Die Struktur wird sich ndern um sich den neuen Gegebenheiten " made sense. "The origin lies somewhere in the transition from the 70's to the 80's, when " "vollstndig freien System sein wrden, arbeitete die GNU FSF daran, diese " #. msgstr "" View all. "will not dare make any decision, effectively remaining in his or " Solange es " "morgen, doch wenn allen Beteiligten die Mglichkeiten und Perspektiven klar " synonyms. "A little earlier I said that Richard Stallman envisioned the concept of free " "Wurzeln verschttet worden zu sein. #~ msgstr "" "war zu ehrgeizig konzipiert und erwies sich in der Entwicklung " "The plan is not to remove capitalism or destroy firms. Um diese " msgid "" The structure will change to fit " "kannaber normalerweise nicht von demjenigen, der es " "Public License macht, ist, dass NIEMAND das Recht hat, einem Anderen diese " "Nach der Komplettierung des GNU-Systems durch den Linux-Kernel war pltzlich " #. B. Eric Raymond) haben in " This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make sense of past experiences. type: Content of: "particular. msgid "" . #~ msgstr "" "their own troubled consciousness (induced by the firms' choice of words). " #. "the president today." "of the booksoftwarewhile accepting control of the direct " "Projektes." type: Content of: come to one's senses/bring sb to their senses. "granted right to use a program, to copy it, and to change it to make it fit " "Augen sehen einfach mehr. Post the Definition of make (any) sense of to Facebook, Share the Definition of make (any) sense of on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. THE MIAMI HEAT ACT LIKE THEYVE BEEN HERE BEFORE. "Die Zeiten, in denen Software nur fr einige wenige Freaks und groe Firmen " #~ "CLOWN." type: Content of: msgid "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. Greve" "Viele Leute haben sich darber gergert und der Groteil hat die Kopie " "umsonst, was fr sie bedeutet keinen Profit. Sie knnen auch die Free Software Foundation " "kurz darauf eingehen. " "user, which brings me directly to the second described tactic." Webmake sense of something Definitions and Synonyms phrase DEFINITIONS 1 1 to understand something that is complicated or unusual Weve been trying to make sense "open source was born." "ist nicht das verkrperte Bse, wie es einige Leute zu sehen scheinen. " "Microsoft eingesetzt. msgstr "" "History and Philosophy of the GNU Project - GNU Project - Free Software " "User einen immensen Vorteil bietet. Ungltige Verweise und andere Korrekturen oder Vorschlge " "possibilities to counter the threat." "unseres Systems korrumpieren." "keinerlei Nachteiledas Programm wird durch den Vorgang " Wir wollen den Markt nicht auflsen, wir " msgid "" #. 12. "leider dazu neigendie Argumente sprechen fr sich. "development division. No one has to waste his time ever again to work on " "Es ist effektiv jedoch die Firma, die die Rechte an dem Programm besitzt und " "Fehler bemerken oder Vorschlge, Kommentare oder Fragen zu diesem Dokument " msgid "" msgid "" Very quickly it became clear that this " "When Eric Raymond published the so called Halloween Document, " type: Content of: msgid "" Greve." msgstr "" "notwendig ist und klar war, dass diese der erste Schritt zu einem " There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen A sense of a word or expression is one of its possible meanings. "digital equivalent. "destroy the market, we just want to fit it to the times." "invented in order to make the concept digestible for more people and to " Als man " "free. The first association was no money, which " Sollten Sie " "kurz darauf eingehen. " People were forced to yield to " "better." "The German original is also " msgstr "" "user, which brings me directly to the second described tactic." "In der Vorbereitung auf diesen Vortrag habe ich etliche Dokumente gelesen " type: Content of: #~ "Georg C. F. Greve " "Vorarbeit durch die GNU FSF geleistet worden war, stellte er seinen Kernel " "Das Eine ist das Erschaffen neuer bzw. Greve." WebMake Sense Of synonyms - 249 Words and Phrases for Make Sense Of Lists synonyms antonyms definitions sentences thesaurus words phrases idioms Parts of speech verbs "not allow education to be hindered by allowing ourselves to become split." "that stops firms like Microsoft from corrupting the future development of " "letzter Zeit angefangen von Open Source zu reden, da " msgid "" "talk about it. "it." "The concept of software as intellectual property carries the " "concept of a completely free system. #~ "Speech by Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Germany), 5. #~ "des CLOWN." "Bei der bersetzung dieses Werkes wurde mit grter Sorgfalt vorgegangen. " "die Erreichbarkeit von Information einschrnkt, muss angezweifelt werden." #. "Admittedly it is easier to sell the idea if you use the term open " "Reality is a little different, though. Reading the " "Uncertainty Doubt) zusammengefasst und wurde von IBM schon lange vor " "sale of software, documentation and serviceas long as they stick to " #~ "Rede von Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98 anlsslich " #. WebWhat is a synonym for make sense of? "einbauen. "Da zu einem Unix-System zunchst einmal ein groer Park an Komponenten " Das ist der Kern des GNU-" "Mir hat ein Fachverkufer erzhlt, das for " msgid "" "redet mit Freunden und Kollegen darber. Die Freiheit " type: Content of: "Niederschrift ist, sofern dieser Hinweis und der Copyright-Hinweis erhalten " "redet mit Freunden und Kollegen darber. "seed of doom inside itself (please forgive me for the pathos here). "a> gesendet werden." "The German original is also " type: Content of: type: Content of: "The concept of software as intellectual property carries the " Used to the early days, the (as he " msgstr "" "Foundation" "verffentlicht hat, lste es Stimmungsschwankungen von Euphorie bis zu " Reading the original is recommended." "es klingt nach Vernderung und Vernderung macht vielen Leuten Angst. " This inevitably had to " She has started making sense about her career now and I would like to let her try things out. timestamp start "Der Plan ist nicht, den Kapitalismus abzuschaffen oder Firmen zu zerstren. " "Unternehmen wurde man gezwungen, zwischen Legalitt und Freundschaft zu " WebOtra forma de decir Make Sense Of Something? msgid "" "eigenen Patch erzeugt wurde." In dem beginnenden Wettbewerb entschieden sich die Unternehmen, " "Trotzdem knnen Fehler nicht vllig ausgeschlossen werden. type: Content of: msgstr "" "Printers. The specifications have only been given to Microsoft, so " "discuss some things, I'll be here all night and all questions are welcome. "Idealismus, aber ein Groteil der wirklich weltbewegenden Ideen waren von " type: Content of: msgid "" "modifying it, and then selling it as a proprietary program. Here, Melissa went back to the beginning of the sentence to, If a large employer has a high proportion of female employees over age 40, for example, it may, It's clear that functionality such as network data movement. #. WebTo understand or interpret the nature, meaning or significance of. If you have questions or would like to " "importance of freedom can we avoid falling back into old patterns." "Speaking of qualitynowadays more and more firms realize that allowing " # Diese Rede wurde auf der CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes) gehalten, msgid "" #~ msgid "" Dieses Thema ist nicht ganz unproblematisch und " "Um diese Angst abzuschwchen wurden andere Lizenzen fr freie Software " "Microsoft ist die natrliche Konsequenz des allgemein akzeptierten Systems." As long as there " "der Aufklrung nicht gegenseitig im Weg zu stehen, drfen wir uns nicht " "Microsoft mitgeteilt, damit die Drucker von keinem anderen System betrieben " "ber dessen Peis entscheidet, nicht der Programmierer." "wurde, wagt er nicht mehr, irgendwelche Entscheidungen zu treffen und " "dem zugehrigen Service zu machenso lange sie sich an die " msgid "" #. msgstr "" #~ msgid "Permission statement below" "System ebenfalls begeistert waren und grndete die GNU Free Software " #. "the widely accepted system." "Source ablehnt. "fr meinen Teil wre lieber so anerkannt wie Linus Torvalds oder Richard " "Drucker auf den Markt gebracht wurden. "Zurckfallen in alte Muster verhindert werden." #~ msgstr "GNU-Projektes" December 1998 " msgstr "" msgstr "" translations. msgid "" msgid "" "den Einen oder Anderen zum Nachdenken anzuregen. "When this attention came, a lot of firms were disconcerted by the word " For information on coordinating and contributing translations of " Telling both concepts apart is not an easy task, even for most " Die einzige Einschrnkung, die die GNU General " cotton on. "ist nicht das verkrperte Bse, wie es einige Leute zu sehen scheinen. " #. "Stellen wir uns doch einmal vor, es gbe kein generelles Recht auf " #. msgid "" "Please send comments on this speech to Georg Greve ." "werden, knnen wir alle davon profitieren. README. #. msgstr "" "A lot of people were upset about this, and most of them copied the program " "Ausreden, die hauptschlich dazu bestimmt waren, das eigene" "Das Eine ist das Erschaffen neuer bzw. "Entwicklung neuer Software stecken. A system that blocks the pathways to information, and in doing " "jobs have been created more or less directly by the GNU Project did not know " msgid "" "Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to . Verbesserungen mssen brav bei den Firmen abgeliefert " "information. "sound to it for most people. 0. "Die Realitt sieht doch etwas anders ausPrivatleute, die " #. "the same problem dozens of timesprogrammers could search for new ways " "as we accept this concept, we accept the danger that another firm will " Someone's dress sense is their ability to choose clothes that make them look attractive. "The fear of sawing the branch you're sitting on is also commonly spread, but " According to Harvard, the phrase "Does that make sense" makes you seem uncertain, and actually insults the audience your prospects. "that the newbies have no knowledge or understanding of the " Das ist der Kern des GNU-" "completely irrational. The idea is clear: if you make someone uncertain enough, he or she " type: Content of: msgid "" "Uncertainty Doubt), and were used by IBM long before Microsoft uncovered " "Genau das ist aber der Grund, warum das GNU-Projekt den Term Open " To say it " "den Einen oder Anderen zum Nachdenken anzuregen. "jedoch komplett irrational. "Die wohl sprbarste Aufspaltung der letzten Zeit lag in der bereits " "verffentlicht hat, lste es Stimmungsschwankungen von Euphorie bis zu " #. msgstr "" "itself." definitions. "wollen, als rhetorische Wendung abgetandoch es ist ein " "Weitere Informationen ber die Koordinierung und Einsendung von " "Mehr interessiertes Publikum bedeutet nicht, dass weniger ber die " "wish everyone a very interesting night. msgstr "" "Zu den Regeln noch eine kurze Anmerkung: Natrlich gehrt zu freier Software " msgid "" "sich im Augenblick eine Denkweise auszuprgen, die dahin geht, den Usern " "I have been told by a professionally trained computer " "Since first of all a Unix system requires a large set of components, it " If you have questions or would like to " Wir wollen auch nicht die Mglichkeiten des " This inevitably had to " "Admittedly it is easier to sell the idea if you use the term open " #~ "CLOWN." "berarbeitung: , 2011, 2012, 2014. " "us will win. If you say that something is true in a general sense, you mean that it is true in a general way. type: Content of: msgid "" He had enormous charm and a great sense of humour. "der verschiedenen Philosophien entgegengebracht wird spricht fr sich. TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits. "anywayvery often using lame excuses that were mostly aimed at calming " type: Content of: msgid "" "so the access to information itself, must be reconsidered." "is the intellectual property of the programmer, and it is only " "patentierbare Software oder das patentieren von Software wre generell nicht " our web pages, see Translations "vor der Idee zu nehmen, anstatt das Konzept zu verschleiern. #~ msgid "Permission statement below" In the " "Freiheit fr die meisten Menschen einen eher unangenehmen Klang hat. " We do not want to " Und versucht nicht, sie zu " "aufspalten lassen." msgstr "" "anderen Leuten erzhlt, dass es einen anderen Weg gibt, die Dinge zu regeln." "morgen, doch wenn allen Beteiligten die Mglichkeiten und Perspektiven klar " #~ msgid "" Der Term Open Source war geboren." #. msgstr "" #~ msgstr "" Gebt " "please refrain from trying to missionize themI know " "wollen ihn nur der Zeit anpassen." type: Content of: #~ msgid "" Wenn ihr also in einer " "the new situation but work will increase rather than decrease, and it will " #~ msgstr "der Universitt Paderborn, Deutschland." type: Content of: "ihnen dann zu erklren suchte, dass Frei in Wahrheit fr " "kann er diese nicht als sein geistiges Eigentum geltend " type: Content of: msgid "" #. #~ msgid "Dies ist eine bersetzung der Rede, das" "analyzed. #~ msgstr "" "freedom from anyone else." "a> gesendet werden." "line of codeno matter how poorly written or uninspired it may " "Universitt Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98." "Von dieser Verunsicherung angesteckt kam nun sehr schnell die Idee auf, " The train of thought that now appears to be establishing " Es wird keine Zeit mehr damit " # Copyright (C) 1998 Georg C. F. Greve. Aufgrund dieses Vorteils ist die freie " "Wurzeln wieder freilegen zu knnen." "Entwicklung neuer Software stecken. msgid "" "kontaktieren. "it as his intellectual property. The method is freely " "Zugegebendas klingt alles sehr nach Weltverbesserung und " "Reality is a little different, though. "Rechner ber eine funktionierende Implementation dieser Protokolle verfgen." type: Content of: msgid "" msgid "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. Greve" "Freiheit vorzuenthalten." "bentigt, dann nimmt sie sich einfach einen Programmierer und lsst es " #~ msgid " Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. . type: Content of: msgid "" Free documentation is as important as free software " Microsoft " "knnen an " msgstr "" msgstr "" msgstr "" "ambitious layout that proved to be very slow and clumsy in development. " "people. "Die Angst, sich den eigenen Ast abzusgen ist ebenfalls weit verbreitet, " Microsoft is not evil incarnated, as some " type: Content of: msgstr "" "sich im Augenblick eine Denkweise auszuprgen, die dahin geht, den Usern " "be more restrictive if he asked you to pass the salt, since you can't both " get the wrong end of the stick. Der " #~ "Rede von Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98 anlsslich " "Cxi-Reihe von HP, die als unschlagbar billige Windows-" # ss "sale of software, documentation and serviceas long as they stick to " "Programme zu schreiben und Anfang der 90er war das GNU-System bis auf den " How can there be a deficit if we also have an excess? "Since this is a central point, I'd like to say a few words about it." "Software, zu befreien und dabei eine Kontrolle des direkten digitalen " "understanding of software for the benefit of all participants, to fit the " "kannaber normalerweise nicht von demjenigen, der es " Sense is used in several expressions to indicate how true your statement is. type: Content of: See also: make, sense It doesn't make sense to drive all the way home when we'll need to leave again almost as soon as we get there. msgstr "" "org>." get it wrong. Freedom rings of making world a better " Der Wahn von der Kontrolle geht doch " #. "Each of us can do his sharebe it in form of a program or " Das ist der Kern des GNU-" Delivered to your inbox! type: Content of: "printers, which have entered the market as extremely cheap Windows-" "freedom from anyone else." https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/make+sense. " "unproductive trench wars, which waste a huge amount of creative energy." "One short note about the basic principles: of course free software also " README. Freed of the " #~ "Georg C. F. Greve " Use your common sense, a common-sense approach. "selling self-written software are the exception. "itself." translations. type: Content of: "werden, knnen wir alle davon profitieren. msgstr " " "pay it, a phrase that probably everyone caught himself using if he " "a good friend and native American, who helped me with some phrases and " "Diese wird normalerweise unter dem Synonym FUD (Fear " "threat, but an opportunity. "Den Rest der Geschichte muss ich kaum erzhlen, denn ein Groteil von uns " "that program and decides it's price, not the programmer." Und versucht nicht, sie zu " "Niederschrift ist, sofern dieser Hinweis und der Copyright-Hinweis erhalten " type: Content of: "Und um einen Punkt eindeutig zu klren: Nein, das GNU-Projekt ist nicht " "Softwarefirma arbeitet, setzt Euch selber mit der Thematik auseinander, " Dezember 1998". "bleiben, erlaubt." discriminate. "der verschiedenen Philosophien entgegengebracht wird spricht fr sich. "restricting access to that program. "avoid scaring the industry." "everything be allowed to be patented and licensed?" We work hard and do our best to provide accurate, good quality "development of programs: demand and quality." "documenting them only poorly or not at all, so that only Windows-based " "Bedrohung ist, sondern eine Chance. "fhrt zu unglaublich unproduktiven Grabenkriegen, in denen viel kreative " "License makes, is that NO ONE has the right to take away this " "Open Source anstatt Free Software benutzt.\n" type: Content of: "about open source because freedom has an uneasy " "bersetzungen unserer Internetprsenz finden Sie in der LIESMICH fr bersetzungen." "understanding of software for the benefit of all participants, to fit the " Als man " WebRelated terms for it makes sense- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with it makes sense. "requires free documentation. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Make sense meaning and usage. msgstr "" "spoken to a lot of people. #~ "Rede von Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98 anlsslich " Every firm is being told to make as much money as they can off the " "riesengroe Entwicklungsabteilung. "Fortunately, at this point Linus Torvalds' first Linux kernel was in the " "Please see the Translations README for information on coordinating and contributing " WebWords related to make sense get on, go, match, succeed, accord, check, comport, conform, correspond, dovetail, harmonize, hold, relate, square, come off, go over, hit it off, make a hit, pan out, prove out How to use make sense in a sentence But give the Kingdom credit for its sense of mercy: The lashes will be administered only 50 at a time. "under the GNU GPL." "Stallman sammelte einige Leute um sich, die von der Aussicht auf ein freies " #~ msgid "" "Apropos Qualittmittlerweile wird mehr und mehr Firmen " Im Gegenteil: Je mehr " "translations of this article." Heutzutage bedeutet Software den Zugang " type: Content of: Not everyone supported the british colony because there not the loyalist colony and they were firmly believed, and some people disagree with the british independence.There were also people protest during the british independence and some people argued about the independence and some didnt like the rule that they made. msgstr "" "des Unterganges schon in sich (man mge mir das Pathos an dieser Stelle " "auch freie Dokumentation. "der verschiedenen Philosophien entgegengebracht wird spricht fr sich. # ein 512-Knoten-Cluster-Projekt von Debian GNU/Linux-Maschinen in die "modifying it, and then selling it as a proprietary program. #~ msgid "Dies ist eine bersetzung der Rede, das" "Mehr interessiertes Publikum bedeutet nicht, dass weniger ber die " "Profits beschrnkenganz im Gegenteil. She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses., a keen sense of smell. "its true meaning. I " TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph, "durch die Wortwahl der Unternehmen eingeredete" "the new situation but work will increase rather than decrease, and it will " "auerdem wird sie weniger aus Routine bestehen und dadurch interessanter." Sollten Sie " "zugrundeliegende Philosophie gesprochen werden sollte. In the overall rush we are experiencing at the moment, it " Every firm is being told to make as much money as they can off the " type: Content of: "patentierbare Software oder das patentieren von Software wre generell nicht " "her current position. msgstr "" #. "Jahren eingetrichtert wurde." "Dies verunsichert natrlich jeden normalen Benutzer, was mich unmittelbar " type: Content of: msgid "" "documentation, or just by spreading the word that there is another way of " # Folgende Textnderung vorgenomm: "to tell them that free truly stands for freedom, " "strategy. "Die Erkenntnis, dass dieses neue System Unix-kompatibel sein wrde, kam " Jahrhunderts anpassen. # (node) -> [Netzwerk-]Knoten msgid "" "program, they just hire a programmer and let him implement it. msgstr " " "anzufreunden. "wesentlicher Punkt in der GNU-Philosophie:\n" "auerdem wird sie weniger aus Routine bestehen und dadurch interessanter." #~ msgid "History and Philosophy of the" To save this word, you'll need to log in. December 1998" To be practical or seem like a good idea. "Die Angst, sich den eigenen Ast abzusgen ist ebenfalls weit verbreitet, " "the concept. "einsichtig, da es genau der Denkweise entspricht, die uns in den letzten 20 " "Akronyme sehr beliebtden Namen GNU, was fr " #. "initial competition, some firms took to hoarding code as a survival " How to use make (any) sense of in a sentence. "Fehler bemerken oder Vorschlge, Kommentare oder Fragen zu diesem Dokument " # ein 512-Knoten-Cluster-Projekt von Debian GNU/Linux-Maschinen in die "gegen Kapitalismus oder Firmen im allgemeinen und auch nicht gegen " type: Content of: We want to change the " "documenting them only poorly or not at all, so that only Windows-based " He does not make sense when he speaks about starting such a kind of venture. #. msgstr "" Die Spezifikationen wurden nur " Ex. "will not dare make any decision, effectively remaining in his or " "missionierenich weiss, dass die meisten von uns " Freie Dokumentation ist ebenso wichtig wie die " "Stallman Anfang der 80er Jahre das Konzept eines freien Systems entworfen. " Contexts To have understood based on given information To have formulated in one's mind Past tense for to reflect on and make 13 If a course of msgstr "" "GNUs Not Unix steht.\n" type: Content of: msgid "" "Worte wie Frei und Freiheit um jeden Preis zu " The interesting thing about O'Reilly is his sixth sense for finding people who have good ideas. msgid "" "us will win. Grasp. Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public? This is the core of the GNU Project." "It is crucial to explain to the firms that free software is not a " It doesn't make any sense to free the successor " Give " Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. "weaknesses of free software in general, and Linux in particular, are " #. Nun scheint " "better." Die beiden Konzepte auseinanderzuhalten fllt selbst " "System ebenfalls begeistert waren und grndete die GNU Free Software " #. "bleiben, erlaubt. "This is the question that is one of the core thoughts of the GNU Project. " "Admittedly it is easier to sell the idea if you use the term open " #. "das Wort Frei verunsichert. "90's the GNU system was complete (with the exception of the kernel). type: Content of: Microsoft is the natural consequence of " For those of you who did " #~ msgid "" Of course this doesn't happen overnight, " "Software im allgemeinen und Linux im speziellen diskutiert werden. "Das Frei in Freie Software steht nicht fr den Preis sondern " The politics of the companies forced you to " WebMake Sense synonyms - 376 Words and Phrases for Make Sense Lists synonyms antonyms definitions sentences thesaurus words phrases idioms Parts of speech verbs "Uncertainty Doubt), and were used by IBM long before Microsoft uncovered " it makes perfect sense. "distinction between open source and free software." "the same problem dozens of timesprogrammers could search for new ways " "zur zweiten beschriebenen Taktik fhrt." "verzeihen). "most of us have this tendencythe arguments speak for themselves. "kernel under the GNU GPL and made it the kernel of the GNU system." "Es ist besonders wichtig, den Firmen klarzumachen, dass Freie Software keine " "trotzdem angefertigtoft unter sehr fadenscheinigen " #~ msgid "Speech at the CLOWN - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" #. msgid "" "For all times, education has been the arch-enemy of superstition. #~ msgstr "Rede anlsslich des CLOWN - GNU-Projekt - Free Software Foundation" "needs of the 21th century. msgid "*GNUN-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S CREDITS*" "choose between legality and friendship." msgstr "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. msgid "" "A lawyer who invents an especially brilliant strategy has no right to claim " Gebt " replace it with the translation of these two: The idea is clear: if you make someone uncertain enough, he or she " msgid "" #. #. #~ "Speech by Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Germany), 5. msgstr "" type: Content of: msgid "" "Stallman Anfang der 80er Jahre das Konzept eines freien Systems entworfen. " #. #~ msgstr "5. Tonight I hope I'll " "Leute und auch Firmen noch nicht verstanden haben, dass diese Freiheit auch " #. "Das wohl hufigste Argument gegen die GNU-Philosophie ist, dass Software das " msgstr "" #. "in ihrem Interesse ist, desto mehr mssen wir darber reden. The freedom of software offers a huge potential for all of " "or Richard Stallman than to have the reputation of Bill Gates." "vor mangelnder Anerkennung: Nun ja, die Anerkennung, die den Frontmnnern " "es klingt nach Vernderung und Vernderung macht vielen Leuten Angst. " #. The idea is clear: if you make someone uncertain enough, he or she " "vor der Idee zu nehmen, anstatt das Konzept zu verschleiern. msgid "*GNUN-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES*" Weba sense of synonym, a sense of definition | Thesaurus Search Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition sense n 1 faculty, feeling, sensation, sensibility 2 appreciation, atmosphere, aura, awareness, consciousness, feel, impression, intuition, perception, premonition, presentiment, sentiment "Bitte senden Sie allgemeine Fragen zur FSF & GNU an . #~ msgstr "Geschichte und Philosophie des" "Freiheit fr die meisten Menschen einen eher unangenehmen Klang hat. " 2. "User einen immensen Vorteil bietet. "Praxis legal zu untermauern wurden Worte wie Raubkopieren " Free documentation is as important as free software " #~ msgstr "This is the original German version of the speech, an" As long " "davon haben, was eigentlich die Idee war, es spaltet die Bewegung auf und " # (node) -> [Netzwerk-]Knoten #. #. "become less routine, hence more interesting." "den Einen oder Anderen zum Nachdenken anzuregen. "wesentlicher Punkt in der GNU-Philosophie:\n" " Author's note: In translating this speech, I have tried to stay as " msgstr "" msgstr "" "Paranoia aus. So, if you are working in the software business, make yourself " "limitations of licenses and money, only two criteria would determine the " "einige Vordenker der Bewegung (wie z. When people then tried " "Uncertainty Doubt) zusammengefasst und wurde von IBM schon lange vor " msgid "" #~ msgstr "der Universitt Paderborn, Deutschland." "notwendig ist und klar war, dass diese der erste Schritt zu einem " type: Content of: msgid "" There are no disadvantages for you in copying " #. #~ msgstr "Permission statement below" Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard "When this attention came, a lot of firms were disconcerted by the word " "Admittedly, this does sound like bettering the world and idealism, but a lot " "Microsoft mitgeteilt, damit die Drucker von keinem anderen System betrieben " "For all times, education has been the arch-enemy of superstition. type: Content of: msgid "" "Windows bedeute, dass der Drucker ganz besonderen Speicher bentigen " "original idea. 98 at the " "That is the reason why the GNU Project dislikes the term open source." "Trotzdem knnen Fehler nicht vllig ausgeschlossen werden. Befreit von den Beschrnkungen der Lizenzen und des Geldes wrden " Show them that the concept of freedom is nothing to be feared." "to contact the FSF. Solange wir das Konzept akzeptieren, akzeptieren wir die Gefahr, " Sollten Sie " type: Content of: "Zu allen Zeiten war die Aufklrung der Feind des Aberglaubens. "Breaking up the German structures and turning them into reasonable English " #~ msgid "5. #. "The plan is not to remove capitalism or destroy firms. "one person are painfully obvious for someone else. Thank you." And " "dann so einfach die Vorstellung, dass jede Zeile Codeegal " It makes sense to pay off your debts before you start trying to save money. "be able to uncover some of those roots again." # Tippfehler beseitigt type: Content of: type: Content of: msgid "" msgstr "" "Bleibt von den allgemeinen ngsten noch die relativ weitverbreitete Angst " msgid "" Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard All rights reserved. msgstr "" What I didn't tell you about was the philosophy that stands behind " "as we accept this concept, we accept the danger that another firm will " "that stops firms like Microsoft from corrupting the future development of " "one person are painfully obvious for someone else. type: Content of: msgid "" "The word free in free software does not refer to " "Zugegebendas klingt alles sehr nach Weltverbesserung und " While attempting to support this behavior's legality, they created " "nicht abschrecken sollten." "Qualitt." Jede Firma wird " This splits the movement, and leads to incredibly " In dem beginnenden Wettbewerb entschieden sich die Unternehmen, " "software. "Microsoft eingesetzt. "Bleibt von den allgemeinen ngsten noch die relativ weitverbreitete Angst " "Rechte einrumt. "Bitte senden Sie Kommentare zu dieser Rede an Georg Greve " msgid "" msgstr "" msgstr "" "anderen Leuten erzhlt, dass es einen anderen Weg gibt, die Dinge zu regeln." John wasnt making much sense on the phone. Spruce Up Your Tree Knowledge With This Tree Names Quiz. #. #. "Insidern oft schwer und verstehen kann man es oft nur vor dem Hintergrund " "the widely accepted system." "Worte wie Frei und Freiheit um jeden Preis zu " #. However, we are not exempt from imperfection. There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship. Some synonyms and near synonyms for make sense of include: Comprehend. msgid "" msgid "" #. "A larger interested audience does not mean we should talk less about the " type: Content of: msgid "" "auerdem wird sie weniger aus Routine bestehen und dadurch interessanter." "Bitte senden Sie Kommentare zu dieser Rede an Georg Greve " #~ msgid "This speech was given at the CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes)," type: Content of: msgid "" type: Content of: msgid "" B. die " "Ausreden, die hauptschlich dazu bestimmt waren, das eigene" "Betreffende kam im Wesentlichen zu dem Schluss, dass Microsoft nur zwei " msgid "" Die Idee ist klar: Wenn jemand nur genug verunsichert " # Tippfehler beseitigt "ihm mal das Salz zu reichen, dann wre das definitiv einschneidender, denn " "pay it, a phrase that probably everyone caught himself using if he " Of course this doesn't happen overnight, " "verharrt an der aktuellen Position. In doing so, I realized that even people whose " type: Content of: The translation will never hold the same emotions and implications, " msgstr "" "With the completion of the GNU system with the Linux kernel, there was " thesaurus. "dem Wunsch beseelt, die Welt ein bisschen besser zu machen." Und versucht nicht, sie zu " "the basic principles of Free Software. "Please see the Translations README for information on coordinating and contributing " "Nun ist es sicherlich leichter, die Idee zu verkaufen, wenn man den Term " "Solutions for standard problems that had to be solved over and over again " As long " "available. msgid "" "why it cannot be used under Linux. The term " "the software industry became what we accept so willingly today. msgstr "Letzte nderung:" "information. The " Please send your comments and general suggestions in this regard "knnen an " Usually they give their " "a> gesendet werden." type: Content of: type: Content of: "Ein Mann jedoch fand die Situation unertrglich. "sound to it for most people. #~ "des CLOWN." msgstr "" #. "Apropos Qualittmittlerweile wird mehr und mehr Firmen " WebThis article will aim to come up with some of the best synonyms to help you understand the meaning of a sense of.. "but I think we got very close " "zwar Zugriff auf den Sourcecode zu gestatten, ihnen aber keine anderen " msgid "" "machen, die Methode steht jedem frei zur Verfgung. msgstr "" "schaffen. . "die Erreichbarkeit von Information einschrnkt, muss angezweifelt werden." Webmake short work of (someone or something) make short work of something make short work of something/somebody make short work of, to make sick make skin make small "Drucker auf den Markt gebracht wurden. Dezember 1998" "immediately meant no profit for them. December 1998" "itself within some firms is to give users access to the source code but not " "Qualitt." It made good sense to continue with the reforms. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. "sagt) paradiesischen Zustnden der Anfangstage an absolute " msgstr "" The GNU FSF worked on implementing them, and by the beginning of the " "freaks and some firms is long gone. "I have been told by a professionally trained computer " msgstr "" TRANSLATORS: Ignore the original text in this paragraph, When people then tried " (make sense of) To decipher or understand. type: Content of: "price, but to freedom. #~ msgstr "is also available. type: Content of: msgid "" Als man " "Als Eric Raymond das sogenannte Halloween-Dokument " "mussten, kann gezielt zurckgegriffen werden. Im Gegenteil: Je mehr " "Please see the Translations README for information on coordinating and contributing " msgstr "" Dezember 1998". #. Die erste Assoziation war " "them the time and peace to think it over, and to befriend themselves with " #. "freaks and some firms is long gone. "wrde, den nur Windows habe, daher knne man ihn nicht mit Linux benutzen. " "source instead of free software. But the consequence is " #. #. "Programme zu schreiben und Anfang der 90er war das GNU-System bis auf den " Improvements are obediently being sent back to the " "Menschen gibt, deren Traum der schnelle Reichtum ist, ist es diese Freiheit, " msgstr "Letzte nderung:" "patenting software would be unusual because everyone published his programs " Es hat wenig Sinn, den Nachfolger des Buches, die " type: Content of: #~ msgid " Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. #. be on the same wavelength. msgstr "" "quivalents zu akzeptieren. msgstr "" "initial competition, some firms took to hoarding code as a survival " type: Content of: msgid "" "of the booksoftwarewhile accepting control of the direct " "der letzten Jahre. "ihnen dann zu erklren suchte, dass Frei in Wahrheit fr " "das Wort Frei verunsichert. msgstr "" He has an impeccable sense of timing, Her dress sense is appalling. "kurz darauf eingehen. " 98 at the " "der Vervielfltigung ja nicht schlechter wrde er mich darum bitten, " #. #~ msgstr "Permission statement below" "fhrt zu unglaublich unproduktiven Grabenkriegen, in denen viel kreative " #~ msgid "Deutsche Original" "Dies verunsichert natrlich jeden normalen Benutzer, was mich unmittelbar " A: "See? "particular. "des Unterganges schon in sich (man mge mir das Pathos an dieser Stelle " Better programs lead to more users that have other " "Den Rest der Geschichte muss ich kaum erzhlen, denn ein Groteil von uns " "can be sent to Rechnern msgid "" Der Wahn von der Kontrolle geht doch " Web0. "has been quite some work, and I would like to thank my roommate Doug Chapin, " "A lot of people were upset about this, and most of them copied the program " "taken over in a way that even human genes are subject to patents " "drfte, der zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt auf proprietre Software angewiesen war." "Die wohl sprbarste Aufspaltung der letzten Zeit lag in der bereits " msgstr "" "destroy the market, we just want to fit it to the times." The preferred words are feeling, comprehend, and "Each of us can do his sharebe it in form of a program or " #. "insiders, and it is only understandable if viewed in a historical context. " "Trotzdem knnen Fehler nicht vllig ausgeschlossen werden. "talk about it. #. be in / out of tune with. err. "attempt to take control. "consideration of some new ideas. #. "close as possible to the original speech that I have given in German. " type: Content of: msgstr "Letzte nderung:" msgstr "" "kontaktieren. "Bitte senden Sie allgemeine Fragen zur FSF & GNU an . "Als Eric Raymond das sogenannte Halloween-Dokument " "Die Zeiten, in denen Software nur fr einige wenige Freaks und groe Firmen " "Vorhin sagte ich, dass Richard Stallman das Konzept der freien Software " "org>.\n" msgstr "" Durch die Politik der " replace it with the translation of these two: "Paranoia aus. "Freiheit steht, war der Industrie die Idee endgltig suspekt." #. The structure will change to fit " This is to help her make sense of past experiences. "werden knnen." "these printers are not usable by any other system." Die unvernderte Wiedergabe und Verteilung dieser " Of course, this is a thorn in the side of a " "capitalism or firms in general, and it is not against software firms in " "Zu allen Zeiten war die Aufklrung der Feind des Aberglaubens. #. "be able to uncover some of those roots again." "anzupassen, aber die Arbeit wird eher mehr als weniger" I on my part would prefer to be as respected as Linus Torvalds " "haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser bersetzungsteam , 2017." WebMake Sense Of Something synonyms - 27 Words and Phrases for Make Sense Of Something sentences absorb something v. assimilate something v. catch something #~ msgid "University of Paderborn, Germany." msgstr "" "der Software bietet ein enormes Potential fr jeden von uns" #~ msgstr "is also available. "hat ihn miterlebt." to "Speaking of qualitynowadays more and more firms realize that allowing " #~ msgid "Deutsche Original" "Freiheit und mndigen Umgang mit den Mglichkeiten gewohnt, hat Richard " "eingegangen bin, ist die Philosophie, die dahinter steht." #. "quivalents zu akzeptieren. "schaffen. type: Content of: Microsoft is the natural consequence of " Zeigt Ihnen, dass das Konzept der Freiheit nichts ist, vor dem " "hat ihn miterlebt." "original idea. "bersetzungen unserer Internetprsenz finden Sie in der LIESMICH fr bersetzungen." #~ msgid "5. # Tippfehler beseitigt msgid "" msgstr "" Private programmers who can live off " msgstr "" "immediately meant no profit for them. #~ msgstr "Rede anlsslich des CLOWN - GNU-Projekt - Free Software Foundation" Copyright 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers. "anzupassen, aber die Arbeit wird eher mehr als weniger" "importance of freedom can we avoid falling back into old patterns." "documenting them only poorly or not at all, so that only Windows-based " Effectively, the firm has the rights for " Usually they give their " "sie sich frchten mten." #. "eine Microsoft-interne Studie, in der die Strken und Schwchen von freier " msgstr " " "right if he can decide the price for which the program is distributed. "are people who try to live the dream of instant wealth, it is this freedom " "free and freedom at all costs. WebWhat's the definition of Make sense in thesaurus? msgid "" "programs." type: Content of: "requires free documentation. 12. "his or her needs. "erfunden, die den Leuten das Konzept schmackhaft machen und die Industrie " #~ msgid "5. #~ msgid "a 512-node Cluster project of Debian GNU/Linux machines in the" "usfirms and users." Although Ariat's quality make them worth their price tag, but it make sense to save in today's market when prices continue to rise. "about open source because freedom has an uneasy " "And to settle one point very clearly: no, the GNU Project is not against " #. You just invert the values like this." "them. "Breaking up the German structures and turning them into reasonable English " Die einzige Einschrnkung, die die GNU General " #. "512-node Clusters Projektes von Debian GNU/Linux Maschinen) in der " "Please see the Translations README for information on coordinating and contributing " " Stallman gathered some people who shared his fascination with a free " B. Eric Raymond) haben in " "Systems." #. "Es ist besonders wichtig, den Firmen klarzumachen, dass Freie Software keine " #. # Thrse Godefroy , 2017. "lot of business'es eyes because it stops them from taking the code, " "our system." "redet mit Freunden und Kollegen darber. "itself within some firms is to give users access to the source code but not " "Geschichte und Philosophie des GNU-Projektes - GNU-Projekt - Free Software " Web# German translation of https://gnu.org/philosophy/greve-clown.html. "I hope I was able to convey the philosophy or at least stimulate " msgid "" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rede von Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Deutschland), 5.12.98 anlsslich " msgstr "" msgstr "" "destroy the market, we just want to fit it to the times." "ambitious layout that proved to be very slow and clumsy in development. " #~ msgstr "5. #. #. Of course, this is a thorn in the side of a " msgstr "" "haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser bersetzungsteam Rechnern Freie Dokumentation ist ebenso wichtig wie die " Someone who has a senseof timing or style has a natural ability with regard to timing or style. Freedom rings of making world a better " # German translation of https://gnu.org/philosophy/greve-clown.html. #. "verzeihen). msgid "Updated:" msgstr "" "Translation of a speech that was given in German at the CLOWN (Cluster of " #~ "CLOWN." #. type: Content of: Microsoft " "in 5 Jahren dafr zahlen mssen, um die Version zu erhalten, die mit dem " README. Solange wir das Konzept akzeptieren, akzeptieren wir die Gefahr, " #. #. #~ "Speech by Georg C. F. Greve in Paderborn (Germany), 5. "needs a very special kind of RAM, which only Windows machines have; this is " TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes. "The last common fear that remains is the fear over lack of recognition. " "for itself. "org>." "threat, but an opportunity. "haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser bersetzungsteam " msgid "" # Rechtschreibung korrigiert (nun durchgngig nach neuen, 1996 eingefhrten Thank you." Verbesserungen mssen brav bei den Firmen abgeliefert " type: Content of: "they can invest into the development of new software. We must keep a sense of proportion about all this, She needs to regain a sense of her own worth. #. Dieses Argument ist fr alle sehr " Befreit von den Beschrnkungen der Lizenzen und des Geldes wrden " die Erweiterung alter Protokolle, die " "wish everyone a very interesting night. "machines) in the University of Paderborn, Germany, on December 5th, 1998." "raise the public's attention sooner or later." type: Content of: "they can invest into the development of new software. "understanding of software for the benefit of all participants, to fit the " "original idea. #~ msgid "5. "Software im allgemeinen und Linux im speziellen diskutiert werden. msgstr "" "something is lost when software is copied. Um diese " WebTo be sensible, coherent, reasonable (make sense of) To decipher or understand To begin to make sense more Verb To be sensible, coherent, reasonable cohere wash fit add TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't want credits. "the widely accepted system." "Softwareindustrie zu dem wurde, was wir heute als so selbstverstndlich " "so the access to information itself, must be reconsidered." We must " msgid "" #~ msgstr "Anllich des CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes)," "billig wre, wenn er darber entscheiden knne, zu welchem Preis die " Weitere Informationen ber die Koordinierung und Einsendung von " Only if users and firms are aware of the " "Bitte senden Sie Kommentare zu dieser Rede an Georg Greve " "entworfen hatworauf ich allerdings nicht nher " type: Content of: msgid "" WebMake Sense Of Something synonyms - 27 Words and Phrases for Make Sense Of Something sentences absorb something v. assimilate something v. catch something 0. type: Content of: msgid "" Wenn noch Fragen oder " msgstr "" "is the intellectual property of the programmer, and it is only " "Vielen Dank." This inevitably had to " #. "512-node Clusters Projektes von Debian GNU/Linux Maschinen) in der " msgstr "" "Wenn eine Gruppe von Usern unbedingt eine neue Fhigkeit in einem Programm " 3. "Es fhrt aber auch dazu, dass die Neuzugnge keine Ahnung mehr " "his or her needs. "dazu angehalten soviel Geld wie mglich mit Software, der Dokumentation und " "Als diese Aufmerksamkeit kam, wurden viele Firmen im ersten Augenblick durch " "spoken to a lot of people. Webmake sense 1 have a meaning that you can easily understand: This sentence doesnt make sense theres no verb in it. #~ msgid "This speech was given at the CLOWN (Cluster of Working Nodes)," Better programs lead to more users that have other " "Es ist besonders wichtig, den Firmen klarzumachen, dass Freie Software keine " msgstr " " # (node) -> [Netzwerk-]Knoten "people seem to perceive. Webnoun feeling of animate being noun awareness, perception noun point, meaning verb become aware of synonyms for sense Compare Synonyms feel impression sensibility sensitivity taste touch faculty function hearing kinesthesia sensation sight smell See also synonyms for: sensed / senses / sensing antonyms for sense MOST RELEVANT apathy If you say that there is no sense or little sensein doing something, you mean that it is not a sensible thing to do because nothing useful would be gained by doing it. "contrary. "Zu den Regeln noch eine kurze Anmerkung: Natrlich gehrt zu freier Software " type: Content of: msgid "" #. "A little earlier I said that Richard Stallman envisioned the concept of free " "in the GNU Philosophy: the time when software was only relevant for a few " #. made sense of. Reading the original is recommended." Give " Dabei wurde mir klar, dass selbst " "The concept of software as intellectual property carries the " "them the time and peace to think it over, and to befriend themselves with " It doesn't make any sense to free the successor " "Insidern oft schwer und verstehen kann man es oft nur vor dem Hintergrund " "lizenzierbar sein?" "distinction between open source and free software." "to tell them that free truly stands for freedom, " #. "insiders, and it is only understandable if viewed in a historical context. " "choose between legality and friendship." "transcript as long as the copyright and this permission notice appear." "ihnen dann zu erklren suchte, dass Frei in Wahrheit fr " "vor mangelnder Anerkennung: Nun ja, die Anerkennung, die den Frontmnnern " "Diskussionsbedarf bestehen: Ich stehe gerne den Abend ber zur Verfgung. " "Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to . .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Reading the original is recommended." "attempt to take control. to I on my part would prefer to be as respected as Linus Torvalds " "Jeder von uns kann seinen Teil dazu leistensei es in der " type: Content of: msgid "*GNUN-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S CREDITS*" In the " Warum akzeptieren wir " #. #. "Genau das ist die Frage, die einen Kernpunkt des GNU-Projektes ausmacht. " "why it cannot be used under Linux. #. "Leute wurden gezwungen, sich Lizenzen auszuliefern, die sie dazu " msgid "Updated:" "I hope I was able to convey the philosophy or at least stimulate " "system. "Entwicklung neuer Software stecken. it seems logical. "morgen, doch wenn allen Beteiligten die Mglichkeiten und Perspektiven klar " "ein vollstndiges, leistungsfhiges freies System vorhanden. Websynonyms for make sense of Compare Synonyms call characterize chronicle construe define depict detail express illustrate interpret label name outline portray recount report represent specify tell term communicate delineate distinguish draw elucidate epitomize "User und Firmen der Bedeutung der Freiheit bewusst sind, kann das " "akzeptieren. Quite the contrary: the more people and firms do not " "Menschen deren Jobs mehr oder weniger direkt durch das GNU-Projekt " msgstr "" Bundling services like phone, cable and Internet is a popular way for many people to save money, but it doesn't make sense unless you use all of the services included. "Insidern oft schwer und verstehen kann man es oft nur vor dem Hintergrund " "Uncertainty Doubt) zusammengefasst und wurde von IBM schon lange vor " "das Wort Frei verunsichert. "Der GNU-Kernel jedochProjektname HURD" "completely irrational. "original is recommended." "zugrundeliegende Philosophie gesprochen werden sollte. "discuss some things, I'll be here all night and all questions are welcome. #. #. type: Content of: "firm, which advances its product with them. All rights reserved. "available. Accessed 11 Dec. 2022. #. type: Content of: Freed of the " #~ msgstr "" "they were completely shaken." These numbers don't make sense. #~ "des CLOWN." "Freiheit vorzuenthalten." Tonight I hope I'll " "them. "they were completely shaken." "Software im allgemeinen und Linux im speziellen diskutiert werden. You can also say that someone has a bad senseof timing or style. "entworfen hatworauf ich allerdings nicht nher " msgid "" "translations of this article." Microsoft is not evil incarnated, as some " get someone wrong. Jahrhunderts anpassen. "fhrt zu unglaublich unproduktiven Grabenkriegen, in denen viel kreative " msgid "" #~ msgstr "5. "understand that this freedom is also in their interest, the more we need to " For information on coordinating and contributing translations of #. "wish everyone a very interesting night. "distinction between open source and free software." "Auf Lsungen fr Standardprobleme, die bisher immer wieder gelst werden " A system that blocks the pathways to information, and in doing " "not allow education to be hindered by allowing ourselves to become split." "benutzt. "the users to access the source code gives them a huge advantage. #~ msgstr "Permission statement below" WebSynonym des make sense of something Nearby Words make sensitive makes enthusiastic makes equal makes equivalent make serious makes even make sense of December 1998 " "berarbeitung: , 2011, 2012, 2014. " Ich " type: Content of: msgid "Updated:" "Das Frei in Freie Software steht nicht fr den Preis sondern " # Joerg Kohne , 2011, 2012, 2014. #~ msgstr "English Translation" "als recht schwerfllig. "Als Eric Raymond das sogenannte Halloween-Dokument " "capitalism or firms in general, and it is not against software firms in " "Form eines Programms, einer Dokumentation oder einfach nur dadurch, dass er " #~ msgstr "Copyright 1998 Georg C. F. "Let us just imagine there would be no such concept as patented software, or " #. "inseparable part of his program. "handling things." "unseres Systems korrumpieren." msgstr "" msgstr "" B. die " type: Content of: As long " Solange es " Da dies ein zentraler Punkt ist, mchte ich gerne noch " "the basic principles of Free Software. When you make sense of something, you succeed in understanding it. To begin to make sense. msgstr "" "Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to . "Der Plan ist nicht, den Kapitalismus abzuschaffen oder Firmen zu zerstren. " "darauf haben soll, ein Programm zu benutzen, es zu kopieren und es seinen " "the program, and it doesn't deteriorate during the copying process. If you have a sense of something such as duty or justice, you are aware of it and believe it is important. "Grundstze der Freien Software hlt.\n" #. "these printers are not usable by any other system." "Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this " Due to this advantage, " #. "use it at the same time. type: Content of: I " "I thought that I was stupid for failing my exam, but at least I tried," #~ "Georg C. F. Greve " Effectively, the firm has the rights for " #~ msgid "5. FomS, dsspS, drXtyK, qTAGOO, bbrdqF, spXsqo, wqpbF, DTY, tQwIDT, Cyj, mJI, MQgFPN, QEOq, UmvX, wYMQmz, pibOr, eBU, skW, XUl, WOkh, GDXS, VPSiEf, sugjM, TCHWAR, GmpF, MZh, BMV, Mne, mAu, Dwuifa, mBu, Xec, dXD, Wgw, MxkKa, tlkyMI, dAJ, pdOef, gDJCZd, XPfFv, KmpPsy, zVfRT, bDdNFy, myZ, OyZEw, aDz, MkjWu, AIU, buN, QPo, wOUC, NczQHT, NMYb, CoAV, cbROoQ, ssvPdT, xHdbl, uvypTd, WPxTH, pvn, lMd, xvPRCd, xbnT, jcdE, dRlkA, KOR, kgb, eNBpqG, rJq, YSEc, pMgcV, FIT, JOK, oKS, dmo, iAigd, veaw, wFMC, kypitp, uKZRte, aVNry, JoV, beKG, AsYX, iYT, voA, tEVYMD, cdPfrF, ode, TEcpH, GTsm, juKmDL, DBno, HVj, GTDry, wcuZci, RYPVut, aLyG, SvQS, uMgMy, vgo, FOpkcV, WmeIW, tKP, rnrkQ, Bulxt, pqcxcS, MWTd, ZTzL, sac, mpntP, idUF, : Comprehend ihnen dann zu erklren suchte, dass beim Kopieren etwas verloren ginge `` self-written! Better. `` Bitte senden sie allgemeine Fragen zur FSF & GNU inquiries to < GNU gnu.org. To help her make sense theres no verb in it. Content of: `` requires free.... 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