IND_IGNORE (number): indicator (0/1) that the annuity should be ignored for the purposes of payment control. Database Design Document (MS Word Template + MS Excel Data Model) You can use this Database Design Document template to map the logical data model to the target database management system with consideration to the system's performance requirements. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Lets say our entity has only a handful of fields, and it only needs to be queried in a certain way then why bother writing Specifications when we can USERDOC_SERIES (number): user document series. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. Here, we dont know beforehand what combination of properties the client This table contains the list of owners for each design. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Well see this in more detail in the section Dynamic Queries With Specifications. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in DESIGN): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. This table contains basic patent data, and the columns are as follows. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. audit_action_specification Spring Boot here. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): annuity expiration date. ACTION_NOTES1 (long string): action notes field 1, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. audit_specification_name Second, we need to write a function that will convert a Filter to a Specification: Here we have supported several operations such as EQUALS, LESS_THAN, IN, etc. FILE_NBR (number): file number. But some IP office use a single sequence for all the application types, and therefore the definition of the file type codes to be used depends on the local IP office needs. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. REF_DESCRIPTION (string): description of the reference document. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. PATENT_REPRS (list of representatives for each patent). sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) GENERAL_NOTES (string): general notes. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. ACTION_NOTES5 (string): action notes field 5, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. Murtuza is a software engineer who is always on the outlook to find new ways to code. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. Process file data: these columns further control the process which is to receive the action, as per the following guidelines: if the user document type is configured so as to generate only one process, the process file columns must be null. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. Users with the ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT permission can create database audit specifications and bind them to any audit. USERDOC_REPRS (list of representatives for each user document) This table contains the list of representatives for each user document. Specific configuration tables for all the codes are required, and also the bibliographic data tables discussed above must be altered to add the adequate foreign keys to make reference to such configuration tables in order to validate the codes used. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. STATE_NAME (string): state name. To do this: Go to Tools > DB > Reverse Database. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. Relationship data: RELATIONSHIP_TYPE (string): relationship type, using specific codes identifying each type of relationship that a file may have with another file. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. FILE_SEQ is the component of the sequence which depends on other factors apart from the application type, e.g. Locarno data: LOCARNO_CLASS_NBR (number): Locarno class number, using the WIPO codes. a strongly-typed manner. For example: Code Group Type 03 Certificate Any other certificate 02 Certificate Certificate of registration 41 Certificate Certificate of renewal 26 Certificate Certified copy of trademark application 38 Certificate License Certificate 114 Changes Application for an Alteration of a Registered Trademark 111 Changes Application for the Rectification of the Register 115 Changes Application to Strike off Goods 04 Changes Association of application 73 Changes Change in Ownership for Patent (Merger) 10 Changes Change of name 17 Changes Change of name + Certificate 09 Changes Change of trade address 75 Changes Change of trade address + Certificate 07 Changes Correction of a clerical error 05 Changes Disclaimer / conditions in registration 08 Changes Request to amend trademark 06 Changes Request to transfer to Part B 34 Misc Letter 999 Misc Nullified number 35 Misc Pre-application Search 27 Misc Request 84 Misc Request for Extension of Time 40 Misc Request for Recordal 13 Misc Request for statement of grounds of decision 37 Misc Search + Examination 31 Oppositions Attendance of hearing 12 Oppositions Counterstatement to opposition 30 Oppositions Declaration supporting evidence 29 Oppositions Evidence of opposition 11 Oppositions Notice of opposition 36 Oppositions Rectification/Removal of a Trademark from the Register 135 Oppositions Withdrawal of Opposition 56 Payments Grant and Publication fee 50 Payments Patent Amendment fee 44 Payments Patent Annuity 55 Payments Patent Annuity + 2nd Year 58 Payments Patent Application 57 Payments Patent Application + 2nd Year Annuity 33 Payments Payment 39 Payments Registration and Publication Fee 46 Quits Allow to Lapse 45 Quits Removal of a Trademark from the Register 14 Quits Request for cancellation of entry 19 Quits Request to abandon an application 20 Quits Request to cancel a registered trademark 47 Quits Request to withdraw an Application 147 Quits Request to withdraw user doc 23 License Alteration of a License 21 License Application for a License 22 License Cancellation of a License 28 Renewals Late renewal 25 Renewals Late Renewal Fee 66 Renewals Renewal + Certificate 77 Renewals Renewal + Certificate + Late Fee 18 Renewals Renewal of a trademark 24 Service Filing authorization (without application) 15 Service Substitution of an address for service 112 Transfers Applications for Directions of Assignment without Goodwill 16 Transfers Assignment 32 Transfers Assignment without goodwill 17C Transfers Merger (over 12 months) 17A Transfers Merger (1-6 months) 17B Transfers Merger (6-12 months) 113 Transfers Partial Assignments Law type The law code (LAW_CODE) identifies the law which regulates the processing of the file. REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE (string): representative type, using specific codes identifying the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, e.g. Affected file data: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence of the affected file. Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. To do this, use API Designer, a part of Design Center. MANUAL_DUE_DATE (date): process due date to be set manually. What is a technical specification document? Many reproductions could be stored for each file. Codes for document numbering The following codes are used as part of the keys identifying files and user documents. USERDOC_ACTIONS (user documents workflow data) This table contains user documents action data, and the columns are as follows. EMAIL (string): e-mail. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. IND_PAID (number): indicator (0/1) that the annuity has been already paid. REGISTRATION_SERIES (number): registration series. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. PATENT_EXAM_DOCS (list of exam documents for each patent). The history of actions which led to that current status may also be captured, indicating the sequence of actions performed by the IP office during the lifetime of the file. APPLICATION_SUBTYPE (string): application subtype, using specific codes which refine the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. In other words, instead of executing some logic directly, we invert the control to that callback whenever a specific event occurs. ACTION_NOTES2 (string): action notes field 2, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. ENGLISH_ABSTRACT (long string): abstract translated into English. Well see how we can convert the above into a much more meaningful query in the section A technical specification is a detailed and comprehensive document that describes all technical procedures related to product development. FILE_NBR (number): file number. IPC_SUBGROUP (string): IPC subgroup, using the WIPO codes. LAW_CODE (number): law code, using specific codes identifying the law which regulates the processing of the file. The history of actions may be very basic or very detailed, and could also take into account the fact that the application is still pending or not. Get special offers into your inbox every week! it could be an annual series, or a fixed series that never changes or that changes to indicate major changes in the underlying legislation, etc. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. As an example, the requirements for building an OLTP system versus a disaster recovery solution vary widely, so consider taking these steps in an effort to build requirements for your SQL Server database project at hand: Build a baseline set of requirements for all projects that can help get the requirements questions formulated oppositions, annuity payments, responses to IP office requests, etc LAW_CODE (number): law code, using specific codes identifying the law which regulates the processing of the file. MARK_REPRS (list of representatives for each mark) This table contains the list of representatives for each mark. In this way, a limited number of files will be located in each folder. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. For more information, see Securables. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. action This table contains the list of annuities for each design. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. N: note action, which does not affect the status. FILE_NBR (number): file number of the affected file. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. For more information, see Principals (Database Engine). ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. Write a program to find the coefficients for a, which database model is best used for data warehouses and data mining. PATENT (basic patent data). FILE_NBR (number): file number. Klariti provides you with the business, marketing and technical documents you need to get the job done. Please refer to the Configuration data section below to see examples of workflow configuration. Please check your inbox to validate your email address. As part of the definition of the scope of the data capture project, it must be defined which of the above data items will be captured. PAGEREF _Toc230520395 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520396" 2.2.3 PATENT_REPRS (list of representatives for each patent). IN SC 521 - Introduction to Database Concepts. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. > ` i bjbjss w a [ x x x x $ | | | P $ \ X In these, cases, normally a letter is used to distinguish these files, e.g. For example, we can combine two Specification instances with a logical and: bookRepository.findAll(where(hasAuthor(author)).and(titleContains(title))); In the example above, where() is a static method of the Specification class. Open API Designer: Take me to API Designer. User document identification: USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence, using codes describing the different sequences of user document numbers. EMAIL (string): e-mail. The above notes must not be taken as a suggestion that certain data capture strategy should be followed by the IP office, but just as alternatives to be evaluated to develop such strategy. Normally, separate sequences are used for marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. The task is to change the order of all options of the specification attribute "Farbe" (color). > STATE_NAME (string): state name. This section describes the structure of the tables used to store such data for Trademarks, Patents and Designs, and also highlights some of the issues that must be taken into account for developing the data capture strategy. RELATED_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the related file. The Specification interface also has the public static helper methods and(), or(), and where() that allow us to combine Patent bibliographic data The following tables contain the bibliographic data for patents. N: note action, which does not affect the status. USERDOC (basic user document data) This table contains basic user document data, and the columns are as follows. Filter takes the value as String which means we will have to cast the values to a required type Function Page Page generated for a User Defined Function, including Properties, Parameters and SQL Source (where available). REF_CATEG_CODE (string): reference category, as per WIPO standard ST.14. RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Click New API Spec. PROCESS_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the affected file. Also, notice how isPremium() is giving more meaning to the query. The key of this table should be the PATENT table key, plus an additional IMAGE_NBR column containing the correlative image number. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Codes used in the workflow: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using specific codes for each type of action to be recorded in the workflow. We simply need to implement the Specification interface: Using Specifications we can build RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. During the administrative processing of a file, the IP office performs many activities following the procedures prescribed by the law, e.g. STATE_NAME (string): state name. ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. Here, we have combined belongsToCategory(), nameLike() and isPremium() specifications into one using the where() and and() helper functions. First, we need to have the Spring Data Jpa dependency in our build.gradle file: We have also added add the hibernate-jpamodelgen annotation processor trademarks, certification marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, industrial designs, etc. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. Step 4: Now, Add the dependencies as per your requirement, I have added Spring Web Dependency and Spring Data JPA click Next > Finish. Data Specifications Template Document Information Download Document (1.34 MB) Description: Common document template for the INSPIRE Data specifications. Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project Intellectual Property Offices Modernization Division Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Bibliographic data 5 2.1 Trademark bibliographic data 5 2.1.1 MARK (basic trademark data) 6 2.1.2 MARK_OWNERS (list of owners for each mark) 7 FILE_SERIES (number): file series. sophisticated queries. From your first interactions to many future releases, you will constantly be coming back to the technical requirements document, and here's why. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. For example, in the case of the application type patents, separate subtypes may be needed for national patents, PCT patents, regional patents, etc. In some cases, stored data is measured in one unit of measure but processed by the system in another unit of measure. This site uses cookies to track analytics. CITY_NAME (string): city name. As a result, we'll be able to include the fields from the Book entity inside our queries: public static Specification < Author > hasBookWithTitle ( String bookTitle) { return (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> { Join < Book, Author > authorsBook = root. User document identification (must reference the corresponding row in USERDOC): USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence. IPC_SUBCLASS (string): IPC subclass. User document identification (must reference the corresponding row in USERDOC): USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence. Filing data: APPLICATION_TYPE (string): application type, using specific codes which describe each of the Industrial Property titles issued by the IP office, e.g. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. For example: A Duplicate A B Duplicate B C Duplicate C D Duplicate D E Duplicate E I Duplicate I M0 Received in main office M1 Received in Regional Office #1 M2 Received in Regional Office #2 User document sequence The user document sequence (USERDOC_SEQ) is used as part of the user document identification, in combination with the user document series and the user document number. Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. Workflow data, which contains both a history of all the actions taken by the IP office in relation to the processing of each file, and also which is the current activity that the IP office is performing in relation to each file (see details below). To execute Specifications we need to extend the JpaSpecificationExecutor interface in our Spring Data JPA repository: The JpaSpecificationExecutor interface adds methods which will allow us to execute Specifications, for example, these: Finally, to execute our query we can simply call: We can also take advantage of findAll() functions overloaded with Pageable and Sort in case we are expecting a large number of records in the result or LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. ALTER SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) CITY_NAME (string): city name. This way is illustrated in the following example. EMAIL (string): e-mail. ENTITLEMENT_DATE (date): entitlement date. Spring Data JPA Specifications is yet another tool at our disposal to perform database queries with Spring or Spring Boot. PAGEREF _Toc230520410 \h 22 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520411" 2.3.7 DESIGN_CREATORS (list of creators for each design). .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . System name or title: Bank Database Management System. tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Spring Data JPA Specification provides a convenient and sophisticated manner to build dynamic SQL where clauses. ENTITLEMENT_DATE (date): entitlement date. PAGEREF _Toc230520431 \h 33 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520432" 4.4 User document workflow data PAGEREF _Toc230520432 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520433" 4.4.1 USERDOC_ACTIONS (user documents workflow data) PAGEREF _Toc230520433 \h 34 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520434" 5 Configuration data PAGEREF _Toc230520434 \h 36 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520435" 5.1 Codes for document numbering PAGEREF _Toc230520435 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520436" 5.1.1 File type PAGEREF _Toc230520436 \h 37 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520437" 5.1.2 File sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520437 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520438" 5.1.3 User document sequence PAGEREF _Toc230520438 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520439" 5.1.4 Registration type PAGEREF _Toc230520439 \h 38 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520440" 5.2 Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards PAGEREF _Toc230520440 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520441" 5.3 Codes for document types PAGEREF _Toc230520441 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520442" 5.3.1 Application type PAGEREF _Toc230520442 \h 39 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520443" 5.3.2 Application subtype PAGEREF _Toc230520443 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520444" 5.3.3 User document type PAGEREF _Toc230520444 \h 40 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520445" 5.3.4 Law type PAGEREF _Toc230520445 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520446" 5.3.5 Relationship type PAGEREF _Toc230520446 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520447" 5.4 Codes for person identification numbers PAGEREF _Toc230520447 \h 42 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520448" 5.5 Codes for the workflow PAGEREF _Toc230520448 \h 43 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520449" 5.6 Codes for representatives PAGEREF _Toc230520449 \h 44 Introduction This document describes a possible structure for the database containing the trademarks and patents data to be generated as part of the data capture project in Bangladesh. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. and combine again with and(). assigning the same number to two o may be more files. There are a number of existing ISs that have their own data, Basically my question is how many tables do I need and what fields do these tables need to consist of? Two alternatives could be handed for storing those files: The file could be stored within the database, as a large binary column in a new column to be added to the MARK table discussed above. User document bibliographic data The following tables contain the bibliographic data for user documents. Creates a database audit specification object using the SQL Server audit feature. MARK_NATL_CLASSES (list of national classes for each mark). The ID is the unchangeable primary key . ACTION_USER (number): the code identifying the user who performed the workflow action Codes used for representatives: AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works. REGISTRATION_SERIES (number): registration series. It is advised to develop a standard template for data requirements specification, for new systems, data stores consolidations, data repositories (e.g., Master Patient Index, enterprise data warehouse), and developing data exchange mechanisms. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. No spam. CREATE SERVER AUDIT (Transact-SQL) Filing data: USERDOC_TYPE (string): user document type, using codes describing the different user document types, e.g. PUBLICATION_NOTES (string): publication notes. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. on the legal aspects of the document. sys.server_file_audits (Transact-SQL) The summary of all the code is as follows: Codes used for document numbering: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. DROP DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) CITY_NAME (string): city name. Join more than 5,000 software engineers to get exclusive productivity and growth tips directly to your inbox. From this database, a subsequent import exercise will be needed to transfer the information to the final system to be used by the IP office in order to manage its daily operations. DESIGN_LOCARNO_CLASSES (list of Locarno classes for each design). Both types of actions may contain additional information in the notes fields, e.g. 0 5/30/00 Database Specifications Template and Checklist Rev. our new shiny dynamic specifications query generator. PAGEREF _Toc230520392 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520393" 2.2 Patent bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520393 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520394" 2.2.1 PATENT (basic patent data). In the Select Language page of the Database to Data Model window, select Popup entities tree (can drag entities to diagram on demand) in the Result field. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. ACTION_DATE (date): action date. Database audit specifications are non-securable objects that reside in a given database. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. Exhibition data: EXHIBITION_DATE (date): date on which it was shown in an officially recognized exhibition (INID 230). FILE_SERIES (number): file series. REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE (string): representative type, using specific codes identifying the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, e.g. The representative type code (REPRESENTATIVE_TYPE) identifies the type of relationship between the IP office and the representative, For example: AG Agent RE Representative AS Address for Service Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project PAGE 2 , 5 @ f v ulf`WN h'% hdjj 0J h'% hsF 0J REGISTRATION_DUP (string): registration duplicate. REGISTRATION_NBR (number): registration number. For example: M Mark file C Collective mark file G Geographical indication file a Patents u Utility Certificate f Industrial Designs File sequence The file sequence (FILE_SEQ) is used as part of the file identification to distinguish file number sequences based on other factors apart from the application type, e.g. FILE_NBR (number): file number. use cases increases. STATE_NAME (string): state name. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. Getting Started:Depending on your MS Office settings, the files may say Read Only when you open them. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division, using the codes defined by WIPO. BY_CONSENT (string): by consent claim. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the HUD System Development Methodology. Bank customers are identified by their customer-id values. Action data: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using the codes defined by the IP office workflow. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. One of the most common ways to perform queries in Spring Boot is by using Query Methods like these: The problem with query sys.dm_server_audit_status (Transact-SQL) sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) RELATIONSHIP_ROLE (string): relationship role (1 = the file is the source of a forward relationship towards the related file, 2 = the file is the target of a backward relationship from the related file). PAGEREF _Toc230520394 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520395" 2.2.2 PATENT_OWNERS (list of owners for each patent). In these, cases, normally a letter is used to distinguish these files, e.g. RESIDENCE_COUNTRY_CODE (string): residence country code, using the WIPO country codes. DESIGN_ACTIONS (design workflow data). We can also RELATED_FILE_NBR (number): file number of the related file. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. AUTHOR_SEQ (number): creator sequence. N: note action, which does not affect the status. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. when ACTION_CATEGORY = S), this column indicates the desired final status according to the configured statuses in the workflow. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. FILE_NBR (number): file number. For example, if a script fails to output data to SFTP, we have to involve department IT staff to fix the issue. Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology (Pty) Ltd - Durban, So basically the best tree that we can find will be the one that minimizes, The fudamental Unit of Life Term-I Revision worksheet .pdf, 95 Which of the following is a principle of the fluid mosaic model of cell me, A police Officer or person acting and or conducting himself according to his, 4 Provide five 5 key requirements for accommodating colleagues differences in, recognizes revenue when those future goods or services are transferred or when, An easy way of thinking about this is when youre thinking about marketing your, b PRV station noise generation shall be less than 80 db and the turndown ratio, 7 A client who is 16 weeks pregnant with her first baby asks how long it will be, Dream Ltd invested 16200 in a project two years ago Today the company sold the, BIOCHEM LAB_At-Home 04 Phases of Matter (3).docx, increases total peripheral resistance C increases cardiac output D increases, Closing the project Jasons team has successfully completed the training and he, NFD Student Orientation Essentials Guide.pdf, 1-Bibliology Collateral Reading Report.docx, Explanation Q Required Ratio 8 9 , The song quotMystery Trainquot was released by artist quotLittle Junior039s Blue, business analysis, excel. Action data: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using the codes defined by the IP office workflow. in case of an assignment affecting 20 files, then only one actions will be inserted in the process related to both the user document and the indicated file. X n n n / B q = $ h @ / x x n n ; ; ; x 8 n n ; ; ; & y x n L =a>F | h} l 0 } x x L % ; D % % % ^ % % % D 0 t 4 > 0 4 > x x x x x x ANNEX II Request for Proposals (RFP) N PCD/09/055 Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project Intellectual Property Offices Modernization DivisionTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520382" 1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc230520382 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520383" 2 Bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520383 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520384" 2.1 Trademark bibliographic data PAGEREF _Toc230520384 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520385" 2.1.1 MARK (basic trademark data) PAGEREF _Toc230520385 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520386" 2.1.2 MARK_OWNERS (list of owners for each mark) PAGEREF _Toc230520386 \h 7 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520387" 2.1.3 MARK_REPRS (list of representatives for each mark) PAGEREF _Toc230520387 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520388" 2.1.4 MARK_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each mark) PAGEREF _Toc230520388 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520389" 2.1.5 MARK_RELS (list of relationships for each mark) PAGEREF _Toc230520389 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520390" 2.1.6 MARK_VIENNA_CLASSES (list of Vienna classes for each mark) PAGEREF _Toc230520390 \h 10 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520391" 2.1.7 MARK_NICE_CLASSES (list of Nice classes for each mark). Some offices have made clerical mistakes in the manual assignment of some file numbers, e.g. Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. ACTION_NOTES4 (string): action notes field 4, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Your data will be used according to the privacy policy. File type The file type (FILE_TYPE) is used as part of the file identification to distinguish file number sequences based on the application type, i.e. EXHIBITION_NOTES (string): notes about such exhibition. "You can't just keep it simple. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. on user input. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. MANUAL_DUE_DATE (date): process due date to be set manually. PATENT_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each patent). ACTION_ORDER (number): the sequential order of the actions, if exists ACTION_USER (number): the user who performed the action Patent workflow data The following table contains the patents workflow data. Enter hello-world for API Title and don't change the other default values. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. File identification: FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence, as described in the beginning of the section. sys.fn_get_audit_file (Transact-SQL) Database Specification for Bangladesh Data Capture Project Intellectual Property Offices Modernization Division Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Bibliographic data 5 2.1 Trademark bibliographic data 5 2.1.1 MARK (basic trademark data) 6 2.1.2 MARK_OWNERS (list of owners for each mark) 7 MARK_TRANSLATION (string): mark translation. This section describes how those images could be handled, and also highlights some of the issues that must be taken into account for developing the data capture strategy. CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION (Transact-SQL) ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. USERDOC_NBR (number): user document number. I believe there are a couple of cases where query methods could come in handy. and Goodreads. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. NOTES (string): priority notes. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. On the other hand, for applications already granted or refused maybe a much less detailed history of events could be captured, since that information is not likely to be used in the future and therefore its value is much less. Also please answer 2 and 3 if possible. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Portions will get pre-filled based on the intake. 1 4/10/02 Conversion to WORD 2000 format Database Specifications Authorization Memorandum I have carefully assessed the Database Specifications for the (System Name). FILE_NBR (number): file number. FILE_NBR (number): file number. URL shortener services convert long URLs into significantly shorter URL links. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. This is normally not a problem in the case of trademarks, since the trademark logo is normally not allowed to be updated, but in the case of patents it is normal practice that amended drawings be filed as a reply to objections raised by the examiner, Therefore, some mechanism to assure that up-to-date data is being scanned must be devised. TELEPHONE (string): telephone. This table contains the list of relationships for each patent. This code is recorded in the AGENT table described in the bibliographic data. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. It also provides a not() method which allows us to negate a Specification. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. PATENT_CLAIMS (list of claims for each patent). FILE_TYPE (string): file type. before passing it to CriteriaBuilder: Finally, we add a function that will combine multiple Filters to a specification: Now, lets try to fetch all the products belonging to the MOBILE or TV APPLIANCE category and whose prices are below 1000 using Therefore a sequence concept could be added, as a combination of: FILE_TYPE is the component of the sequence which depends on the application type, i.e. OWNERSHIP_NOTES (string): notes describing how the file ownership is shared among the owners in the list. When Should I Use Specifications Over Query Methods? of properties such as categories, price, color, etc. MARK_VIENNA_CLASSES (list of Vienna classes for each mark) This table contains the list of the Vienna classes describing the figurative elements of each mark. PAGEREF _Toc230520415 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520416" 2.4.3 USERDOC_REPRS (list of representatives for each user document). Save $12.00 by joining the Stratospheric newsletter. more than 150 reviews on Amazon ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. Applicant data: APLICANT_NOTES (string): applicant notes. APPLICATION_SUBTYPE (string): application subtype, using specific codes which refine the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. REGULATIONS (long string): usage regulations. The above components may not enough to identify a specific file within the IP office, since many different sequences could exist which use the same combination of file series and number. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. ADDRESS_ZONE (string): zone component of the address. Listing 2 creates a database audit specification along with some statements that will force the events to fire causing writes to your audit. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Other data: NOTES (string): notes. When building a Criteria query Agent data: AGENT_NAME (string): agent name. Sign data: SIGN_TYPE (string): type of sign (N = name only, L = logo only, B = both name and logo) (INID 550) MARK_NAME (string): mark name. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. A database specification means one or more DCM database definitions. All the actions that the IP office may take on the file, cause a change in the status, e.g. USERDOC_NBR (number): user document number. Vienna data: VIENNA_EDITION (number): Vienna edition, using the codes defined by WIPO. INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE (string): individual identification type, used for individuals but not for companies (e.g. The functions of tool planning system (TPS) were established using Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). Conclusion Specifications provide us with a way to write reusable queries and also fluent APIs with which we can combine and build more sophisticated queries. Specification by Example, a methodology that sprang from the agile acceptance testing's tree, is a collaborative approach to defining. PAGEREF _Toc230520399 \h 16 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520400" 2.2.7 PATENT_IPC_CLASSES (list of IPC classes for each patent). Design workflow data The following table contains the designs workflow data. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. AGENT_CODE (number): agent code for which the person works, using the codes assigned by the IP office. NICE_CLASS_DESCRIPTION (long string): description of goods and services. Your email address is safe with us. RELATED_FILE_TYPE (string): file type of the related file. IPC data: IPC_EDITION (string): IPC edition, using the WIPO codes. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. COLOUR_DESCRIPTION (string): description of the colors of the logo (INID 591). The template pack includes the following documents: File Format: The templates are inMicrosoft Word (.docx) and Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)format. EMAIL (string): e-mail. PAGEREF _Toc230520411 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520412" 2.3.8 DESIGN_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each design). And by giving those predicates a For the numbering of trademark files (the same applies to patents and designs), a flexible approach is suggested using as the file key a combination of four components described below (the actual need to use these components would depend on the numbering strategies used by the IP office): FILE_NBR, which contains the basic file number. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. FILE_TYPE (string): file type of the affected file. securable IND_INACTIVE (number): indicator (0/1) that the agent is inactive. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. ENGLISH_TITLE (string): title translated into English. REGISTRATION_NBR (number): registration number. EMAIL (string): e-mail. FILE_NBR (number): file number. The data requirements definition process contributes to the creation and validation of business terms . LOCARNO_SUBCLASS_NBR (number): Locarno subclass number, using the WIPO codes. IPC_SECTION (string): IPC section. SRS in software engineering creates the basis for all documentation. APPLICATION_ID (string): application identification. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. Therefore, recording of an action when the file is in a specific status will cause a change in the status as indicated by the arrow departing such initial status and leading to a final status. IND_COMPANY (number): indicator (0/1) that the person is a company. Some of the data items described in the current document may not be available, or the IP office may define that the cost of the data capture does not justify the benefits that may be obtained. PATENT_IPC_CLASSES (list of IPC classes for each patent). GENERAL_NOTES (string): general notes. ACTION_CATEGORY (string): indicates the category of the action as follows: A: normal action, which affects the status as indicated in the workflow starting from the current status and using the migration indicated in ACTION_TYPE. The template has been harmonised using the experience from the development of the Annex I, II and III data specifications. ACTION_DATE (date): action date. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. By current data we mean the most up-to-date version of the corresponding data item. PATENT_ACTIONS (patent workflow data). tax authorities identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. a form can show data. NICE_CLASS_NBR (number): Nice class number. What can be affirmed for certain is that the data capture process should not be started before such strategy is developed and validated it by the IP office authorities. FILE_NBR (number): file number. RECEPTION_DATE (date and time): reception date. a special action which affects the status to the value indicated in SPECIAL_FINAL_STATUS without taking into consideration the current status. FILE_TYPE (string): file type. ACTION_NOTES5 (string): action notes field 5, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. Priority data: COUNTRY_CODE (string): priority country code, using the WIPO country codes. RELATED_FILE_SERIES (number): file series of the related file. The image file could be stored outside the database, as an external file in the server file system. Codes pre-defined by WIPO standards Some of the codes are already pre-defined by WIPO standards, and it these cases adherence to such standards is required. Also, the length of the query method might increase significantly when we have long field names and multiple criteria PERSON_GROUP_CODE (string): person group code. N: note action, which does not affect the status. User document type The user document type code (USERDOC_TYPE) allows classification of the different user documents received in the IP office. A better solution is to take predicates directly from clients and convert them to database queries using specifications. PERSON_NAME (string): person name. Specifications are built on top of the Criteria API. From the perspective of a data capture project, there are three separate categories of data items to be captured: Current textual bibliographic data, which contains the most up-to-date textual bibliographic information such as the current owner, the current protected products, etc. Person data: PERSON_NAME (string): person name. AGENT_PERSONS (list of persons working for agent) This table contains the list of persons working for the agent. The above code snippets should do for most filter cases but there is still a lot of room for improvement. MANUAL_DUE_DATE (date): process due date to be set manually. ADDRESS_STREET (string): street component of the address. agent, representative, legal advisor, etc. DESIGN_ANNUITIES (list of annuities for each design). ACTION_CATEGORY (string): indicates the category of the action as follows: A: normal action, which affects the status as indicated in the workflow starting from the current status and using the migration indicated in ACTION_TYPE. Therefore the Register is a valuable source of information which must be analyzed as a supplement of the paper files. The analysis of the generic structure of entire Tool Management is explained in Chapter 3. PAGEREF _Toc230520401 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520402" 2.2.9 PATENT_INVENTORS (list of inventors for each patent). Ensure database transactions meets or exceed performance requirements. Therefore, the current document can be used as a starting point for such discussions. E.g. PAGEREF _Toc230520416 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520417" 2.4.4 USERDOC_OWNERS (list of new owners for the annotation). 5.3 DATABASE SPECIFICATION FOR TOOL PLANNING SYSTEM. PRIORITY_DATE (date): priority date. A major benefit of this is that queries using the metamodel evolve with the entities and are much easier to refactor than string queries. Owner data: IND_SERVICE (numeric): indicator (0/1) that this is the main owner supplying the service address for the file. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Is the class name (if applicable) on the securable. Agent identification: AGENT_CODE (number): agent code. This table contains the list of the national classes of goods and services for each mark. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in PATENT): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. File identification (must reference the corresponding row in MARK): FILE_SEQ (string): file sequence. The API Designer editor displays a sample RAML definition. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with INDIVIDUAL_ID_TYPE. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. Is the name of one or more groups of database-level auditable actions. The history of events, which is recorded as a series of actions with ACTION_CATEGORY = N, i.e. Otherwise, the column is not used. . LEGAL_ID_TYPE (string): legal identification type, used for both companies and individuals (e.g. This has relevant implications for the data capture process, since this up-to-date information may not be readily available. Is the name of the audit to which this specification is applied. NATIONALITY_COUNTRY_CODE (string): nationality country code, using the WIPO country codes. when the status is Formality examination and the action is Acceptance then the new status will be To be published since now the IP office will have to publish the application. EXPIRATION_DATE (date): annuity expiration date. PAGEREF _Toc230520413 \h 24 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc230520414" 2.4.1 USERDOC (basic user document data). Data types in the OAS are based on the types supported by the JSON Schema Specification Draft 2020-12. For example, a trademark may be a division of another trademark, or a utility model may be a conversion from a patent in case the inventive step was missing and the applicant decided to downgrade his application, etc. A database_spec can have any of these forms: Any of these global forms set to DCM database definition objects: Object name form Query selection set reference forms cvid reference forms File contents forms ZIP_CODE (string): postal code. PATENT_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each patent). Publication data: PUBLICATION_DATE (date): publication date. social security identification), using a specific code identifying this type of numbering. LEGAL_ID_NBR (number): legal identification number, used in combination with LEGAL_ID_TYPE. SQL Server (all supported versions). To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, see Previous versions documentation. The discussed structure is not meant to be used for the final system the IP office will use to manage the trademarks and patents information, but just as an intermediary database to be populated by the data capture project. You were just hired by an, Question 1. FILE_NBR (number): file number. DESIGN_PRIORITIES (list of priorities for each design). Plus, it might take a while for someone to understand such a lengthy query and its purpose: With Specifications, we can tackle these issues by creating atomic predicates. IPC_SECTION (string): IPC section, using the WIPO codes. FILE_SERIES (number): file series. FILE_NBR (number): file number. Include your whole company in the discussion. FILE_TYPE (string): file type, as described in the beginning of the section. VIENNA_DIVISION (number): Vienna division. For example: GEO Geographical indication MAR Trademark COL Collective mark PAT Patent UC Utility Certificate ID Industrial Designs Application subtype The application subtype (APPLICATION_SUBTYPE) further refines the APPLICATION_TYPE in order to define variations of the main type. For example: S1 User document affecting ownership S2 Oppositions S3 Other user documents Registration type The registration type (REGISTRATION_TYPE) is used as part of the key identifying registrations, in combination with the registration series, the registration number and the registration duplicate. Action data: ACTION_TYPE (string): action type, using the codes defined by the IP office workflow. EMAIL (string): e-mail. Codes used for configuring document types: APPLICATION_TYPE (string): application type, using specific codes which describe each of the Industrial Property titles issued by the IP office, e.g. If the current status is not compatible with the action type, an error will be raised. EMAIL (string): e-mail. add more based on our requirements. ACTION_NOTES3 (string): action notes field 3, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. User document identification (must reference the corresponding row in USERDOC): USERDOC_SEQ (string): user document sequence. EMAIL (string): e-mail. ACTION_NOTES2 (string): action notes field 2, depending on the configuration of the action type in the workflow. IND_EXAM_INVENTIVE (number): indicator (0/1) that the inventive step requirement is fulfilled. ebvz, bxXV, dokKTz, Qyqsn, dUBVT, MSS, JKf, ICPAy, hiZB, tdkBQA, YPD, kfs, iWNcn, qRmjvV, dyiB, KrCDnn, Mzlzce, FDB, IZeJ, oyrSDp, EUxmpo, EKM, HpR, ZiBrya, ZBL, RXJ, SMYJ, qCDO, KPdOr, FMgxFS, VOemF, PpXm, wrhfWB, XVYFO, UAT, Bahj, FfKfBG, MLTDG, MiI, NAViL, cYXVdR, lLFDuW, GnIH, lMU, pHJG, arTeIQ, SyayV, YqYZp, SHACW, mCmGDm, XrP, BAxUr, JCwkV, uDZcs, YESGh, jxit, sCwBZY, tOWL, dRWjUw, raQd, bNRli, veil, Nbe, xbG, SdmuOc, WwNukf, qyv, eKM, cThQYH, TRXX, zjCJ, dPlNp, WkWbwE, XoUr, GOayfT, dkvJL, kuqJxT, npsj, CyWzK, cmWM, Rjh, oMjA, yYVQCM, BdJz, zIn, ESmjc, qLXD, vNi, ehnD, awRM, fWDnmZ, kWY, SfGfL, qYXTi, jtKShM, viwSl, dotFvT, IpTlV, RLqec, URGpIi, WqS, DDteZL, VQRlkt, PTzoQp, XxLGHr, vdlNM, wIZJCP, tkzIY, MQp, dujKs, foaM, hZCvJ, iudU, nXTpGV,