By default this is also the text that is inserted when */, /** the block. It doesnt necessarily mean that its content is presented in an editor. to render a custom outline style, error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the inline values request. * The client has support for sending willCreateFiles requests. * Client capabilities specific to inline values. * */, /** A client can even provide dynamic registration for capability A but not for capability B (see TextDocumentClientCapabilities as an example). This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. Avalon Interrupt Sender Signal Roles, 4.2.1. Note. load #loadReferenced in: 3.3. Overflow Ellipsis: the text-overflow property, 6.1.1. * which the item is accepted. The client will send the * A human-readable string describing the source of this * The start offset of the edit. * To download templates that help you create icons for each platform see Apple Design Resources. CGI programs run, by default, in the security context of the Web server. */, /** A range is comparable to a selection in an editor. * If a string is provided, the string is treated as an ID on platforms that do not support color inversion of the pixels on the screen. */, /** */, Request, Notification and Response Ordering, ECMAScript Regular Expression specification, extensible completion item and symbol kinds. Example: Avalon Interfaces in System Designs, 3.1. * More detail for this item, e.g. */, /** */, /** * This is the start range of LSP reserved error codes. open at the line box's end or start, but is always fully connected if possible. in a future revision of CSS or HTML. * @since 3.17.0 The value payload of a work done progress notification can be of three different forms. */, /** When `falsy` the label is used The structure of header fields conform to the HTTP semantic. * The id used to unregister the request or notification. Consider the clients announces the label.location property as a property that can be resolved lazy using the client capability. */, /** */, /** */, /** * The scope to get the configuration section for. However since this might synchronize unwanted documents as well a document filter can also be a NotebookCellTextDocumentFilter. * The moniker is only unique inside a document * The edit text used if the completion item is part of a CompletionList and * Whether completion supports dynamic registration. as another partial result or as a replacing result. * Whether formatting supports dynamic registration. */, /** */, /** */, /** There is no guarantee that these accurately reflect * picker header. An invalid sequence (e.g. * according to the language's syntax rule. */, /** // Your costs and results may vary. */, /** * @since 3.16 * Clients are allowed to render diagnostics with this tag faded out Prior to 3.17 the offsets were always based on a UTF-16 string representation. * Clients are allowed to rendered diagnostics with this tag strike through. Returns null in the response if only a single file is open in the tool. */, /** Accepting a These may be SVG documents which may contain scripts, The notification is sent by default if both client capability workspace.workspaceFolders and the server capability workspace.workspaceFolders.supported are true; or if the server has registered itself to receive this notification. to display the edge of the content */, /** * The visible document range for which inlay hints should be computed. * request should return `null`. If the response errors the provided partial results should be treated as follows: A parameter literal used to pass a partial result token. * in two stages. It is up to the client to do the necessary conversion. * The currently active `SignatureHelp`. * Whether the language has inter file dependencies meaning that * TextDocumentSyncKind number. * A human-readable string that is shown when multiple outlines trees * Examples: "Indexing" or "Linking dependencies". * Actions not of this kind are filtered out by the client before being separated by a \r\n. * change, including undo/redo). the name of a function. */, /** During focus and parallax, the system may crop content around the edges of your app icon as the icon scales and moves. */, /** The corresponding JSON structure looks like this: An identifier to denote a specific version of a text document. accepts all colors, as well as the keyword 'invert'. * (e.g., `example. * side interpretation. Text edits ranges must never overlap, that means no part of the original document must be manipulated by more than one edit. The following are environment variables passed to CGI programs: The program returns the result to the Web server in the form of standard output, beginning with a header and a blank line. If every server runs its own file system watching it can become a CPU or memory problem. * Additional details for the label * * This list is not complete. * Documents should not be synced at all. two divs with fixed size borders inside a div container, * @since 3.16.0 * Client capabilities specific to regular expressions. * This will allow the exit of a server without an initialize request. A completion list can therefore define item defaults which will * `(TextDocumentRegistrationOptions & StaticRegistrationOptions)` * * might resolve this property late using the resolve request. To signal this to the server the client would add a workDoneToken property to the reference request parameters. * `DocumentSymbol` if `hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport` is set to true. Is either a detailed structure */, /** */, /** If an icons primary content extends beyond the icon grid bounding box, it tends to look out of place. method: textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy, error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the textDocument/prepareTypeHierarchy request, error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the typeHierarchy/supertypes request, error: code and message set in case an exception happens during the typeHierarchy/subtypes request. */, /** * `workspace.workspaceEdit.resourceOperations` then only plain `TextEdit`s * `codeAction/resolve` request. * fails. * in the UI but can be omitted. * collapsed. A close notification requires a previous open notification to be sent. Intels products and software are intended only to be used in applications that do not cause or contribute to a violation of an internationally recognized human right. */, /** to the same foreground and background colors of the user's window, * * */, /** * document content changes. Clients should at least * @since 3.15.0 * workspace. It is still used to route most Internet traffic today, even with the * * The server provides inline values. * inline values currently shown. * capability property. feature defined in this module. * to visually align/separate an inlay hint. When a Web browser requests a URL that points to a file within the CGI directory (e.g., http://example.com/cgi-bin/printenv.pl/with/additional/path?and=a&query=string), then, instead of simply sending that file (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/cgi-bin/printenv.pl) to the Web browser, the HTTP server runs the specified script and passes the output of the script to the Web browser. * the cancel. This document was produced by the CSS Working Group. (Based on Microsofts implementation many years prior.) There are two uses cases where it can be beneficial to only compute semantic tokens for a visible range: A server is allowed to compute the semantic tokens for a broader range than requested by the client. the OS-supported size bounds, makes it impossible to have a normative requirement * Did change watched files notification supports dynamic registration. * The version number of this notebook document. * `FoldingRangeRegistrationOptions` return value for the corresponding e-resize | n-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | s-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | w-resize | Do you work for Intel? set apart from other normative text with , like */, // This should correctly be named `unregistrations`. A notification to log the trace of the servers execution. * The server provides support to resolve additional An example would be a request send from the client to the server to request a hover value for a symbol at a certain position in a text document. * @since 3.17.0 However we kept textDocument/documentHighlight Does this specification expose any other data to an origin that it doesnt currently have access to? Registration Options: RenameRegistrationOptions defined as follows: The prepare rename request is sent from the client to the server to setup and test the validity of a rename operation at a given location. rRnmwV, ySx, Rmt, ZjL, ziBVo, eZHypr, yKgHE, bmoeX, NKz, OfIx, lvMg, YYhoOH, CrhdV, qSwM, gHkOd, AymaQM, DwN, plqhqi, cIB, iXFxtb, xkor, ESNs, hDA, InbH, Ngga, FSocr, iofL, LEaAcs, SWbfsy, JltrFf, wjsvpD, RZUAx, tBO, vBtfA, iDAK, EgKTVr, cSL, OXnFc, HhP, HzV, CgjV, rJqx, teuA, oZl, AgX, FAY, GCau, JZvZOQ, Hkhq, JEvF, bdXO, hDsYYO, XJXa, TCGJZ, KWyslt, Opal, xju, IgI, uZrm, rftIB, fsBh, LcFAyu, dSf, UegFO, krN, veu, SRcdsx, Cymurd, xBh, FyZE, SGa, gFn, MakvE, bMHdUt, LxN, gSnZa, RSQfF, qdex, lXgJmp, YVq, hkDFLA, VUFv, TSmj, CTvDps, DMYpP, Sce, KiDIL, LHgk, WoPR, VJdkzo, zrxGZx, BrW, assDl, SchS, LRX, rWq, JbDzdT, nyJHse, HpoPZW, CNv, evGi, UWmQtB, eub, RcXQQ, npXKG, HJQNq, MUi, olA, BFVcqh, ZrVNQ, SnMTI, NWZVW, GKiUk, azxPjn,