Terms like mister or youngster imply a difference of social status, entitlement to greater or lesser respect and built-in concepts of superiority or inferiority. "'Political prisoners' is a completely leftist term used within the movement to identify these comrades," said Joseph. Carmichael spent the early '60s firmly embracing nonviolent protest: sit-ins, marches, assemblies. Forms of address operate as indicators of social distance, hierarchy, and respect. With noncompliance the norm in daily Party operations, this puts the Party leadership in the comfortable position of projecting benevolent solidarity (or even faux equality) in order to solicit nervous pledges of allegiance. Geoff Bell has done the whole British Labour and socialist movement and the Irish republican socialist and labour movement a great service by producing this meticulously researched and laboriously complied work. [citation needed] The Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), which was co-founded by Sun Yat-Sen, has a long tradition of using this term to refer to its members, usually as a noun rather than a title; for example, a KMT member would say "Mr. Chang is a loyal and reliable comrade (). 46. Hu Qiaomu huiyi Mao Zedong bianxiezu [Compilation team of Hu Qiaomu remembers Mao Zedong], Hu Qiaomu huiyi Yanan zhengfeng (xia) [Hu Qiaomu remembers Yanan rectification (2nd part)], Dang de wenxian [Documents of the Party], no. 48. [citation needed], Members of the Sudan People's Liberation Army call each other 'Comrade'. - 16029371. zeelola zeelola 04/28/2020 History High School answered 1. Women, Jungle and Motherhood. Yet once the Deng-era policies of economic reform were underway, comrade did not establish itself as a lasting form of address among the public. It implies a relationship that is inclusive, not exclusive, and not based on any triviality but revolutionary class solidarity. Those in the equality movement want the network to distance itself from Chappelle, but such a move would draw swift condemnation from both conservatives and more centrist Democrats who feel too many institutions bow to the whims of the equality left. 61. Having to run a huge bureaucracy, the Party, entering its second decade of ruling China, had gravitated toward explicit recognition of administrative ranks, which contrasted with practices during the Yanan era, prior to revolutionary victory, when the comrade address had been a hallmark of many Party meetings. See, e.g., Weihe bu zai cheng Zhou Yongkang tongzhi [Why Zhou Yongkang is no longer addressed as comrade], Souhu xinwen [Souhu news online], July 19, 2014, http://news.sohu.com/20140729/n402884693.shtml; Tang Wuji: Weiji guanyuan buyi reng cheng tongzhi [Tang Wuji: Inappropriate to address discipline violating officials as comrade], Hebei xinwenwang [Hebei news online], July 14, 2014, http://comment.hebnews.cn/2014-07/14/content_4036026.htm. Featured Photograph: Black Lives Matter mural being painted on a street of Charlotte, North Carolina (9 June 2020). Neither can do without the other. Any exposure of ideas that were not promoted by the Party was denied. 69. The protests after Floyds murder were by some measures the largest series of demonstrations in U.S. history. After many years of being constrained by the "big stage"mainstream political organizations and tacticspeople's energies and imaginations have finally been emancipated. Values and refused party organisation with a central direction direction skills and makes things happen in widespread protest their! Once formal rank-based address forms are no longer recognized, the leaderships informal power moves to the foreground. Relative to other Asian languages, such as Japanese or Korean, noun honorifics are arguably even more important in Chinese because there are fewer ways to express politeness through grammatical structures. [5] The term was often used with political overtones in the revolutions of 1848, and was subsequently borrowed by French and English. Thomas Holtgraves, for instance, emphasizes that politeness level is informative about ones (presumed) status and relationship with the other12 and cites empirical evidence that people displaying a high level of politeness tend to be perceived by others as being relatively low in status.13, An influential model of address forms and politeness pronouns was developed by Brown and Gilman in 1960. The absence of the comrade in American political theory could be a legacy of the Cold War. Comrade continues to be an officially sanctioned form of address, though some Party officials are unhappy with the policy. In this context, mandating the use of comrade meant leveling the playing field. Nanjing junqu, Zuzhi gongzuo wenjian, 501. Sign up for a weekly roundup of thought-provoking ideas and debates, The suppression of Hunter Bidens laptop is a huge scandal, This is the most mischaracterized Supreme Court case in recent memory, American protectionism could imperil a golden era of Western unity. as ezra vogel put it, the term "comrade" turned into a moniker describing "the relationship of one person to another in their role as fellow citizens." 1 comrade also clearly "denoted a revolutionary tone" under mao's leadership. Political movements can also involve struggles to decentralize or centralize state control, as in anarchism, fascism, and Nazism . As political theorist Jodi Dean put it: "Comrades are those you can count on. 1 (1996): 14979, at 177. It will be hard to have one United States if we have at least three competing visions for the country. The Arabic word ( Rafiq) (meaning comrade, companion) is used in Arabic, Urdu and Persian with the same political connotation as "comrade." Once movement candidates are elected, a third key function of co-governance is providing support and staffing. In My Hero Academia members of the Shie Hassaikai use "comrade" to refer to each other. The police murder of George Floyd in May 2020 and resulting protests have touched off three powerful political-social movements that are increasingly the source of fights at the local, state and national levels. Politically, we have seen history. Cheng Li, The Shanghai Gang: Force for stability or cause for conflict, China Leadership Monitor, no. 9 (2006): 812, at 12. In a narrow sense, the term has since referred to official members of the Party. Articles - Movements Take the Vaccine to the People That is the name of a proposed Chicago city ordinance to make Covid vaccines more available to poor and minority communities citywide. Joseph Wallace Obituary Texas, During the 1959 Lushan Conference, the perceived challenge came from Marshal Peng Dehuai , who, to Maos fury, had written a bold letter to the chairman trying to alter the policy of the Great Leap Forward. The real choice in this year's elections. One view is that Mao was actually reacting to an earlier slight by Peng Dehuai: that Maos letter was written against the backdrop of Peng having insolently stated that he could not get used to the address of Chairman (vis--vis Mao).44, Another view is that Mao became displeased that Peng Dehuai continued to be addressed in a respectful, deferential manner even after he had become subjected to intense criticism. See, e.g., Anzhu Zhang, Buyi cheng lingdao ganbu wei laoban [Calling a leading cadre boss is not appropriate], Renmin ribao [Peoples daily], September 9, 1996; Li Huang, Duo cheng tongzhi shao jiao laoban [Saying more comrade and less boss], Jiancha shijian [Prosecutorial practice], no. For this, the fact that the Chinese public now customarily perceives comrade as outdated has dramatically intensified the performative, speech-act quality of this traditional address in everyday Party life. Ruth First (1978) 'After Soweto: a response', Review of African Political Economy, Volume 5, 1978 -Issue 11. In most cases, they are formed on the basis of the demands of society, its traditions and the norms of political culture. The police murder of George Floyd in May 2020 and resulting protests have touched off three powerful political-social movements that are increasingly the source of fights at the local, state. This is why it is so important to prevent reactionaries from coopting them. Randall, defended the usage of the word by stating that 'comrades' fittingly and completely expresses the ideal of unity in the service of a common cause[24]. Tenga en cuenta que no asumimos ninguna responsabilidad por el acceso a dicha informacin que pueda no cumplir con cualquier proceso legal, regulacin, registro o uso en el pas de origen. Required fields are marked *, Panther Vision: Essential Party Writings and Art of Kevin "Rashid" Johnson, Minister of Defense New Afrikan Black Panther Party, "The original Black Panther Party for Self-Defense challenged the prevailing socio-political and economic relationship between the government and Black people. 67. 97. This is significant, for instance, during Party discipline inspection visits, in which local leaders generally want to ensure that their own underlings stay loyal and keep secrets from outside inspection teams. originally written (November 2008)Since the end of colonial rule in Africa, many liberation movements have sprung up across the African continent. The term predates modern political usage, and is an Arabic male proper name. Be it in formal corruption investigations or (less likely) in daily conversations, a sudden switch from rank-based honorifics to the equalizing salutation of comradeparticularly if initiated by lower ranking cadresindicates the possibility of ignoring and realigning relative status positions. John Wesley Quotes On Holiness, See Xi Jinping tan san yan san shi [Xi Jinping talks about three stricts three honests], Xinhua wang [Xinhua online], March 9, 2014, http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2014-03/09/c_119680052.htm; in 2015, this understanding of self-cultivation as cultivation of Party character became even more pronounced. Share it with your friends! Likewise, one week after the directive, Qiushi, the Central Committees magazine on ideological matters, published its first issue after the leadership transition of the Tenth National Peoples Congress. When Xi Jinping came to power, he initiated an attack against the four [bad] work styles (sifeng wenti ) of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance, which came to include the issue of intra-Party salutations. The last joke points to the socialist opening. If it had not been for those two characters [] by Mao, Lin Biao and his followers would have squashed me.62. Skills and makes things happen Carolina ( 9 June 2020 ) individual |. The disappearance of comrade as a form of address among the general population and the subversive use of the term by the gay community have increased the communicative force of the comrade salutation as a marker of Party orthodoxy. A second effect, emphasizing informal power relations, results from the fact that the personal authority of the highest leadership tends to be much less grounded in formal posts than those of other Party officials. The term "comrade" points to a relation, a set of expectations for action. As many have noted, POC comrades ourselves often enforced these arguments . Libcurl Https Get Example C++, 84. In 1959, the target audience was not the Party at large but high-level leaders. For scholars of Chinas political elites, this has been described as a quintessentialyet unwarrantedmoment of Maos sensitivity to questioning of his policies.42 After receiving the letter, Mao quickly started scheming for Pengs removal. The 'comrades', as young activists were collectively known, were the vanguard of South Africa's liberation struggle during its final, turbulent decade. Which Ocean Is The Farthest South, However, generally speaking, by periodically re-mandating rules for salutations, the Party leadership has repeatedly gone far beyond the semantic construction of comrade as an expression of in-group solidarity and has made strategic use of the differing top-down and bottom-up effects of the terms usage in the context of strict hierarchy (see Table 1). Still, the original meaning partly re-surfaced in some contexts: criminals and suspects were only addressed as "citizens" and not as tovarischi, and expressly refusing to address someone as tovarisch would generally be perceived as a hostile act or, in Stalinist times, even as an accusation of being "Anti-Soviet". At first. 29. Body of Films and Selection of Works. The temperance movement, led by the Anti . As Ezra Vogel put it, the term comrade turned into a moniker describing the relationship of one person to another in their role as fellow citizens.1 Comrade also clearly denoted a revolutionary tone under Maos leadership.2 As a result, comrade became a common form of address, signifying membership in two different in-groups: the CCP and the Chinese public in which Party members are naturally embedded. In August 1959, Mao expressed this request in personal correspondence to Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Peng Zhen, and Yang Shankun. 2 Leave a comment on paragraph 2 5 Feminism defined as a movement to end sexist oppression enables women and men, girls and boys, to participate equally in revolutionary struggle. John Gittings, The Changing Face of China: From Mao to Market (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 4748. Globalization. Why does the Party leadership care about address forms? 4. 1. This kind of reminder is not unusual in Party publications, and the article was widely republished across Chinas media platforms. With regard to modern-day Party affairs, this strategy (job title + comrade) is sometimes still used to alleviate the potential awkwardness posed by the Partys address regime. Echoing the effect outlined in Table 1 (i.e., strengthening of informal power relations), Kenneth Lieberthal has asserted that this measure may in some degree have strengthened Lin [Biao]s hand within the PLA. They want freedom of speech. Accordingly, supporters of the White movement in the Russian Civil War would use Tovarisch mockingly as a derogatory term for their enemies although at the same time, the various socialist anti-Bolshevik forces such as the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Mensheviks also used Tovarisch among themselves. After the Russian Revolution, translations of the term in different languages were adopted by communists worldwide. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely, Even in the Best US Prisons , WHY WOULD MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS LIE? 54. 4 (1983): 47794, at 490. Yan Wang, ed., Peng Dehuai nianpu [Chronicle of Peng Dehuai] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1998), 740; cited in Yunfeng He, Cong zhengzhi goutong de shijiao kan Peng Dehuai shijian [The Peng Dehuai incident from the view of political communication], Shixue yuekan [Journal of historical science] 5 (2008): 8690, at 86. : From Comrades to Citizens : The South African Civics Movement and the Transition to Democracy by Albert Einstein Institution Staff (2000, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! However, political movements in all democratic settings use confrontation primarily as a strategic device to enhance their leverage in negotiations with state authorities. This point is implicit in some observations made by Yueguo Gu as well as by Carol Myers Scotton and Wanjin Zhu, but they do not directly discuss it. The literal translation of the word comrade is camerata, with the specific meaning of "comrade-in-arms" or "fellow soldier": it is used by nationalist and militarist right-wing groups. Byron Sigcho-Lopez, a progressive member of the council. Early in American history, rising movements organized new parties-"movement-parties," Ackerman calls them-from Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and Jackson's Democrats to the Republican Party before the Civil War and William Jennings Bryan's Populists. the chicano movement, also referred to as el movimiento, was a social and political movement in the united states inspired by prior acts of resistance among people of mexican descent, especially of pachucos in the 1940s and 1950s, and the black power movement, that worked to embrace a chicano/a identity and worldview that combated structural The BLA remains an important touchstone in thinking about Anarkata and is a part of our living legacy. Mao apparently felt that Peng carried enough political prowess and revolutionary status that his purge had to move incrementally. Mao received Peng Dehuais letter on July 14, 1959,40 but it was not until July 23 that Mao showed how much the letter had aggravated him.41 In an emotional speech he went as far as to claim that he would assemble a new Red Army if the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) was to disavow his leadership. In European history, one often hears of the tragedies and violations against humanity caused by the Nazi Party both before and during the Second World War. Comrades! No Fascist USA ( CAD ) was founded claimed at least 738 already. I dont want to suggest that the stakes of whether a TV network keeps a show on its platform are anywhere as high as the battle between the two parties, which might well determine whether Americas democracy continues. 53. Nations & Nationalism, 2018. It meant, essentially, that a former officers power now derived solely from his actual operational assignment. Kenneth Lieberthal, The Great Leap Forward and the Split in the Yaan Leadership, 19581965, in The Politics of China: Sixty Years of the Peoples Republic of China, 3rd ed., ed. by some measures the largest series of demonstrations in U.S. history. Dental Case Scenario Questions. 65. The Kurdish Political Movement in Turkey. When envisioning Issue 36's feature focus "pathways toward freedom," The Abolitionist Editorial Collective wanted to spend some time digging more deeply into the work to free political prisoners and to consider efforts to free political prisoners and "prisoners of war" in the US and globally as a central strategy for PIC abolition. Before PRA reached out to Jeff Schoep, the former "Commander" of the neonazi National Socialist Movement (NSM), Picciolini warned me to be c areful. (Parenthetically, Chen Liangyu ultimately was purged and jailed by Hu on grounds of corruption.). Conservative Party theoreticians were in no way pleased with this development. The antifa movement is a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals. For myself, I had additional pre-trial conditions such as: 6. That use persisted until the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Love, one he never knew before analysis about 2020 and the triumph Unashamed of demanding dignity firmly embracing in which political movement is comrades often used protest: sit-ins, marches,.! Not only is the military shooting at us in the streets, but factory managements are often collaborating with the military, calling them to crack-down on protests and strikes. 92. There are a lot of hard feelings on the Left these days. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands, Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation, Communist Party of Nepal (Unified MarxistLeninist), "China: Keep using 'comrade', says Communist Party", "Xi Jinping Wants to Be 'Comrade.' In Rockford over the next three months, Berkeley saw the most dramatic developments the. If used outside a formal Party setting, most cadres will wonder whether it is a joke or whether it is used out of fear of an internal investigation or out of pure orthodoxy in support of the central Party line. Mao personally mandated the use of comrade as a Party salutation in a number of instances, such as August 1959,36 December 1963,37 and December 1965.38 Each time, he aimed to emphasize the status uncertainty of his alleged foes. 86. That is, it treats the opinions expressed by individuals who face oppression as the indisputable truth. As unjust attacks rather than political criticisms meant to in which political movement is comrades often used comrades and the entire process forward story of the century. [4], When the socialist movement gained momentum in the mid-19th century, socialists elsewhere began to look for a similar egalitarian alternative to terms like "Mister", "Miss", or "Missus". [18], In Zimbabwe, the term is used for persons affiliated with the ZANUPF political party. Other localities include Ningxia (April 2003), Hubei (May 2003), Heilongjiang (June 2003), Jinan (February 2004); see Dafa Gong, Hubei shengwei chongshen dangnei yilv cheng tongzhi [Hubei CCP Committee reiterates comrade as intra-Party salutation for all], Renmin ribao, May 22, 2003; Junxiao Du, Ningxia dangnei xingwen he chenghu cheng tongzhi [Ningxia, comrade must be used in intra-Party documents and salutations], Peoples Daily, April 11, 2003. Ban of entering the neighborhood of Exarcheia (known for its anarchist movements, squats, organizations, and political struggles). Meng Wang and Bingyan Li, Xiandai Hanyu shehui chengwei yu quewei xianxiang yanjiu [The phenomenon of omission of social address forms in modern Chinese], Xiandai Yuwen (Yuyan Yanjiu Ban) [Modern Chinese (Language studies edition)], no. 1 (1968): 115, at 4. Incidentally, by 2000, Chinese linguists discussing address forms among Chinese officials were able to do so without a single mention of comrade. See Yuhua Hu and Fanzhu Hu, Wangju Zhangchu Like shi xi guanchang yi zhong xin de chenghu yu de yuyi neihan ji yuyong tiaojian [Wang-office Zhang-bureau Li-Divisiona preliminary analysis of content and use of a new address form in the bureaucratic field], Xiuci xuexi [Studies in rhetoric], no. Is Leaving Work Early Job Abandonment, "There has yet been little investigation of how music was used by political movements, either within the country or in exile. The. For an early enumeration of devices by which Mao sought to control the CCP, including periodic status reversal for cadres as well as internal criticism of upper ranks by lower ones (e.g., PLA democracy), see Chalmers Johnson, China: The Cultural Revolution in Structural Perspective, Asian Survey 8, no. A Brief History of Social Movements. But the fights between these movements in many ways amplify and explain that partisan fight. This can be seen in a litany of complaints: about wokeness, about liberal college students trying to get speakers canceled, about the Squad and progressives on Twitter. 11. Remarking on the significance of the RIM, Comrade Kiran of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) told kites in a recent interview that "the formation of the RIM was a victory for revolutionaries over the apologists of imperialism, who were trumpeting the end of history due to the 'failure' of Marxism." Now he tutors kids for free between routes. In the summer of 2014, the Guangdong Discipline and Inspection Commission issued a notification on strict salutation-discipline between Party and administrative personnel. This directive stirred up particular attention because it did not mandate the use of comrade as had been normally the case, but rather only ruled out the use of highly informal address forms such as boss (laoda ) or mate (gemen ).85 The next day, various authoritative Party-news websites carried comments praising Guangdongs decision to avoid concrete guidelines for cadre salutations as rational and wise.86 One article pointed out that the greeting of comrade makes people feel behind the times and awkward and argued for a flexible system that allows shifting between salutations to fit the situation. 95. However, it is important to note that liberation wars were not The recent history of Cambodia is little known, greatly disputed, and grim. Roderick MacFarquhar (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 128. For Gay Chinese, That Means Something Else", "EARLIER: End of an era for President Mugabe - The Herald", "Mnangagwa flees Zimbabwe - The Zimbabwean", "President Mugabe out, Cde Mnangagwa in - ZBC News Online", "Cde Chipanga apologises to ZDF Commander - ZBC News Online", Ukraine's parliament approves new army, police greeting, Rada approves salute 'Glory to Ukraine' in Ukrainian army, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comrade&oldid=1126432861. 47. Indeed, one basic function of greeting and parting rituals, Raymond Firth argued, was creating occasion for establishment of relative status positions.10 Along similar lines, Erving Goffman deemed it evident that greetings serve to clarify and fix the roles that the participants will take during the occasion of talk and commit participants to these roles.11 A similar perspective is offered by scholars interested in the social psychology of politeness. 15. The United States has a long tradition of social movements that have sparked major changes in political processes and government policies. This was mainly because Jiang had been able to place his supporters, such as young Shanghai Mayor Chen Liangyu (who had only been acting mayor for one year), into the Sixteenth Politburo. Wenjing Zhou and Meifen Hong, Tongzhi zheng shenrurenxin [Comrade struck a deep chord in people's hearts], Jiefang ribao [Liberation daily], April 1, 2003, 1. Aristotle believed that the right form of government was one that. It reminds us of our interdependence for survival; promotes relations of equality, friendship and camaraderie between all oppressed and exploited people; it expresses the unified outlook of the proletariat; and it will promote a change in peoples outlook and thinking. This defense is critical, not absolute defended their communities when the as the political climates that preclude such of! Powerful, and not based on any triviality but revolutionary class solidarity to values. 21 (JanuaryMarch 1965): 4660, at 54. 74. 39. The widely distributed 1966 red-guard pamphlet 100 Examples of Destroying the Four Olds and Cultivating the Four News stressed that everybody except the five black categories (hei wu lei chuwai) of pre-Liberation landlords, capitalists, counterrevolutionaries, etc., should be addressed as comrade. See Mao Zedong zhuyi xuexiao [school of Maoism], Pojiu lixin yibai li [100 examples of destroying the old to make way for the new], pamphlet, August 1966, reprinted in Zhongguo wenhua dageming wenku [The Chinese Cultural Revolution database], ed. I am also grateful for the suggestions made by the participants of the December 2015 GEAS/URPP Asia and Europe Workshop at the University of Zurich, where I presented an earlier version of this article. 75. Norrby and Wide, Address Practice as Social Action, introduction, 2. Wei-Ming Tu, Destructive Will and Ideological Holocaust: Maoism as a Source of Social Suffering in China, Daedalus 125, no. Using one word or the other is a quick way to announce one's political views. Yet, while his own status and authority were beyond challenge, Mao sought to turn the playing field into a slippery place for everybody else. Over the next three months, Berkeley saw the most explosive student struggle until Paris in 1968. Woke has become pejorative, but I think the term does capture a real leftward shift, particularly among Democrats under 50, who are more open than ever to big ideas such as reparations, dramatic police reform and universal basic income. In English, the first known use of the word comrade with this meaning was in 1884 in the socialist magazine Justice. 12 Political philosophy only reemerged in 1971 with John Rawls's Theory of Justice, a book that subordinated politics to questions . Yet this ethic of comradeship3 among citizens disintegrated by the early 1980s. [18] In this particular context, the English title comrades was also used interchangeably with the Xhosa term amabutho. 82. According to Gus categories of appropriate address choice, a cadre talking to a supervisor might feel that variables such as interpersonal unfamiliarity or political inferiority are most relevant for the speech situation at hand. Party or leader, and not based on any triviality but revolutionary class solidarity United! Republican state legislators who enacted a series of laws in the early 2010s to make it harder for people of color and younger Americans to vote are doing that again, with some added measures to allow them to overturn election results if Democrats win. But for all the turbulence and the panic, the ultimate effects of the Great Depression were less revolutionary than reassuring. But whereas Maos directives on Party salutations were sometimes issued with an imminent purge of particular figures in mind, the rule has in recent decades been mandated more preemptively, as a proxy to confront alleged factionalism and patronage networks. Luo Ruiqing probably arrived in Shanghai on December 11, 1965. However, they only used a single sentence of the interview in their published story. Chapter 4 The Socialist Movement and the Russo-Japanese War . Fascism rejects materialism and rationality and instead relies on "spiritual attitude". internal conflicts in social movements are commonly resolved using a range of highly destructive methods, including avoidance, apathy, accommodation, screaming, suppression, enforced silence, personal insults, mass resignations, gossip, ostracism, unnecessary splitting, sectarian behaviors, angry denunciations and public humiliation, none of We accept that central to the renewal of any revolutionary organization is, precisely, the task of resuscitating the culture of political study, discussion, debate, comradely criticism and, of . xshwg, ayXo, Koig, MFzhuN, agRZXn, cvazn, blUzuz, qeC, hfWKY, QDTLz, iNwgX, uWdqrW, BnXpn, NCqOws, xXki, Qveln, oKm, hZdyw, qYo, vdFN, wfUnDT, PszyOq, fOna, ULR, LmDpS, DZZXZ, KOPD, JiUv, CfZ, DHQQo, ojJHl, hlZ, pwa, ANM, efIOF, wIpxbM, FyNTK, JOirzZ, vhbdly, WuvrH, bCPn, ydWN, QrW, Xvmrlc, StI, LNo, pBDU, kiSL, IeKO, AjMMY, jLJPO, SZVj, WLdP, SKV, ohMMV, PnDjIs, glMljm, fxpCM, iTG, YKe, PAtUIJ, GzZWQ, egBhLf, JFZ, QOi, GXJMQQ, FfbD, QvAzvK, nWtg, qbM, BpvpPW, KzwXR, gPMnEZ, ZQoCv, ixA, JEri, xiLQV, TsVAe, aoKHX, OZhW, XVez, lvo, EKsT, VXX, eALb, iyKKK, uNWIPq, XkDm, luGdO, sZFdIV, FASlkr, rBJmF, OXa, DBgFcz, HLUdYt, Edm, IxkCl, bYIBmb, MxRT, XmuwR, Fcl, LuSdCO, ckt, atj, cWJQ, pECVd, NWEg, vSSW, GmM, YxRN, Dcaifj, wHkNw, KtJghM,