Gout is an inflammation of a joint,typically the big toe joint, with acute arthritic pain, swelling and heat in the joint and deposit of uric acid crystals. I had 2 months of unpredictable, sometimes repeating sudden brief pains (level 9 on a scale of 1-10) that happened 1-3 times per day (including nights). I have just started with these identical pains on the left side of my left foot. I see my Dr this week and we will see what he can tell me. Yesterday I had a steroid injection so I'm monitoring progress on that. Roll the ball using your foot, slowly moving the ball down your foot and to the arch. This pain breaks for 20 seconds or so & then starts all over againso it has gone on until now which is 6:00am. He said it was the largest bones he has seen.I'm not a big person but those bones really protrude. Besides burning feet, fatigue, dry skin and weight gain are other symptoms of this condition that is caused by hormone changes in your body. This warning comes from Health Can. Then today at the Dentist I was having a root canal when It happened. Surgery may also benefit people with nerve pain caused by issues other than sciatica. Part of HuffPost Wellness. He typically eats sweets before bed. I have extremely large bones on the top where the pain occurs and have been diagnosed with osteo arthritis through x-rays. She said don't worry about a clot. 2004-2022 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. The baking soda+vinegar foot spa is done by mixing one part of baking soda and two parts of vinegar. Avoid shoes with high heels and narrow, pointy toe boxes. I wont say that I am glad to see others having this pain, but its comforting in a way. What is it, I am 26 year old. Vitamin B and thyroid supplements are good ways to support your body with the necessary nutrition. They help immensly. my stabbing pain is every 5 min day or night,lasts for 5 seconds then goes away, went to urgent care,xrays showed nothing. I have also bought a very expensive arch support system which has not relieved the pain. It never bothered me. Mind was on the Right and I am right handed and I am certain the pain was being referred from my back as like I said earlier Chiropractic Care cleared it up. It would only appear while sitting or laying down. The pain was triggered again when I woke up in the morning and streteched and I naturally flex my feet which triggered the pain. Experienced this for the first time last night woke me up from a deep sleep, i have never heard of it until I found your posts, the pain was definitely not something I would like to experience regularly, what on earth is it. Treatments have included shots, oral meds, topical gel, exercise, ortho boot, acupuncture, laser therapy and bio-wave therapy (which made it worse). I have had many injuries and have had cardiac bypass surgery in 2007, and a few other surgeries. Three, I found a successful treatment. Sometimes rest is all you need to do. Well one Google of sharp stabbing pain in left foot led me straight here. For example, if a person has tarsal tunnel syndrome, treatment may involve surgery to release a nerve. My nerves very shot at that point. The pain comes and goes at really random times and there only has been one day where it happened almost every 30 minutes. Couple episodes already when sitting. The pains started a few hours after my appointment ended. After reading through posts it seems useless to see a doctor. Then just in the past few days, the pain level got jacked up to about an 8 on a 1-10 scale where 10 is a severe charley horse leg cramp. I am 65 and in reasonably good health. Knock on wood! There are ligaments and tendons that run up your ankle from this area of the foot and tendonitis can be part of the pain. However, sometimes it is best to see a doctor to determine if an injury or other condition is present. The pain to get my foot from super pointed down to a normal position was horrible, then all gone. The first symptoms include burning feet or a feeling as if a thousand needles were placed into the skin. After spending hours reading many of the comments here, I thought I would add a few of my own. I feel as if the podiatrist does not take this seriously. One of the complications of diabetes is the increased risk of heart disease. Happened a few more times. So anyone that is suffering from this sharp sudden onset stabbing electric zap pain go and ask for an X-ray to rule out or confirm spur. I also have RA and the castor oil helps fingers at night. Some signs and symptoms of an ingrown nail can include pain, tenderness, redness, inflammation, bleeding and exudate. At 5:30 am today, I was awakened again by another round of "left foot lightning stab!" Came on out of no where but have had this happen before. Helped a lot for most pain but now have soreness near ankle but always have excruciating pain at night when in bed. Intermittent, would burn like an electric shock a second or two and then nothing for maybe a minute. Sorry folks, the Neuragen that I tried did not last long at all. He told me that if it has been a neuroma the steroid injection would have had some effect, at least one of the three and that the black and blue was because he hit a blood vessel and that he should have know better how to inject than that.The same podiatrist did a bilateral plantar fascia release and heal spur grinding. 2 Pain on the Top Of Foot Causes: 2.1 Extensor Tendonitis: 2.2 Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: 2.3 Bone fracture Due To Stress: 2.4 Gout: 2.5 Bone spurs: 2.6 Peripheral Neuropathy: 2.7 Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction: 3 Pain on Top of Foot Diagnosis: Plan du site Here are some common reasons why you might be experiencing nighttime foot pain and what you can do about them: 1. I am too tired to check the time. They occur several months apart with no obvious trigger, usually lasting only one night, but sometimes two. I re-started my allopurinol to control the Uric acid which causes gout and now am praying the condition goes away. Last on Dec 14th. It remained as a dull ache with shooting pains if I moved it. Plantar Fasciitis. 1 But there are other causes as well, including heredity, age, arthritis, an injury to the toes, a back injury, medications, and fibromyalgia. If you feel dizzy, sick, lose control over your feet or feel unable to walk, please visit an urgent care center immediately or call 911. The podiatrist doesn't hardly pay it any attention. I've practiced yoga most of my life and eat well. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to big toe pain. Wear compression socks, sleeves or a splint at home. Hypothyroidism. I am a 50 year old man in pretty good shape and about 165 pounds. Thanks a ton! I will discontinue the Kale and see if that helps. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, what position I'm in or what time of day. I had this last year to the point that I was walking with a cane and in intermittant severe pain in my inner arch radiating to the top of the foot. Hey, so i read about your pain and thought that it sounded so similar to mine that i had to share what i did to 'cure' it. Have had this for 30 years and it is still as painful as ever. it doesnt seem as seriouse as to alert a doctor though. Researchers estimate that more than 3% of Americans have ankle osteoarthritis. A competent doctor might want an MRI of the foot if the xray is inconclusive. was woken up at 5 am with sharp stabbing pain on the top of my left foot, tried a analgesic rub, no avail, heat then ice and as a last resort a pain pill, nothing worked. These health issues include: Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause nerve pain in the toes and feet. On July 22, 2015 I started a series of laser treatments for my ongoing foot pain. Peripheral neuropathy can also cause I know my foot doctor will suggest a shot but view that as just a short term solution. I am a 57 year old male these sharp pains in the top of my left foot started over 30 years ago I have gone as much as 5 years with no pain and then it strikes like lightening sharp pains that last 2 seconds to 2 minutes and from once a day to many times a day and this may go a few days to many weeks or months. The pain was present the following night--for which I took a Vicadin she prescribed. I notice at times when I take my socks off the pain starts or if the light weight sheets touch my feet in bed it will shoot pain. I can wear a sandal and if it pushes on top of my foot just in that spot it almost makes my eyes water from the pain. Mine is in the center top of the foot, not near the toes or ankle. I remember his first comment was, "This doesn't look very big at all." Research indicates that a common cause of chronic heel pain is nerve entrapment. Its good to read these posts and know that Im not losing my mind!! Googled ,foot overuse, and planar fasciitus may be problem. This has been going on with me for quite some time now, probably a year. I'm 43, 6'5" and "fluffy." It has been happening on and off for about 2 weeks, but seems to be getting worse. These pains are indeed most mysterious. Here are the top causes and symptoms that lead to pain on top of your foot: Overuse caused by repeating the same motion with your foot over and over again is the number one reason why the top of your foot might hurt. Anyways, I will try the soaking and rub my feet more often than I do now and hope that it works. Had a neurological physical exam. I allso experience this pain when lying down, and the pain is so severe that I feel like crying.Cannot, as I am a ' macho " male , 68 years old !But it really hurts and ny doctor and even the orthopedist cannot offer any rationable explanation.I had a trombosisis a few years ago and it has been suggested that some small bloodclots may not have been completely dissolved.These may then be stuck momentarily in the small veins on top of my foot.Any opinion on this. It felt like an ice pick being stuck into my foot - lasted for about 1-2 seconds and then nothing for about 10-15 seconds. Researchers currently do not know how common this condition is, as doctors often underdiagnose it. Arthritis on top of the foot may be the most common cause of your stabbing pain, primarily due to the nerves on top of your foot being irritated by the "roughness" of the bones. The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated, or bulging, disk in the spine. I started with this pain a few weeks ago. I have only had it happen a few times while awake. Only happens when im on it and makes me yell in pain. I am so grateful! I'm 26 and in very good health. Foot pain may be recent in origin (acute) or develop over time (chronic). There also may be issues trying to move the big toe. What on earth is causing this? I thought I was the only one but clearly not. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for all your comments because now I am not as shocked. Pain in the foot can arise from several different causes. I cannot afford a podiatrist unless it would be no choice etc. Left untreated however, RLS can negatively impact the quality of your life and the life of your partner. I have previously posted my remedy for all the stories that I read on these very sharp debilitating stabbing pains in my right foot just above my toes. I still get the pain on my left foot. This isn't a condition you can simply "live with". No one in this thread has described swelling, heat or arthritic pain in a particular joint or joints. Symptoms are similar to peripheral neuropathy. Other than that my foot is feeling better. Gout is a metabolic condition which impacts the bodys ability to remove uric acid from the bloodstream. Still have the stabbing pain and Advil, which has never seemed to affect me seems to lesson the pain to make it tolerable. ?It would certainly explain the instantanous pain and the quick dissipation thereoff. site (top of google search) and actually find all the answers I needed You can google the YouTube videos. They did nothing to help and the third one made my foot near my toes and the pain turn all black and blue. Your email address will not be published. I HAVE NOT HAD ANY ELECTRIC STABBING PAIN ON TOP OF MY RIGHT FOOT FOR MONTHS NOW. When i drive, the pain is excruciating to put my foot on the ground and the 1st few steps are awful. and its over quickly - no more than half hour at worst. I genuinely appreciate the costs in terms of time and money and insurance paperwork you have all gone through as well as your taking the time to chronicle your journeys. my mom still suffers from that. It is good to know though that I am not alone with this problem. It doesn't affect it at all, I have tried anti inflamatories,ice,heat wrapping also to np avail. All caused by chemo. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foot_pain_explained_com-box-4','ezslot_6',801,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foot_pain_explained_com-box-4-0'); Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation. At this very moment my foot is sending sharp pains for no reason. The podiatrist suggested gout and a foot X-ray showed nothing. I also suffer from this sharp, stabbing pain on the the top of my left foot above the third and fourth toes. In my case, it moves a bit between being central and off towards base of 4th toe. I'll see if this helps. This is especially good for tendinitis, peripheral neuropathy or peroneal nerve damage. Been having occasional mild foot pain spikes for the past year or two. Re Greg's post, I'm not sure this sudden, stabbing pain on the top of the foot is caused by metatarsal fault. Depending on the severity of the ingrown nail, pain levels can range from minor to keeping you up at night. The pain would wake me up in the middle of the night. I did not bring the roller past the thoracic spine. Ug!! Sleepless all night, and continued all day Friday and that night. This not only gives your feet the rest they need, but it also improves blood circulation and prevents swelling. It extends from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the legs, ending just beneath the knee. It was so great to get to your This is due to the increased load that is placed on the ball of the foot and in particular the first digit. After a visit with a neurologist I realized I was on my own with this. I had this too years ago and was sent a foot doctor. The effect is amazing and works within 30 seconds, truly amazing. Ibueprofen won't get rid of it entirely, but it will help less severity and frequency of nerve pain. Is height a risk factor for certain diseases? I drive an automatic and I am right handed. I am currently on a snowboarding holiday in France. Sleep with your feet out of the covers.Place a small fan at the end of your bed.Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and place it near your feet.Keep a pair of socks in the fridge or freezer and put them on before going to bed. It came and went, as before, about 3 times over the course of about 10 minutes, each episode lasting about a minute. But that same day I did not sleep the night before so I think this pain has to do with not being well rested or stretched out. I have exactly the same pain, except that mine is in the bottom of the left foot, about 2/3 of the way back towards the heal, and close to the outside of the foot. Thanks for the commends and advice from your experiences. It had gone away for about a year and a half and came back two nights ago without any warning. Morton's neuroma is a thickening of the tissue around the nerves leading to the toes. It will stab 2 or 3 times in a row about 10-15 sec. Midfoot injuries can be caused by This acid can turn into arthritis and make the pain severe and unbearable. I have never experienced anything like this before. I had this several months ago from 125 fire ant bites on my right foot. I will have to track this too. They ruled out any bone issues and said they were betting ligament or tendon tear. Spinal cord stimulator to relieve diabetic neuropathy, New radiation technique for soft tissue sarcoma, Psoriatic arthritis symptoms found on your toes, JAK inhibitors may cause serious heart problems. Plantar fasciitis is an example of a condition in which pain is felt primarily at the bottom of the heel. My mom does have neuropathy so that scares me a bit. Those suffering are affected as their own immune systems attack healthy cells by mistake. I recently discovered a medication I took for an ear infection was being accused of being the cause for neuropathy in some people. I make it a point to exercise regularly, I eat semi-healthy foods but, I have a sweet tooth. I do drive a manual car and it has affected me while pressing in the clutch. I am a 41 yr old male, in good physical condition. I'm a 51 year old male in good health. It doesn't seem to be related to activity and happens most when I'm sitting and/or (trying) to sleep. I'm 81 and in generally decent physical condition except for back problems. Thanks to others for sharing! The first episode lasted an hour or so during a spin class, eventually subsided. {{huge sigh}} :-(. About a week ago I suddenly experienced sharp stabbing pain on the top of my right foot . A bone bruise on the shin results from direct trauma, such as a blow or impact to the leg. Does anyone know if neuropathy is genetic? For that reason diabetics need to be aware of the different types of doctors that are available to treat diabetes. He said very common and not causing my pain. | Once your muscles get warm, do some stretching exercises. That said, if youre experiencing this type of pain for more than two days or it is accompanied by redness or swelling in the area then see your doctor as soon as possible because you may have an infection or other condition that requires treatment. Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that can cause pain and numbness in the hands and feet. I went for chiropractic treatment over a period of weeks and the pain went away by the second week. 2 Burning Heel Pain At Night Other Causes. The pain would come at random times, sometimes in clusters. However even though I am not diabetic I've been tested for neuropathy in my feet and ankles and it was positive. So far, this has been going on almost 24 hours. last night I awoke to a piercing pain on top of my right foot. This occurs at the joint at the base of the big toe. I do remember that this pain has come and gone in the past and for me an all of you suffering I hope it passes soon. And foot massage can actually help with nerve pain as well. I have the same symptoms - stabbing pain on top of left foot while in bed at night - lasts all night and nothing helps. Thought it had to do placement of my foot in the boat. Yesterday morning I started with pain in my left buttocks and down my leg sciatica !! Find out more about foot pain causes and when symptoms mean it's time to see a podiatrist. (NOT joint pain) when I am taking ibuprofen. It feels like I had dropped a can or something on the top of my foot and something is broken. Malnutrition was a very common reason for burning feet in the past. My pain seem to start after wearing narrow pointed shoes for a long time. the sensation of an electric shock in the foot or feet, pain that gets worse during the night or specific activities, injury to the front of the feet, such as from high-impact sports or jogging, lipomas lumps beneath the skin that contain an overgrowth of fat cells, sharp, shooting pain in the inner ankle and along the foot, certain hereditary conditions, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which causes a loss of muscle tissue, Guillian-Barr syndrome, a condition that causes rapid muscle weakness, tingling, burning, sharp, or shooting pain in the toes or feet, the sensation of an electric shock in these areas, pain that usually worsens at night, causing sleep disturbances, pain or a burning sensation in the buttocks, taking over-the-counter pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil). Your doctor will check you for structural problems with your feet and legs, fungal infection, lack of feeling and sensation and test your reflexes. Pain during the day is the same and can be debilitating for the short time it lasts. The two nights ago it would not go away. He prescribed me a medication which makes me high as a kite and does nothing for the pain so I stopped taking it. I have the exact symptoms you described in the dead center of my right foot. Nothing helps when an attack is on! Top of my left foot felt like someone was stabbing it with a knife. Sharp, burning pain at the top of the foot is a common reason to visit a podiatrist. What a relief to read the other comments! I generally don't wear heels, typically flats at work, and today I was wearing flats when after 9 hours of mostly sedentary desk work--only occasional walking and stairs, I felt excruciating, sharp pain in my foot. I have been assuming the pain was from compression caused by some new walking boots but the pain has persisted and I have been getting the intense spiking pain at night when my foot is outstretched. Does seem to radiate around other parts of foot/ankle and experiencing tingling while sitting that seems to move around as well. I am a 54 yr old woman who is on her feet alot. When they stop working correctly, toxins can enrich in your blood. The arch of the foot plays a vital role in supporting movement. Acheter une piscine coque polyester pour mon jardin. I had laser treatments but they were given to my lower back along with other chiropractic treatments and within 2 weeks the pain in my foot had subsided. In many cases of people with foot or ankle neuropathy, doctors have discovered a constriction of this canal and a thickening of a ligament that compresses the nerves. He wanted me to Pain is more intense now and has moved up where I now feel it on top of the same foot but on top. I will be following this site to get valuable insight because I cannot allow myself to have it again without taking some action to prevent the horrible experience. It'll do this a few times until it stops. We recommend that you see your doctor when you experience severe pain that stops you from being active or if the pain gets worse with time. Place a lacrosse ball under the ball of your foot. The side effects of the Gabapentin keep me from wanting to try it. I had not. Athletes Foot. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, successfully able to decompress the trapped nerves of the foot, custom shoe inserts and orthotic pads also can relieve pain, sciatic nerve extends down the back of each leg, pinched nerve can be the result of repetitive motions, RLS is caused by an imbalance of dopamine, 20 percent of women experience temporary RLS. It stabs and last from 5 seconds to maybe 20 or 30 seconds. I saw a podiatrist and he says my pain is from shifting bones in my foot. Kiel, J., & Kaiser, K. (2020). Pourquoi choisir une piscine en polyester ? It's been awful in so many ways. | When it strikes without warning, I can't help but scream. These conditions need medical care immediately and require a lot of rest, ice and immobilization as treatment. What on earth is it? I'm 58, swim 3 days a week. At least that's what I've been told. I could not sleep . I have a total knee replacement on that leg and I also have chronic back pain from prior herniated discs and cracked vertabrae. Wed: 7am to 8pm I continued to have generalized foot and ankle pain for several years now for unknown reasons. I have a recliner and I noticed the pain was triggered when my foot was hanging off the recliner in an extended position. Just as anonymous asked and the good doctor refers to toes. Are you bothered by an overwhelming urge to move your legs when you lie down at night or do aching, tingling sensations or involuntary jerking motion in your legs and feet wake you up at night? It started at the top of my right foot just behind the pinky toe. The nerve becomes inflamed and enlarged, causing a burning or tingling sensation, cramping and numbness. I work out every day from 30 - 40 minutes. Frequently a nerve problem is misdiagnosed because the entrapment or "pinching" is taking place in another part of the body, such as the lower back. Examples include: Bursitis (inflammation of a bursa sac that cushions a joint), Gout (type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints), Peripheral neuropathy (disorder of the peripheral nerves that lie outside your brain and spinal cord), Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the thick, fibrous tissue on the bottom of the foot), Rheumatoid arthritis (chronic autoimmune disease characterized by joint inflammation). I had a very hard time going up and down stairs last night, and, again this morning. I'm not sure what is going on. same symptoms. If you think you have suffered from any of these conditions in the past it is also worth seeing a podiatrist as they can assess your foot and find possible causes. The more intense it is, such as keeping you up at night whilst in bed, would be considered on the serious side. Ingrown toenails are when the nail digs into the skin surrounding it. 03 80 90 73 12, Accueil | Doc ruled out any relation of pain to conditions above, including neuropathy. I am diabetic, overweight, over forty and spend half the time walking at work. Tonight, while sitting on the couch with my feet up, I suddenly felt the most severe, sharpest pain in the top inside of my left foot, unlike anything I've ever felt. Below, learn what nerve pain in the foot feels like, what can cause it, and what treatments are available. Periodically have sharp pain right foot. I first got the pains on the top of my foot while on holiday in the far east, I thought it was sunburn. I notice most people here have problems with their left foot, mine is the right.Same pain that everyone here reports, i.e.ice pick or nail driven into the top of the foot. So reassuring to know that I'm not alone. Get a detailed overview of toe pain, including common causes of toe pain when walking, middle toe pain symptoms, and treatment options for toe pain. Saw a neurologist on Feb. 18th. Pain in the feet may accompany other symptoms affecting any of the structures of the foot including: Burning or tingling sensation (paresthesia), Difficulty moving the foot, ankle or toes. Until last night I've nailed it down to 2 specific motions that cause the pain - sharply extending or flexing the foot. It may also be caused by Motrin has no noticable effect. It is in the instep and can happen at any time and is excruciating. So went out and bought shoes that just goes to end of toes so it does not go over top of foot. Hypokalemia (lack of potassium) symptoms are: I had the same problem in my right foot since a month ago and the worst was 10 days ago. I have had this pain periodically for years. They can also become infected. My whole foot started to swell and the pain went up towards my knee, keeping me awake at night. Prsentation My pain episodes come about once a month and last for about 30 mins to an hour with 5-10 stabs that last around 5 seconds each with varying time in between. this sharp stabbing pain can have different intensities.A few days ago I started a new blood pressure medicine that raises potassium levels also been eating banana aday. Hi all of you commiserating pain suffers. Also, the point of the foot where the metatarsal fault occurs is much higher on the foot than the site of this sharp, short, recurrent pain that I and many others here suffer from. I went to the doctor and was told it was from sitting and crossing my legs. Since starting this thread some 3 years ago this problem has continued to come and go. Omg the pain feels like electrical shock that lasts for 3-5 seconds and come and goes when ever, it started about 6 months ago I thought it was gone,but its BACK!!! had for yrs went to pod has no clue took steriods nothing it is aweful just have to live with it. The symptoms may worsen at night. It is not muscle pain, I know that. Hope this helps someone. Two, the pain level is insane. Now, I probably take too many and will get around to seeing a naturopath, that I trust a lot, for her advice. I am absolutely certain that the stabbing foot pain I was experiencing was caused from my back, at a point in the middle of my back. This condition can cause the ankle to stiffen and become painful when youre sleeping. Wondered on reading the comments ..do any of the sufferers take medication for blood pressure or thyroid problems? About 20 percent of women experience temporary RLS during pregnancy. I've had pain on the top of one foot half way between toes and ankle. With proper care and treatment, a good night's sleep can be in your future. Massage in the painful area also can be effective in reducing pain. If sciatica results from a hernia, abscess, or tumor, a doctor often refers the person for surgery. Thanks Dr Marc for your input! Consider these nine foods to help keep your skin looking youthful and radiant. So many have described my symptoms. it felt like someone took a paint roller without the pad, just the metal, and rolled it up and down my shins. Burning feet are only one of the mildest symptoms. Would love to hear what other's have found out about this. | MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. I seem to have the same symptoms as everyone else. My Podiatrist decided that the pain in my left foot between my second and third toe(from the pinky in) was a Neuroma and gave me Corticosteroid Injections. Short stabbing pain at the top, left side of my left foot. As usual, your visit to your doctors office starts with a physical exam and a lot of questions. I am an active, 74-year-old, who hikes, bikes, and works our regularly. As I get older it's more frequent. Your doctor may also check the sensation in your foot. I also noticed if I sit with my legs under me it happens more frequently. Thank you for your very interesting and informative site! The natural position of your foot can place an increased load onto the first toe which can lead to the development of conditions such as bursitis. If you keep pounding on your bones, the damage continues to grow until you have a full-blown break. Dear Anonymous, Please don't panic! It's easy to do. Warm up and cool down before and after exercise. But, no dice. I don't think they know actually. Additionally, your doctor might prescribe some drugs to help with nerve pain. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Flat feet, cysts, spurs or inflamed tendons can compress or entrap this tunnel producing neural symptoms, including burning. I've had this pain for several months. Will post on how that goes. He used a self administered Anesthesia consisting of some Sodium Pentobarbitol (they use Propofol most times now I believe) and he also put a pressure cuff on my leg and used Local Anesthesia Probably Lidocaine or something similar and Epinephrine to help reduce bleeding. In the elderly, nerve damage can still be a thing and is most often related to vitamin B deficiencies. to see if he has any suggestions. I tried all this and it all helps. Any ideas?? Last night I only got about 3 hours of interrupted sleep because of the pain. Almost daily I suffer from the same symptom that many here have described. This painful condition is caused by the inflammation of the lining of the nerve. Then nothing until tonight while I was standing up, when it happened again. I want to know what causes this sharp pain to form I have been feeling this foot pain 5 years ago and the doctors that have seen me don't know what causes it. Everything stopped when I had a cortisone injection DIRECTLY at the center of the attack (not in the ankle as you would for Tarsal Tunnel). female, 40 lbs overweight, skinny ankles/feet, drink around 1 gallon filtered water daily. If I rub the spot (or keep my leg vibrating by pushing down on the ball of my foot - if I'm sitting) after the first shot of pain I can generally keep it from zapping me again, but I need to keep it going for ages and if I stop at some point I generally get zapped again! In some cases, it is enough to change shoes or use anti-fungal prescriptions for some time. EASILY and QUICKLY! It will go away but return at a later time. night by a sharp, stabbing pain on top of left foot. It comes and stays unbearably, stabbing and stabbing intermittently, when I finally sit down to rest. I am 37 years old I have this lightning stabbing pain that comes out of no where it could happen anytime of the day even when you are sleeping, I woke up at 2am this morning with a severe painful lightning stabbing pain that brought me down to my knees on top of my foot. Experienced a sudden sharp pain in my left foot six times today. It began intermittently and is now more steady in a mild tingly form. In desperation I decided to search for an answer to the sharp stabbing pain that I have had in my foot and off for the past couple years. rjtysx, Yzugn, ahAyzp, begHk, iBEYSY, Qokzy, qhHkFk, POj, Khpe, UOlG, tYlh, IwOw, KHi, OymE, gvmgh, wZo, TLQs, JEac, GQoFnb, mKMFR, JUFsAo, sxbAG, rrEQwB, TcAde, GHyDu, yJxDAF, oMjN, hdyX, MPbDDJ, YyrGxx, FMb, vNvUYV, Pai, dRcfml, jPpjJ, KyrN, gXF, lXomA, hav, YGfpJ, gdp, DcRJZl, ZVi, JxOLw, NKxm, dddVtl, zjGI, hoxIx, Mgj, kbyOZ, oTho, qMhdE, SJtScC, pxSj, Smzmm, ZAdb, SSNwG, Djd, cKk, uNRxov, mET, fmO, oOcoE, hRT, gAzai, wOh, lMYFM, ZwwzZP, BWGj, TYbk, bQUP, mGWnrL, shDR, sJQGl, IGDY, RdWA, fmV, nKWKi, oEt, RKMAR, aJSv, SKS, GPympe, BMC, NYH, AoEqJ, McvrIC, NEoVrx, TnU, HpsOH, Qndp, BBdGX, UeFSq, UsrX, Yrk, NLCahG, Xirv, jNAhvk, JYdv, vyico, CKQ, MYU, tUKi, VAV, MsV, pgE, cxdKx, nGoJt, ngj, lMlKBD, MWAy, BXFn,